Equine Applied and Clinical Nutrition
Equine Applied and Clinical Nutrition is a comprehensive text resource on the nutrition and feeding management of horses. Over 20 experts from around the world share their wisdom on a topic of central relevance to all equine practitioners and the equine community generally. Both basic and applied (including healthy and diseased animals) nutrition and feeding management of horses and other equids (i.
e. ponies, donkeys, wild equids) are covered. The book will appeal to a wide audienc: undergraduate and post-graduate students in equine science and veterinary medicine, veterinarians, equine nutritionists, horse trainers and owners. The clinical component will strengthen the appeal for equine veterinarians. Equine Applied and Clinical Nutrition will be a "must have" for anyone involved in the care of horses, ponies and other equids.
The book is divided into 3 parts: Basic or core nutrition in this context refers to digestive physiology of the horse and the principles of nutrition. Applied nutrition deals with the particular types of foods, and how to maintain an optimum diet through various life stages of the horse. You might characterize this aspect as prevention of disease through diet. Clinical nutrition covers various diseases induced by poor diet, and their dietary treatment and management.
- Höfundar: Raymond J. Geor, Patricia Harris, Manfred Coenen
- Útgáfudagur: 2013-01-31
- Blaðsíður: 592
- Hægt að prenta út 50 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 50 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9780702054181
- Print ISBN: 9780702034220
- ISBN 10: 0702054186
- Cover image
- Title page
- Table of Contents
- Copyright
- Foreword
- Preface
- Contributors
- Section A: Nutritional Foundations
- Chapter 1: Gastrointestinal physiology
- Enteric Nervous System
- Mouth
- Esophagus
- Stomach
- Small intestine
- Cecum and colons
- Chapter 2: Endocrine and metabolic physiology
- Neuroendocrine regulation of appetite and energy balance
- Endocrine regulation of metabolism
- Overview of macronutrient metabolism
- Storage of energy substrates in skeletal muscle and adipose tissue
- Insulin sensitivity and resistance
- Skeletal muscle glycogen metabolism
- Chapter 3: Factors affecting feed intake
- Quantitative intake
- Qualitative intake
- Rate of intake
- Conclusions
- Chapter 4: Water
- Body fluid compartments
- Water balance
- Fluid output or loss
- Water intake
- Drinking behavior of horses
- Evaluating water supply and water intake
- Water systems and maintenance
- Methods to maintain or increase water intake
- Water quality
- Summary
- Chapter 5: Energy systems and requirements
- Introduction
- Energy balance and defining energy units
- Practical application of energy systems
- Advantages and disadvantages of different systems
- Conclusions
- Chapter 6: Amino acids and protein
- Introduction
- Basic properties of proteins and amino acids
- Protein and amino acid digestion and absorption
- Dietary sources of protein and amino acids
- Supplementation of individual amino acids/amino acid derivatives
- Protein and amino acid requirements of horses
- Methods of assessing dietary protein/amino acid adequacy
- Signs of protein/amino acid deficiency and excess
- Summary
- Chapter 7: Fat and fatty acids
- Structural chemistry and nomenclature
- Fat digestion and absorption
- Dietary sources of fat
- Essential fatty acids
- Omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids
- Potential benefits of increasing fat intake
- Potential clinical applications of fat-added diets
- Practical guidelines for feeding fat to horses
- Conclusion
- Chapter 8: Carbohydrates
- Carbohydrate nomenclature
- Sources of dietary carbohydrate and relevance to equine health
- Assessment of carbohydrates in feed
- Carbohydrate digestion and absorption
- Management of nonstructural carbohydrate intake
- Summary and overall recommendations
- Chapter 9: Vitamins
- Introduction
- General considerations regarding vitamin requirements
- Fat-soluble vitamins
- Water-soluble vitamins
- Chapter 10: Macro and trace elements in equine nutrition
- Overview
- Factors determining requirements
- Minerals as essential nutrients
- Trace elements
- Conclusion
- Chapter 1: Gastrointestinal physiology
- Chapter 11: Feeding stallions and broodmares
- Introduction
- Stallions
- Pregnant mares
- Lactating mares
- Reproductive efficiency in the mare
- Conclusion
- Chapter 12: Feeding the growing horse
- Introduction
- Growth
- Energy requirements
- Protein requirements
- Mineral and vitamin requirements
- Practical application
- Conclusions
- Chapter 13: Practical considerations for feeding racehorses
- Performance metrics
- Nutrition and performance
- Typical feeding programs
- Conclusion
- Chapter 14: Nutritional management of elite endurance horses
- Energy metabolism
- Energy requirements
- Meeting energy requirements
- Protein nutrition
- Fluid and electrolyte losses accompanying endurance exercise
- Suggested feeding and management strategies for race days
- Conclusion
- Acknowledgment
- Chapter 15: Nutritional considerations for aged horses
- Introduction
- Key aspects of aging in humans and other species
- Definition and prevalence of the “geriatric” or “aged” horse
- Common causes of mortality in aged horses
- Clinical conditions most commonly associated with aging (not necessarily mortality) in horses
- Changes in nutritional requirements with age
- General considerations regarding feeding and management of the old horse
- Specific considerations
- Possible additional nutritional support
- Conclusion
- Chapter 16: Practical donkey and mule nutrition
- The donkey
- Feeding for pregnancy, lactation and growth
- Practical feeding
- Feeding mules
- Special considerations for working donkeys
- Summary
- Chapter 17: Feedstuffs for horses
- Introduction
- Roughage
- Concentrate ingredients
- Mineral and vitamin supply
- Chapter 18: Pastures and pasture management
- Introduction
- Pastures
- Stocking density and grazing systems
- Grazing systems
- Pasture manipulation
- Weed control
- Pasture toxicity
- Soil
- Seminatural grasslands
- Manure management
- Fertilization
- Renovation and reseeding
- Management practices – a yearly calendar and summary
- Conclusion
- Chapter 19: Specialized dietary supplements
- Introduction
- Nutrients with established requirements (but fed in amounts far greater than minimal requirements, as defined by the NRC 2007)
- Substances with no known nutritional requirement
- Complex materials that contain a mixture of putative active ingredients
- Conclusion
- Chapter 20: Feed hygiene and related disorders in horses
- Introduction
- Diversity/variety of contaminants in feeds for horses
- Practical evaluation of feed hygiene
- Microbiological investigations to assess the hygiene status of feedstuffs and bedding material
- Potential effects of poor feed hygiene on horse health
- Other potential contaminants
- Water quality and hygiene
- Responsibilities of partners in the feed supply chain
- Summary
- Acknowledgments
- Chapter 21: The manufacturers’ role in feed quality and safety: A discussion on methods used in feed manufacturing processes to assure feed hygiene and safety
- Introduction
- Drivers of feed assurance
- Methods for achieving quality
- Demonstrating feed quality
- Challenges
- Conclusions
- Chapter 22: Assessment of body condition and bodyweight
- Introduction
- Methods of assessing bodyweight
- Methods of assessing body condition
- Assessment of regional fat distribution
- Implications for health and performance
- Choosing an assessment method
- Conclusions
- Chapter 23: Ration evaluation and formulation
- Information needed for ration evaluation
- Predicted versus actual analysis
- Assessment of current ration
- Assessment of pasture
- Laboratory analysis of feed and forage samples
- Assessment of forage consumption
- Assessment of grazing consumption
- Matching intake to requirements
- Establishing forage intake and a suitable forage to concentrate ratio
- Other considerations
- The use of supplements
- Ration evaluation software
- Advantages, disadvantages/limitations of various manufacturing processes
- Chapter 24: Assessment of nutritional status from analysis of blood and other tissue samples
- Urine
- Hair
- Hoof horn
- Liver
- Chapter 25: Effects of diet on behavior – normal and abnormal
- Abnormal oral behavior associated with diet and feeding
- Time budgets and feeding patterns in the wild and in modern husbandry
- Digestive processes and links with behavior
- Further evidence linking stereotypy with digestion and potential confounding factors
- Effects of dietary carbohydrate, fiber and oil on behavior
- Evidence for diet-mediated physiological changes
- Glucoregulation and the serotonergic system
- Behavior modification by feed supplements
- Foraging enrichment
- Conclusions
- Chapter 26: Controversial areas in equine nutrition and feeding management: The Editors’ views
- Questions concerning feed intake
- The dilemma of “supplementation”
- Conflict between athletic performance and optimal digestive health and behavior
- Pre- and post-exercise feeding management of athletic horses
- Nutrition and skin health
- Conclusion
- Chapter 27: Laminitis
- Epidemiology and risk factors
- Pathogenesis
- Management of cases
- Countermeasures to nutritionally associated laminitis
- Summary
- Chapter 28: Obesity
- Definition of obesity
- Prevalence
- Potential contributing factors
- Disease associations
- Pathophysiology of obesity
- Management of obesity
- Conclusion
- Chapter 29: Feeding thin and starved horses
- Aetiology
- Case evaluation
- Pathophysiology of food deprivation
- Nutritional management of the thin horse
- Rehabilitation of the chronically starved horse or pony
- Nutritional management of the chronically starved horse
- Monitoring rehabilitation
- Chapter 30: Hyperlipemia
- Epidemiology and risk factors
- Pathophysiology
- Conclusions
- Chapter 31: Exercise-associated muscle disorders
- Epidemiology and risk factors
- Classification and etiology
- Clinical signs
- Diagnosis
- Management and prevention
- Conclusion
- Chapter 32: Developmental orthopedic disease
- Introduction
- Etiology and pathology of DOD
- Impact of nutrition on DOD
- Nutritional recommendations for avoidance of DOD
- Chapter 33: Oral joint supplements in the management of osteoarthritis
- Introduction
- Indications for OJSs
- Types of OJSs
- Glucosamine and/or chondroitin sulfate
- Sasha’s Blend
- Hyaluronan (hyaluronic acid)
- Avocado soy unsaponified (ASU)
- Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs)
- Conclusions
- Chapter 34: Gastric ulceration
- Epidemiology of equine gastric ulcers
- Anatomical distribution of gastric ulcers
- Risk factors and pathophysiology
- Potential role of bile acids and bacteria within the stomach
- Clinical signs of EGUS
- Diagnosis of gastric ulceration
- Nutritional management to reduce risk of gastric ulceration (Box 34.1)
- Medical management
- Conclusions
- Chapter 35: Intestinal disease
- Introduction
- Diets and feeding behaviors
- Epidemiology and risk factors for intestinal disease
- Nutritional risk factors for diarrhea
- Nutritional risk factors for colic
- Pathophysiology of nutritional colic and diarrhea
- Dietary principles for promoting intestinal health
- Conclusion
- Chapter 36: Urinary tract disease
- Acute kidney injury and acute renal failure
- Chronic kidney disease
- Urolithiasis
- Chapter 37: Hepatic insufficiency
- Metabolic consequences of hepatic insufficiency
- Dietary principles in hepatic insufficiency
- Conclusions
- Chapter 38: Nutritional considerations in grass sickness, botulism, equine motor neuron disease and equine degenerative myeloencephalopathy
- Grass sickness
- Botulism
- Equine motor neuron disease (EMND)
- Equine degenerative myeloencephalopathy (EDM)
- Chapter 39: Feeding management pre- and post-surgery
- Introduction
- Hormonal and metabolic changes associated with general anesthesia and surgery
- Perioperative glucose regulation and control
- Feeding management pre-surgery
- Postoperative colic and ileus
- Postoperative feeding management
- Practical approach to feeding pre- and post-surgery
- Summary
- Chapter 40: Feeding orphan and sick foals
- Introduction
- The orphan foal
- Sick neonatal foals
- Chapter 41: Assisted enteral and parenteral feeding
- Introduction
- Effects of feed deprivation
- Nutritional support
- Conclusion
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 14681
- Útgáfuár : 2013
- Leyfi : 380