Conversion rate optimization (CRO) is about understanding people and behaviour, not simply website visits. This book is an all-encompassing guide to the how, the why and the tools and techniques. Grounded in best-practice theory and research, E-commerce Website Optimization brings together usability, analytics and persuasion to offer a detailed, step-by-step guide to increasing the percentage of visitors who buy from your site and subsequently the amount that these visitors spend when they do.
In a complex and evolving field, it will help you improve conversion rates, increase ROI from online marketing campaigns, generate higher levels of repeat business and increase the e-commerce value of websites. In the fast-moving world of e-commerce, this fully revised second edition includes updates on test metrics, prioritization and personalization, alongside updated case studies and newly recommended tools.
- Höfundar: Dan Croxen-John, Johann van Tonder
- Útgáfa:2
- Útgáfudagur: 2020-12-03
- Hægt að prenta út 10 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 10 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781789664430
- Print ISBN: 9781789664423
- ISBN 10: 1789664438
- Cover
- Endorsements
- Titlepage
- Contents
- List of figures and tables
- Figures
- Tables
- Preface
- Acknowledgements
- 01 Introduction to e-commerce optimization
- E-commerce website optimization
- Summary
- Notes
- 02 The kick-off
- Be an evangelist
- Get top-level support
- Get the team in place
- Gathering evidence
- Experimentation platform
- How to deal with resistance
- Summary
- Notes
- 03 Gather data
- From data to insights
- Extract insights like the CIA
- Problem framing
- Summary
- Notes
- 04 Behavioural research
- Website analytics
- User journey mapping
- Session replay
- Usability testing
- Heuristic evaluation
- Customer immersion
- Site search
- Form analysis
- Summary
- Notes
- 05 Voice of customer
- Interviews
- E-mail surveys
- Feedback and transcript analysis
- On-site polls
- NPS survey
- Value proposition
- Competitor analysis
- Put it all together in personas
- Summary
- Notes
- 06 Merchandising analytics
- New product analysis
- Ratio analysis
- Look-to-book analysis
- Price-point analysis
- Price testing
- Summary
- Notes
- 07 Create an experimentation roadmap
- How to prioritize test ideas
- Prioritization frameworks
- The experimentation roadmap
- Summary
- Notes
- 08 From hypothesis to experiment
- What is a hypothesis?
- Why you need hypotheses
- From hypothesis to test
- Summary
- Notes
- 09 Testing your hypothesis
- Online experimentation
- Types of online experiments
- Big or small changes?
- Statistics for optimizers
- The test brief
- When to stop a test
- Testing on low-traffic sites
- How to avoid common pitfalls
- Post-test analysis
- Make the winning experience live
- Document test results
- Summary
- Notes
- 10 Personalization
- Data and segments
- When to do personalization
- Technical options for personalization
- Personalization vs A/B testing
- Summary
- Notes
- 11 Optimizing the optimization
- Summary
- Notes
- 12 Optimization people and culture
- How to find, select and motivate in-house optimizers
- Obstacles to a culture of optimization
- When to outsource
- Summary
- Notes
- 13 The science of buying
- Why do people buy?
- Six principles of influence
- The buying decision-making process
- FBM model of behaviour
- Summary
- Notes
- 14 Launching a new website
- Five stages of a new website
- Summary
- Notes
- Index
- Copyright
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 8378
- Útgáfuár : 2017
- Leyfi : 379