A practical, evidence-based guide for students and practitioners to undertake safe and effective neonatal examination Revised and updated throughout in line with current national and Nursing and Midwifery Council guidelines Full colour photographs and illustrations, as well as clinical case studies at the end of each chapter to help guide and illustrate good practice A new companion website (available at: www.
- Höfundur: Anne Lomax
- Útgáfa:2
- Útgáfudagur: 2015-08-10
- Hægt að prenta út 10 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781118913178
- Print ISBN: 9781118913192
- ISBN 10: 1118913175
- Cover
- Title Page
- Copyright
- List of contributors
- Acknowledgements
- Introduction
- The UK National Screening Committee
- References
- About the companion website
- Chapter 1: History taking and the newborn examination: an evolving perspective
- Introduction
- Objectives and characteristics of good history taking
- Building a history profile: where to start?
- Evaluation of maternal medical records: biophysical information
- The UK NSC Antenatal Screening Programme
- Risk factors and the newborn examination
- Parental dialogue and involvement with the newborn assessment process
- Interpretation of the information
- Importance of location for the newborn physical examination
- Limitations to history taking
- Conclusion
- References
- Chapter 2: Cardiovascular and respiratory assessment of the baby
- Introduction
- Development of the lungs
- Development of the heart
- Transition to extrauterine life
- Fetal circulation
- Postnatal circulation
- Respiratory considerations
- Impact of hypoglycaemia, hypoxia and hypothermia on transitional events
- Examination of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems
- Investigations
- Follow-up
- Screening
- Examination of the respiratory system
- Examination of the chest
- Conclusion
- Look here for resources on congenital heart defects
- References
- Chapter 3: The neonatal skin: examination of the jaundiced newborn and gestational age assessment
- Introduction
- Assessment of the neonatal skin
- Care of the neonatal skin: a consistent approach to practice
- Common skin lesions in neonate
- Examination of the jaundiced newborn
- Assessment of gestational age
- Conclusion
- Acknowledgements
- Look here for resources on neonatal infection and management of jaundice
- References
- Chapter 4: Examination of the head, neck and eyes
- Examination of the head and neck
- Examination of the eye
- Conclusion
- Look at these resources for more information on tongue-tie:
- References
- Chapter 5: Examination of the newborn abdomen and genitalia
- Examination of the newborn abdomen
- Examination of the newborn genitalia
- Conclusion
- Acknowledgements
- Look at these resources for more information on undescended testes and hypospadias:
- References
- Chapter 6: Developmental dysplasia of the hip and abnormalities of the foot
- Developmental dysplasia of the hip
- Consequences of DDH
- DDH: incidence
- Clinical hip joint instability
- Clinical screening
- The Ortolani hip screening examination test
- The Barlow clinical examination test
- Clinical screening
- Other clinical signs
- Ultrasound screening and DDH
- Universal ultrasound screening programmes
- Selective ultrasound screening
- Ultrasound screening: summary
- Treatment of DDH
- Clubfoot
- Diagnosis
- Conclusion
- Look at these resources for more information on congenital knee abnormalities and examination of the hips:
- References
- Chapter 7: Chromosomal and genetic problems: giving feedback to mothers and fathers
- Background
- Useful genetic terminology
- Modes of inheritance
- Antenatal screening
- Antenatal ultrasound
- Postnatal screening via the newborn blood spot test
- Ways in which actual or suspected genetic or chromosomal anomalies may present on the newborn check
- Commoner specific genetic and chromosomal disorders
- Gene disorders
- Feedback to the mother and father in cases of congenital abnormality
- Conclusion
- Look here for more information on Mowat–Wilson syndrome:
- References
- Chapter 8: Newborn behavioural aspects
- Introduction
- Fetal development
- The mother and father
- Feedback to mothers and fathers
- The concept of behavioural states
- Consoling strategies
- The newborn infant's smile
- Behaviours indicating sensitivity and stress
- Preparations before the newborn examination
- Describing newborn behaviour during the examination
- Documentation
- Postgraduate training
- Conclusion
- Look here for more resources on understanding neonatal behaviour
- References
- Chapter 9: Examination of the newborn: professional issues in practice
- Introduction
- The neonatal examination: competence for practice
- The Code and the newborn examination process
- UK NSC newborn and infant physical examination standards and competencies 1–6
- Consent in practice
- Confidentiality in practice
- Role of the employer
- Local policies to direct practice
- Risk management
- The newborn examination practitioner: education and competence
- Recommendations for practice
- Clinical effectiveness
- Conclusion
- Look here for some resources on dealing with professional issues surrounding the newborn examination.
- References
- Appendix 1: Useful website addresses
- Chromosomal and genetic problems
- General websites
- Appendix 2: NIPE Information leaflet for mothers and fathers
- Glossary of terms
- Index
- End User License Agreement
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 10211
- Útgáfuár : 2015
- Leyfi : 380