Essential Mathematics for Economic Analysis
Acquire the key mathematical skills you need to master and succeed in economics Essential Mathematics for Economic Analysis, 6th edition by Sydsaeter, Hammond, Strom and Carvajal is a global best-selling text that provides an extensive introduction to all the mathematical tools you need to study economics at intermediate level. This book has been applauded for its scope and covers a broad range of mathematical knowledge, techniques and tools, progressing from elementary calculus to more advanced topics.
With a wealth of practice examples, questions and solutions integrated throughout, as well as opportunities to apply them in specific economic situations, this book will help you develop key mathematical skills as your course progresses. Key features: - Numerous exercises and worked examples throughout each chapter allow you to practise skills and improve techniques. - Review exercises at the end of each chapter test your understanding of a topic, allowing you to progress with confidence.
- Höfundar: Knut Sydsaeter, Peter Hammond, Arne Strom, Andrés Carvajal
- Útgáfa:6
- Útgáfudagur: 2021-06-17
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781292359328
- Print ISBN: 9781292359281
- ISBN 10: 1292359323
- Cover Page
- Title Page
- Copyright Page
- About the Authors
- Contents
- Preface
- 1 Essentials of Logic and Set Theory
- 1.1 Essentials of Set Theory
- 1.2 Essentials of Logic
- 1.3 Mathematical Proofs
- 1.4 Mathematical Induction
- Review Exercises
- 2 Algebra
- 2.1 The Real Numbers
- 2.2 Integer Powers
- 2.3 Rules of Algebra
- 2.4 Fractions
- 2.5 Fractional Powers
- 2.6 Inequalities
- 2.7 Intervals and Absolute Values
- 2.8 Sign Diagrams
- 2.9 Summation Notation
- 2.10 Rules for Sums
- 2.11 Newton’s Binomial Formula
- 2.12 Double Sums
- Review Exercises
- 3 Solving Equations
- 3.1 Solving Equations
- 3.2 Equations and Their Parameters
- 3.3 Quadratic Equations
- 3.4 Some Nonlinear Equations
- 3.5 Using Implication Arrows
- 3.6 Two Linear Equations in Two
- Review Exercises
- 4 Functions of One Variable
- 4.1 Introduction
- 4.2 Definitions
- 4.3 Graphs of Functions
- 4.4 Linear Functions
- 4.5 Linear Models
- 4.6 Quadratic Functions
- 4.7 Polynomials
- 4.8 Power Functions
- 4.9 Exponential Functions
- 4.10 Logarithmic Functions
- Review Exercises
- 5 Properties of Functions
- 5.1 Shifting Graphs
- 5.2 New Functions from Old
- 5.3 Inverse Functions
- 5.4 Graphs of Equations
- 5.5 Distance in the Plane
- 5.6 General Functions
- Review Exercises
- 1 Essentials of Logic and Set Theory
- 6 Differentiation
- 6.1 Slopes of Curves
- 6.2 Tangents and Derivatives
- 6.3 Increasing and Decreasing Functions
- 6.4 Economic Applications
- 6.5 A Brief Introduction to Limits
- 6.6 Simple Rules for Differentiation
- 6.7 Sums, Products, and Quotients
- 6.8 The Chain Rule
- 6.9 Higher-Order Derivatives
- 6.10 Exponential Functions
- 6.11 Logarithmic Functions
- Review Exercises
- 7 Derivatives in Use
- 7.1 Implicit Differentiation
- 7.2 Economic Examples
- 7.3 The Inverse Function Theorem
- 7.4 Linear Approximations
- 7.5 Polynomial Approximations
- 7.6 Taylor’s Formula
- 7.7 Elasticities
- 7.8 Continuity
- 7.9 More on Limits
- 7.10 More on Limits
- 7.11 More on Limits
- 7.12 More on Limits
- Review Exercises
- 8 Concave and Convex Functions
- 8.1 Intuition
- 8.2 Definitions
- 8.3 General Properties
- 8.4 First-Derivative Tests
- 8.5 Second-Derivative Tests
- 8.6 Inflection Points
- Review Exercises
- 9 Optimization
- 9.1 Extreme Points
- 9.2 Simple Tests for Extreme Points
- 9.3 Economic Examples
- 9.4 The Extreme and Mean Value Theorems
- 9.5 Further Economic Examples
- 9.6 Local Extreme Points
- Review Exercises
- 10 Integration
- 10.1 Indefinite Integrals
- 10.2 Area and Definite Integrals
- 10.3 Properties of Definite Integrals
- 10.4 Economic Applications
- 10.5 Integration by Parts
- 10.6 Integration by Substitution
- 10.7 Improper Integrals
- Review Exercises
- 11 Topics in Finance and Dynamics
- 11.1 Interest Periods and Effective Rates
- 11.2 Continuous Compounding
- 11.3 Present Value
- 11.4 Geometric Series
- 11.5 Total Present Value
- 11.6 Mortgage Repayments
- 11.7 Internal Rate of Return
- 11.8 A Glimpse at Difference Equations
- 11.9 Essentials of Differential Equations
- 11.10 Separable and Linear Differential Equations
- Review Exercises
- 12 Matrix Algebra
- 12.1 Matrices and Vectors
- 12.2 Systems of Linear Equations
- 12.3 Matrix Addition
- 12.4 Algebra of Vectors
- 12.5 Matrix Multiplication
- 12.6 Rules for Matrix Multiplication
- 12.7 The Transpose
- 12.8 Gaussian Elimination
- 12.9 Geometric Interpretation of Vectors
- 12.10 Lines and Planes
- Review Exercises
- 13 Determinants, Inverses, and Quadratic Forms
- 13.1 Determinants of Order 2
- 13.2 Determinants of Order 3
- 13.3 Determinants in General
- 13.4 Basic Rules for Determinants
- 13.5 Expansion by Cofactors
- 13.6 The Inverse of a Matrix
- 13.7 A General Formula for the Inverse
- 13.8 Cramer’s Rule
- 13.9 The Leontief Model
- 13.10 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
- 13.11 Diagonalization
- 13.12 Quadratic Forms
- Review Exercises
- 14 Functions of Many Variables
- 14.1 Functions of Two Variables
- 14.2 Partial Derivatives with Two Variables
- 14.3 Geometric Representation
- 14.4 Surfaces and Distance
- 14.5 Functions of n Variables
- 14.6 Partial Derivatives with Many Variables
- 14.7 Convex Sets
- 14.8 Concave and Convex Functions
- 14.9 Economic Applications
- 14.10 Partial Elasticities
- Review Exercises
- 15 Partial Derivatives in Use
- 15.1 A Simple Chain Rule
- 15.2 Chain Rules for Many Variables
- 15.3 Implicit Differentiation along a Level Curve
- 15.4 Level Surfaces
- 15.5 Elasticity of Substitution
- 15.6 Homogeneous Functions of Two Variables
- 15.7 Homogeneous and Homothetic Functions
- 15.8 Linear Approximations
- 15.9 Differentials
- 15.10 Systems of Equations
- 15.11 Differentiating Systems of Equations
- Review Exercises
- 16 Multiple Integrals
- 16.1 Double Integrals Over Finite Rectangles
- 16.2 Infinite Rectangles of Integration
- 16.3 Discontinuous Integrands and Other Extensions
- 16.4 Integration Over Many Variables
- 17 Unconstrained Optimization
- 17.1 Two Choice Variables: Necessary Conditions
- 17.2 Two Choice Variables: Sufficient Conditions
- 17.3 Local Extreme Points
- 17.4 Linear Models with Quadratic Objectives
- 17.5 The Extreme Value Theorem
- 17.6 Functions of More Variables
- 17.7 Comparative Statics and the Envelope Theorem
- Review Exercises
- 18 Equality Constraints
- 18.1 The Lagrange Multiplier Method
- 18.2 Interpreting the Lagrange Multiplier
- 18.3 Multiple Solution Candidates
- 18.4 Why Does the Lagrange Multiplier Method Work?
- 18.5 Sufficient Conditions
- 18.6 Additional Variables and Constraints
- 18.7 Comparative Statics
- Review Exercises
- 19 Linear Programming
- 19.1 A Graphical Approach
- 19.2 Introduction to Duality Theory
- 19.3 The Duality Theorem
- 19.4 A General Economic Interpretation
- 19.5 Complementary Slackness
- Review Exercises
- 20 Nonlinear Programming
- 20.1 Two Variables and One Constraint
- 20.2 Many Variables and Inequality Constraints
- 20.3 Nonnegativity Constraints
- Review Exercises
- Geometry
- The Greek Alphabet
- Bibliography
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 6371
- Útgáfuár : 2021
- Leyfi : 380