Elements of Ecology, Global Edition

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Elements of Ecology, Ninth Edition continues to explain ecological processes clearly and concisely, with a greater emphasis on the relevance of ecology to everyday life and the human impact on ecosystems. This dramatically revised edition discusses issues of human ecology throughout the text and provides a greater variety of opportunities for students to learn, practice, and develop quantitative and analytical skills.
Current research examples and other content updates are supported by more than 200 redesigned, full-color illustrations, graphs, and tables. With Elements of Ecology, 9/e you can: Help Students Interpret and Analyze Ecology Data: New and expanded in-text instruction and practice is provided in Interpreting Ecological Data figure questions, in-depth Quantifying Ecology boxes, and Analyzing Ecological Data case studies.
Many are expanded and assignable in MasteringBiology. Keep Your Course Current and Relevant while also keeping students focused on learning essential concepts: With updated “Field Studies” and research references throughout, the Ninth Edition also provides a streamlined discussion on metapopulations and integrates human ecology concepts into all chapters. MasteringBiology ® is not included.
Students, if MasteringBiology is a recommended/mandatory component of the course, please ask your instructor for the correct ISBN. MasteringBiology should only be purchased when required by an instructor. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information. MasteringBiology is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment product designed to personalize learning and improve results.
Elements of Ecology continues to explain ecological processes clearly and concisely, with a greater emphasis on the relevance of ecology to everyday life and the human impact on ecosystems. This dramatically revised edition discusses issues of human ecology throughout the text and provides a greater variety of opportunities for students to learn, practice, and develop quantitative and analytical skills.
Current research examples and other content updates are supported by more than 200 redesigned, full-color illustrations, graphs, and tables. The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps.
- Höfundar: Robert Leo Smith, Thomas M. Smith
- Útgáfa:9
- Útgáfudagur: 2015-07-27
- Blaðsíður: 704
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:Page Fidelity
- ISBN 13: 9781292077413
- Print ISBN: 9781292077406
- ISBN 10: 1292077417
- Title Page
- Copyright
- Contents
- Preface
- Chapter 1 The Nature of Ecology
- 1.1 Ecology Is the Study of the Relationship between Organisms and Their Environment
- 1.2 Organisms Interact with the Environment in the Context of the Ecosystem
- 1.3 Ecological Systems Form a Hierarchy
- 1.4 Ecologists Study Pattern and Process at Many Levels
- 1.5 Ecologists Investigate Nature Using the Scientific Method
- QUANTIFYING ECOLOGY 1.1: Classifying Ecological Data
- QUANTIFYING ECOLOGY 1.2: Displaying Ecological Data: Histograms and Scatter Plots
- 1.6 Models Provide a Basis for Predictions
- 1.7 Uncertainty Is an Inherent Feature of Science
- 1.8 Ecology Has Strong Ties to Other Disciplines
- 1.9 The Individual Is the Basic Unit of Ecology
- Summary
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- Part 1 The Physical Environment
- Chapter 2 Climate
- 2.1 Surface Temperatures Reflect the Difference between Incoming and Outgoing Radiation
- 2.2 Intercepted Solar Radiation and Surface Temperatures Vary Seasonally
- 2.3 Geographic Difference in Surface Net Radiation Result in Global Patterns of Atmospheric Circulat
- 2.4 Surface Winds and Earth’s Rotation Create Ocean Currents
- 2.5 Temperature Influences the Moisture Content of Air
- 2.6 Precipitation Has a Distinctive Global Pattern
- 2.7 Proximity to the Coastline Influences Climate
- 2.8 Topography Influences Regional and Local Patterns of Climate
- 2.9 Irregular Variations in Climate Occur at the Regional Scale
- 2.10 Most Organisms Live in Microclimates
- ECOLOGICAL ISUES & APPLICATIONS: Rising Atmospheric Concentrations of Greenhouse Gases Are Altering
- Summary
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- Chapter 3 The Aquatic Environment
- 3.1 Water Cycles between Earth and the Atmosphere
- 3.2 Water Has Important Physical Properties
- 3.3 Light Varies with Depth in Aquatic Environments
- 3.4 Temperature Varies with Water Depth
- 3.5 Water Functions as a Solvent
- 3.6 Oxygen Diffuses from the Atmosphere to the Surface Waters
- 3.7 Acidity Has a Widespread Influence on Aquatic Environments
- 3.8 Water Movements Shape Freshwater and Marine Environments
- 3.9 Tides Dominate the Marine Coastal Environment
- 3.10 The Transition Zone between Freshwater and Saltwater Environments Presents Unique Constraints
- ECOLOGICAL ISUES & APPLICATIONS: Rising Atmospheric Concentrations of CO2 Are Impacting Ocean Acidit
- Summary
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- Chapter 4 The Terrestrial Environment
- 4.1 Life on Land Imposes Unique Constraints
- 4.2 Plant Cover Influences the Vertical Distribution of Light
- QUANTIFYING ECOLOGY 4.1: Beer’s Law and the Attenuation of Light
- 4.3 Soil Is the Foundation upon which All Terrestrial Life Depends
- 4.4 The Formation of Soil Begins with Weathering
- 4.5 Soil Formation Involves Five Interrelated Factors
- 4.6 Soils Have Certain Distinguishing Physical Characteristics
- 4.7 The Soil Body Has Horizontal Layers or Horizons
- 4.8 Moisture-Holding Capacity Is an Essential Feature of Soils
- 4.9 Ion Exchange Capacity Is Important to Soil Fertility
- 4.10 Basic Soil Formation Processes Produce Different Soils
- ECOLOGICAL ISUES & APPLICATIONS: Soil Erosion Is a Threat to Agricultural Sustainability
- Summary
- Study Questions
- Further Readings
- Chapter 2 Climate
- Chapter 5 Adaptation and Natural Selection
- 5.1 Adaptations Are a Product of Natural Selection
- 5.2 Genes Are the Units of Inheritance
- 5.3 The Phenotype Is the Physical Expression of the Genotype
- 5.4 The Expression of Most Phenotypic Traits Is Affected by the Environment
- 5.5 Genetic Variation Occurs at the Level of the Population
- 5.6 Adaptation Is a Product of Evolution by Natural Selection
- 5.7 Several Processes Other than Natural Selection Can Function to Alter Patterns of Genetic Variati
- 5.8 Natural Selection Can Result in Genetic Differentiation
- QUANTIFYING ECOLOGY 5.1: Hardy–Weinberg Principle
- FIELD STUDIES: Hopi Hoekstra
- 5.9 Adaptations Reflect Trade-offs and Constraints
- ECOLOGICAL ISUES & APPLICATIONS: Genetic Engineering Allows Humans to Manipulate a Species’ DNA
- Summary
- Study Questions
- Further Readings
- Chapter 6 Plant Adaptations to the Environment
- 6.1 Photosynthesis Is the Conversion of Carbon Dioxide into Simple Sugars
- 6.2 The Light a Plant Receives Affects Its Photosynthetic Activity
- 6.3 Photosynthesis Involves Exchanges between the Plant and Atmosphere
- 6.4 Water Moves from the Soil, through the Plant, to the Atmosphere
- 6.5 The Process of Carbon Uptake Differs for Aquatic and Terrestrial Autotrophs
- 6.6 Plant Temperatures Reflect Their Energy Balance with the Surrounding Environment
- 6.7 Constraints Imposed by the Physical Environment Have Resulted in a Wide Array of Plant Adaptatio
- 6.8 Species of Plants Are Adapted to Different Light Environments
- FIELD STUDIES: Kaoru Kitajima
- QUANTIFYING ECOLOGY 6.1: Relative Growth Rate
- 6.9 The Link between Water Demand and Temperature Influences Plant Adaptations
- 6.10 Plants Exhibit Both Acclimation and Adaptation in Response to Variations in Environmental Tempe
- 6.11 Plants Exhibit Adaptations to Variations in Nutrient Availability
- 6.12 Plant Adaptations to the Environment Reflect a Trade-off between Growth Rate and Tolerance
- ECOLOGICAL ISUES & APPLICATIONS: Plants Respond to Increasing Atmospheric CO2
- Summary
- Study Questions
- Further Readings
- Chapter 7 Animal Adaptations to the Environment
- 7.1 Size Imposes a Fundamental Constraint on the Evolution of Organisms
- 7.2 Animals Have Various Ways of Acquiring Energy and Nutrients
- 7.3 In Responding to Variations in the External Environment, Animals Can Be either Conformers or Reg
- 7.4 Regulation of Internal Conditions Involves Homeostasis and Feedback
- FIELD STUDIES: Martin Wikelski
- 7.5 Animals Require Oxygen to Release Energy Contained in Food
- 7.6 Animals Maintain a Balance between the Uptake and Loss of Water
- 7.7 Animals Exchange Energy with Their Surrounding Environment
- 7.8 Animal Body Temperature Reflects Different Modes of Thermoregulation
- 7.9 Poikilotherms Regulate Body Temperature Primarily through Behavioral Mechanisms
- 7.10 Homeotherms Regulate Body Temperature through Metabolic Processes
- 7.11 Endothermy and Ectothermy Involve Trade-offs
- 7.12 Heterotherms Take on Characteristics of Ectotherms and Endotherms
- 7.13 Some Animals Use Unique Physiological Means for Thermal Balance
- 7.14 An Animal’s Habitat Reflects a Wide Variety of Adaptations to the Environment
- ECOLOGICAL ISUES & APPLICATIONS: Increasing Global Temperature Is Affecting the Body Size of Animals
- Summary
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- Further Readings
- Chapter 8 Properties of Populations
- 8.1 Organisms May Be Unitary or Modular
- 8.2 The Distribution of a Population Defines Its Spatial Location
- FIELD STUDIES: Filipe Alberto
- 8.3 Abundance Reflects Population Density and Distribution
- 8.4 Determining Density Requires Sampling
- 8.5 Measures of Population Structure Include Age, Developmental Stage, and Size
- 8.6 Sex Ratios in Populations May Shift with Age
- 8.7 Individuals Move within the Population
- 8.8 Population Distribution and Density Change in Both Time and Space
- ECOLOGICAL ISUES & APPLICATIONS: Humans Aid in the Dispersal of Many Species, Expanding Their Geogra
- Summary
- Study Questions
- Further Readings
- Chapter 9 Population Growth
- 9.1 Population Growth Reflects the Difference between Rates of Birth and Death
- 9.2 Life Tables Provide a Schedule of Age-Specific Mortality and Survival
- QUANTIFYING ECOLOGY 9.1: Life Expectancy
- 9.3 Different Types of Life Tables Reflect Different Approaches to Defining Cohorts and Age Structur
- 9.4 Life Tables Provide Data for Mortality and Survivorship Curves
- 9.5 Birthrate Is Age-Specific
- 9.6 Birthrate and Survivorship Determine Net Reproductive Rate
- 9.7 Age-Specific Mortality and Birthrates Can Be Used to Project Population Growth
- QUANTIFYING ECOLOGY 9.2: Life History Diagrams and Population Projection Matrices
- 9.8 Stochastic Processes Can Influence Population Dynamics
- 9.9 A Variety of Factors Can Lead to Population Extinction
- ECOLOGICAL ISUES & APPLICATIONS: The Leading Cause of Current Population Declines and Extinctions Is
- Summary
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- Chapter 10 Life History
- 10.1 The Evolution of Life Histories Involves Trade-offs
- 10.2 Reproduction May Be Sexual or Asexual
- 10.3 Sexual Reproduction Takes a Variety of Forms
- 10.4 Reproduction Involves Both Benefits and Costs to Individual Fitness
- 10.5 Age at Maturity Is Influenced by Patterns of Age-Specific Mortality
- 10.6 Reproductive Effort Is Governed by Trade-offs between Fecundity and Survival
- 10.7 There Is a Trade-off between the Number and Size of Offspring
- 10.8 Species Differ in the Timing of Reproduction
- QUANTIFYING ECOLOGY 10.1: Interpreting Trade-offs
- 10.9 An Individual’s Life History Represents the Interaction between Genotype and the Environment
- 10.10 Mating Systems Describe the Pairing of Males and Females
- 10.11 Acquisition of a Mate Involves Sexual Selection
- FIELD STUDIES: Alexandra L. Basolo
- 10.12 Females May Choose Mates Based on Resources
- 10.13 Patterns of Life History Characteristics Reflect External Selective Forces
- ECOLOGICAL ISUES & APPLICATIONS: The Life History of the Human Population Reflects Technological and
- Summary
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- Chapter 11 Intraspecific Population Regulation
- 11.1 The Environment Functions to Limit Population Growth
- QUANTIFYING ECOLOGY 11.1: Defining the Carrying Capacity (K)
- QUANTIFYING ECOLOGY 11.2: The Logistic Model of Population Growth
- 11.2 Population Regulation Involves Density Dependence
- 11.3 Competition Results When Resources Are Limited
- 11.4 Intraspecific Competition Affects Growth and Development
- 11.5 Intraspecific Competition Can Influence Mortality Rates
- 11.6 Intraspecific Competition Can Reduce Reproduction
- 11.7 High Density Is Stressful to Individuals
- FIELD STUDIES: T.Scott Sillett
- 11.8 Dispersal Can Be Density Dependent
- 11.9 Social Behavior May Function to Limit Populations
- 11.10 Territoriality Can Function to Regulate Population Growth
- 11.11 Plants Preempt Space and Resources
- 11.12 A Form of Inverse Density Dependence Can Occur in Small Populations
- 11.13 Density-Independent Factors Can Influence Population Growth
- ECOLOGICAL ISUES & APPLICATIONS: The Conservation of Populations Requires an Understanding of Minimu
- Summary
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- 11.1 The Environment Functions to Limit Population Growth
- Chapter 12 Species Interactions, Population Dynamics, and Natural Selection
- 12.1 Species Interactions Can Be Classified Based on Their Reciprocal Effects
- 12.2 Species Interactions Influence Population Dynamics
- QUANTIFYING ECOLOGY 12.1: Incorporating Competitive Interactions in Models of Population Growth
- 12.3 Species Interactions Can Function as Agents of Natural Selection
- 12.4 The Nature of Species Interactions Can Vary across Geographic Landscapes
- 12.5 Species Interactions Can Be Diffuse
- 12.6 Species Interactions Influence the Species’ Niche
- 12.7 Species Interactions Can Drive Adaptive Radiation
- ECOLOGICAL ISUES & APPLICATIONS: Urbanization Has Negatively Impacted Most Species while Favoring a
- Summary
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- Further Readings
- Chapter 13 Interspecific Competition
- 13.1 Interspecific Competition Involves Two or More Species
- 13.2 The Combined Dynamics of Two Competing Populations Can Be Examined Using the Lotka–Volterra M
- 13.3 There Are Four Possible Outcomes of Interspecific Competition
- 13.4 Laboratory Experiments Support the Lotka.Volterra Model
- 13.5 Studies Support the Competitive Exclusion Principle
- 13.6 Competition Is Influenced by Nonresource Factors
- 13.7 Temporal Variation in the Environment Influences Competitive Interactions
- 13.8 Competition Occurs for Multiple Resources
- 13.9 Relative Competitive Abilities Change along Environmental Gradients
- QUANTIFYING ECOLOGY 13.1: Competition under Changing Environmental Conditions: Application of the Lo
- 13.10 Interspecific Competition Influences the Niche of a Species
- 13.11 Coexistence of Species Often Involves Partitioning Available Resources
- 13.12 Competition Is a Complex Interaction Involving Biotic and Abiotic Factors
- ECOLOGICAL ISUES & APPLICATIONS: Is Range Expansion of Coyote a Result of Competitive Release from W
- Summary
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- Further Readings
- Chapter 14 Predation
- 14.1 Predation Takes a Variety of Forms
- 14.2 Mathematical Model Describes the Interaction of Predator and Prey Populations
- 14.3 Predator-Prey Interaction Results in Population Cycles
- 14.4 Model Suggests Mutual Population Regulation
- 14.5 Functional Responses Relate Prey Consumed to Prey Density
- QUANTIFYING ECOLOGY 14.1: Type II Functional Response
- 14.6 Predators Respond Numerically to Changing Prey Density
- 14.7 Foraging Involves Decisions about the Allocation of Time and Energy
- QUANTIFYING ECOLOGY 14.2: A Simple Model of Optimal Foraging
- 14.8 Risk of Predation Can Influence Foraging Behavior
- 14.9 Coevolution Can Occur between Predator and Prey
- 14.10 Animal Prey Have Evolved Defenses against Predators
- 14.11 Predators Have Evolved Efficient Hunting Tactics
- 14.12 Herbivores Prey on Autotrophs
- FIELD STUDIES: Rick A. Relyea
- 14.13 Plants Have Evolved Characteristics that Deter Herbivores
- 14.14 Plants, Herbivores, and Carnivores Interact
- 14.15 Predators Influence Prey Dynamics through Lethal and Nonlethal Effects
- ECOLOGICAL ISUES & APPLICATIONS: Sustainable Harvest of Natural Populations Requires Being a “Smar
- Summary
- Study Questions
- Further Readings
- Chapter 15 Parasitism and Mutualism
- 15.1 Parasites Draw Resources from Host Organisms
- 15.2 Hosts Provide Diverse Habitats for Parasites
- 15.3 Direct Transmission Can Occur between Host Organisms
- 15.4 Transmission between Hosts Can Involve an Intermediate Vector
- 15.5 Transmission Can Involve Multiple Hosts and Stages
- 15.6 Hosts Respond to Parasitic Invasions
- 15.7 Parasites Can Affect Host Survival and Reproduction
- 15.8 Parasites May Regulate Host Populations
- 15.9 Parasitism Can Evolve into a Mutually Beneficial Relationship
- 15.10 Mutualisms Involve Diverse Species Interactions
- 15.11 Mutualisms Are Involved in the Transfer of Nutrients
- FIELD STUDIES: John J.Stachowicz
- 15.12 Some Mutualisms Are Defensive
- 15.13 Mutualisms Are Often Necessary for Pollination
- 15.14 Mutualisms Are Involved in Seed Dispersal
- 15.15 Mutualism Can Influence Population Dynamics
- QUANTIFYING ECOLOGY 15.1: A Model of Mutualistic Interactions
- ECOLOGICAL ISUES & Applications: Land-use Changes Are Resulting in an Expansion of Infectious Diseas
- Summary
- Study Questions
- Further Readings
- Chapter 16 Community Structure
- 16.1 Biological Structure of Community Defined by Species Composition
- 16.2 Species Diversity Is defined by Species Richness and Evenness
- 16.3 Dominance Can Be Defined by a Number of Criteria
- 16.4 Keystone Species Influence Community Structure Disproportionately to Their Numbers
- 16.5 Food Webs Describe Species Interactions
- 16.6 Species within a Community Can Be Classified into Functional Groups
- 16.7 Communities Have a Characteristic Physical Structure
- 16.8 Zonation Is Spatial Change in Community Structure
- 16.9 Defining Boundaries between Communities Is Often Difficult
- QUANTIFYING ECOLOGY 16.1: Community Similarity
- 16.10 Two Contrasting Views of the Community
- ECOLOGICAL ISUES & APPLICATIONS: Restoration Ecology Requires an Understanding of the Processes Infl
- Summary
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- Further Readings
- Chapter 17 Factors Influencing the Structure of Communities
- 17.1 Community Structure Is an Expression of the Species’ Ecological Niche
- 17.2 Zonation Is a Result of Differences in Species’ Tolerance and Interactions along Environmenta
- FIELD STUDIES: Sally D. Hacker
- 17.3 Species Interactions Are Often Diffuse
- 17.4 Food Webs Illustrate Indirect Interactions
- 17.5 Food Webs Suggest Controls of Community Structure
- 17.6 Environmental Heterogeneity Influences Community Diversity
- 17.7 Resource Availability Can Influence Plant Diversity within a Community
- ECOLOGICAL ISUES & APPLICATIONS: The Reintroduction of a Top Predator to Yellowstone National Park L
- Summary
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- Further Readings
- Chapter 18 Community Dynamics
- 18.1 Community Structure Changes through Time
- 18.2 Primary Succession Occurs on Newly Exposed Substrates
- 18.3 Secondary Succession Occurs after Disturbances
- 18.4 The Study of Succession Has a Rich History
- 18.5 Succession Is Associated with Autogenic Changes in Environmental Conditions
- 18.6 Species Diversity Changes during Succession
- 18.7 Succession Involves Heterotrophic Species
- 18.8 Systematic Changes in Community Structure Are a Result of Allogenic Environmental Change at a V
- 18.9 Community Structure Changes over Geologic Time
- 18.10 The Concept of Community Revisited
- ECOLOGICAL ISUES & APPLICATIONS: Community Dynamics in Eastern North America over the Past Two Centu
- Summary
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- Further Readings
- Chapter 19 Landscape Dynamics
- 19.1 A Variety of Processes Gives Rise to Landscape Patterns
- 19.2 Landscape Pattern Is Defined by the Spatial Arrangement and Connectivity of Patches
- 19.3 Boundaries Are Transition Zones that Offer Diverse Conditions and Habitats
- 19.4 Patch Size and Shape Influence Community Structure
- 19.5 Landscape Connectivity Permits Movement between Patches
- FIELD STUDIES: Nick A. Haddad
- 19.6 The Theory of Island Biogeography Applies to Landscape Patches
- 19.7 Metapopulation Theory Is a Central Concept in the Study of Landscape Dynamics
- QUANTIFYING ECOLOGY 19.1: Model of Metapopulation Dynamics
- 19.8 Local Communities Occupying Patches on the Landscape Define the Metacommunity
- 19.9 The Landscape Represents a Shifting Mosaic of Changing Communities
- ECOLOGICAL ISUES & APPLICATIONS: Corridors Are Playing a Growing Role in Conservation Efforts
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- Further Readings
- Chapter 20 Ecosystem Energetics
- 20.1 The Laws of Thermodynamics Govern Energy Flow
- 20.2 Energy Fixed in the Process of Photosynthesis Is Primary Production
- 20.3 Climate and Nutrient Availability Are the Primary Controls on Net Primary Productivity in Terre
- 20.4 Light and Nutrient Availability Are the Primary Controls on Net Primary Productivity in Aquatic
- 20.5 External Inputs of Organic Carbon Can Be Important to Aquatic Ecosystems
- 20.6 Energy Allocation and Plant Life-Form Influence Primary Production
- 20.7 Primary Production Varies with Time
- 20.8 Primary Productivity Limits Secondary Production
- 20.9 Consumers Vary in Efficiency of Production
- 20.10 Ecosystems Have Two Major Food Chains
- FIELD STUDIES: Brian Silliman
- 20.11 Energy Flows through Trophic Levels Can Be Quantified
- 20.12 Consumption Efficiency Determines the Pathway of Energy Flow through the Ecosystem
- 20.13 Energy Decreases in Each Successive Trophic Level
- ECOLOGICAL ISUES & APPLICATIONS: Humans Appropriate a Disproportionate Amount of Earth’s Net Prima
- QUANTIFYING ECOLOGY 20.1: Estimating Net Primary Productivity Using Satellite Data
- Summary
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- Further Readings
- Chapter 21 Decomposition and Nutrient Cycling
- 21.1 Most Essential Nutrients Are Recycled within the Ecosystem
- 21.2 Decomposition Is a Complex Process Involving a Variety of Organisms
- 21.3 Studying Decomposition Involves Following the Fate of Dead Organic Matter
- QUANTIFYING ECOLOGY 21.1: Estimating the Rate of Decomposition
- 21.4 Several Factors Influence the Rate of Decomposition
- 21.5 Nutrients in Organic Matter Are Mineralized During Decomposition
- FIELD STUDIES: Edward (Ted) A. G. Schuur
- 21.6 Decomposition Proceeds as Plant Litter Is Converted into Soil Organic Matter
- 21.7 Plant Processes Enhance the Decomposition of Soil Organic Matter in the Rhizosphere
- 21.8 Decomposition Occurs in Aquatic Environments
- 21.9 Key Ecosystem Processes Influence the Rate of Nutrient Cycling
- 21.10 Nutrient Cycling Differs between Terrestrial and Open-Water Aquatic Ecosystems
- 21.11 Water Flow Influences Nutrient Cycling in Streams and Rivers
- 21.12 Land and Marine Environments Influence Nutrient Cycling in Coastal Ecosystems
- 21.13 Surface Ocean Currents Bring about Vertical Transport of Nutrients
- ECOLOGICAL ISUES & APPLICATIONS: Agriculture Disrupts the Process of Nutrient Cycling
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- Further Readings
- Chapter 22 Biogeochemical Cycles
- 22.1 There Are Two Major Types of Biogeochemical Cycles
- 22.2 Nutrients Enter the Ecosystem via Inputs
- 22.3 Outputs Represent a Loss of Nutrients from the Ecosystem
- 22.4 Biogeochemical Cycles Can Be Viewed from a Global Perspective
- 22.5 The Carbon Cycle Is Closely Tied to Energy Flow
- 22.6 Carbon Cycling Varies Daily and Seasonally
- 22.7 The Global Carbon Cycle Involves Exchanges among the Atmosphere, Oceans, and Land
- 22.8 The Nitrogen Cycle Begins with Fixing Atmospheric Nitrogen
- 22.9 The Phosphorus Cycle Has No Atmospheric Pool
- 22.10 The Sulfur Cycle Is Both Sedimentary and Gaseous
- 22.11 The Global Sulfur Cycle Is Poorly Understood
- 22.12 The Oxygen Cycle Is Largely under Biological Control
- 22.13 The Various Biogeochemical Cycles Are Linked
- ECOLOGICAL ISUES & APPLICATIONS: Nitrogen Deposition from Human Activities Can Result in Nitrogen Sa
- Summary
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- Further Readings
- Chapter 23 Terrestrial Ecosystems
- 23.1 Terrestrial Ecosystems Reflect Adaptations of the Dominant Plant Life-Forms
- 23.2 Tropical Forests Characterize the Equatorial Zone
- QUANTIFYING ECOLOGY 23.1: Climate Diagrams
- 23.3 Tropical Savannas Are Characteristic of Semiarid Regions with Seasonal Rainfall
- 23.4 Grassland Ecosystems of the Temperate Zone Vary with Climate and Geography
- 23.5 Deserts Represent a Diverse Group of Ecosystems
- 23.6 Mediterranean Climates Support Temperate Shrublands
- 23.7 Forest Ecosystems Dominate the Wetter Regions of the Temperate Zone
- 23.8 Conifer Forests Dominate the Cool Temperate and Boreal Zones
- 23.9 Low Precipitation and Cold Temperatures Define the Arctic Tundra
- ECOLOGICAL ISUES & APPLICATIONS: The Extraction of Resources from Forest Ecosystems Involves an Arra
- Summary
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- Chapter 24 Aquatic Ecosystems
- 24.1 Lakes Have Many Origins
- 24.2 Lakes Have Well-Defined Physical Characteristics
- 24.3 The Nature of Life Varies in the Different Zones
- 24.4 The Character of a Lake Reflects Its Surrounding Landscape
- 24.5 Flowing-Water Ecosystems Vary in Structure and Types of Habitats
- 24.6 Life Is Highly Adapted to Flowing Water
- QUANTIFYING ECOLOGY 24.1: Streamflow
- 24.7 The Flowing-Water Ecosystem Is a Continuum of Changing Environments
- 24.8 Rivers Flow into the Sea, Forming Estuaries
- 24.9 Oceans Exhibit Zonation and Stratification
- 24.10 Pelagic Communities Vary among the Vertical Zones
- 24.11 Benthos Is a World of Its Own
- 24.12 Coral Reefs Are Complex Ecosystems Built by Colonies of Coral Animals
- 24.13 Productivity of the Oceans Is Governed by Light and Nutrients
- ECOLOGICAL ISUES & APPLICATIONS: Inputs of Nutrients to Coastal Waters Result in the Development of
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- Chapter 25 Coastal and Wetland Ecosystems
- 25.1 The Intertidal Zone Is the Transition between Terrestrial and Marine Environments
- 25.2 Rocky Shorelines Have a Distinct Pattern of Zonation
- 25.3 Sandy and Muddy Shores Are Harsh Environments
- 25.4 Tides and Salinity Dictate the Structure of Salt Marshes
- 25.5 Mangroves Replace Salt Marshes in Tropical Regions
- 25.6 Freshwater Wetlands Are a Diverse Group of Ecosystems
- 25.7 Hydrology Defines the Structure of Freshwater Wetlands
- 25.8 Freshwater Wetlands Support a Rich Diversity of Life
- ECOLOGICAL ISUES & APPLICATIONS: Wetland Ecosystems Continue to Decline as a Result of Land Use
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- Chapter 26 Large-Scale Patterns of Biological Diversity
- 26.1 Earth’s Biological Diversity Has Changed through Geologic Time
- 26.2 Past Extinctions Have Been Clustered in Time
- 26.3 Regional and Global Patterns of Species Diversity Vary Geographically
- 26.4 Various Hypotheses Have Been proposed to Explain Latitudinal Gradients of Diversity
- 26.5 Species Richness Is Related to Available Environmental Energy
- 26.6 Large-scale Patterns of Species Richness Are Related to Ecosystem Productivity
- 26.7 Regional Patterns of Species Diversity Are a Function of Processes Operating at Many Scales
- ECOLOGICAL ISUES & APPLICATIONS: Regions of High Species Diversity Are Crucial to Conservation Effor
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- Further Readings
- Chapter 27 The Ecology of Climate Change
- 27.1 Earth’s Climate Has Warmed over the Past Century
- 27.2 Climate Change Has a Direct Influence on the Physiology and Development of Organisms
- 27.3 Recent Climate Warming Has Altered the Phenology of Plant and Animal Species
- 27.4 Changes in Climate Have Shifted the Geographic Distribution of Species
- 27.5 Recent Climate Change Has Altered Species Interactions
- 27.6 Community Structure and Regional Patterns of Diversity Have Responded to Recent Climate Change
- 27.7 Climate Change Has Impacted Ecosystem Processes
- 27.8 Continued Increases in Atmospheric Concentrations of Greenhouse Gases Is Predicted to Cause Fut
- 27.9 A Variety of Approaches Are Being Used to Predict the Response of Ecological Systems to Future
- FIELD STUDIES: Erika Zavaleta
- 27.10 Predicting Future Climate Change Requires an Understanding of the Interactions between the Bio
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Þú getur nálgast allar raf(skóla)bækurnar þínar á einu augabragði, hvar og hvenær sem er í bókahillunni þinni. Engin taska, enginn kyndill og ekkert vesen (hvað þá yfirvigt).
Auðvelt að fletta og leita
Þú getur flakkað milli síðna og kafla eins og þér hentar best og farið beint í ákveðna kafla úr efnisyfirlitinu. Í leitinni finnur þú orð, kafla eða síður í einum smelli.
Glósur og yfirstrikanir
Þú getur auðkennt textabrot með mismunandi litum og skrifað glósur að vild í rafbókina. Þú getur jafnvel séð glósur og yfirstrikanir hjá bekkjarsystkinum og kennara ef þeir leyfa það. Allt á einum stað.
Hvað viltu sjá? / Þú ræður hvernig síðan lítur út
Þú lagar síðuna að þínum þörfum. Stækkaðu eða minnkaðu myndir og texta með multi-level zoom til að sjá síðuna eins og þér hentar best í þínu námi.
Fleiri góðir kostir
- Þú getur prentað síður úr bókinni (innan þeirra marka sem útgefandinn setur)
- Möguleiki á tengingu við annað stafrænt og gagnvirkt efni, svo sem myndbönd eða spurningar úr efninu
- Auðvelt að afrita og líma efni/texta fyrir t.d. heimaverkefni eða ritgerðir
- Styður tækni sem hjálpar nemendum með sjón- eða heyrnarskerðingu
- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 5769
- Útgáfuár : 2015
- Leyfi : 380