
Everything you ever wanted to know about making a movie but were afraid to ask… Lights, camera, action! We all have at least one movie in us, and the amazing and affordable advances in digital technology makes it increasingly easy to make your dream a reality and share it with the world. Filmmaking for Dummies is your definitive guide to bringing a project to life, from the comedy antics of loveable pets to the deepest, most meaningful independent film.
Bryan Michael Stoller is your friend and guide, sharing his knowledge gained over 100 productions (directing and working with Dan Aykroyd, James Earl-Jones, Barbra Streisand and Drew Barrymore, among others) to show you how to take your movie from the planning and storyboarding stage, through shooting and editing, to making it available to your adoring audiences through television broadcast, streaming online or in movie theaters.
For the do-it-your-selfer, the book includes tips on how to finance your project, a look at the latest software and apps, including advancements in digital technology, and for the passionate director, advice on how to hire and work with your cast and crew and find great scenic locations. Whether you want to become a professional filmmaker or just create great YouTube videos or nostalgic home movies, shooting with your smartphone or with consumer or pro-gear, this practical guide has it all.
Learn how to compose your shots and when to move the camera Make the perfect pitch to sell your story Take advantage of helpful contacts and tons of new resources Get up-to-date on the latest and greatest digital technology Find the right distributor, or learn how you can be your own distributor! So, you really have no excuses to make your masterpiece. Get rolling with a copy of Filmmaking for Dummies today and start shooting for the stars!.
- Höfundur: Bryan Michael Stoller
- Útgáfa:3
- Útgáfudagur: 2019-11-05
- Hægt að prenta út 10 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781119617891
- Print ISBN: 9781119617853
- ISBN 10: 1119617898
- Cover
- Introduction
- About This Book
- Foolish Assumptions
- Icons Used in This Book
- Beyond the Book
- Where to Go from Here
- Part 1: Getting Started with Filmmaking
- Chapter 1: So You Want to Be a Filmmaker
- Independents Day versus the Hollywood Way
- Filmmaking: Celluloid Film Stock or Digital?
- Developing Your Sense of Story
- Financing Your Production: Where’s the Money?
- On a Budget: Scheduling Your Shoot
- Planning Your Shoot, Shooting Your Plan
- Hiring Your Cast and Crewing Up
- Shooting in the Right Direction
- Cut It Out! Editing Your Movie
- Distributing Your Movie and Finding an Audience
- Chapter 2: Genres in General
- Exploring Film Genres
- Categorizing Your Genres
- Chapter 3: Penning and Pitching a Great Story
- Screening for the Perfect Screenplay
- Writing Your Own Original Screenplay
- Selling Your Screenplay to a Studio, Distributor, or Investor
- Chapter 1: So You Want to Be a Filmmaker
- Chapter 4: Scheduling and Budgeting Your Movie
- The Art of Scheduling a Production
- Balancing Your Budget
- Insurance Is Your Best Policy
- Chapter 5: Financing Your Movie
- Creating an Enticing Prospectus
- Investigating Investors
- Starting a Production Company
- Going Escrow
- Contracting Your Investor
- Tapping into Alternative Sources
- Chapter 6: Location, Location, Location
- Locating Locations
- Sounding Off about Soundstages
- Shooting in the United States or Crossing the Border?
- Locating Stock Footage
- Virtual Locations: Creating New Worlds on Your Computer
- Securing Your Locations
- Shooting Second-Unit Locations
- Chapter 7: Crewing Up: Hiring Your Crew
- Something to Crew About
- Finding and Interviewing Your Crew
- Creative Ways to Pay Your Crew
- Putting Out a Contract on Your Crew
- Chapter 8: Assembling Your Cast of Characters
- Hooking Your Cast and Reeling Them In
- Screening an Actor’s Information
- Auditioning Your Potential Cast
- Making the Cut: Picking Your Cast
- Agreeing with Actors’ Agreements
- Chapter 9: Storyboarding Your Movie
- Understanding the Basics and Benefits of Storyboarding
- Setting Up to Storyboard
- Deciding What to Include in Each Panel: Putting Pencil to Paper
- I Can’t Draw, Even If My Life Depended on It
- Chapter 10: Shooting through the Looking Glass
- Choosing the Right Camera
- Do You Need Glasses? Types of Lenses and What They See
- Pocket Camera Osmosis
- Clearing the Air about Filters
- Exposing Yourself to Exposures
- Focusing a Sharper Image: Depth of Field
- Chapter 11: Let There Be Lighting!
- Lighting Up Your Life
- Shedding Some Light on Lighting Jargon
- Painting with Light
- Spotlight on Lighting Equipment
- Blowing a Fuse: Taking Safety Precautions
- Chapter 12: Sound Advice: Production Sound
- Testing, Testing, 1, 2, 3
- Assembling a Sound Team
- Choosing Analog or Digital Sound
- Recording with Microphones
- Using Your Headphones
- Walking and Talking: Walkie-Talkies on Set
- Listening for Quiet
- Capturing On-Set Ambience
- Reporting Your Sound
- Chapter 13: Directing Your Actors: … And Action!
- Getting Your Actors Familiar with the Material — and Each Other
- Being a Parent and Mentor to Your Actors — with No Allowance
- Preparing Your Actors before the Shoot
- Directing Actors during the Shoot
- Chapter 14: A Sense of Direction: Directing Your Movie
- Focusing on Directing
- Translating Script to Screen
- Mapping Out Your Plans for the Camera
- Continuing Continuity with Your Script Supervisor
- Taking Your Best Shot
- Picture This: Deciding When to Move the Camera and Why
- Chapter 15: Cut to: Editing Your Movie — Shot by Shot
- Editing Your Movie: Putting One Frame in Front of the Other
- Linear versus Nonlinear Editing
- Editing on Your Computer
- Developing a Relationship with Your Film Lab
- Cloning, Not Copying; Cloning, Not Copying
- Chapter 16: Posting Your Movie’s Soundtrack: Adding Music and Effects to the Mix
- Finishing Sound in Post-Production
- Creating Sound Effects with a Bang
- Scoring Big with Music
- Outputting Your Final Mix
- Chapter 17: Conjuring Up Special Effects
- Creating Effects: In or Out of Camera?
- Dropping in Backgrounds
- Downsizing Miniatures
- Creating Effects Right in the Camera
- Exploding Effects on Fire
- Making Up Your Mind about Makeup Effects
- Chapter 18: Giving Credit and Titles
- Titling Your Movie
- Running a List of Names and Positions
- Designing Your Titles and Credits
- Rolling Your Title and Credits with Software
- Covering Your Eyes: Stripping Titles for Foreign Textless
- Chapter 19: Distributing Your Movie
- Understanding How Distribution Works
- Presenting Your Film to Distributors
- Distributing Your Film Domestically
- Distributing Your Film around the World
- Finding a Distributor or Sales Agent
- Demystifying Distribution Contracts
- Chapter 20: Exploring and Entering Film Festivals
- Demystifying Film Festivals
- Entering and Winning Secrets
- Chapter 21: Ten Tips for Discovering New Talent
- Streaming Independent Films
- Visiting Local Theater
- Auditing Acting Schools and Showcases
- Talking to Agents and Managers
- Accessing Actors Access
- Schmoozing at Film Festivals and Markets
- Partying at Parties
- Walking Down the Street
- Holding Talent Contests
- Casting Your Family
- Chapter 22: Ten Ways to Get Publicity for Your Movie
- Uploading a Press Release Online
- Getting a Review from Movie Critics
- Mailing Out DVD Screeners or Linking to a Secure Online Screener
- Attending Film Festivals
- Emailing and Setting Up a Website
- Being Social by Using Social Media
- Designing T-Shirts and Other Premiums
- Planning a Publicity Stunt
- Organizing a Screening Party or Charity Event
- Placing an Ad in Print or on Social Media
- Chapter 23: Ten Ways to Avoid Murphy’s Law
- Testing Camera and Sound
- Scouting Locations for Noise
- Forecasting a Weather App
- Backing Up Locations and Actors
- Using a Stunt Double
- Standing by with First-Aid Kit or Medic On-Set
- Anticipating That Cellphones and Internet Don’t Work Everywhere
- Mapping Out Directions with a Link
- Providing Plenty of Parking
- Securing Security Overnight
- Powering Up ahead of Time
- Chapter 24: Ten Tips for Shooting on Your Smartphone
- Shooting in Landscape
- Take Off with Airplane Mode
- Steady as She Goes
- Steady as a Rock
- Shooting Format and Resolution
- Saving Your Movie Files
- Miniature Camera Equipment
- Use Several Smartphones to Capture Your Movie
- Great Sound on Your Smartphone Too!
- Your Smartphone Is an Entire Production Studio
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 16146
- Útgáfuár : 2019
- Leyfi : 380