Explaining the History of American Foreign Relations

- SAG502M Utanríkisstefna Bandaríkjanna: Hugmyndafræði, hagsmunir og forræði
A longtime classic in its first and second editions, Explaining the History of American Foreign Relations, 3rd edition presents substantially revised and new essays on traditional themes such as national security, corporatism, borderlands history, and international relations theory. The book also highlights such innovative conceptual approaches and analytical methods as computational analysis, symbolic borders, modernization and technopolitics, nationalism, non-state actors, domestic politics, exceptionalism, legal history, nation branding, gender, race, political economy, memory, psychology, emotions, and the senses.
Each chapter is written by a highly respected scholar in the field, many of whom have risen to prominence since the second edition's publication. This collection is an indispensable volume for teachers and students in foreign relations history, international relations history, and political science. The essays are written in accessible, jargon-free prose, thus also making the book appropriate for general readers seeking an introduction to history and political science.
- Höfundur: Frank Costigliola
- Útgáfa:3
- Útgáfudagur: 2016-03-07
- Engar takmarkanir á útprentun
- Engar takmarkanir afritun
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781316494332
- Print ISBN: 9781107054189
- ISBN 10: 1316494330
- Cover
- Half title
- Title page
- Imprints page
- Dedication
- Contents
- Figures
- Contributors
- Introduction
- 1 Theories of International Relations
- Realism
- Liberalism
- Social Constructivism
- Levels of analysis
- Individuals
- The state and domestic politics
- The international system
- The Bush doctrine and the invasion of Iraq as an example
- A closing note on causation and methods
- 2 National security
- 3 Corporatism: from the new era to the age of development
- 4 Explaining political economy
- The world economy
- Thinking about firms
- Finance and banking
- Business, the state, politics, and society
- 5 Diplomatic history after the big bang: using computational methods to explore the infinite archive
- Computational methods 1.0 and 2.0: from cliometrics to the digital humanities
- The archival explosion
- Computational methods 3.0
- Fields of research
- Counting
- Traffic analysis
- Topic modeling
- Going “off-topic”
- Authorship attribution
- Network analysis
- Mapping
- Conclusion
- 6 Development and technopolitics
- What is development?
- Where did development ideas come from?
- Anti-politics and technopolitics
- How does the United States fit in?
- 7 Nonstate actors
- NGOs
- Intergovernmental organizations
- Multinational corporations
- Conclusion
- 8 Legal history as foreign relations history
- Law as foreign relations history
- Periodization and causality in human rights history
- Legal spaces and identities in foreign relations history
- Law as war
- Law as a constitutive force
- A legal history survival guide
- 9 Domestic politics
- 10 The global frontier: comparative history and the frontier-borderlands approach
- 11 Considering borders
- Making meaning along borders: othering and contact zones
- Transcending borders: transnational interconnections
- Crossing disciplinary borders in the cultural turn: issues of reception and multivocality
- 12 The privilege of acting upon others: the middle eastern exception to anti-exceptionalist histories of the US and the world
- 13 Nationalism as an umbrella ideology
- 14 Nation Branding
- 15 Shades of sovereignty: racialized power, the United States and the world
- 16 Gendering American foreign relations
- Where are the women?
- Men have gender identities, too
- Global gendered imaginaries
- Conclusion
- 17 The religious turn in diplomatic history
- 18 Memory and the study of US foreign relations
- 19 The senses
- Conclusion
- 20 Psychology
- History’s slow embrace of psychology
- Personalities and policy
- Group decisions and policy
- Cognitions, motivations, perceptions, and policy
- Deterrence, diplomacy, and the security dilemma in foreign policy
- Intelligence in foreign policy
- Challenges and opportunities
- 21 Reading for emotion
- Index
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 9335
- Útgáfuár : 2016
- Leyfi : 380