Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics, SI Version, Global Edition
4.590 kr.
- T-534-AFLF Aflfræði
Known for its accuracy, clarity, and dependability, Meriam, Kraige, and Bolton's Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics, 9th Edition has provided a solid foundation of mechanics principles for more than 60 years. This text continues to help students develop their problem-solving skills with an extensive variety of engaging problems related to engineering design. In addition to new homework problems, the text includes a number of helpful sample problems.
- Höfundar: James L. Meriam, L. G. Kraige, J. N. Bolton
- Útgáfa:9
- Útgáfudagur: 02/2020
- Hægt að prenta út 10 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781119650393
- Print ISBN: 9781119665281
- ISBN 10: 1119650399
- Cover
- Foreword
- Preface
- Part I: Dynamics of Particles
- Chapter 1: Introduction to Dynamics
- 1/1 History and Modern Applications
- 1/2 Basic Concepts
- 1/3 Newton’s Laws
- 1/4 Units
- 1/5 Gravitation
- 1/6 Dimensions
- 1/7 Solving Problems in Dynamics
- 1/8 Chapter Review
- Notes
- Chapter 2: Kinematics of Particles
- 2/1 Introduction
- 2/2 Rectilinear Motion
- 2/3 Plane Curvilinear Motion
- 2/4 Rectangular Coordinates (x-y)
- 2/5 Normal and Tangential Coordinates (n-t)
- 2/6 Polar Coordinates (r-θ)
- 2/7 Space Curvilinear Motion
- 2/8 Relative Motion (Translating Axes)
- 2/9 Constrained Motion of Connected Particles
- 2/10 Chapter Review
- Notes
- Chapter 3: Kinetics of Particles
- 3/1 Introduction
- Section A Force, Mass, and Acceleration
- 3/2 Newton’s Second Law
- 3/3 Equation of Motion and Solution of Problems
- 3/4 Rectilinear Motion
- 3/5 Curvilinear Motion
- Section B Work and Energy
- 3/6 Work and Kinetic Energy
- 3/7 Potential Energy
- Section C Impulse and Momentum
- 3/8 Introduction
- 3/9 Linear Impulse and Linear Momentum
- 3/10 Angular Impulse and Angular Momentum
- Section D Special Applications
- 3/11 Introduction
- 3/12 Impact
- 3/13 Central-Force Motion
- 3/14 Relative Motion
- 3/15 Chapter Review
- Notes
- Chapter 4: Kinetics of Systems of Particles
- 4/1 Introduction
- 4/2 Generalized Newton’s Second Law
- 4/3 Work-Energy
- 4/4 Impulse-Momentum
- 4/5 Conservation of Energy and Momentum
- 4/6 Steady Mass Flow
- 4/7 Variable Mass
- 4/8 Chapter Review
- Notes
- Chapter 1: Introduction to Dynamics
- Chapter 5: Plane Kinematics of Rigid Bodies
- 5/1 Introduction
- 5/2 Rotation
- 5/3 Absolute Motion
- 5/4 Relative Velocity
- 5/5 Instantaneous Center of Zero Velocity
- 5/6 Relative Acceleration
- 5/7 Motion Relative to Rotating Axes
- 5/8 Chapter Review
- Note
- Chapter 6: Plane Kinetics of Rigid Bodies
- 6/1 Introduction
- Section A Force, Mass, and Acceleration
- 6/2 General Equations of Motion
- 6/3 Translation
- 6/4 Fixed-Axis Rotation
- 6/5 General Plane Motion
- Section B Work and Energy
- 6/6 Work-Energy Relations
- 6/7 Acceleration from Work-Energy; Virtual Work
- Section C Impulse and Momentum
- 6/8 Impulse-Momentum Equations
- 6/9 Chapter Review
- Note
- Chapter 7: Introduction to Three-Dimensional Dynamics of Rigid Bodies
- 7/1 Introduction
- Section A Kinematics
- 7/2 Translation
- 7/3 Fixed-Axis Rotation
- 7/4 Parallel-Plane Motion
- 7/5 Rotation about a Fixed Point
- 7/6 General Motion
- Section B Kinetics
- 7/7 Angular Momentum
- 7/8 Kinetic Energy
- 7/9 Momentum and Energy Equations of Motion
- 7/10 Parallel-Plane Motion
- 7/11 Gyroscopic Motion: Steady Precession
- 7/12 Chapter Review
- Notes
- Chapter 8: Vibration and Time Response
- 8/1 Introduction
- 8/2 Free Vibration of Particles
- 8/3 Forced Vibration of Particles
- 8/4 Vibration of Rigid Bodies
- 8/5 Energy Methods
- 8/6 Chapter Review
- Note
- B/1 Mass Moments of Inertia about an Axis
- B/2 Products of Inertia
- Note
- C/1 Introduction
- C/2 Plane Geometry
- C/3 Solid Geometry
- C/4 Algebra
- C/5 Analytic Geometry
- C/6 Trigonometry
- C/7 Vector Operations
- C/8 Series
- C/9 Derivatives
- C/10 Integrals
- C/11 Newton’s Method for Solving Intractable Equations
- C/12 Selected Techniques for Numerical Integration
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 11086
- Útgáfuár : 2020
- Leyfi : 380