Environmental Hazards

- LAN215F Náttúruvá og samfélag
The seventh edition of Environmental Hazards provides a much expanded and fully up-to-date overview of all the extreme environmental events that threaten people and what they value in the 21st century globally. It integrates cutting-edge materials to provide an interdisciplinary approach to environmental hazards and their management, illustrating how natural and human systems interact to place communities of all sizes, and at all stages of economic development, at risk.
Part 1 defines basic concepts of hazard, risk, vulnerability and disaster and explores the evolution of hazards theory. Part 2 employs a consistent chapter structure to demonstrate how individual hazards occur, their impacts and how the risks can be assessed and managed. This extensively revised edition includes: Fresh perspectives on the reliability of disaster data, disaster risk reduction, risk and disaster perception and communication, and new technologies available to assist with environmental hazard management The addition of several new environmental hazards including landslide and avalanches, cryospheric hazards, karst and subsidence hazards, and hazards of the Anthropocene More boxed sections with a focus on both generic issues and the lessons to be learned from a carefully selected range of up-to-date extreme events An annotated list of key resources, including further reading and relevant websites, for all chapters More colour diagrams and photographs, and more than 1,000 references to some of the most significant and recent published material New exercises to assist teaching in the classroom, or self-learning This carefully structured and balanced textbook captures the complexity and dynamism of environmental hazards and is essential reading for students across many disciplines including geography, environmental science, environmental studies and natural resources.
- Höfundar: Keith Smith, Carina J. Fearnley, Deborah Dixon, Deanne K. Bird, Ilan Kelman
- Útgáfa:7
- Útgáfudagur: 2023-11-29
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781351261623
- Print ISBN: 9780815365402
- ISBN 10: 1351261622
- Cover
- Endorsements
- Half Title
- Title
- Copyright
- Contents
- List of Figures
- List of Tables
- About the Authors
- Preface to the Seventh Edition of Environmental Hazards
- Foreword for the Seventh Edition of Environmental Hazards
- Part 1 The Nature of Hazard
- 1 Hazards in the Environment
- 2 Dimensions of Disaster
- 3 Vulnerability, Resilience and Sustainability
- 4 Risk Assessment and Management
- 5 Disaster Risk Reduction
- Part 2 The Experience and Reduction of Hazard
- 6 Earthquake Hazards
- 7 Volcanic Hazards
- 8 Tsunami Hazards
- 9 Mass Movements
- 10 Storm Hazards
- 11 Flood Hazards
- 12 Drought Hazards
- 13 Extreme Temperature Hazards
- 14 Wildfire Hazards
- 15 Epidemic Disease Hazards
- Part 3 Environmental Hazard and Risk in an Anthropocene
- 16 Anthropocene Challenges
- 17 Industrial and Waste Hazards
- 18 Climate and Beyond
- 19 Using Environmental Hazards Knowledge for Action
- Index
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 8525
- Útgáfuár : 2013
- Leyfi : 380