Financial Accounting For Dummies - UK, UK Edition

Your plain–English guide to financial accounting for students and trainees. Financial Accounting For Dummies provides students who are studying finance, accounting and business with the basic concepts, terminology, and methods to interpret, analyse, prepare and evaluate financial statements. Covers concepts accountants and other business professionals use to prepare reports; mergers and acquisitions purchase and pooling; free cash flow; and financial statement analysis.
Whether you′re a student on your way to earning a degree, working towards your ACCA qualification, or a trainee just starting out in your accounts career, Financial Accounting For Dummies gives you a wealth of information to grasp the subject. This UK version is adapted to take in UK accounting practice and international reporting standards Provides a firm grounding in interpreting, analysing, preparing and evaluating corporate financial statements Includes easy–to–understand explanations and real-life examples to consolidate learning.
- Höfundar: Steven Collings, Maire Loughran
- Útgáfa:1
- Útgáfudagur: 2013-03-29
- Hægt að prenta út 10 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:Page Fidelity
- ISBN 13: 9781118554340
- Print ISBN: 9781118554371
- ISBN 10: 1118554345
- Contents at a Glance
- Table of Contents
- Introduction
- About This Book
- Conventions Used in This Book
- What You’re Not to Read
- Foolish Assumptions
- How This Book Is Organised
- Icons Used in This Book
- Where to Go from Here
- Part I: Getting Started with Financial Accounting
- Chapter 1: Seeing the Big Picture of Financial Accounting and International Accounting
- Knowing the Objective of Financial Accounting
- Getting to Know the Users of Financial Statements
- Understanding the Key Characteristics of Financial Accounting Information
- Understanding the Limitations of Financial Accounting
- Considering Your Ethical Responsibilities
- Introducing the Conceptual Framework of Financial Accounting
- Chapter 2: Making a Career in Financial Accounting
- The Making of a Financial Accountant
- Considering Your Employment Opportunities
- Looking at the Future of Financial Accounting
- Chapter 3: Introducing the Primary Financial Statements
- Understanding How Healthy a Business Actually is
- Reporting Assets and Liabilities in the Balance Sheet
- Posting Profit or Loss: The Income Statement/Profit and Loss Account
- Showing Us the Money: The Statement of Cash Flows
- Chapter 4: Acronym Alert! Setting the Standards for Financial Accounting
- Walking through the Origins of Number Crunching
- Understanding the Role of the Professional Bodies
- Following Regulatory Issues
- Chapter 1: Seeing the Big Picture of Financial Accounting and International Accounting
- Chapter 5: Doing the Books: The Process behind Financial Accounting
- Shedding Some Light on Bookkeeping
- Analysing the Effect of Business Transactions
- Getting to Grips with Journals
- Bringing It All Together in the Ledger
- Chapter 6: Taking a Butcher’s at Accounting Methods Under UK GAAP and IFRS
- Distinguishing between Key Accounting Methods
- Sorting through Standards for Other Types of Accounting
- Considering the Conceptual Framework and Other Principles
- Chapter 7: Looking at Assets
- Homing in on the Historic Cost Convention
- Keeping Track of Non-Current ( Long-Term) Assets
- Learning about Current Assets
- Studying the Asset Section of the Balance Sheet
- Chapter 8: Grappling with Liabilities
- Seeing How Businesses Account for Liabilities
- Keeping Control of Current Liabilities
- Planning for Long-Term Obligations
- Accounting for Bond Issuances
- Chapter 9: Examining the Equity Section
- Distinguishing between Different Types of Business Entities
- Sifting Through Share Capital
- Recording Retained Earnings
- Spotting Reductions in Shareholders’ Funds
- Seeing Increases in Shareholders’ Funds
- Seeing a Sample Equity Section of the Balance Sheet
- Chapter 10: Understanding Profit or Loss
- Presenting the Profit and Loss Account in One of Two Ways
- Defining Different Types of Businesses
- Examining Income Statement Sections
- Watching Out for Unusual Income Statement Items
- Arriving at the Final Product
- Chapter 11: Figuring Out the Statement of Cash Flows under UK GAAP and IFRS
- Understanding the Difference between Cash and Profit
- Getting to Grips with the Statement of Cash Flows
- Walking through the Cash Flow Sections
- Recognising Methods for Preparing the Statement of Cash Flows
- Interpreting the Statement of Cash Flows
- Looking at Two Sample Statements of Cash Flows
- Chapter 12: Discovering and Understanding Depreciation
- Discovering How Depreciation Affects All Financial Statements
- Mastering Costs
- Distinguishing between Depreciation Methods
- Preparing a Depreciation Schedule
- Chapter 13: Dealing with and Accounting for Inventory
- Discovering How the Valuation of Inventory Affects the Accounts
- Seeing How Service Organisations Deal with Inventory
- Classifying Inventory
- Getting to Know Inventory Valuation Methods
- Preparing an Inventory Worksheet
- Doing It Right Under IFRS: Knowing the Restrictions
- Chapter 14: Using Ratios and Other Tools
- Learning about Liquidity
- Measuring Profitability
- Exploring the Cash Position
- Analysing Financial Statements
- Chapter 15: Delving into the Disclosures
- Touching on How Corporate Governance Works
- Recognising How Companies Work in the UK
- Reviewing the Notes to the Financial Statements
- Putting the Onus on the Preparer
- Chapter 16: Reporting to Shareholders
- Seeing Why Private and Public Companies Treat Annual Reports Differently
- Fulfilling Three Purposes
- Reading the Annual Report to Shareholders
- Making Sense of Other Sections in the Annual Report
- Chapter 17: Accounting for Business Combinations
- Explaining What Constitutes a Merger or Acquisition
- Dealing with a Business Combination
- Reviewing Issues Affecting Mergers and Acquisitions
- Dealing with Investments in Other Companies
- Classifying Types of Reconstructions
- Chapter 18: Accounting for Income Taxes
- Identifying Accounting Profit versus Taxable Profit
- Taking Advantage of Tax Losses
- Presenting a Side-by-Side Comparison of Book Values and Tax Calculations
- Taking Deferred Tax Liabilities or Assets to the Balance Sheet
- Seeing the Difference between UK GAAP and IFRS for Deferred Tax
- Chapter 19: Accounting for Leases
- Reviewing Lease Basics
- Accounting by the Lessee
- Accounting by the Lessor
- Chapter 20: Reporting Changes in Policies and Estimates and Correcting Errors
- Coping with Accounting Changes
- Correcting Errors
- Chapter 21: Ten Financial Accounting Shenanigans
- Reporting Revenue in the Wrong Period
- Massaging the Figures: Reporting Fictitious Income
- Getting Income Classification Wrong
- Failing to Record Liabilities
- Reporting Liabilities in the Wrong Period
- Inflating Asset Values
- Changing Accounting Policies Inappropriately
- Failing to Disclose Related-Party Transactions
- Capitalising Expenses Inappropriately
- Hiding Reportable Contingencies
- Chapter 22: Ten Industries with Special Accounting Standards
- Airlines
- Finance Companies
- Franchisors
- Oil and Gas Companies
- Government Contractors
- Healthcare Entities
- Film Production Companies
- Not-for-Profit Organisations
- House Builders
- Computer Software
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 10524
- Útgáfuár : 2013
- Leyfi : 379