Event Planning and Management

Learn how to plan, deliver and evaluate successful events with this clear and comprehensive textbook which explores the latest developments in this challenging and fast-paced environment. Written by authors with extensive industry experience of working on a wide spectrum of events, this is an essential step-by-step resource for students and the next generation of event planners. Offering a well-rounded approach which introduces key models and theories as well as practical real-life insights throughout, Event Planning and Management offers a structured formula for all types of events, from their initial planning to final evaluation.
Without assuming prior subject knowledge or experience, this fully updated third edition of Event Planning and Management provides a renewed focus on virtual and hybrid events, which is lacking from many other texts. Featuring real-world examples including The 2022 Commonwealth Games, Expo 2020 Dubai and The American Heart Association (AHA) conferences, accompanying online resources include lecture slides, activities, self-test questions and web links.
- Höfundar: Ruth Dowson, Bernadette Albert, Dan Lomax
- Útgáfa:3
- Útgáfudagur: 2022-12-03
- Hægt að prenta út 10 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 10 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781398607118
- Print ISBN: 9781398607101
- ISBN 10: 1398607118
- Cover
- Endorsements
- Titlepage
- Dedication
- Contents
- List of figures and tables
- Figures
- Tables
- Foreword
- Preface
- Acknowledgements
- 01 Events – the changing environment
- Defining an event
- Case study 1.1 The importance of understanding the event-ness of the event
- Classifications and categories of events
- Size of the events industry
- Structure of the events industry
- Case study 1.2 The Delegate Wranglers – international networking
- Relationships with other industry sectors
- Case study 1.3 Hybrid events: A reflection on the pandemic and its impact on the long-term event landscape
- 02 The event planning model
- Event planning process
- Case study 2.1 Legacy and impact: the future of business events in Aotearoa New Zealand, April 2022
- Phase 1: Research, concept development and screening
- Case study 2.2 Initial event planning – agency and client-side examples in the United Arab Emirates
- Phase 2: Design and detailed planning
- Case study 2.3 Planning and managing university open day events
- Phase 3: Managing the event on-site
- Phase 4: Post-event: evaluation and reporting
- A final word on the event planning process...
- 03 Research, concept development and feasibility screening
- Phase 1: Research, concept development and screening
- Mission
- Case study 3.1 Harnessing a city’s capacity: The case of the Kirchentag Conference, Dortmund, Germany
- Aims and objectives
- Initial information gathering
- Case Study 3.2 Supporting wedding venues – WedPro and Wedding Method conversion software by WeddingDates
- Concept development
- Screening and feasibility
- Stakeholders
- Sign-off
- 04 Developing your events programme and content
- Event elements
- Case study 4.1 Indian cultural events in Russia
- The event experience
- Case study 4.2 Organizing a Muslim funeral during Covid-19
- Immersion
- Theming
- Programming
- Case study 4.3 A workshop on participant-driven and participation-rich meeting design: The American Heart Association
- Virtual event design considerations
- 05 Venue selection and site planning essentials
- Selecting the destination
- Case study 5.1 Trinidad and Tobago – Changing society through events: Buddy Walk® – Disability Rights Event – Down Syndrome Family Network
- Venue selection process
- Case study 5.2 One venue – multiple uses: MKM Stadium, Hull, East Riding of Yorkshire, UK
- Case study 5.3 Victoria Hall – the challenges of planning weddings in a historic, charity-run venue
- Analysing venue search results and negotiations
- Planning the site layout
- Designing the site layout
- Producing a map of the site
- 06 Production and operational logistics
- Event production
- Logistics planning for events
- Case study 6.1 Logistics at the Commonwealth Games, Birmingham, 2022
- Pre-event
- During the event
- Post-event
- Case study 6.2 Taming the complexity of a hybrid exhibition’s speaker programme
- Event and public safety
- A final word on safety…
- 07 Staffing and human resources in events
- Complex people concerns in events
- Complex team structures
- The pulsating events workforce
- Developing an operational events team
- Case study 7.1 How to work on the essential skills for managing events: The Event Management Learning Model applied in formal higher education in Portugal
- Developing role descriptions
- Diversity and teams
- Case study 7.2 Equality and diversity: UK music festivals
- Recruitment and training
- The Events Management Body of Knowledge (EMBOK)
- Practical implications: staffing levels
- Wider team of teams: individuals working together
- Team-building tools
- Creatives and logics
- Companies working together – corporate personality style?
- Understanding communication preferences
- Collaborative and partnership working – a new way forward for events in the team of teams
- Case study 7.3 Health and Safety as part of the Events Team – Expo 2020, Dubai
- Staffing – events team
- 08 Drawing in the crowds – marketing events
- Developing a promotional plan
- Identify and appeal to your target audience
- Promotional tools
- Social media for event promotion
- Case study 8.1 Using social media and events to promote the Historical Museum and Museum of the Viking Age in Oslo, Norway
- Traditional media
- 09 Finance, budgeting and procurement in events
- Outsourcing
- Budgeting
- Responsible finances
- Case study 9.1 The King Charles I Commemorative Parade, London – the financial impacts of public policy on a small community event
- Case study 9.2 Baked by Maya
- Purchasing and procurement
- Case study 9.3 Technology developments for event management budgeting
- Case study 9.4 Wild Rumpus collaboration with Manchester Metropolitan University Event Management students
- Factors to consider in effective procurement and good financial management for events
- Case study 9.5 How to measure success: ROI is more than ticket sales
- 10 A practical guide to managing an event on the day
- Case study 10.1 Air Traffic Control: How to run a global ceremony
- Your responsibilities as an on-site events manager
- Before the event
- During the event
- Common challenges
- After the event
- Case study 10.2 Teaching the impossible
- How to be a successful events manager: what industry specialists say
- 11 Measuring event success – evaluation insights
- The purpose of evaluation
- Case study 11.1 Hybrid events are here to stay: organizing and evaluating the conference of a non-profit Italian organization in the healthcare sector in Rome, January 2022
- Case study 11.2 Evaluating financial aspects of an events organization
- Developing an evaluation plan
- Online event management software
- Evaluation issues
- Impacts and legacies of events
- Case study 11.3 Post-event evaluation: sustainability perspectives and hybrid events – The Aston Martin Virtual Product Showcase
- 12 Events – the future
- Future themes
- Case study 12.1 A more diverse future for the events industry?
- Case study 12.2 The future of the events industry – physical, virtual and hybrid events
- Creating bespoke events
- Case study 12.3 Pivot my business or risk losing it
- Innovation is key to future success
- Case study 12.4 Event First Steps and Event Grads® – creating graduate networks for future events professionals
- Index
- Copyright
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 19014
- Útgáfuár : 2022
- Leyfi : 379