Demonstrating the potential of building strong brands in the energy sector, this book explores the challenges of shifting the perception of energy from a commodity business into a consumer brand. Energy suppliers are increasingly being met with skepticism, indicating the need for a greater focus on marketing and branding in the energy industry. The author examines both perspectives of energy as a commodity business and a consumer brand, as well as the perception of energy consumers across Europe.
- Höfundur: Friðrik Larsen
- Útgáfudagur: 2017-06-10
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:Page Fidelity
- ISBN 13: 9783319571980
- Print ISBN: 9783319571973
- ISBN 10: 3319571982
- Preface
- Acknowledgements
- Contents
- List of Figures
- List of Tables
- 1 Introduction
- Abstract
- Practical Contribution
- Aims and Challenges
- Commodity Qualities
- Energy from the Perspective of Insiders and the Outsiders
- References
- 2 Branding and Related Research Fields
- Abstract
- Why Branding
- The Merits of Brands
- Why Companies Should Brand
- Why Consumers Prefer Brands
- The Brand and the Individual
- What Branding is About
- Definitions of Brands and Branding
- Furthering the Concept
- More Than a Name and a Logo
- Brand Is Perception
- What Branding Is Not
- Brand Image
- Evolution of the Concept
- Definition Of a Brand Image
- Dimensions and Measurements of Image
- Brand Associations
- A Changed Viewpoint of Image
- Image and Relationship
- Brand Heritage
- Differentiation
- Defining Differentiation
- Streams of Branding
- Consumer Branding and Industrial Branding
- Branding Industrial Products
- Differentiating an Industrial Product
- Product Branding and Corporate Branding
- Branding a Corporate Image
- Service Branding
- Electricity as a Service
- Commodity Branding
- Generic Commodity Branding
- Specific Commodity Branding
- Commodities Differentiated into Brands
- The Way Forward
- References
- 3 Overview of Liberalization
- Abstract
- History of Liberalization in the Electricity Sector
- Liberalization Effectiveness
- The Role of Privatization in Liberalization
- Implications
- References
- 4 Liberalization and Consumer Perception
- Abstract
- Higher Price
- Corruption
- Company Size
- Regulation Significance
- Monopolistic Conduct
- Perceived Powerlessness
- Implications of Found Constructs
- Addressing Consumers’ Concerns
- Theoretical Model
- References
- 5 Electric Marketing Myopia
- Abstract
- Marketing Professionalism in the Electricity Industry
- The European Experience
- Challenges to Building a Brand Within the Industry
- Constructs Related to Marketing Professionalism
- Passé Marketing and Political Intervention
- Monopolistic Attitude
- Lack of Strategy
- Archaic Management
- References
- 6 The Ingredients of an Energy Brand—Sources of Brand Value
- Abstract
- Differentiation
- Price
- Image
- Service
- Green Factors
- References
- 7 Green Energy Branding
- Abstract
- Recent Development in CSR and Sustainability’s Relationship to Branding
- Marketing Green Electricity
- Characterizing Green Electricity
- Unique Characteristics
- Defining Green Electricity
- Visual Effect
- Sustainability
- Information
- The Green Energy Consumer
- Marketing Considerations of Green Electricity
- Green Washing
- Branding Green Electricity
- Elements of Green Branding
- Differentiation
- Positioning
- Skepticism
- Consumers’ Motives
- Hindering Factors
- References
- 8 Green Electricity from a Consumer’s Perspective
- Abstract
- Impacting Constructs
- Defining Constructs
- Implications
- Country-Specific Attitudes Toward Green Energy
- Iceland
- Norway
- The Czech Republic
- Estonia
- Poland
- Summing up Key Factors
- References
- 9 Conclusion
- Abstract
- Index
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 15327
- Útgáfuár : 2017
- Leyfi : 380