Chemical processes shape the world we live in; the air we breathe, the water we drink, the weather we experience. Environmental Chemistry: a global perspective describes those chemical principles which underpin the natural processes occurring within and between the air, water, and soil, and explores how human activities impact on these processes, giving rise to environmental issues of global concern.
Guiding us through the chemical composition of the three key environmental systems - the atmosphere, hydrosphere, and terrestrial environment - the authors explain the chemical processes which occur within and between each system. Focusing on general principles, we are introduced to the essential chemical concepts which allow better understanding of air, water, and soil and how they behave; careful explanations ensure that clarity is not sacrificed at the expense of thorough coverage of the underlying chemistry.
We then see how human activity continues to affect the chemical behaviour of these environmental systems, and what the consequences of these natural processes being disturbed can be. Environmental Chemistry: a global perspective takes chemistry out of the laboratory, and shows us its importance in the world around us. With illuminating examples from around the globe, its rich pedagogy, and broad, carefully structured coverage, this book is the perfect resource for any environmental chemistry student wishing to develop a thorough understanding of their subject.
- Höfundar: Gary W. vanLoon, Stephen J. Duffy
- Útgáfa:4
- Útgáfudagur: 2017-11-16
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9780192522634
- Print ISBN: 9780198749974
- ISBN 10: 0192522639
- Cover
- Title Page
- Copyright
- Contents
- Preface to First Edition
- Preface to Fourth Edition
- Environmental Chemistry—a Global Perspective
- 1 Environmental Chemistry
- 1.1 Environmental chemistry
- 1.2 Environmental composition
- 1.3 Chemical processes
- 1.4 Anthropogenic effects
- 1.5 Content of the chapters
- Additional resources
- 1 Environmental Chemistry
- 2 The Earth’s Atmosphere
- 2.1 The Earth’s atmosphere—the air we breathe
- 2.2 Solar influence on the chemical composition of the atmosphere
- 2.3 Reactions and calculations in atmospheric chemistry
- Additional resources
- Problems
- 3 Stratospheric Chemistry—ozone
- 3.1 Stratospheric ozone and its relation to Earth processes
- 3.2 Oxygen-only chemistry—formation and turnover of ozone
- 3.3 Processes for catalytic decomposition of ozone
- 3.4 Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and related compounds
- 3.5 Kinetic calculations describing catalytic ozone destruction
- 3.6 Other reactions involving stratospheric ozone
- 3.7 Antarctic and Arctic ‘ozone hole’ formation
- Additional resources
- Problems
- 4 Tropospheric Chemistry—smog
- 4.1 What is smog?
- 4.2 The chemistry of photochemical smog
- 4.3 Exhaust gases from the internal combustion engine
- Additional resources
- Problems
- 5 Tropospheric Chemistry—Precipitation
- 5.1 The composition of rain
- 5.2 Atmospheric production and removal of nitric acid
- 5.3 Atmospheric production and removal of sulfuric acid
- 5.4 Acidifying agents in precipitation
- 5.5 Rain, fog, and snow chemistry—similarities and differences
- 5.6 The global picture
- 5.7 Control of anthropogenic nitrogen and sulfur emissions
- Additional resources
- Problems
- 6 Atmospheric Aerosols
- 6.1 Sources of aerosols—a closer look
- 6.2 Aerosol concentrations and lifetimes
- 6.3 Air pollution control for particulate emissions
- Additional resources
- Problems
- 7 Chemistry of Urban and Indoor Atmospheres
- 7.1 Pollutants in the urban atmosphere
- 7.2 Indoor air quality
- Additional resources
- Problems
- 8 The Chemistry of Global Climate
- 8.1 Composition of the Earth’s atmosphere
- 8.2 Energy balance
- 8.3 The greenhouse gases and aerosols
- 8.4 Energy resources
- 8.5 Greenhouse gases associated with the use of fossil fuels
- 8.6 Sequestration of carbon dioxide
- Additional resources
- Problems
- 9 The Hydrosphere
- 9.1 The global distribution of water
- 9.2 Physical and chemical properties of water
- 9.3 Concentration units used for aqueous solutions
- Additional resources
- Problems
- 10 Distribution of Species in Aquatic Systems
- 10.1 Single variable diagrams
- 10.2 Two-variable diagrams—pE / pH diagrams
- 10.3 Measurements of pE
- Additional resources
- Problems
- 11 Gases in Water
- 11.1 Simple gases
- 11.2 Gases that react with water
- 11.3 Alkalinity
- Additional resources
- Problems
- 12 Organic Matter in Water
- 12.1 Origins of organic matter in water
- 12.2 Environmental issues related to aqueous organic matter
- 12.3 Humic material—vital matter in water and soils
- Additional resources
- Problems
- 13 Metals and Semi-Metals in the Hydrosphere
- 13.1 Metals in the aqueous environment
- 13.2 Classification of metals
- 13.3 Types of complexes with metals—metal speciation in the hydrosphere
- 13.4 Three metals—their behaviour in the hydrosphere
- 13.5 Metals associated with suspended matter in water
- Additional resources
- Problems
- 14 Environmental Chemistry of Colloids and Surfaces
- 14.1 Sizes of environmental solid particles
- 14.2 Surface properties of colloidal materials
- 14.3 Quantitative descriptions of adsorption I
- 14.4 Quantitative descriptions of adsorption II
- 14.5 Quantitative descriptions of adsorption III
- 14.6 Colloidal material in the natural environment
- Additional resources
- Problems
- 15 Microbiological Processes
- 15.1 Microbiological processes—the carbon cycle
- 15.2 Microbiological processes—the nitrogen cycle
- 15.3 Microbiological processes—the sulfur cycle
- 15.4 Classification of microorganisms
- Additional resources
- Problems
- 16 Water Pollution and Water Treatment Chemistry
- 16.1 What is pollution?
- 16.2 Water quality—guidelines, toxicity, and drinking water treatment
- 16.3 Wastewater treatment processes—primary and secondary methods
- 16.4 Wastewater treatment processes—tertiary methods
- 16.5 Advanced microbiological processes
- 16.6 Constructed wetlands
- 16.7 The final products after treatment of wastewater
- Additional resources
- Problems
- 17 The Terrestrial Environment
- 17.1 Soil formation
- 17.2 The three-phase complex nature of soil
- 17.3 Soils and ecosystem services
- Additional resources
- Problems
- 18 Soil Properties
- 18.1 Physical properties
- 18.2 Chemical properties
- 18.3 Soil profiles
- 18.4 Environmental problems associated with soils
- Additional resources
- Problems
- 19 The Chemistry of Solid Wastes
- 19.1 Solid wastes from mining and metal production
- 19.2 Organic wastes
- 19.3 Mixed urban wastes
- Additional resources
- Problems
- 20 Toxic Organic Chemicals
- 20.1 Chemical stability of organic compounds
- 20.2 Mobility of organic compounds
- 20.3 Leachability
- Additional resources
- Problems
- 21 The Future Earth
- A.1 Properties of the Earth
- A.2 Properties of air and water
- A.3 Area, biomass, and productivity of ecosystem types
- B.1 The elements
- B.2 Thermochemical properties of selected elements and compounds
- B.3 Mean bond enthalpies ΔH / kJ mol−1 at 298 K
- B.4 Dissociation constants for acids and bases in aqueous solution at 25°C
- B.5 Standard redox potentials in aqueous solutions
- C.1 Fundamental constants
- C.2 SI prefixes and fundamental geometric relations
- D.1 Visual MINTEQ 3.1 for Windows
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 8240
- Útgáfuár : 2017
- Leyfi : 380