Events Management

Contemporary events management is a diverse and challenging field. This introductory textbook fully explores the multidisciplinary nature of events management and provides the student with all the practical skills and professional knowledge they need to succeed in the events industry. It introduces every core functional area of events management, such as marketing, finance, project management, strategy, operations, event design and human resources, in a vast array of different event settings from sport to political events.
This new edition has been updated to include: New and updated content on technological developments in events such as virtual/hybrid events, artificial intelligence, virtual/augmented reality, holograms in music events, software for event planning and projection mapping. New content on eSports, the sustainability sector, employability skills, policy changes, diversity and inclusion, ethics and responsibility in events, and contemporary event safety and security issues including the threat of terrorism.
New and updated case studies that cover a wider range of regions. A fully updated and extended companion website that includes web and video links, quizzes and a case study archive for students, as well as PowerPoint slides for instructors and a brand-new instructor manual full of teaching strategy ideas. Every topic is brought to life through vivid case studies, personal biographies and examples of best practice from the real world of events management.
- Höfundar: Charles Bladen, James Kennell, Emma Abson, Nick Wilde
- Útgáfa:3
- Útgáfudagur: 2022-12-30
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781000589092
- Print ISBN: 9780367610043
- ISBN 10: 1000589099
- Cover
- Half Title
- Title
- Copyright
- Contents
- List of images
- List of figures
- List of tables
- List of case studies
- Acknowledgements
- Guided tour
- 1 Introduction to events management
- 1.1 Introduction to the third edition
- 1.2 Aims of the third edition
- 1.3 What is an event?
- 1.4 Events management challenges
- 1.5 Events, human history and culture
- 1.6 The events 'business'
- 1.7 Role of events managers
- 1.8 About this book
- Industry voice
- 1.9 Summary
- Further reading
- References
- 2 Event project management: feasibility, planning, delivery and evaluation
- 2.1 Aims
- 2.2 Introduction
- 2.3 Events as projects
- 2.4 Project management perspectives
- 2.5 Event project definition, organisation and framework
- 2.6 Project parameters
- 2.7 Stakeholder requirements and needs
- 2.8 The project objective statement
- 2.9 Project planning
- 2.10 Project optimisation
- 2.11 Project evaluation and review techniques
- 2.12 Project crashing
- 2.13 Project risk management
- 2.14 Project cost breakdown structures
- 2.15 Project implementation
- 2.16 Project shut-down
- 2.17 The required competencies of an event project leader
- Industry voice
- 2.18 Summary
- Further reading
- References
- 3 Event design and production
- 3.1 Aims
- 3.2 Introduction
- 3.3 Recent developments
- 3.4 Events as designed experiences
- 3.5 Concept and theme
- 3.6 Understanding event experiences
- 3.7 Event staging and logistics
- Industry voice
- 3.8 Summary
- Further reading
- References
- 4 Event operations
- 4.1 Aims
- 4.2 Introduction
- 4.3 Why do operations matter in events?
- 4.4 Event operations transform resources into experiences
- 4.5 Event operations strategy
- 4.6 Managing quality in event operations
- 4.7 Supply chain management
- 4.8 Event supplier contracts
- 4.9 Event logistics and capacity management
- Industry voice
- 4.10 Summary
- Further reading
- References
- 5 Event human resource management
- 5.1 Aims
- 5.2 Introduction
- 5.3 The event human resource challenge
- 5.4 Finding the right people
- 5.5 The challenges in practice to the events industry
- 5.6 Formulating and conducting event induction and acculturation
- 5.7 Developing effective communication with event workers
- 5.8 Event employee learning and development
- 5.9 Motivating, maximising performance and retaining employees
- 5.10 Remunerating staff
- Industry voice
- 5.11 Summary
- Further reading
- References
- 6 Event finance Rob Wilson
- 6.1 Aims
- 6.2 Introduction
- 6.3 Financial terminology
- 6.4 Financial planning and control
- 6.5 Users of event finance information
- 6.6 Budgeting and events
- 6.7 Budgeting as a logically sequenced planning process
- 6.8 Common methods of budgeting
- 6.9 Applying budgeting to worked examples
- 6.10 Comparing actual and budgeted performance
- 6.11 Summary
- Further reading
- References
- 7 Event marketing
- 7.1 Aims
- 7.2 Introduction
- 7.3 Event marketing planning
- 7.4 Event sponsorship
- Industry voice
- 7.5 Summary
- Further reading
- References
- 8 Event law, health, safety and risk management
- 8.1 Aims
- 8.2 Introduction
- 8.3 The legal environment
- 8.4 Legal requirements
- 8.5 Insurance
- 8.6 Guiding principles of health, safety and risk
- 8.7 Health and safety management
- 8.8 Risk management
- 8.9 Risk assessment
- 8.10 Specific event risks
- Industry voice
- 8.11 Summary
- Further reading
- References
- 9 Sporting events
- 9.1 Aims
- 9.2 Introduction
- 9.3 Overview of the sports industry
- 9.4 Managing the sporting event: managing participants
- 9.5 Sporting events marketing
- Industry voice
- 9.6 Summary
- Further reading
- References
- 10 Mega-events
- 10.1 Aims
- 10.2 Introduction
- 10.3 Defining mega-events
- 10.4 Mega-event periods
- 10.5 Mega-event tourism
- Industry voice
- 10.6 Summary
- Further reading
- References
- 11 Events in the public and third sectors
- 11.1 Aims
- 11.2 Introduction
- 11.3 The public sector
- 11.4 Public sector-specific events
- 11.5 The third sector
- 11.6 Events in the third sector
- Industry voice
- 11.7 Summary
- Further reading
- References
- 12 Business events
- 12.1 Aims
- 12.2 Introduction
- 12.3 Categorisation of business events
- 12.4 Conferences and meetings
- 12.5 Incentive events and performance improvement
- 12.6 Networking events
- 12.7 Corporate hospitality
- 12.8 Exhibitions and trade shows
- 12.9 Experiential business events
- 12.10 Key logistical issues for business events
- 12.11 The business event customer
- 12.12 Business event evaluation
- 12.13 Future trends in business events
- Industry voice
- 12.14 Summary
- Further reading
- References
- 13 Cultural events and festivals
- 13.1 Aims
- 13.2 Introduction
- 13.3 Cultural events
- 13.4 Festivals
- 13.5 Types of cultural events and festivals
- 13.6 Programming cultural events and festivals
- 13.7 Marketing cultural events and festivals
- 13.8 The public role of cultural events and festivals
- Industry voice
- 13.9 Summary
- Further reading
- References
- 14 Event impacts and sustainability
- 14.1 Aims
- 14.2 Introduction
- 14.3 Event impacts
- 14.4 Measuring impacts and evaluating events
- 14.5 Sustainable events
- 14.6 Responsible events
- Industry voice
- 14.7 Summary
- Further reading
- References
- 15 Events and the media
- 15.1 Aims
- 15.2 Introduction
- 15.3 What is the media?
- 15.4 The role of the media in events management
- 15.5 The media and links to stakeholders
- 15.6 Media management
- 15.7 The impact of media coverage on events
- 15.8 Crisis management for event managers
- Industry voice
- 15.9 Summary
- Further reading
- References
- Index
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 9508
- Útgáfuár : 2022
- Leyfi : 380