For Introduction to Educational Psychology courses. Forty-four easy-to-read modules facilitate students’ learning and retention In clear and jargon-free prose, Educational Psychology, 14th Edition, explains and illustrates educational psychology’s practical relevance for teachers and learners. Theory and practice are considered together, showing how research on child development, learning, cognition, motivation, instruction, and assessment can be applied to solve the everyday problems of teaching.
The 14th Edition offers a state-of-the-art presentation of the field of educational psychology, with new and expanded coverage of important topics like the brain, neuroscience, and teaching; the impact of technology and virtual learning environments on the lives of students and teachers; and diversity in today’s classrooms. The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps.
- Höfundur: Anita Woolfolk
- Útgáfa:14
- Útgáfudagur: 2020-10-16
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781292359373
- Print ISBN: 9781292331522
- ISBN 10: 1292359374
- Cover
- Title
- Copyright
- Dedication
- Preface
- Acknowledgments
- Global Edition Acknowledgments
- Brief Contents
- Contents
- CHAPTER 1 Learning, Teaching, and Educational Psychology
- Teachers’ Casebook—Leaving No Student Behind: What Would You Do?
- Overview and Objectives
- Learning and Teaching Today
- Students Today: Dramatic Diversity and Remarkable Technology
- Confidence in Every Context
- High Expectations for Teachers and Students
- Do Teachers Make a Difference?
- Teacher–Student Relationships
- The Cost of Poor Teaching
- What is Good Teaching?
- Inside Three Classrooms
- A Bilingual First Grade
- A Suburban Fifth Grade
- An Inclusive Class
- So What is Good Teaching?
- Models of Good Teaching: Teacher Observation and Evaluation
- Beginning Teachers
- Inside Three Classrooms
- The Role of Educational Psychology
- In the Beginning: Linking Educational Psychology and Teaching
- Educational Psychology Today
- Is It Just Common Sense?
- Helping Students
- Answer Based on Research
- Skipping Grades
- Answer Based on Research
- Students in Control
- Answer Based on Research
- Obvious Answers?
- Using Research to Understand and Improve Learning
- Correlation Studies
- Experimental Studies
- ABAB Experimental Designs
- Clinical Interviews and Case Studies
- Ethnography
- The Role of Time in Research
- What’s The Evidence? Quantitative versus Qualitative Research
- Mixed Methods Research
- Scientifically Based Research and Evidence-Based Practices
- Teachers as Researchers
- POINT/COUNTERPOINT: What Kind of Research Should Guide Education?
- Theories for Teaching
- Supporting Student Learning
- Summary and Key Terms
- Practice Using What You Have Learned
- Connect and Extend to Licensure
- Teachers’ Casebook—Leaving No Student Behind: What Would They Do?
- CHAPTER 2 Cognitive Development
- Teachers’ Casebook—Symbols and Cymbals: What Would You Do?
- Overview and Objectives
- A Definition of Development
- Three Questions Across the Theories
- What Is the Source of Development? Nature versus Nurture
- What Is the Shape of Development? Continuity versus Discontinuity
- Timing: Is It Too Late? Critical versus Sensitive Periods
- Beware of Either/Or
- General Principles of Development
- Three Questions Across the Theories
- The Brain and Cognitive Development
- The Developing Brain: Neurons
- The Developing Brain: Cerebral Cortex
- Brain Development in Childhood and Adolescence
- Putting It All Together: How the Brain Works
- Culture and Brain Plasticity
- POINT/COUNTERPOINT: Brain-Based Education
- Neuroscience, Learning, and Teaching
- Does Instruction Affect Brain Development?
- The Brain and Learning to Read
- Emotions, Learning, and the Brain
- Lessons for Teachers: General Principles
- Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development
- Influences on Development
- Basic Tendencies in Thinking
- Organization
- Adaptation
- Equilibration
- Four Stages of Cognitive Development
- Infancy: the Sensorimotor Stage
- Early Childhood to the Early Elementary Years: The Preoperational Stage
- FAMILY AND COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPS: Helping Families Care for Preoperational Children
- Later Elementary to the Middle School Years: The Concrete-Operational Stage
- GUIDELINES: Teaching the Concrete-Operational Child
- High School and College: Formal Operations
- Do We All Reach the Fourth Stage?
- Some Limitations of Piaget’s Theory
- The Trouble with Stages
- GUIDELINES: Helping Students to Use Formal Operations
- Underestimating Children’s Abilities
- Cognitive Development and Culture
- Information Processing, Neo-Piagetian, and Neuroscience Views of Cognitive Development
- Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Perspective
- The Social Sources of Individual Thinking
- Cultural Tools and Cognitive Development
- Technical Tools in a Digital Age
- Psychological Tools
- The Role of Language and Private Speech
- Private Speech: Vygotsky’s and Piaget’s Views Compared
- The Zone of Proximal Development
- Private Speech and the Zone
- The Role of Learning and Development
- Limitations of Vygotsky’s Theory
- Implications of Piaget’s and Vygotsky’s Theories for Teachers
- Piaget: What Can We Learn?
- Understanding and Building on Students’ Thinking
- Activity and Constructing Knowledge
- Vygotsky: What Can We Learn?
- The Role of Adults and Peers
- Assisted Learning
- An Example Curriculum: Tools of the Mind
- Reaching Every Student: Teaching in the “Magic Middle”
- Cognitive Development: Lessons forTeachers
- GUIDELINES: Applying Vygotsky’s Ideas in Teaching
- Piaget: What Can We Learn?
- Summary and Key Terms
- Practice Using What You Have Learned
- Connect and Extend to Licensure
- Teachers’ Casebook—Symbols and Cymbals: What Would They Do?
- CHAPTER 3 The Self, Social, and Moral Development
- Teachers’ Casebook—Mean Girls: What Would You Do?
- Overview and Objectives
- Physical Development
- Physical and Motor Development
- Young Children
- Elementary School Years
- The Adolescent Years
- Early and Later Maturing
- GUIDELINES: Dealing with Physical Differences in the Classroom
- Play, Recess, and Physical Activity
- Cultural Differences in Play
- Exercise and Recess
- Reaching Every Student: Inclusive Athletics
- Challenges in Physical Development
- Obesity
- Eating Disorders
- GUIDELINES: Supporting Positive Body Images in Adolescents
- Physical and Motor Development
- Bronfenbrenner: The Social Context for Development
- The Importance of Context and the Bioecological Model
- Families
- Family Structure
- Parenting Styles
- Culture and Parenting
- Attachment
- Divorce
- GUIDELINES: Helping Children of Divorce
- Peers
- Cliques
- Crowds
- Peer Cultures
- Friendships
- Popularity
- Causes and Consequences of Rejection
- Aggression
- Relational Aggression
- Media, Modeling, and Aggression
- GUIDELINES: Dealing with Aggression and Encouraging Cooperation
- Video Games and Aggressive Behavior
- Reaching Every Student: Teacher Support
- Academic and Personal Caring
- Teachers and Child Abuse
- Society and Media
- Identity and Self-Concept
- Erikson: Stages of Psychosocial Development
- The Preschool Years: Trust, Autonomy, and Initiative
- The Elementary and Middle School Years: Industry versus Inferiority
- GUIDELINES: Encouraging Initiative and Industry
- Adolescence: The Search for Identity
- Identity and Technology
- Beyond the School Years
- Racial and Ethnic Identity
- GUIDELINES: Supporting Identity Formation
- Multidimensional and Flexible Ethnic Identities
- Black Racial Identity: Outcome and Process
- Racial and Ethnic Pride
- Self-Concept
- The Structure of Self-Concept
- How Self-Concept Develops
- Self-Concept and Achievement
- Sex Differences in Self-Concept of Academic Competence
- Self-Esteem
- POINT/COUNTERPOINT: What Should Schools Do to Encourage Students’ Self-Esteem?
- Erikson: Stages of Psychosocial Development
- Theory of Mind and Intention
- Moral Development
- Kohlberg’s Theories of Moral Development
- Criticisms of Kohlberg’s Theory
- Moral Judgments, Social Conventions, and Personal Choices
- Moral versus Conventional Domains
- Implications for Teachers
- Beyond Reasoning: Haidt’s Social Intuitionist Model of Moral Psychology
- Moral Behavior and the Example of Cheating
- Who Cheats?
- Dealing with Cheating
- Teachers’ Casebook—Including Every student: What Would You Do?
- Overview and Objectives
- Intelligence
- Language and Labels
- Disabilities and Handicaps
- Person-First Language
- Possible Biases in the Application of Labels
- What Does Intelligence Mean?
- Intelligence: One Ability or Many?
- Another View: Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences
- What Are These Intelligences?
- Critics of Multiple Intelligences Theory
- Gardner Responds
- Multiple Intelligences Go to School
- Multiple Intelligences: Lessons for Teachers
- Another View: Sternberg’s Successful Intelligence
- Neuroscience and Intelligence
- Measuring Intelligence
- Binet’s Dilemma
- What Does an IQ Score Mean?
- Group versus Individual IQ Tests
- The Flynn Effect: Are We Getting Smarter?
- GUIDELINES: Interpreting IQ Scores
- Intelligence and Achievement
- Gender Differences in Intelligence and Achievement
- Heredity or Environment?
- Learning to Be Intelligent: Being Smart About IQ
- Language and Labels
- Creativity: What It Is and Why It Matters
- Assessing Creativity
- OK, But So What: Why Does Creativity Matter?
- What Are the Sources of Creativity?
- Creativity and Cognition
- Creativity and Diversity
- Creativity in the Classroom
- Brainstorming
- Creative Schools
- GUIDELINES: Applying and Encouraging Creativity
- Learning Styles/Preferences
- Cautions About Learning Styles
- The Value of Considering Learning Styles
- Beyond Either/Or
- Least Restrictive Environment
- Individualized Education Program
- The Rights of Students and Families
- Section 504 Protections
- Neuroscience and Learning Challenges
- Students with Learning Disabilities
- Student Characteristics
- Teaching Students with Learning Disabilities
- Students with Hyperactivity and Attention Disorders
- Definitions
- Treating ADHD with Drugs
- Alternatives/Additions to Drug Treatments
- POINT/COUNTERPOINT: Pills or Skills for Children with ADHD?
- Lessons for Teachers: Learning Disabilities and ADHD
- Students with Communication Disorders
- Speech Disorders
- Language Disorders
- Students with Emotional or Behavioral Difficulties
- Suicide
- GUIDELINES: Disciplining Students with Emotional Problems
- Drug Abuse
- Prevention
- Students with Intellectual Disabilities
- GUIDELINES: Teaching Students with Intellectual Disabilities
- Students with Health and Sensory Impairments
- Cerebral Palsy and Multiple Disabilities
- Seizure Disorders (Epilepsy)
- Other Serious Health Concerns: Asthma, Sickle Cell Disease, and Diabetes
- Students with Vision Impairments
- Students Who Are Deaf
- Autism Spectrum Disorders and Asperger Syndrome
- Interventions
- Response to Intervention
- Who Are These Students?
- What Is the Origin of These Gifts?
- What Problems Do Students Who Are Gifted Face?
- Identifying Students Who Are Gifted and Talented
- Recognizing Gifts and Talents
- Teaching Students with Gifts and Talents
- Acceleration
- Methods and Strategies
- Teachers’ Casebook—Cultures Clash in the Classroom: What Would You Do?
- Overview and Objectives
- The Development of Language
- What Develops? Language and Cultural Differences
- The Puzzle of Language
- Beware of Either/Or Choices
- When and How Does Language Develop?
- Sounds and Pronunciation
- Vocabulary and Meaning
- Grammar and Syntax
- Pragmatics: Using Language in Social Situations
- Metalinguistic Awareness
- Emergent Literacy
- Inside-Out and Outside-In Skills
- Building a Foundation
- When There Are Persistent Problems
- Emergent Literacy and Language Diversity
- Languages and Emergent Literacy
- Bilingual Emergent Literacy
- GUIDELINES: Supporting Language and Promoting Literacy
- What Develops? Language and Cultural Differences
- Dual-Language Development
- Second-Language Learning
- Benefits of Bilingualism
- Language Loss
- Signed Languages
- What Is Involved in Being Bilingual?
- Contextualized and Academic Language
- GUIDELINES: Promoting Language Learning
- Dialects
- Dialects and Pronunciation
- Dialects and Teaching
- Genderlects
- Immigrants and Refugees
- Classrooms Today
- Four Student Profiles
- Generation 1.5: Students in Two Worlds
- Affective and Emotional/Social Considerations
- Working with Families: Using the Tools of the Culture
- GUIDELINES: Providing Emotional Support and Increasing Self-Esteem for Students Who Are ELLs
- Funds of Knowledge and Welcome Centers
- Student-Led Conferences
- Two Approaches to English Language Learning
- Research on Bilingual Education
- POINT/COUNTERPOINT: What Is the Best Way to Teach Students Who Are ELLs?
- Visual Strategies
- Literature Response Groups
- Bilingualism for All: Two-Way Immersion
- Sheltered Instruction
- Students Who Are English Language Learners with Disabilities
- Reaching Every Student: Recognizing Giftedness in Bilingual Students
- Teachers’ Casebook—White Girls Club: What Would You Do?
- Overview and Objectives
- Today’s Diverse Classrooms
- American Cultural Diversity
- Meet Two More Students
- Cautions: Interpreting Cultural Differences
- Cultural Conflicts and Compatibilities
- Dangers in Stereotyping
- Social Class and Socioeconomic Status
- Extreme Poverty: Homeless and Highly Mobile Students
- Poverty and School Achievement
- Health, Environment, and Stress
- Low Expectations—Low Academic Self-Concept
- Peer Influences and Resistance Cultures
- Home Environment and Resources
- Summer Setbacks
- GUIDELINES: Teaching Students Who Live in Poverty
- Tracking: Poor Teaching
- Terms: Ethnicity and Race
- Ethnic and Racial Differences in School Achievement
- The Legacy of Inequality
- What Is Prejudice?
- The Development of Prejudice
- From Prejudice to Discrimination
- Stereotype Threat
- Who Is Affected by Stereotype Threat?
- Short-Term Effects: Test Performance
- Long-Term Effects: Disidentification
- Combating Stereotype Threat and Discrimination
- Sex and Gender
- Gender Identity
- Gender Roles
- Gender Bias in Curriculum Materials and Media
- Gender Bias in Teaching
- Sexual Orientation
- POINT/COUNTERPOINT: Should Girls and Boys Be Taught Differently?
- Discrimination Based on Gender Expression and Sexual Orientation
- GUIDELINES: Avoiding Gender Bias in Teaching
- Culturally Relevant Pedagogy
- Self-Agency Strand
- Relationship Strand
- Diversity in Learning
- Social Organization
- Cultural Values and Learning Preferences
- Cautions (Again) About Learning Styles/Preferences Research
- Sociolinguistics
- Cultural Discontinuity
- Lessons for Teachers: Teaching Every Student
- Know Yourself
- Know Your Students
- Respect Your Students
- Teach Your Students
- GUIDELINES: Culturally Relevant Teaching
- CHAPTER 7 Behavioral Views of Learning
- Teachers’ Casebook—Sick of Class: What Would You Do?
- Overview and Objectives
- Understanding Learning
- Ethical Issues
- Goals
- Strategies
- Learning Is Not Always What It Seems
- Ethical Issues
- Early Explanations of Learning: Contiguity and Classical Conditioning
- GUIDELINES: Applying Classical Conditioning
- Operant Conditioning: Trying New Responses
- Types of Consequences
- Reinforcement
- Punishment
- Neuroscience of Reinforcement and Punishment
- Reinforcement Schedules
- Extinction
- Antecedents and Behavior Change
- Effective Instruction Delivery
- Cueing
- Types of Consequences
- Putting It All Together: Applied Behavior Analysis
- Methods for Encouraging Behaviors
- Reinforcing with Teacher Attention
- Selecting Reinforcers: The Premack Principle
- GUIDELINES: Applying Operant Conditioning: Using Praise Appropriately
- Shaping
- Positive Practice
- GUIDELINES: Applying Operant Conditioning: Encouraging Positive Behaviors
- Contingency Contracts, Token Reinforcement, and Group Consequences
- Contingency Contracts
- Token Reinforcement Systems
- Group Consequences
- Handling Undesirable Behavior
- Negative Reinforcement
- Reprimands
- Response Cost
- Social Isolation
- Some Cautions About Punishment
- GUIDELINES: Applying Operant Conditioning: Using Punishment
- Reaching Every Student: Severe Behavior Problems
- Methods for Encouraging Behaviors
- Current Applications: Functional Behavioral Assessment, Positive Behavior Supports, and Self-Management
- Discovering the “Why”: Functional Behavioral Assessments
- Positive Behavior Supports
- Self-Management
- Goal Setting
- Monitoring and Evaluating Progress
- FAMILY AND COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPS: Applying Operant Conditioning: Student Self-Management
- Self-Reinforcement
- Beyond Behaviorism: Bandura’s Challenge and Observational Learning
- Enactive and Observational Learning
- Learning and Performance
- POINT/COUNTERPOINT: Should Students Be Rewarded for Learning?
- Criticisms of Behavioral Methods
- Behavioral Approaches: Lessons for Teachers
- Teachers’ Casebook—Remembering the Basics: What Would You Do?
- Overview and Objectives
- Elements of the Cognitive Perspective
- The Brain and Cognitive Learning
- The Importance of Knowledge in Cognition
- General and Specific Knowledge
- Declarative, Procedural, and Self-Regulatory Knowledge
- Sensory Memory
- Capacity, Duration, and Contents of Sensory Memory
- Perception
- The Role of Attention
- Attention and Multitasking
- POINT/COUNTERPOINT: What’s Wrong with Multitasking?
- Attention and Teaching
- GUIDELINES: Gaining and Maintaining Attention
- Working Memory
- Capacity of Working Memory
- The Central Executive
- The Phonological Loop
- The Visuospatial Sketchpad
- The Episodic Buffer
- The Duration and Contents of Working Memory
- Cognitive Load and Retaining Information
- Two Kinds of Cognitive Load
- Retaining Information in Working Memory
- Levels of Processing Theory
- Forgetting
- Individual Differences in Working Memory
- Developmental Differences
- Individual Differences
- Is Working Memory Really Separate?
- Capacity and Duration of Long-Term Memory
- Contents of Long-Term Memory: Explicit (Declarative) Memories
- Propositions and Propositional Networks
- Images
- Two Are Better Than One: Words and Images
- Concepts
- Prototypes, Exemplars, and Theory-Based Categories
- Teaching Concepts
- Schemas
- Episodic Memory
- Contents of Long-Term Memory: Implicit Memories
- Retrieving Information in Long-Term Memory
- Spreading Activation
- Reconstruction
- Forgetting and Long-Term Memory
- Individual Differences in Long-Term Memory
- Constructing Declarative Knowledge: Making Meaningful Connections
- Elaboration
- Organization
- Imagery
- Context
- Desirable Difficulty
- Effective Practice
- Reaching Every Student: Make it Meaningful
- Mnemonics
- If You Have to Memorize . . .
- Lessons for Teachers: Declarative Knowledge
- Development of Procedural Knowledge
- Automated Basic Skills
- GUIDELINES: Helping Students Understand and Remember
- Domain-Specific Strategies
- Teachers’ Casebook—Uncritical Thinking: What Would You Do?
- Overview and Objectives
- Metacognition
- Metacognitive Knowledge and Regulation
- Individual Differences in Metacognition
- Lessons for Teachers: Developing Metacognition
- Metacognitive Development for Younger Students
- Metacognitive Development for Secondary and College Students (Like You)
- Being Strategic About Learning
- Deciding What Is Important
- Summaries
- Underlining and Highlighting
- Taking Notes
- Visual Tools for Organizing
- Retrieval Practice: Powerful But Underused
- Reading Strategies
- Applying Learning Strategies
- Appropriate Tasks
- Valuing Learning
- Effort and Efficacy
- Reaching Every Student: Teaching How to Learn
- Identifying: Problem Finding
- Defining Goals and Representing the Problem
- Focusing Attention on What Is Relevant
- Understanding the Words
- Understanding the Whole Problem
- Translation and Schema Training: Direct Instruction in Schemas
- Translation and Schema Training: Worked Examples
- Worked Examples and Embodied Cognition
- The Results of Problem Representation
- Searching for Possible Solution Strategies
- Algorithms
- Heuristics
- Anticipating, Acting, and Looking Back
- Factors That Hinder Problem Solving
- Some Problems with Heuristics
- GUIDELINES: Applying Problem Solving
- Expert Knowledge and Problem Solving
- Knowing What Is Important
- Memory for Patterns and Organization
- Procedural Knowledge
- Planning and Monitoring
- GUIDELINES: Becoming an Expert Student
- What Critical Thinkers Do: Paul and Elder Model
- Applying Critical Thinking in Specific Subjects
- Argumentation
- Two Styles of Argumentation
- POINT/COUNTERPOINT: Should Schools Teach Critical Thinking and Problem Solving?
- Lessons for Teachers
- The Many Views of Transfer
- Teaching for Positive Transfer
- What Is Worth Learning?
- Lessons for Teachers: Supporting Transfer
- Stages of Transfer for Strategies
- What Is Robust Knowledge?
- Recognizing and Assessing Robust Knowledge
- Teaching for Robust Knowledge
- Practice
- Worked Examples
- Analogies
- Self-Explanations
- Teachers’ Casebook—Learning to Cooperate: What Would You Do?
- Overview and Objectives
- Cognitive and Social Constructivism
- Constructivist Views of Learning
- Cognitive Constructivism
- Social Constructivism
- How Is Knowledge Constructed?
- Knowledge: Situated or General?
- Common Elements of Constructivist Student-Centered Teaching
- Complex Learning Environments and Authentic Tasks
- Social Negotiation
- Multiple Perspectives and Representations of Content
- Understanding the Knowledge Construction Process
- Student Ownership of Learning
- Constructivist Views of Learning
- Assumptions to Guide the Design of Learning Environments
- Facilitating in a Constructivist Classroom
- Scaffolding
- Advance Organizers as Scaffolding
- Facilitating Through Asking and Answering Deep Questions
- GUIDELINES: Facilitating Deep Questioning
- Inquiry and Problem-Based Learning
- Examples of Inquiry
- Problem-Based Learning
- Research on Inquiry and Problem-Based Learning
- Being Smart About Problem-Based Learning
- POINT/COUNTERPOINT: Are Inquiry and Problem-Based Learning Effective Teaching Approaches?
- Cognitive Apprenticeships and Reciprocal Teaching
- Cognitive Apprenticeships in Reading: Reciprocal Teaching
- Applying Reciprocal Teaching
- Collaboration, Group Work, and Cooperative Learning
- Beyond Groups to Cooperation
- What Can Go Wrong: Misuses of Group Learning
- Tasks for Cooperative Learning
- Highly Structured, Review, and Skill-Building Tasks
- Ill-Structured, Conceptual, and Problem-Solving Tasks
- Social Skills and Communication Tasks
- Setting Up Cooperative Groups
- Assigning Roles
- Giving and Receiving Explanations
- Designs for Cooperation
- Reciprocal Questioning
- Jigsaw
- Constructive/Structured Controversies
- Reaching Every Student: Using Cooperative Learning Wisely
- GUIDELINES: Using Cooperative Learning
- Dilemmas of Constructivist Practice
- Technology and Learning
- Technology-Rich Environments
- Virtual Learning Environments
- Personal Learning Environments
- Immersive Virtual Learning Environments
- Games
- Developmentally Appropriate Computer Activities for Young Children
- Computational Thinking and Coding
- GUIDELINES: Using Computers
- Media/Digital Literacy
- GUIDELINES: Supporting the Development of Media Literacy
- The Flipped Classroom
- Teachers’ Casebook—Failure to Self-Regulate: What Would You Do?
- Overview and Objectives
- Social Cognitive Theory
- A Self-Directed Life: Albert Bandura
- Beyond Behaviorism
- Triadic Reciprocal Causality
- Modeling: Learning by Observing Others
- Elements of Observational Learning
- Attention
- Retention
- Production
- Motivation and Reinforcement
- Observational Learning in Teaching
- Directing Attention
- Fine Tuning Already-Learned Behaviors
- Strengthening or Weakening Inhibitions
- Teaching New Behaviors
- Arousing Emotion
- GUIDELINES: Using Observational Learning
- Elements of Observational Learning
- Self-Efficacy, Self-Concept, and Self-Esteem
- Sources of Self-Efficacy
- Self-Efficacy in Learning and Teaching
- GUIDELINES: Encouraging Self-Efficacy
- Teachers’ Sense of Efficacy
- What Influences Self-Regulation?
- Knowledge
- Motivation
- Volition
- POINT/COUNTERPOINT: Are “Grittier” Students More Successful?
- Development of Self-Regulation
- A Social Cognitive Model of Self-Regulated Learning
- Reaching Every Student: Examples of Self-Regulation in Two Classrooms
- Writing
- Math Problem Solving
- Technology and Self-Regulation
- Another Approach to Self-Regulation: Cognitive Behavior Modification
- Emotional Self-Regulation
- GUIDELINES: Encouraging Emotional Self-Regulation
- Teacher Stress, Efficacy, and Self-Regulated Learning
- Designing Classrooms for Self-Regulation
- Complex Tasks
- Control
- Self-Evaluation
- Collaboration
- Teachers’ Casebook—Motivating Students When Resources Are Thin: What Would You Do?
- Overview and Objectives
- What Is Motivation?
- Meeting Some Students
- Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation
- Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation: Lessons for Teachers
- What You Already Know About Motivation
- Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
- Self-Determination: Need for Competence, Autonomy, and Relatedness
- Self-Determination in the Classroom
- Information and Control
- The Need for Relatedness
- Needs: Lessons for Teachers
- GUIDELINES: Supporting Self-Determination and Autonomy
- Types of Goals and Goal Orientations
- Four Achievement Goal Orientations in School
- Wait—Are Performance Goals Always Bad?
- Social and Work-Avoidance Goals
- Goals in Social Context
- Feedback, Goal Framing, and Goal Acceptance
- Goals: Lessons for Teachers
- Costs
- Tasks Value
- Lessons for Teachers
- Attributions in the Classroom
- Teacher Attributions Trigger Student Attributions
- Beliefs About Knowing: Epistemological Beliefs
- Mindsets and Beliefs About Ability
- Mindsets: Lessons for Teachers
- Beliefs About Self-Worth
- Learned Helplessness
- Self-Worth
- Self-Worth: Lessons for Teachers
- GUIDELINES: Encouraging Self-Worth
- Tapping Interests
- Two Kinds of Interests
- Catching and Holding Interests
- POINT/COUNTERPOINT: Does Making Learning Fun Make for Good Learning?
- Curiosity: Novelty and Complexity
- GUIDELINES: Building on Students’ Interests and Curiosity
- Flow
- Emotions and Anxiety
- Neuroscience and Emotion
- Achievement Emotions
- Arousal and Anxiety
- Anxiety in the Classroom
- How Does Anxiety Interfere with Achievement?
- Reaching Every Student: Coping with Anxiety
- GUIDELINES: Coping with Anxiety
- Curiosity, Interests, and Emotions: Lessons for Teachers
- Tasks for Learning
- Beyond Task Value to Genuine Appreciation
- Authentic Tasks
- Supporting Autonomy and Recognizing Accomplishment
- Supporting Choices
- Recognizing Accomplishment
- Grouping, Evaluation, and Time
- Grouping and Goal Structures
- Evaluation
- Time
- Putting It All Together
- Diversity in Motivation
- Lessons for Teachers: Strategies to Encourage Motivation
- Can I Do It? Building Confidence and Positive Expectations
- Do I Want To Do It? Seeing the Value of Learning
- What Do I Need to Do to Succeed? Staying Focused on the Task
- Do I Belong in This Classroom?
- CHAPTER 13 Managing Learning Environments
- Teachers’ Casebook—Bullies and Victims: What Would You Do?
- Overview and Objectives
- The What and Why of Classroom Management
- The Basic Task: Gain Their Cooperation
- The Goals of Classroom Management
- Access to Learning
- More Time for Learning
- Management Means Relationships
- Management for Self-Management
- Creating a Positive Learning Environment
- Some Research Results
- Routines and Rules Required
- Routines and Procedures
- Rules
- GUIDELINES: Establishing Class Routines
- Rules for Elementary School
- Rules for Secondary School
- Consequences
- Who Sets the Rules and Consequences?
- Planning Spaces for Learning
- Personal Territories and Seating Arrangements
- Interest Areas
- Getting Started: The First Weeks of Class
- Effective Managers for Elementary Students
- GUIDELINES: Designing Learning Spaces
- Effective Managers for Secondary Students
- Encouraging Engagement
- Prevention Is the Best Medicine
- GUIDELINES: Keeping Students Engaged
- Withitness
- Overlapping and Group Focus
- Movement Management
- Student Social Skills as Prevention
- Caring Relationships: Connections with School
- Teacher Connections
- School Connections
- Creating Communities of Care for Adolescents
- Stopping Problems Quickly
- GUIDELINES: Creating Caring Relationships
- If You Impose Penalties
- Teacher-Imposed Penalties versus Student Responsibility
- GUIDELINES: Imposing Penalties
- POINT/COUNTERPOINT: Is Zero Tolerance a Good Idea?
- What About Zero Tolerance?
- Bullying and Cyberbullying
- Victims
- Why Do Students Bully?
- What Can Teachers Do? Bullying and Teasing
- Cyberbullying
- Special Problems with High School Students
- GUIDELINES: Handling Potentially Explosive Situations
- Message Sent—Message Received
- Empathetic Listening
- When Listening Is Not Enough: I-Messages, Assertive Discipline, and Problem Solving
- “I” Messages
- Assertive Discipline
- Confrontations and Negotiations
- Reaching Every Student: Peer Mediation and Restorative Justice
- Peer Mediation
- Restorative Justice
- Research on Management Approaches
- Teachers’ Casebook—Reaching and Teaching Every Student: What Would You Do?
- Overview and Objectives
- Research on Teaching
- Characteristics of Effective Teachers
- Clarity and Organization
- Enthusiasm and Warmth
- Knowledge for Teaching
- Research on Teaching Strategies
- Characteristics of Effective Teachers
- The First Step: Planning
- Research on Planning
- Learning Targets
- An Example of State-Level Goals: The Common Core
- POINT/COUNTERPOINT: Are the Common Core Standards a Valuable Guide for Teaching?
- Classrooms Targets for Learning
- Flexible and Creative Plans—Using Taxonomies
- The Cognitive Domain
- The Affective Domain
- The Psychomotor Domain
- Another Take on Learning Targets
- Planning from a Constructivist Perspective
- GUIDELINES: Using Learning Targets
- Direct Instruction
- Rosenshine’s Six Teaching Functions
- Why Does Direct Instruction Work?
- Evaluating Direct Instruction
- Seatwork and Homework
- Seatwork
- GUIDELINES: Effective Direct Instruction
- Homework
- The Case Against Homework
- Homework for Older Students
- Beware of Either/Or
- Questioning, Discussion, Dialogue, and Feedback
- Kinds of Questions
- Asking Deep Questions
- Fitting The Questions to the Students
- Responding to Student Answers
- Group Discussion
- Fitting Teaching to Your Goals
- Putting It All Together: Understanding by Design
- GUIDELINES: Productive Group Discussions
- Within-Class and Flexible Grouping
- The Problems with Ability Grouping
- Flexible Grouping
- GUIDELINES: Using Flexible Grouping
- Adaptive Teaching
- Reaching Every Student: Differentiated Instruction in Inclusive Classrooms
- Technology and Differentiation
- Two Kinds of Expectation Effects
- Sources of Expectations
- Do Teachers’ Expectations Really Affect Students’ Achievement?
- Lessons for Teachers: Communicating Appropriate Expectations
- GUIDELINES: Avoiding the Negative Effects of Teacher Expectations
- Teachers’ Casebook—Giving Meaningful Grades: What Would You Do?
- Overview and Objectives
- Basics of Assessment
- Measurement and Assessment
- Formative, Interim, and Summative Assessment
- Assessing the Assessments: Reliability and Validity
- Reliability of Test Scores
- Validity
- Absence of Bias
- Measurement and Assessment
- Interpreting Any Test Score
- Norm-Referenced Test Interpretations
- Criterion-Referenced Test Interpretations
- Using the Tests from Textbooks
- Selected-Response Testing
- Using Multiple-Choice Tests
- Writing Multiple-Choice Questions
- Constructed Responses: Essay Testing
- Constructing Essay Tests
- Evaluating Essays
- GUIDELINES: Writing Multiple-Choice Items
- Assessing Traditional Testing
- Informal Assessments
- Exit Tickets
- Journals
- Involving Students in Assessments
- Authentic Assessments: Portfolios and Exhibitions
- Portfolios
- Exhibitions
- Evaluating Portfolios and Performances
- Scoring Rubrics
- GUIDELINES: Creating Portfolios
- GUIDELINES: Developing a Rubric
- Reliability, Validity, Generalizability
- Diversity and Bias in Performance Assessment
- Assessing Complex Thinking
- Classroom Assessment: Lessons for Teachers
- Norm-Referenced versus Criterion-Referenced Grading
- Effects of Grading on Students
- The Value of Failing?
- Retention in Grade
- Grades and Motivation
- POINT/COUNTERPOINT: Should Children Be Held Back?
- Beyond Grading: Communicating with Families
- Types of Scores
- Measurements of Central Tendency and Standard Deviation
- GUIDELINES: Using Any Grading System
- The Normal Distribution
- Percentile Rank Scores
- Grade-Equivalent Scores
- Standard Scores
- Interpreting Standardized Test Reports
- Discussing Test Results with Families
- Accountability and High-Stakes Testing
- FAMILY AND COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPS: Conferences and Explaining Test Results
- Making Decisions
- What Do Teachers Think?
- Documented Problems with High-Stakes Testing
- New Directions: PARCC and SBAC
- In Sum: Using High-Stakes Testing Well
- GUIDELINES: Preparing Yourself and Your Students for Testing
- Reaching Every Student: Helping Students with Disabilities Prepare for High-Stakes Tests
- Teacher Accountability and Evaluation
- Value-Added Measures
- Quality Standardized Assessment: Lessons for Teachers
Bókahillan þín er þitt svæði og þar eru bækurnar þínar geymdar. Þú kemst í bókahilluna þína hvar og hvenær sem er í tölvu eða snjalltæki. Einfalt og þægilegt!Rafbók til eignar
Rafbók til eignar þarf að hlaða niður á þau tæki sem þú vilt nota innan eins árs frá því bókin er keypt.
Þú kemst í bækurnar hvar sem er
Þú getur nálgast allar raf(skóla)bækurnar þínar á einu augabragði, hvar og hvenær sem er í bókahillunni þinni. Engin taska, enginn kyndill og ekkert vesen (hvað þá yfirvigt).
Auðvelt að fletta og leita
Þú getur flakkað milli síðna og kafla eins og þér hentar best og farið beint í ákveðna kafla úr efnisyfirlitinu. Í leitinni finnur þú orð, kafla eða síður í einum smelli.
Glósur og yfirstrikanir
Þú getur auðkennt textabrot með mismunandi litum og skrifað glósur að vild í rafbókina. Þú getur jafnvel séð glósur og yfirstrikanir hjá bekkjarsystkinum og kennara ef þeir leyfa það. Allt á einum stað.
Hvað viltu sjá? / Þú ræður hvernig síðan lítur út
Þú lagar síðuna að þínum þörfum. Stækkaðu eða minnkaðu myndir og texta með multi-level zoom til að sjá síðuna eins og þér hentar best í þínu námi.
Fleiri góðir kostir
- Þú getur prentað síður úr bókinni (innan þeirra marka sem útgefandinn setur)
- Möguleiki á tengingu við annað stafrænt og gagnvirkt efni, svo sem myndbönd eða spurningar úr efninu
- Auðvelt að afrita og líma efni/texta fyrir t.d. heimaverkefni eða ritgerðir
- Styður tækni sem hjálpar nemendum með sjón- eða heyrnarskerðingu
- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 12616
- Útgáfuár : 2020
- Leyfi : 380