A must-have introductory text of unrivalled coverage and depth focusing on events planning and management, the fourth edition of Events Management provides a complete A to Z of the principles and practices of planning, managing and staging events. The book offers a systematic guide to organising successful events, examining areas such as event design, logistics, marketing, human resource management, financial planning, risk management, impacts, evaluation and reporting.
The fourth edition has been fully updated and revised to include content covering technology, including virtual and hybrid events, concepts such as social capital, soft power and events, social inclusion, equality, accessibility and diversity, and the latest industry reports, research and legal frameworks. The book is logically structured and features new case studies, showing real-life applications and highlighting issues with planning events of all types and scales in a range of geographical locations.
- Höfundar: Glenn A. J. Bowdin, Johnny Allen, Rob Harris, Leo Jago, William O'Toole, Ian McDonnell
- Útgáfa:4
- Útgáfudagur: 2023-07-31
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781000904451
- Print ISBN: 9780367491840
- ISBN 10: 1000904458
- Cover
- Half Title
- Series
- Title
- Copyright
- Contents
- List of figures
- List of photos
- List of tables
- Case studies
- The authors
- Series editors
- Series preface
- Preface
- Acknowledgements
- Part 1 Event context
- 1 An overview of the event field
- Introduction
- Events as benchmarks for our lives
- The rich tradition of events
- Industrialisation, festivals and the sporting event calendar
- Birth of an events industry?
- What are events?
- Categorising events
- The structure of the events industry
- Events management education and training
- Recognition of events management as a profession
- Career opportunities in events
- Event sector maturity
- Summary
- Questions
- Case study 1.1: The power of celebration – the globalisation and impact of the festivals and events industry
- Case study 1.2: MPI World Education Congress 2020 – driving the industry forward with successful and safe hybrid events
- 2 Perspectives on events
- Introduction
- The government perspective
- The corporate perspective
- The community perspective
- Summary
- Questions
- Case study 2.1: Edinburgh – ‘the world’s leading festival city’
- Case study 2.2: Putting CSR at the heart of an annual conference’s agenda by Ashfield Event Experiences
- 3 The event planning context
- Introduction
- Social and cultural context
- Political context
- Legal and regulatory context
- Environmental context
- Economic context
- Event legacies
- Summary
- Questions
- Case study 3.1: Campaigning against climate change
- Case study 3.2: Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games legacy
- 4 Event tourism planning
- Introduction
- Government involvement in event tourism
- The event tourism strategic planning process
- Situational analysis
- Development of event tourism goals
- Creation of an event tourism organisational structure
- Development of an event tourism strategy
- Implementation and evaluation of an event tourism strategy
- Evaluation of event tourism strategy
- Summary
- Questions
- Case study 4.1: The National Events Strategy for Wales 2022 to 2030
- Case study 4.2: Notting Hill Carnival
- 5 Sustainable event management
- Introduction
- The environmental impacts of event production
- Event sustainability policies
- Measurement, industry initiatives and certification
- Summary
- Questions
- Case study 5.1: Boardmasters’ approach to sustainability
- Case study 5.2: The Ocean Race 2017–2018
- 1 An overview of the event field
- 6 Strategic event planning
- Introduction
- What is strategic planning?
- Strategic planning process for new and geographically mobile events
- Summary
- Questions
- Case study 6.1: Liverpool Irish Festival Business Plan 2020–2025
- Case study 6.2: Leaving legacies from the Platinum Jubilee Pageant
- 7 Conceptualising the event
- Introduction
- Stakeholders in events
- The host organisation
- The host community
- Sponsors
- Media
- Co-workers
- Participants and spectators
- Sourcing events
- Creating the event concept
- Evaluating the event concept
- Summary
- Questions
- Case study 7.1: School of Rock
- Case study 7.2: AV Awards
- 8 Event project management
- Introduction
- What is a project and what is project management?
- Considerations when applying project management in event settings
- Skills and knowledge required by event project managers
- Event project management phases
- Project management software for events
- Limitations of the project management approach to event management
- Convergence
- Summary
- Questions
- Case study 8.1: Project management lessons from the Fyre Festival
- 9 Event financial planning
- Introduction
- The event financial management process
- Useful tools, practices and concepts aligned with best practice event financial management
- Commitment account
- Summary
- Questions
- Case study 9.1: Innovative ticket pricing at Greenbelt Festival
- 10 Human resource management and events
- Introduction
- Considerations associated with human resource planning for events
- The human resource management process for events
- Motivating staff and volunteers
- Building effective staff and volunteer teams
- Legal obligations
- Equality, diversity and inclusion
- Summary
- Questions
- Case study 10.1: The people matrix of the Woodford Folk Festival – building a passionate team
- 11 Marketing planning for events
- Introduction
- What is marketing?
- The need for marketing
- The nexus between event marketing and management
- The role of strategic marketing planning
- Marketing context
- Market analysis
- Steps in the strategic event marketing planning process
- The event experience
- People and partnerships
- The marketing plan
- Summary
- Questions
- Case study 11.1: A dissection of modern-day event marketing strategies
- 12 Promotion: Integrated marketing communication for events
- Introduction
- Application of IMC
- Establishing the IMC budget
- Elements of IMC
- Selecting the promotional mix
- Controlling, monitoring and evaluation
- Summary
- Questions
- Case study 12.1: International Confex
- 13 Sponsorship of events
- Introduction
- What is sponsorship?
- Trends influencing the growth in sponsorship
- Sponsorship benefits for events and sponsors
- The value of sponsorship policy
- Stages in developing the event sponsorship strategy
- Managing sponsorships
- Evaluating the effectiveness of a sponsorship
- Summary
- Questions
- Case study 13.1: Microsoft UK’s sponsorship of the 2002 Commonwealth Games
- Case study 13.2: Cheltenham Festivals
- 14 Event design and production
- Introduction
- Key factors influencing event design decisions
- Event design elements
- Theming and event design
- Recording the event
- Contingencies
- Summary
- Questions
- Case study 14.1: Driving environmental change at Goodwood Revival
- Case study 14.2: Theming – a marketing tool
- 15 Event logistics
- Introduction
- What is logistics?
- The elements of event logistics
- Supply of the customer
- Supply of product – product portfolio
- Supply of site/venue services and facilities
- Onsite logistics
- Shutdown
- Techniques of logistics management
- Control of events logistics
- Evaluation of logistics
- The logistics or operations plan
- Summary
- Questions
- Case study 15.1: Electrical services at Glastonbury Festival
- Case study 15.2: Inside COP26
- 16 Legal considerations in event planning and management
- Introduction
- Legal structures for event ownership and management
- Contracts
- Intellectual property
- Consumer protection
- The duty of care
- Regulations, licences and permits
- Summary
- Questions
- Case study 16.1: Ticket to nowhere: Don’t let ticket fraudsters take off with your cash
- Case study 16.2: Maria Alexiou v SOCOG (2001)
- 17 Risk management
- Introduction
- What is risk?
- Risks in event settings
- Developing a risk management culture
- The risk management process
- Risk assessment
- Further risk management methodologies
- Occupational safety and health (OSH) and events
- Summary
- Questions
- Case study 17.1: Operations and risk management at the Auckland Diwali Festival – implementation of new LPG gas bottle system
- Case study 17.2: 200th anniversary of the Battle of Trafalgar
- 18 Event evaluation and research
- Introduction
- What is event evaluation?
- Post-event evaluation
- How event evaluations should be used
- The event evaluation process
- Summary
- Questions
- Case study 18.1: London welcomes in 2021 with a message of thanks and hope
- Case study 18.2: Being Human festival, United Kingdom
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Fleiri góðir kostir
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 9508
- Útgáfuár : 2023
- Leyfi : 380