Employee Training & Development ISE

- V-840-TRDE Training and Development
- 135.6.0.ÞJÁL Þjálfun og þróun
Companies that use innovative training and development practices are likely to report better financial performance than their competitors that do not. Training and development also help a company develop the human capital needed to meet competitive challenges. Many companies now recognize that learning through training, development, and knowledge management helps employees strengthen or increase their skills directly impacting their job performance, satisfaction, and career advancement.
The 9th edition covers and addresses the changes in training and development from an employer and employee perspective - adding value to the employer and employee. Based on the author's extensive experience in teaching training and development courses to both graduate and undergraduate students, Employee Training and Development, Ninth Edition, retains the lively writing style, inspiring examples, and emphasis on new technology and strategic training from previous editions.
- Höfundur: Raymond Noe
- Útgáfa:9
- Útgáfudagur: 2022-01-14
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781265599652
- Print ISBN: 9781265079833
- ISBN 10: 1265599653
- Cover
- Title
- Copyright
- Dedication
- Preface
- Connect
- Acknowledgements
- About the Author
- Brief Contents
- Contents
- Organization of this Book
- Chapter One Introduction to Employee Training and Development
- Introduction
- Training and Development: Key Components of Learning
- Designing Effective Training
- Overcoming the Flaws of the ISD Model
- The Forces Influencing Working and Learning
- Economic Cycles
- Globalization
- Increased Value Placed on Intangible Assets and Human Capital
- Focus on Link to Business Strategy
- Changing Demographics and Diversity of the Workforce
- Talent Management
- Customer Service and Quality Emphasis
- New Technology
- High-Performance Work Systems
- Snapshot of Training Practices
- Training Facts and Figures
- Training Investment Leaders
- Roles, Capabilities, Positions, and Salaries of Training Professionals
- Who Provides Training?
- Who Is in Charge of Training?
- Preparing to Work in Training
- Key Terms
- Discussion Questions
- Application Assignments
- Case Zappos: Facing Competitive Challenges
- Endnotes
- Chapter Two Strategic Training
- Introduction
- The Evolution of Training: From an Event to Learning
- Learning as a Strategic Focus
- The Learning Organization
- Implications of Learning for Human Capital Development
- The Strategic Training and Development Process
- Business Strategy Formulation and Identification
- Identify Strategic Training and Development Initiatives That Support the Strategy
- Provide Training and Development Activities Linked to Strategic Training and Development Initiatives
- Identify and Collect Metrics to Show Training Success
- Examples of the Strategic Training and Development Process
- Organizational Characteristics That Influence Training
- Company Size
- Roles of Employees and Managers
- Top Management Support
- Integration of Business Units
- Global Presence
- Business Conditions
- Other HRM Practices
- Strategic Value of Jobs and Employee Uniqueness
- Extent of Unionization
- Training Needs in Different Strategies
- Models of Organizing the Training Department
- The Corporate University (Corporate Training Universities)
- Creating a Corporate University
- Business-Embedded Learning Function
- Learning, Training, and Development from a Change Model Perspective
- Marketing Training and Creating a Brand
- Outsourcing Training
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Discussion Questions
- Application Assignments
- Case: Learning at iCIMS
- Endnotes
- Case 1: Learning in Practice: “Alexa, Tell Me About Learning at Amazon.com, Inc.”
- Introduction
- Chapter One Introduction to Employee Training and Development
- Chapter Three Needs Assessment
- Introduction
- Why Is Needs Assessment Necessary?
- Who Should Participate in Needs Assessment?
- Methods Used in Needs Assessment
- The Needs Assessment Process
- Organizational Analysis
- Person Analysis
- The Process for Person Analysis
- Task Analysis
- Competency Models
- Scope of Needs Assessment
- Needs Assessment in Practice
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Discussion Questions
- Application Assignments
- Case: Identifying Training Needs at the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Animal Plant and Health Inspection Service (APHIS)
- Endnotes
- Chapter Four Learning and Transfer of Training
- Introduction
- What Is Learning? What Is Learned?
- Learning Theories
- Reinforcement Theory
- Social Learning Theory
- Goal Theories
- Need Theories
- Expectancy Theory
- Adult Learning Theory
- Information Processing Theory
- Transfer of Training Theory
- Theory of Identical Elements
- Stimulus Generalization Approach
- Cognitive Theory of Transfer
- The Learning Process
- Mental and Physical Processes
- Learning Cycles and Styles
- Implications of the Learning Process and Transfer of Training for Instruction
- Instructional Emphasis for Learning Outcomes
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Discussion Questions
- Application Assignments
- Case: Revised Training for the U.S. Navy
- Endnotes
- Chapter Five Program Design
- Introduction
- Considerations in Designing Effective Programs
- Selecting and Preparing the Training Site
- Choosing Trainers
- How Trainers Can Make the Training Site and Instruction Conducive to Learning
- Curriculum, Course, and Lesson Design
- Curriculum Road Map
- Converting In-Person to Online Learning
- Program Design Implications for Transfer of Training
- Determine Focus: Near versus Far Transfer
- Encourage Self-Management
- Encourage Manager Support for Training
- Peer Support
- Opportunity to Use Learned Capabilities
- Technological Support
- Content Curation: Keeping Training Content Up-to-Date, Organized, and Accessible
- How to Choose a Vendor or Consultant for Training Services
- Using Knowledge Management for Learning and Transfer of Training
- Keys for Effective Knowledge Management
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Discussion Questions
- Application Assignments
- Case: Designing Effective Sales Training at Harrison Pharmaceuticals
- Endnotes
- Chapter Six Training Evaluation
- Introduction
- Reasons for Evaluating Training
- Formative Evaluation
- Summative Evaluation
- Overview of the Evaluation Process
- Outcomes Used in the Evaluation of Training Programs
- Reaction Outcomes
- Learning or Cognitive Outcomes
- Behavior and Skill-Based Outcomes
- Affective Outcomes
- Results
- Return on Investment
- Determining Whether Outcomes Are Appropriate
- Relevance
- Reliability
- Discrimination
- Practicality
- Evaluation Practices
- Which Training Outcomes Should Be Collected?
- Evaluation Designs
- Threats to Validity: Alternative Explanations for Evaluation Results
- Types of Evaluation Designs
- Considerations in Choosing an Evaluation Design
- Determining Return on Investment
- Determining Costs
- Determining Benefits
- Example of a Cost-Benefit Analysis
- Other Methods for Cost-Benefit Analysis
- Practical Considerations in Determining ROI
- Success Cases and Return on Expectations
- Measuring Human Capital and Training Activity
- Big Data and Workforce Analytics
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Discussion Questions
- Application Assignments
- Case: Training Relationship Managers at KCB Group
- Endnotes
- Case 2: Learning in Practice: Learning Online at PepsiCo
- Chapter Seven Traditional Training Methods
- Introduction
- Presentation Methods
- Lecture
- Audiovisual Techniques
- Hands-on Methods
- On-the-Job Training
- Apprenticeship
- Simulations
- Case Studies
- Business Games
- Role Plays
- Behavior Modeling
- Group Building Methods
- Adventure Learning
- Team Training
- Action Learning
- Choosing a Training Method
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Discussion Questions
- Application Assignments
- Case: Developing Leadership at Farm Bureau Financial Services
- Endnotes
- Chapter Eight Technology-Based Training Methods
- Introduction
- Technology’s Influence on Training and Learning
- Technology Facilitates Collaboration
- Technology Creates a Dynamic Learning Environment
- Technology Gives Learners Control
- Computer-Based Training, Online Learning, Web-Based Training, and E-Learning
- Potential Features of Online Learning
- Advantages of Online Learning
- Effectiveness of Online Learning
- Developing Effective Online Learning
- Needs Assessment
- Creating a Positive Online Learning Experience
- Learner Control
- Provide Time and Space for Online Learning
- Technology for Collaboration and Linking
- Massive Open Online Courses
- Social Media: Wikis, Blogs, Microblogs, and Social Networks
- Blended Learning
- Simulations and Games
- Augmented Reality
- Mobile Technology and Learning
- Adaptive Training
- Distance Learning
- Technologies for Training Support: Artificial Intelligence, Expert Systems, and Performance Support
- Artificial Intelligence
- Electronic Performance Support Systems
- Learning Management Systems: Systems for Training Delivery, Support, and Administration
- Choosing New Technology Training Methods
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Discussion Questions
- Application Assignments
- Case: Training Customer Service Team Members at Valvoline Instant Oil Change
- Endnotes
- Chapter Nine Employee Development and Career Management
- Introduction
- The Relationship Among Development, Training, and Careers
- Development and Training
- Development and Careers
- Development Planning Systems
- Self-Assessment
- Reality Check
- Goal Setting
- Action Planning
- Examples of Career Development Systems
- Approaches to Employee Development
- Formal Education
- Assessment
- Job Experiences
- Interpersonal Relationships
- Special Topics in Employee Development: Succession Planning, Developing Dysfunctional Managers, and Onboarding
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Discussion Questions
- Application Assignments
- Case: Mentoring at Roscoe Property Management (RPM)
- Endnotes
- Case 3: Learning in Practice: Building a Workforce at Huntington Ingalls Industries
- Chapter Ten Social Responsibility: Legal Issues, Managing Diversity, and Career Challenges
- Introduction
- Training Partnerships
- Joint Union-Management Programs
- Legal Issues and Managing a Diverse Workforce at Home and Abroad
- Legal Issues
- Managing Workforce Diversity and Ensuring Equity and Inclusion
- Melting the Glass Ceiling
- Cross-Cultural Preparation
- Steps in Cross-Cultural Preparation
- Career Challenges Facing the Workforce
- Work-Life Balance
- Career Paths and Dual Career Paths
- Dual Career Path
- Career Recycling
- Job Hopping
- Coping with Career Breaks
- Coping with Job Loss
- Meeting the Needs of Older Workers
- Preretirement Socialization
- Retirement
- Early Retirement Programs
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Discussion Questions
- Application Assignments
- Case: Black Professionals at Coca-Cola
- Endnotes
- Introduction
- Chapter Eleven The Future of Training and Development
- Introduction
- Automatization of Work
- Greater Need for Digital Literacy and Closing the Skills Gap
- Increased Use of New Technologies for Training Delivery and Instruction
- Breakthroughs in Neuroscience About Learning
- Faster Training Design Using Key Stakeholders
- Increased Use of Just-In-Time Learning and Performance Support
- Increased Emphasis on Using Big Data to Show How Learning Helps the Business
- Implications of Future Trends for Trainers’ Skills and Competencies
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Discussion Questions
- Application Assignments
- Case: Robots Make the Choice Cuts at Tyson Foods
- Endnotes
- Case 4: Learning in Practice: Eastern Bankshares Diversity Efforts
- Introduction
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Fleiri góðir kostir
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 14830
- Útgáfuár : 2019
- Leyfi : 380