Now in a fully revised and updated fourth edition, Event Management in Sport, Recreation, and Tourism provides a comprehensive theoretical and practical framework for planning and managing events at all levels, from smaller local events to mega-events. Focusing on the role of event manager and their diverse facilitation responsibilities through each phase of the event planning process, the book is designed to encourage critical thinking, to help the reader to become an adaptable and capable manager ready to cope with the constantly evolving challenges of the contemporary events landscape.
The book begins with an updated chapter on the types of knowledge in event management, posing questions that help readers to understand their current knowledge, to decide what they need to pursue, and to advance their knowledge strategies. Containing a rich array of international, real-world case studies, data, and practical examples, from traditional and niche sport, recreation, and tourism contexts, this fourth edition is enhanced by a completely new chapter on practical advances in environmental sustainability that provides an overview of research as well as strategies for moving forward.
- Höfundur: Rika Nakazawa
- Útgáfa:4
- Útgáfudagur: 2024-02-05
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781003830474
- Print ISBN: 9781032488479
- ISBN 10: 1003830471
- Cover
- Half-Title
- Title
- Copyright
- Contents
- List of Contributors
- Preface to the Fourth Edition
- Acknowledgements
- 1 Hosting traditional and niche events in sport, recreation, and tourism: Knowledge required for success in practice
- Pursue perspicacity
- Nurture your flexibility effect
- Understand niche and traditional events
- Niche events
- Traditional events
- Build your bank of knowledge for hosting niche and/or traditional events
- Common knowledge
- Advancement knowledge
- Plan to advance your common and advancement knowledge
- Conclusion: So, what do you need to know to build for success in sport, recreation, and tourism event management?
- Chapter questions
- References
- 2 Building fundamental knowledge to be a facilitator of events
- Facilitation by Amy Cunningham
- What is facilitation?
- Facilitating communication requirements
- Facilitating group communication requirements: the case of group rhythm and facilitation
- Facilitating knowledge transfer
- Facilitating event structures for governance by Joanne MacLean
- Event structures
- Theoretical dimensions of event structures
- Principles in event structures
- Application of theory and principles in event structures
- Conclusions
- Chapter Questions
- References
- Facilitation by Amy Cunningham
- 3 The development phase of the event planning model
- Facilitating the development of event goals and objectives
- Examples of event goals and objectives
- Facilitating event policy development
- Facilitating policy congruence
- Assignment A – Staff and volunteer training program
- Assignment B – Event contracts
- Assignment C – Event permits and liability insurance
- Assignment D – The event communication system
- Example: Policy becomes praxis
- Assignment E – The event communication system
- The challenge of facilitating policy statements into practice
- Facilitating event volunteer management by Lorne Adams
- A volunteer management program
- Conclusions
- Chapter questions
- References
- Facilitating the development of event goals and objectives
- 4 The event operational planning phase of the event planning model
- Mechanism 1: The cultivation of the operational planning network
- Application of contingency theory
- Application of complexity theory
- Application of dissipative structures
- Application of agency theory
- Application of the theory of marginal gains
- Mechanism 2: Generating written operational plans
- The written event operational plan: Establishing a design format
- Logical operational planning
- Sequential operational planning
- Detailed operational planning
- Assignment A: Level 3 planning
- Mechanism 3: The inclusion of contingency and emergency plans
- Assignment B: Contingency issues
- Mechanism 4: Update and test the communication system
- Assignment C: Develop a diagram of the communication structure
- Mechanism 5: Establish meeting agendas
- Assignment D: Meeting agenda development
- Mechanism 6: Integrating the operational plans between event components
- Assignment E: Integration of operational plans
- Mechanism 7: Prepare for event issues and political ‘games’ with a guiding ethical statement
- Mechanism 8: Preparing for the activation of the operational plans
- Mechanism 9: Practice to develop your operational planning skills
- Conclusions
- Chapter questions
- Appendix A: Case study – An event volunteer management operational plan
- Case assignment
- Appendix B: Case study – Segments of operational plan for event transportation
- Appendix C: Case study - Sections of operational plan on the hospitality component
- Mechanism 1: The cultivation of the operational planning network
- 5 Issues and management strategies in event operational planning
- Defining issues management
- Knowledge in issues management
- Best practices
- Events as legacies
- Event issues and management strategies
- Timing issues
- Accountability/authority issues
- Knowledge management issues
- Funding issues
- Relationship issues
- Turnover of staff/volunteer’s issues
- Case assignments
- What can event managers do about arising event issues?
- Conclusions
- Chapter questions
- Appendix: A research strategy for determining event issues and strategies
- A modified Delphi research technique
- The interview and questionnaire framework
- The Delphi participants
- Data analysis
- Implementation: executing the plan
- Disseminating implementation requirements and hosting production meetings
- Monitoring the dynamic and fluid operational environment
- Managing operational plan implementation
- Overcome foreseeable failure when managing deviations from the plan
- Predetermine the decision-making team and process
- Programmed and non-programmed decisions
- Inherent implementation, monitoring, and management issues in operational network practice
- Issue: operational plan detail and implementation performance
- Issue: implementation knowledge and performance
- Issue: Deviations from the plan
- Issue: Implementation conflict
- Issue: Implementation communication
- Conclusions
- Chapter questions
- References
- Background knowledge for the event manager
- What is an evaluation?
- Why is evaluation necessary?
- What are the key evaluation questions to ask?
- What are the other areas of consideration when designing an evaluation?
- What is the role of theory in evaluating events
- What are the general steps for conducting evaluations and making decisions?
- The Three Horizons for event renewal and growth over time
- Conclusions
- Chapter questions
- References
- What is environmental sustainability?
- Why is environmental sustainability important in event management?
- Environmental change, vulnerability, and the need for resilience and adaptation for sport, recreation, and tourism events
- Roles and responsibilities for environmental sustainability in event management
- The triple top line and the triple bottom line
- Life cycle assessment
- Carbon footprint
- Ecological footprint
- Assignment A: Understanding event-related, environmentally focused organizations
- Assignment B: Event decision-making for environmental sustainability
- Assignment C: Ace Corporation Triathlon Group (ACTG) sustainability ownership and accountability
- Assignment D: Using a carbon footprint to minimize accommodation impact
- Conclusions
- Chapter questions
- References
- Calls to enact environmental sustainability
- Sport, recreation, and tourism environmental sustainability in practice
- Events and network relationships that aid in environmental sustainability
- Events and environmental awareness programs
- Event actions toward carbon neutrality to improve air quality
- Event facilities and environmental sustainability
- Event facilities and renewable energy
- Event facilities generating waste mitigation and efficiencies
- Event facilities and water safeguards
- Events and other environmental strategies
- Research in event sport, recreation, and tourism environmental sustainability
- Moving forward in event environmental sustainability
- Apply appreciative theory for a mindset that seeks solutions
- Embed environmental actions
- Generate leadership to guide the way forward
- Conclusions
- Chapter questions
- References
- What is a feasibility study?
- What is a candidature document?
- What is a bid questionnaire?
- What is a bid dossier?
- What is a bid tour?
- What are the critical factors in a successful bid?
- What is one critical factor for bid success?
- Conclusions
- Chapter questions
- References
- What is meant by the “politics of events?”
- Politics in the decision to bid or not to bid
- Politics in the event bid phase – the committee
- Politics in the event bid phase – the proposal
- Politics in the event bid phase – the decision-makers
- Politics in the event bid transition and review phase
- Politics in the event hosting phase
- Overcoming politics in event bidding
- A key factor in managing event politics – consistent communication messaging
- A key factor in managing event politics – establishing core values
- Conclusions
- Chapter questions
- References
- Can an event manager meet all requirements for quality?
- What is quality?
- Quality is defined as ruggedness and longevity in the manufacturing industry
- Definitions for quality in the service industry
- Expanded meanings of quality
- Quality is conformance to specifications
- Quality is excellence
- Quality is value
- Quality is meeting and/or exceeding customers’ expectations
- Aesthetic quality
- Functional quality
- Technical quality
- A lack of guidance for quality in event management
- Issues in creating quality statements and defining quality in event management
- Limited control over inputs influences quality
- Financial constraints influence quality
- Issues in stakeholder expectations as quality perceptions
- Contingency plans influence quality
- Assignment 1: Evaluate sample quality statements
- Quality statement for Rally in the Valley
- Quality statement for Nantou Balloon Fest
- Quality statement for Rocking on the River
- Assignment 2: Generate your quality statement for the work of an event manager
- Conclusions
- Chapter questions
- References
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 14627
- Útgáfuár : 2017
- Leyfi : 380