Developing Story Ideas
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The vast majority of screenplay and writing books that focus on story development have little to say about the initial concept that inspired the piece. Developing Story Ideas: The Power and Purpose of Storytelling, Third Edition provides writers with ideational tools and resources to generate a wide variety of stories in a broad range of forms. Celebrated filmmaker and author Michael Rabiger demonstrates how to observe situations and themes in the writer’s own life experience, and use these as the basis for original storytelling.
This new edition has been updated with chapters on adaptation, improvisation, and cast collaboration’s roles in story construction, as well as a companion website featuring further projects, class assignments, instructor resources, and more. Gain the practical tools and resources you need to spark your creativity and generate a wide variety of stories in a broad range of forms, including screenplays, documentaries, novels, short stories, and plays Through hands-on, step-by-step exercises and group and individual assignments, learn to use situations and themes from your own life experience, dreams, myth, and the news as the basis for character-driven storytelling; harness methods of screenplay format, dialogue, plot structure, and character development that will allow your stories to reach their fullest potential.
- Höfundur: Michael Rabiger
- Útgáfa:3
- Útgáfudagur: 2016-07-01
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781317351467
- Print ISBN: 9781138956247
- ISBN 10: 1317351460
- Cover
- Half Title
- Title Page
- Copyright Page
- Dedication
- Table of Contents
- This Book’s Goals
- Note
- Part I Overview
- 1 Goals and Getting Started
- Playing Roles
- Ideation and Originality
- Writing in Outline Form
- Identifying with the Main Character
- Jump-Starting the Imagination
- Concerning the Writing Samples and Critiques in Chapters 13–21
- Enjoying Your Audience’s Reactions
- An Important Reminder
- Starting Your Resource Collections
- Preparing for the Game Called CLOSAT
- Definitions and Examples
- Note
- 2 About the Creative Process
- The Journey of the Self
- Wanting to Tell Stories
- Self-Exposure and Giving Support
- What Is Therapy and What Is Art?
- What Stories Mean
- Theme and Variation
- Just Do It
- Outline and Expansion
- Collaboration
- Note
- 1 Goals and Getting Started
- 3 Finding Your Artistic Identity
- Unfinished Business: How Your Life Has Marked You
- Displacement
- Discussion
- Notes
- Going Further
- 4 Autobiography and Influences
- Discussion
- 5 Playing CLOSAT and Pitching Ideas
- Improvising
- Maintaining Focus
- Pitching
- If You Are Working Alone
- Discussion of CLOSAT Scenes
- Discussion of Pitch Guidelines
- General Discussion
- On Working Collaboratively
- Cards You’ll Need to Play CLOSAT
- Note
- 6 Working from Life
- Development
- Discussion
- Point of View (POV)
- Active and Passive
- The Nascent Power of Imagery
- Going Further
- 7 Characters, Their Problems and Conflicts
- Profiling Someone’s Agenda
- Dramaturgy
- Notes
- 8 Developing Characters of Your Own
- Discussion
- Round Characters, Flat Characters, and Archetypes
- Point of View (POV) or Narrative Perspective
- Discussion
- 9 Analyzing Drama
- The Dramatic Premise
- Character-Driven versus Plot-Driven Drama
- Genre
- Note
- 10 Understanding Story Structure
- Drama, Destiny, and Point of View
- The Three-Act Structure
- Act I: The Setup
- Act II: Complications
- Act III: Confrontation, Crisis, and Resolution
- Drawing a Dramatic Arc for a Whole Work
- Development
- Little Red Riding Hood
- Notes
- 11 The Tools of Drama
- Toolkit
- Surveying a Story’s Type and Purpose
- Making a Working Hypothesis
- Interrogating a Story and the Story Effectiveness Questionnaire
- Story Effectiveness Questionnaire
- Identifying Structural and Other Weaknesses
- Scene Components
- Dividing a Story by Acts
- Note
- 12 Giving Critical Feedback
- Giving Feedback
- Feedback Elements
- Giving Feedback
- 13 Tale from Childhood
- On Giving Feedback
- Discussion
- On Memory
- Note
- Going Further
- 14 Family Story
- Discussion
- Embellishment and the Oral Tradition
- Going Further
- 15 A Myth, Legend, or Folktale Retold
- On Legends, Myths, and Folktales
- Interpreting Oral Tales
- Adaptation Problems
- Genres and Their Subversion
- Discussion
- Going Further
- 16 Dream Story
- Discussion
- Act I
- Act II
- Act III
- Act I
- Act II
- Act III
- Note
- Going Further
- Discussion
- 17 Adapting a Short Story for the Screen
- Evaluating a Story for Adaptation to the Screen
- Discussion
- Overview
- Notes
- Going Further
- 18 Ten-Minute, News-Inspired Story
- Time, Scale, and Crisis
- The Myth of Objectivity
- Discussion
- Notes
- Going Further
- 19 Documentary Subject
- Research
- Observe Truth or Intercede to Provoke It?
- Portraying Human Predicaments
- Confrontation
- Going Further
- 20 Thirty-Minute Original Fiction
- Act I
- Act II
- Act III
- On Comedy
- Pacing
- Note
- Pacing
- Going Further
- Discussion
- On Receiving Criticism and the Layers of the Writing Process
- Why Working in Outline Form Matters
- Notes
- Going Further
- 22 Catalyzing Drama
- Assignments
- Discussion
- Notes
- Going Further
- 23 Artistic Identity and Career
- Discussion and Retrospective
- On a Career as a Writer
- Your Creative Direction
- Notes
- 24 Story-Editing Your Outline
- Using Scene Cards
- Seeking Structural Options
- Rethinking POV Can Let You Alter the Handling of Time
- The Significance of Transitions
- Letting a Main Character’s Psychic Condition Dictate the Narrative Order
- Point of View and Stream of Consciousness
- Troubleshooting
- Getting the Story Started
- Character Issues
- Point of View
- Sustaining Dramatic Tension
- Excess Baggage
- Stay True to Your Intentions
- Yielding to Dramatic Conventions
- High Art and Low Art
- Writing for the Screen
- Standard Screenplay Format
- Documentary Film Proposal
- Plays
- Standard Playwriting Format
- Novel or Short Story Format
- Submission
- Going Further
- Theatre
- Prose Fiction
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 8544
- Útgáfuár : 2016
- Leyfi : 380