Effective Teamwork: Practical Lessons from Organizational Research
6.590 kr.
- VIÐ182F Starf stjórnandans, forysta og samskipti
- Höfundur: Michael A. West
- Útgáfa:3
- Útgáfudagur: 2012-01-20
- Hægt að prenta út 10 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781118871935
- Print ISBN: 9780470974971
- ISBN 10: 1118871936
- Front Matter
- Contents
- Acknowledgements
- Part 1 Team Effectiveness
- 1 Creating Effective Teams
- Key Learning Points
- Task and Social Elements of Team Functioning
- Team Effectiveness
- Table 1 Four types of teams and their outcomes.
- Exercise 1 The team reflexivity questionnaire
- Key Revision Points
- Further Reading
- Web Resources
- 2 Real Teams Work
- Key Learning Points
- Case Study
- why work in Teams?
- Barriers to Effective Teamwork
- Loss of effort
- Poor problem solving and decision making
- Box 1 Baseball or basketball teams?
- Low creativity
- Baseball or basketball teams?
- What is a Team?
- What do Teams do?
- How can we build Effective Teams?
- Exercise 2 Measuring the effectiveness of your team’s performance
- Conclusions
- Case Study
- Key Revision Points
- Further Reading
- Web Resources
- 1 Creating Effective Teams
- 3 Creating Teams
- Key Learning Points
- Personality and Ability
- Box 2 Belbin’s team role theory
- Teamwork Skills
- Social skills
- Knowledge, skills and attitudes (KSAs) for teamwork
- Table 2 Stevens and Campion’s Knowledge, Skills and Abilities for team working.
- Exercise 3 Knowledge, skills and attitudes for teamwork
- Diversity of Team Members
- Functional diversity
- Personality diversity
- Demographic diversity
- Benefiting from Team Diversity
- Implications of Diversity
- Key Revision Points
- Further Reading
- Web Resources
- Key Learning Points
- The Three Team Leadership Tasks
- Box 3 Team leadership differs from traditional leadership
- The Three Elements of Leading Teams
- Leading the team
- Box 4 The essence of effective leadership
- Managing the team
- Box 5 The fallacies and wisdom of team leadership
- Box 6 Favouritism
- Coaching the team
- Recognizing and revealing feelings.
- Giving feedback.
- Agreeing goals.
- Box 7 Team leadership functions (adapted from Zaccaro, Heinen and Shuffler, 2009).
- Leading the team
- Box 8 Emotional intelligence (EI): Developing self-awareness
- Transformational team leadership
- Box 9 Fitting leadership style to the situation
- Key Learning Points
- The Stages of Team Development
- Types of Team Training Interventions
- Team start-up
- Regular formal reviews
- Box 10 Dealing with a known problem
- Addressing known task-related problems
- Identifying what the problems are
- Crew Resource Management (CRM) Training
- Social process interventions
- Exercise 3 Satisfaction with team social processes
- Exercise 4 Role negotiation exercise
- Role clarification and negotiation
- Conclusions
- Key Revision Points
- Further Reading
- Web Resources
- 6 Setting Team Direction
- Key Learning Points
- Team Objectives
- The Elements of Team Vision
- Strategy for Teams
- Domains
- Vehicles
- Differentiators
- Economic logic
- Sequences and stages
- Key Revision Points
- Further Reading
- Web Resources
- 7 Team Playing
- Key Learning Points
- Interaction
- Case Study
- Chairing meetings
- Box 11 Ground rules for team meetings
- Information Sharing
- Case Study
- Influencing and Decision Making
- Exercise 5 Information sharing in the team
- The stepladder technique for decision making
- Exercise 6 A short form of the stepladder technique for decision making
- Box 12 Creating an atmosphere of trust, support and safety
- Key Learning Points
- Groupthink
- Team Pressures to Conform
- Obedience to Authority
- Team Defence Mechanisms
- Box 13 Overcoming defensive routines
- Commitment to Quality
- Task Focus/Constructive Controversy
- Table 3 Constructive controversy.
- Encouraging Constructive Controversy in Teams
- Devil’s advocacy
- Negative brainstorming
- Stakeholder analysis
- Box 14 Stakeholder analysis in practice
- Minority group influence in teams
- Case Study
- Box 15 Bringing about change: a minority influence strategy
- Key Learning Points
- Team Innovation
- Figure 1 A model of team innovation.
- Vision/shared objectives
- Participative safety
- Exercise 7 How innovative is your team at work?
- Task focus or commitment to excellence
- Support for innovation
- Box 16 The ‘yes, and ...’ method
- Stage 1 – Exploration
- Stage 2 – Ideation
- Stage 3 – Selection
- Stage 4 – Implementation
- Creativity and innovation techniques
- Technique 1 – classical brainstorming
- Technique 2 – brainwriting pool
- Technique 3 – negative brainstorming
- Technique 4 – goal orientation
- Technique 5 – table of elements
- Table 4 Table of elements: A novel social event.
- Technique 6 – stakeholder analysis
- Box 17 Fostering team creativity and innovation
- Exercise 8 How innovative are you at work?
- Key Learning Points
- The Emotional Life of Teams
- Box 18 Team leader–member exchange
- Figure 2 The social dimensions of team working. All these factors contribute to team viability and team member mental health.
- Social Support
- Emotional support
- Case Example
- Informational support
- Case Example
- Instrumental support
- Case Examples
- Appraisal support
- Case Example
- Emotional support
- Skill development
- Job enrichment
- Exercise 9 A team exercise to promote job enrichment
- Case Example
- Key Learning Points
- Team Conflicts
- Types of Team Conflict
- Resolving Team Conflicts
- Organizational Causes of Conflict
- Case Study
- Interpersonal Conflicts
- Managing interpersonal conflicts
- Difficult Team Members
- Case Example
- Key Revision Points
- Further Reading
- Web Resources
- 12 Teams in Organizations
- Key Learning Points
- Introducing Team-based Working (TBW)
- Figure 3 The six-stage process of introducing team-based working (TBW).
- Stage 1 Deciding on team-based working (TBW)
- Stage 2 Developing support systems
- Stage 3 Team leader and team member selection
- Stage 4 Developing effective teams
- Stage 5 Reviewing and sustaining team effectiveness
- Stage 6 Reviewing team-based working
- The Relationship between Teams and their Organizations
- What do Teams need from their Organizations?
- Targets
- Resources
- Information
- Education
- Feedback
- Technical and process assistance
- The Role of Human Resource Management (HRM)
- Box 19 Developing team reward systems
- What do Organizations require from Teams?
- Bridging across Teams
- Box 20 The Robber’s Cave studies
- Conclusions
- Key Revision Points
- Further Reading
- Web Resources
- 13 Virtual Team Working
- Key Learning Points
- Case Study
- Case Study
- What is Virtual Team Working?
- Advantages and Disadvantages of Virtual Teams
- Table 5 Advantages and disadvantages of virtual teams (adapted from Hertel, Geister and Konradt, 2005).
- How to Develop Effective Virtual Team Working
- Inputs
- Processes
- Other factors include:
- Lifecycle of Virtual Teams
- Conclusion
- Key Revision Points
- Further Reading
- Web Resources
- 14 Top Management Teams
- Key Learning Points
- Task Design
- Team Effort and Skills
- Organizational Supports
- Figure 4 Organizational supports for top teams.
- Case Study
- Top Management Team Processes
- Case Study
- Top Team Participation
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Case Study
- Top Team Meetings
- Conflict
- CEO Leadership
- Conclusions
- Key Revision Points
- Further Reading
- Web Resources
- References
- Author Index
- Subject Index
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 6089
- Útgáfuár : 2012
- Leyfi : 380