E-105-ECSC Effective Coaching in Strenght and Conditioning
This book takes a radically different approach to the challenge of coaching in strength and conditioning. In doing so, it addresses many of the paradoxes of strength and conditioning, providing new perspectives that shed light on to the many questions that challenge coaches. Rather than focusing on methods, it delves into the questions of what makes a coach effective. It examines the conditions that are necessary for training applications to become optimal, and the skills necessary to create these conditions.
It provides coaches with a flexible pathway towards understanding the challenges of strength and conditioning and by which they can develop the craft of coaching to maximise their effectiveness and potential. The book is essential reading for anyone wishing to pursue a career as a strength and conditioning coach, acting essentially as a prequel to the many scientific and applied texts in the field.
- Höfundur: Ian Jeffreys
- Útgáfa:1
- Útgáfudagur: 2019-09-16
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781134470280
- Print ISBN: 9780415839983
- ISBN 10: 1134470282
- Cover Page
- Half Title
- Title Page
- Copyright Page
- Table of Contents
- List of Figures
- List of Tables
- Introduction
- Rocks, Pebbles and Sand
- Back to the Future
- Learning from Epley
- A Different World
- The Push to Legitimise Strength and Conditioning
- Who is Driving the Profession?
- An Abundance of Information
- Getting to the Core – a Simple Profession at Heart
- The Aims of the Book
- How to Use the Book
- References and Suggested Reading
- Part I Finding the Path
- 1 The Nature and Challenges of Strength and Conditioning
- The Big Picture – Total Performance
- The Co-Actives of Performance
- Integration – the Key to Effective Performance
- It Runs Both Ways
- Less Isolation, More Integration
- The Environment – the Forgotten Factor
- Strength and Conditioning: Are We Developing Physical Capacity or Physical Skills?
- Start With the End in Mind – Focus on Performance, Not Isolated Variables
- The Traditional Strength and Conditioning Process
- References and Suggested Reading
- 2 Our Knowledge Illusion: The Challenge of Evidence-Based Practice
- The Origins of Evidence-Based Practice
- The Challenge of Evidence-Based Practice
- The Challenge of “Evidence”
- The Scientific Method
- Moving Beyond Homo Athleticus
- From Determinism to Indeterminism
- The Challenge of the Unknown
- The Nature of Truth – Reality or Closure
- It’s Not Rocket Science – It’s Far More Complex
- The Challenge of Emergence
- Anecdotal Evidence – the Lost Treasure
- Evidence-Based Practice – an Individualised Entity
- The Concept of Trigrams
- Grey – the Colour of Effective Strength and Conditioning
- References and Suggested Reading
- 3 Towards a New Way of Thinking: The Training Ecosystem
- Engineering Thinking
- A Complexity Threshold
- The Challenge of Linear Thinking in a Complex World
- Towards Systems Thinking
- Principles of Systems Thinking
- The Need for a Different Approach to Coaching – Contextology and the Training Ecosystem
- The Training Ecosystem
- Developing Ecosystem Thinking
- Levels of Coaching Ecosystem Analysis
- Analysing Ecosystem Function
- Analysing Stocks
- Micro-System Analysis
- Meso-System Analysis
- Macro-System Analysis
- Analysing Flows – the Ecosystem Energy
- Feedback Loops – Keep Your Channels Open and Lever Your Intensifiers
- Pick Your Pond – and Cultivate Your Pond
- Gardeners of Performance
- Defining Your Own Ecosystem – the Pre-Mortem Approach
- References and Suggested Reading
- 4 Thriving in a Performance Ecosystem: The Five Minds of the Modern Strength and Conditioning Coach
- Learning from the Past – Science or Art?
- The Five Minds for the Future
- References and Suggested Reading
- 1 The Nature and Challenges of Strength and Conditioning
- 5 Know Thyself: The First Step on the Path to Coaching Success
- Know Thyself – Following in the Footsteps of the Ancients
- A Simple Guide to the Brain
- Unlocking the Inner Self
- The Big Five
- Reward Strategies
- Finding Your True North
- The Energy Assessment
- Emotional Intelligence
- Understanding Our Behaviour and Our Inherent Biases
- Awareness of Our Own Mental Models
- References and Suggested Reading
- 6 Building a Successful Ecosystem: The Forgotten Rock of Effective Practice
- Environments Develop Over Time – There is No Magic Formula
- The Characteristics of a Performance Ecosystem
- Focus on Performance, Not Happiness
- How We Get Better
- An Ecosystem of Performance
- Where Do We Start?
- The Circle of Relationships
- The Three Pillars of Effective Ecosystem Development
- Developing Your Performance Environment
- Actively Expanding the Circle of Influence
- Relationships – the Energy Behind the Performance Ecosystem
- Establishing Norms
- From Norms to Culture
- References and Suggested Reading
- 7 Building the Coaching Toolkit: The Personal Skills Needed for Ecosystem Construction
- Leadership
- Three Keys to Leadership
- Styles of Leadership
- Types of Leadership
- Leadership Strategy
- Effective Communication
- Communication is Not a One-Way Street – the Art of Effective Listening
- Applied Communication
- Eliciting Change
- References and Suggested Reading
- 8 Making Effective Decisions and Generating Workable Solutions: Key Tools for the Modern Coach
- Getting Beyond Right and Wrong
- Moving Beyond the Traditional
- Getting Beyond the Rational Self
- Developing Decision-Making Tools
- Pareto’s Principle – Focussing on the Rocks and Pebbles, Not Playing in the Sand
- Effective Solution Generation in Strength and Conditioning – Different Ways of Thinking
- Full Alignment – the Ultimate Destination
- References and Suggested Reading
- 9 Using the Generally Accepted Training Principles: The Pillars of Effective Training
- The Homeostatic Challenge
- The General Adaptation Syndrome
- Specificity
- Continuity
- Accommodation
- Variability
- Individual Differences
- Progressive Overload
- References and Suggested Reading
- 10 Reverse Engineering the Path to Success
- The Need for a New Way of Thinking
- Design Thinking
- Reverse Engineering Performance Solutions
- Classifying Sports
- Reverse Engineering Strength and Conditioning Solutions
- Individualising Analysis
- The Zones of Specificity – the Performance Circle
- The Overload Zone – Risk and Reward
- Performance Pathways
- References and Suggested Reading
- 11 Where Are We Now? Assessing Performance
- Without Action Nothing Gets Done
- The Overarching Question: Why Are We Assessing and Monitoring?
- Information, Not Data
- The Layers of Information
- Frugal Application – the Search for the Minimalist Approach
- Formal Versus Informal
- Testing Versus Monitoring
- References and Suggested Reading
- 12 Skill: The Forgotten Aspect of Strength and Conditioning
- What is Skill?
- Characteristics of Skilled Performance
- Classifying Skills
- Fitting the Practice to the Athlete – the Stages of Learning
- Applying Skill Practices to the Stages of Learning
- How We Develop Skills
- Approaches to Skill Development
- Beware the Pendulum
- The Performance/Development Paradox
- Deliberate Practice – the Cornerstone of Effective Skill Development
- Providing Feedback – the Catalyst for Improvement
- External Versus Internal Focus
- Structuring Effective Practice
- Coach the Athlete and the Context – and Avoid Absolutes
- References and Suggested Reading
- 13 Developing Gamespeed: Improving Context-Specific Movement
- Moving on from Speed and Agility
- Is Science Sending Us in the Wrong Direction?
- Speed
- Agility
- Reactive Agility – a Step in the Wrong Direction
- The Ooda Loop – a Better Representation of Sport Movement
- The Need for New Definitions
- Gamespeed Constraints
- Delineate the Target
- Reverse Engineering Movement Solutions
- The Target Classification System
- The Target Functions
- The Target Movement Syllabus
- Target Mechanics
- Developing Gamespeed
- The Gamespeed Triad
- Quality Development
- The Ramp Warm-Up – Your Greatest Friend
- References and Suggested Reading
- 14 Developing Gameforce: Improving Context-Specific Force Capacities
- Sport is Motion – the Laws of Motion
- Factors Affecting Force Application
- An Integrated Whole – How the Body Produces Force
- Task Considerations
- The Force–Velocity Relationship
- Methods of Resistance Training
- Goals of Resistance Training
- Think Continuum, Not Absolutes
- Acute Design Variables
- Stretch-Shortening Cycle Capacities
- Exercise Variables
- Prioritising Force-Related Goals
- Organising Resistance Training Sessions
- Session Organisation Types
- Weekly Organisation
- References and Suggested Reading
- 15 Developing Game-Sustainability: Improving Context-Specific Work Capacity
- Start With Why
- Classifying Sports in Terms of Energetics
- Reverse Engineering Sustainability Needs
- Determinants of Endurance Performance
- Small-Sided Games
- Metabolic Circuits
- References and Suggested Reading
- 16 Developing Your Gameplan: Strategic and Agile Planning for Performance
- A Shift to Strategic Thinking
- Is Periodisation Still Relevant?
- The Origins of Periodisation
- The Theoretical Constructs of Periodisation
- Organisation of Periodisation
- Developing a Strategic Approach
- A Shift to Agile, Strategic Planning
- Moving Towards Agile Strategic Execution
- Strategic Periodisation – Building the Training Calendar
- Dividing the Training Year
- Superimposing Agile and Strategic Planning on to the Annual Plan
- Structuring the Meso-Cycle
- Progression Within the Meso-Cycle
- References and Suggested Reading
- 17 The Next Steps: Moving Towards Mastery of the Craft of Coaching
- Conclusions
- References and Suggested Reading
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 12638
- Útgáfuár : 2019
- Leyfi : 380