Descriptive Physical Oceanography
5.790 kr.

The 6e of Descriptive Physical Oceanography provides an introduction to descriptive physical oceanography for advanced undergraduates and graduate students. The emphasis is on large-scale oceanography, based mainly in observations, with some topics from waves and coastal oceanography also included. Topics include the physical properties of seawater, heat and salt budgets, instrumentation, data analysis methods, introductory dynamics, oceanography and climate variability of each of the oceans and of the global ocean, and brief introductions to the physical setting, waves, and coastal oceanography.
- Höfundur: Lynne D. Talley
- Útgáfa:6
- Útgáfudagur: 11-04-2011
- Blaðsíður: 560
- Engar takmarkanir á útprentun
- Engar takmarkanir afritun
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9780080939117
- Print ISBN: 9780750645522
- ISBN 10: 0080939112
- Cover Image
- Table of Contents
- Front Matter
- Copyright
- Preface
- Chapter 1. Introduction to Descriptive Physical Oceanography
- 1.1. Overview
- 1.2. Space and TimeScales of Physical Oceanographic Phenomena
- Chapter 2. Ocean Dimensions, Shapes, and Bottom Materials
- 2.1. Dimensions
- 2.2. Plate Tectonics and Deep-Sea Topography
- 2.3. Seafloor Features
- 2.4. Spatial Scales
- 2.5. Shore, Coast, and Beach
- 2.6. Continental Shelf, Slope, and Rise
- 2.7. Deep Ocean
- 2.8. Sills, Straits, and Passages
- 2.9. Methods for Mapping Bottom Topography
- 2.10. Bottom Material
- 2.11. Ocean Basins
- Chapter 3. Physical Properties of Seawater
- 3.1. Molecular Properties of Water
- 3.2. Pressure
- 3.3. Thermal Properties of Seawater: Temperature, Heat, and Potential Temperature
- 3.4. Salinity and Conductivity
- 3.5. Density of Seawater
- 3.6. Tracers
- 3.7. Sound in the Sea
- 3.8. Light and the Sea
- 3.9. Ice in the Sea
- Chapter 4. Typical Distributions of Water Characteristics
- 4.1. Introduction
- 4.2. Temperature Distribution of the Oceans
- 4.3. Salinity Distribution
- 4.4. Density Distribution
- 4.5. Dissolved Oxygen
- 4.6. Nutrients and Other Tracers
- 4.7. Age, Turnover Time, and Ventilation Rate
- 4.8. Optical Properties of Seawater
- Chapter 5. Mass, Salt, and Heat Budgets and Wind Forcing
- 5.1. Conservation of Volume and Mass
- 5.2. Conservation of Salt
- 5.3. Three Examples of the two Conservation Principles
- 5.4. Conservation of Heat Energy; the Heat Budget
- 5.5. Geographic Distribution and Temporal Variation of the Heat-Budget Terms
- 5.6. Meridional Heat Transport
- 5.7. Buoyancy Fluxes
- 5.8. Wind Forcing
- Chapter 6. Data Analysis Concepts and Observational Methods
- 6.1. Oceanographic Sampling
- 6.2. Observational Error
- 6.3. Basic Statistical Concepts
- 6.4. Variation in Space: Profiles, Vertical Sections, and Horizontal Maps
- 6.5. Variation in Time
- 6.6. Multidimensional Sampling
- 6.7. Water Property (Water Mass) Analyses
- Chapter 7. Dynamical Processes for Descriptive Ocean Circulation
- 7.1. Introduction: Mechanisms
- 7.2. Momentum Balance
- 7.3. Temperature, Salinity, and Density Evolution
- 7.4. Mixing Layers
- 7.5. Response to Wind Forcing
- 7.6. Geostrophic Balance
- 7.7. Vorticity, Potential Vorticity, Rossby and Kelvin Waves, and Instabilities
- 7.8. Wind-Driven Circulation: Sverdrup Balance and Western Boundary Currents
- 7.9. Wind-Driven Circulation: Eastern Boundary Currents and Equatorial Circulation
- 7.10. Buoyancy (Thermohaline) Forcing and Abyssal Circulation
- Chapter 8. Gravity Waves, Tides, and Coastal Oceanography
- 8.1. Introduction
- 8.2. General Properties of Waves
- 8.3. Surface Gravity Waves
- 8.4. Internal Gravity Waves
- 8.5. Large-Scale Continental Shelf and Coastal-Trapped Waves
- 8.6. Tides
- 8.7. Water Properties in Coastal Regions: River Runoff
- 8.8. Estuaries
- 8.9. Coral Reefs
- 8.10. Adjacent Seas
- Chapter 9. Atlantic Ocean
- 9.1. Introduction and Overview
- 9.2. Forcing
- 9.3. North Atlantic Circulation
- 9.4. Tropical Atlantic Circulation
- 9.5. South Atlantic Circulation
- 9.6. Depth Dependence of the Atlantic Ocean Circulation
- 9.7. Meridional Overturning Circulation in the Atlantic
- 9.8. Atlantic Ocean Water Masses
- 9.9. Climate and the Atlantic Ocean
- Chapter 10. Pacific Ocean
- 10.1. Introduction and Overview
- 10.2. Wind and Buoyancy Forcing
- 10.3. North Pacific Circulation
- 10.4. South Pacific Circulation
- 10.5. Pacific Ocean Mesoscale Eddy Variability
- 10.6. Depth Dependence of the Pacific Ocean Circulation and Meridional Overturn
- 10.7. Tropical Pacific Circulation and Water Properties
- 10.8. El Niño/ La Niña and The Southern Oscillation (ENSO)
- 10.9. Pacific Ocean Water Masses
- 10.10. Decadal Climate Variability and Climate Change
- Chapter 11. Indian Ocean
- 11.1. Introduction and Overview
- 11.2. Wind and Buoyancy Forcing
- 11.3. Monsoonal and Tropical Ocean Circulation
- 11.4. South Indian Ocean Subtropical Circulation
- 11.5. Indonesian Throughflow
- 11.6. Red Sea and Persian Gulf Outflows
- 11.7. Intermediate and Deep Circulation
- 11.8. Water Masses
- 11.9. Climate and the Indian Ocean
- Chapter 12. Arctic Ocean and Nordic Seas
- 12.1. Introduction
- 12.2. The Nordic Seas
- 12.3. Baffin Bay and Hudson Bay
- 12.4. Arctic Ocean: Circulation and Ice Drift
- 12.5. Arctic Ocean Water Masses
- 12.6. Arctic Ocean Transports and Budgets
- 12.7. Sea Ice in the Arctic
- 12.8. Climate Variations and the Arctic
- Chapter 13. Southern Ocean
- 13.1. Introduction
- 13.2. Forcing
- 13.3. Southern Ocean Fronts and Zones
- 13.4. Southern Ocean Circulation and Transports
- 13.5. Southern Ocean Water Masses
- 13.6. Eddies in the Southern Ocean
- 13.7. Sea Ice in the Southern Ocean
- 13.8. Climate Variability in the Southern Ocean
- Chapter 14. Global Circulation and Water Properties
- 14.1. Global Circulation
- 14.2. Global Mass Transports and Overturning Circulation
- 14.3. Heat and Freshwater Transports and Ocean Circulation
- 14.4. Global Property Distributions
- 14.5. Eddy Variability and Diffusivity
- 14.6. Climate and the Global Ocean
- Chapter S1. Brief History of Physical Oceanography
- S1.1. Scientists on Ships
- S1.2. Organized Expeditions Prior to the Twentieth Century
- S1.3. Scandinavian Contributions and the Dynamic Method
- S1.4. The Meteor Expedition
- S1.5. World War II and Mid-Twentieth Century Physical Oceanography
- S1.6. A Brief History of Numerical Modeling in Physical Oceanography
- Chapter S4. Typical Distributions of Water Characteristics
- Chapter S5. Mass, Salt, and Heat Budgets and Wind Forcing
- Chapter S6. Data Analysis Concepts and Observational Methods
- Chapter S7. Dynamical Processes for Descriptive Ocean Circulation
- 7.1. Introduction: Mechanisms
- 7.2. Momentum Balance
- 7.3. Temperature, Salinity, and Density Evolution
- 7.4. Mixing Layers
- 7.5. Response to Wind Forcing
- 7.6. Geostrophic Balance
- 7.7. Vorticity, Potential Vorticity, Rossby and Kelvin Waves, and Instabilities
- 7.8. Wind-Driven Circulation: Sverdrup Balance and Western Boundary Currents
- 7.9. Wind-Driven Circulation: Eastern Boundary Currents and Equatorial Circulation
- 7.10. Buoyancy (Thermohaline) Forcing and Abyssal Circulation
- Chapter S8. Gravity Waves, Tides, and Coastal Oceanography
- S8.7. Water Properties in Coastal Regions: River Runoff
- S8.8. Estuaries
- S8.9. Coral Reefs
- S8.10. Adjacent Seas
- Chapter S9. Atlantic Ocean
- Chapter S10. Pacific Ocean
- Chapter S11. Indian Ocean: Supplementary Materials
- Chapter S12. The Arctic Ocean and Nordic Seas
- Chapter S13. Southern Ocean
- Chapter S14. Global Circulation and Water Properties
- Chapter S15. Climate and the Oceans
- S15.1. Introduction
- S15.2. Climate and the Atlantic Ocean
- S15.3. Climate and the Pacific Ocean
- S15.4. Climate and the Indian Ocean
- S15.5. Climate and the Arctic Ocean
- S15.6. Climate and the Southern Ocean
- S15.7. Global Ocean Climate Change
- Chapter S16. Instruments and Methods
- S16.1. The Impact of Space and Timescales on Sampling and Instrumentation
- S16.2. Platforms
- S16.3. Depth and Pressure Measurements
- S16.4. Water Property Measurements (Temperature, Salinity, Density, and Tracers)
- S16.5. Current Measurements
- S16.6. Acoustic Methods for Observing Changes in Temperature or Density
- S16.7. Sea-Level Measurement
- S16.8. Radiation and Optical Measurements
- S16.9. Satellites
- s16.10. Data Archives and Data Centers
- References
- Color Plates
- Index
- Added Refs from Supplemental Material
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 18998
- Útgáfuár : 2011
- Leyfi : 380