Make your buddy a top dog for life, be your Best Friend’s “Friend,” by training together. Obedience training is one of the most important aspects of raising a dog. In fact, a well-trained dog is a FREE dog! Why? Because a trained dog requires fewer restrictions. The more reliable the dog, the more freedom he is given. Dog Training for Dummies shows dog owners how to select the right training method for their puppy, adult, or senior dog.
Whether you want to teach Buddy to sit or master retrieving, this hands-on guide provides training to ensure a mutually respectful relationship with your four-legged family members. Eliminate unwanted behavior Find step-by-step instruction on basic commands Strengthen your bond with your dog Build communication, understanding, and mutual respect Based on positive reinforcement, trust, and obedience, the tips and tricks inside will help you bring out the very best in your beloved pet.
- Höfundar: Wendy Volhard, Mary Ann Rombold-Zeigenfuse
- Útgáfa:4
- Útgáfudagur: 2020-03-18
- Hægt að prenta út 10 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781119656876
- Print ISBN: 9781119656821
- ISBN 10: 1119656877
- Cover
- Introduction
- About This Book
- Foolish Assumptions
- Icons Used in This Book
- Where to Go from Here
- Part 1: Setting the Stage for Successful Training
- Chapter 1: Dog Training: The Key to Your Dog’s Safety and Your Sanity
- Understanding Why You’re Training Buddy: To Do Something or Not to Do Something
- Identifying a Well-Trained Dog
- Selecting a Training Model
- Identifying Six Basic Commands Every Dog Needs to Know
- Recognizing Factors that Influence Success
- Oh, the Places You and Your Pooch Can Go: Beyond the Basics
- An Exercise to Get You and Your Pooch Started
- Chapter 2: Getting to Know Your Dog and How He Perceives the World
- Determining What Motivates You and Your Dog
- Being Aware of Your Dog’s Body Language
- Recognizing Your Dog’s Instinctive Behaviors
- Determining Your Dog’s Personality Profile
- Deciding How You Want Buddy to Act
- Remembering Who’s Training Whom
- Chapter 3: Developing Training Savvy
- Managing the Dog Within
- Stressing the Effects of Stress
- Managing Your Dog’s Environment
- Understanding the “You” Factor
- Chapter 4: Understanding the Vital Role That Nutrition and Health Play in Training
- Finding the Right Food for Buddy
- Understanding the Nutrients Your Dog Needs
- Making Choices about How to Feed Buddy
- Exploring Common Health Issues That Affect Behavior and Training
- Chapter 5: Gearing Up for Training Success
- Choosing the Right Training Leash and Collar
- Readying a Reward: Treats Are Your Training Buddies
- Considering Other Equipment You Can Use
- Chapter 1: Dog Training: The Key to Your Dog’s Safety and Your Sanity
- Chapter 6: Bringing Your Puppy Home: What You Need to Know
- Preparing for Puppy’s Arrival
- Bringing Puppy Home — Now What?
- Starting Buddy’s Education
- Solving Perplexing Puppy Problems
- Chapter 7: Surviving Your Puppy’s Critical Growth Periods
- Understanding Your Puppy’s Early Development
- The Terrible Twos: Managing the Adolescent from 4 Months to 2 Years
- Spaying or Neutering to Help with Behavior and Training
- Chapter 8: The Ins and Outs of Housetraining
- Helping Buddy Get Used to His Crate
- Training a Dog to Eliminate Outside
- Establishing a Regular Feeding and Elimination Schedule
- Designating a Regular Toilet Area
- When Accidents Happen — Knowing What to Do
- Using an Exercise Pen for Housetraining
- Chapter 9: Focusing on Some Basic Training Commands
- Training for Attention: Praise Versus Petting
- Practicing Name Recognition
- Teaching Your Dog the Touch Command
- Greeting with the Hello Command
- Leave It: Getting Your Dog to Leave Stuff Alone
- Chapter 10: Coming and Going: Two Essential Commands to Teach Buddy
- Understanding the Importance of Leadership: Okay Is the Word
- Teaching Your Dog to Come When Called
- Training Your Dog to Handle Distractions
- Focusing on the Opposite of Come — Go
- Chapter 11: Mastering Some Fundamentals: Sit, Down, and Stay
- Understanding Why Sit Is So Important
- Introducing Down and Its Commands
- Training Your Dog Sit and Down Simultaneously
- Warming Up with the Long-Down Exercise
- Staying in Place: Sit-Stay and Down-Stay
- Chapter 12: Going for a Pleasant Walk
- Using the Right Leash and Collar When Walking Your Dog
- Taking a Pleasure Walk with Your Dog
- Teaching Buddy How to Heel at Your Side
- Adding Distractions
- Chapter 13: Going to Bed and All of Its Practical Uses
- Selecting a Bed for Your Dog
- Deciphering How You Want to Use the Command
- Training Buddy the Go to Your Bed Command
- Chapter 14: Getting In, Out, On, and Off and Mastering Door and Stairs Manners
- Getting In and Out
- Getting On and Off
- Training Door Manners
- Teaching Stairs Manners
- Chapter 15: Dealing with Common Doggie Don’ts
- Preventing Bad Habits — The Five General Prescriptions for Good Behavior
- Handling Your Dog’s Objectionable Behavior
- Teaching Buddy to Keep All Four on the Floor
- Putting an End to Counter Surfing — Leave It
- Quieting the Incessant Barker
- Contending with Chewing — The Nonfood Variety
- Dealing with a Digger
- Managing Marking Behavior
- Chapter 16: Retrieving: Time to Fetch
- Introducing the Common Retrieving Commands to Your Natural Retriever
- Explaining the Basics of Retrieving
- Polishing and Perfecting the Retrieve
- Chapter 17: Trick Training for Fun
- Shake and High Five
- Find the Pea under the Right Cup
- Hide in a Box
- Pick a Hand
- Play Shy
- Roll Over
- Play Dead
- Find Mine
- Jump through a Hoop
- You Have Food on Your Nose
- Take a Bow
- Dog Catcher/Stranger Trick
- Chapter 18: Training for Fun and Competition
- Understanding the System: Your Road Map to the Companion Dog Title
- First Things First: Teaching the Ready! Command
- Heeling Despite Distractions
- Let’s Dance, Buddy: Heel On and Then Off Leash
- Putting a Twist on Things: Teaching the Figure 8
- Your Dog Isn’t an Elephant: Reinforcing Training
- Chapter 19: Completing the Companion Dog Title
- You’re Getting a Check-Up: Preparing for the Stand for Examination
- Heeling Off Leash
- Mastering the Recall
- Training for the Group Stay Exercises
- Chapter 20: Addressing Aggression
- Understanding Aggression
- Managing a Dog’s Aggression — Prey, Pack, Defense Drives
- Coping with Aggression around the Food Bowl
- Dealing with Fear-Biters
- Handling Aggression in Different Circumstances
- Chapter 21: Helping Buddy Handle Special Situations
- Reacting to Loud Noises and Thunder
- Coping with Separation Anxiety
- Soiling the House
- Dribbling and Submissive Wetting
- Taking Buddy on the Road
- Going to Doggie Daycare
- Minding Your Manners at the Dog Park
- Keeping Your Canine Calm at the Vet’s Office
- Being Patient with the Rescue Dog
- Chapter 22: Keeping Your Senior Dog Young: Teaching an Old Dog New Tricks
- Old Gray Muzzle: Exploring the Signs of Aging in Dog Years
- Teaching Exercises to Keep Buddy’s Mind and Body Sharp
- Taking Care of Your Older Dog’s Health and Nutrition Needs
- Keeping Up with Grooming
- Bringing Home a Puppy to Help Rejuvenate Buddy
- Looking Into Dog Beds, Ramps, Wheelchairs, and Carts
- Chapter 23: Supplementing Your Training Efforts with Expert Help
- Going to Obedience Training Class
- Hiring a Private Trainer
- Sending Buddy to a Board and Train
- Chapter 24: Ten Training Traps and How to Avoid Them
- Procrastinating on Basic Training
- Buying into Attention-Seeking Behavior
- Forgetting to Release Your Dog from a Stay
- Eliminating Rewards Too Soon
- Using Your Dog’s Name as a Command
- Having to Repeat Commands Away from Home
- Punishing Your Dog When He Comes to You
- Running After Your Dog
- Expecting Too Much Too Quickly
- Ignoring the Principle of Consistency
- Chapter 25: Ten Fun and Exciting Sporting Activities
- Agility Events
- Tracking Titles
- Barn Hunt AKC
- Lure Coursing
- Schutzhund Training
- Flyball Competitions
- Freestyle Performances
- Dock Diving Dogs
- Detection Dogs or Scent Work
- Working as a Service Dog
- Chapter 26: Ten Reasons Dogs Do What They Do
- Why Do Dogs Insist on Jumping on People?
- Why Do Dogs Sniff Parts of Your Anatomy That You’d Prefer They Didn’t?
- Why Do Male Dogs Lift Their Legs So Often?
- Why Do Dogs Mount Each Other?
- Why Do Dogs Like to Chase Things?
- Why Do Dogs Roll in Disgusting Things?
- Why Do Dogs Eat Weeds or Grass?
- Why Do Dogs Hump Humans’ Legs?
- Why Do Dogs Scoot on Their Rear Ends?
- Why Do Dogs Circle Before Lying Down?
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 16084
- Útgáfuár : 2020
- Leyfi : 379