Davidson's Principles and Practice of Medicine

- HJÚ418G Lyflækningafræði
Well over two million medical students, doctors and other health professionals around the globe have owned a copy of Davidson’s Principles and Practice of Medicine since it was first published over 70 years ago. Now in its 24th Edition, this thoroughly updated textbook describes the pathophysiology and clinical features of the most frequently encountered conditions in the major specialties of adult medicine, and explains how to recognise, investigate, diagnose and manage them.
Taking its origins from Sir Stanley Davidson’s much-admired lecture notes, Davidson’s has endured because it keeps pace with how modern medicine is taught and provides a wealth of trusted information in an easy-to-read, concise and beautifully illustrated format. Key features: Part 1 ‘Fundamentals of Medicine’ - provides an account of the principles of genetics, immunology, infectious diseases, population health, oncology and pain management, along with a discussion of the core principles behind clinical decision-making and good prescribing.
Part 2 ‘Emergency and Critical Care Medicine’ - covers medical emergencies in poisoning, envenomation and medicine in austere environments, as well as common presentations in acute medicine and the recognition and management of the critically ill. Part 3 ‘Clinical Medicine’ - covers the major medical specialties, each thoroughly revised and brought fully up to date. A new section on COVID-19 has been added and the impact of this infection is described throughout the book.
Clinical Examination overviews - extended and updated to summarise the main elements for each system. Presenting Problems sections - provide a clear pathway for the assessment of and approach to the most common complaints in each specialty. Practice Point summaries - detail the practical skills that medical students and junior doctors must acquire. Emergency boxes - emphasise the core knowledge needed to manage acutely ill patients.
In Old Age, In Pregnancy and In Adolescence boxes - highlight differences in the practice of medicine in these patient groups, and illustrate the interfaces between medical, obstetric and paediatric services. The text is extensively illustrated - with over 1000 diagrams, clinical photographs, and radiology and pathology images. The global perspective is enhanced by an International Advisory Board of experts from 11 countries and by leading authors from around the world.
The complete, downloadable eBook version is included with your (print copy) purchase – for easy access on your portable device, anytime, anywhere ! Now enhanced with : NEW interactive self-assessment material – over 150 Questions and Answers test your understanding of chapter key points and aid efficient exam preparation Davidson’s will serve readers everywhere as a core text that integrates medical science with clinical medicine, conveying key knowledge and practical advice in a highly accessible and readable format.
- Útgáfa:24
- Útgáfudagur: 2022-06-20
- Engar takmarkanir á útprentun
- Engar takmarkanir afritun
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9780702083495
- Print ISBN: 9780702083471
- ISBN 10: 0702083496
- Cover image
- Title page
- Table of Contents
- Sir Stanley Davidson (1894–1981)
- Copyright
- Preface
- Contributors
- International Advisory Board
- Acknowledgements
- Introduction
- Clinical examination overviews
- Presenting problems
- Boxes
- Terminology
- Units of measurement
- Finding what you are looking for
- Part 1: Fundamentals of medicine
- 1. Clinical decision-making
- Abstract
- Introduction
- The problem of diagnostic error
- Clinical reasoning: definitions
- History and physical examination
- Use and interpretation of diagnostic tests
- Problem representation
- Cognitive biases
- Shared decision-making
- Reducing errors in clinical decision-making
- Clinical decision-making: putting it all together
- Answers to problems
- Further information
- Websites
- Multiple Choice Questions
- 2. Clinical therapeutics and good prescribing
- Abstract
- Principles of clinical pharmacology
- Adverse outcomes of drug therapy
- Drug regulation and management
- Prescribing in practice
- Further information
- Multiple Choice Questions
- 3. Clinical genetics
- Abstract
- The fundamental principles of genomics
- Genomics, health and disease
- Interrogating the genome: the changing landscape of genomic technologies
- Genomics and clinical practice
- Further information
- Websites
- Multiple Choice Questions
- 4. Clinical immunology
- Abstract
- Functional anatomy and physiology
- The inflammatory response
- Presenting problems in immune disorders
- Immune deficiency
- Periodic fever syndromes
- Amyloidosis
- Autoimmune disease
- Allergy
- Angioedema
- Pregnancy and the immune system
- Transplantation and graft rejection
- Tumour immunology
- Further information
- Multiple Choice Questions
- 5. Population health and epidemiology
- Abstract
- Global burden of disease and underlying risk factors
- Social determinants of health
- Principles of screening and immunisation
- Epidemiology
- Health data/informatics
- Further information
- Burden of disease
- Screening
- Immunisation
- Epidemiology
- Multiple Choice Questions
- 6. Principles of infectious disease
- Abstract
- Agents causing infection
- Normal microbial flora
- Host–pathogen interactions
- Investigation of infection
- Epidemiology of infection
- Infection prevention and control
- Antimicrobial stewardship
- Treatment of infectious diseases
- Further information
- Multiple Choice Questions
- 7. Oncology
- Abstract
- Clinical examination of the cancer patient
- Clinical examination of the patient on cancer treatment
- The 10 hallmarks of cancer
- Environmental and genetic determinants of cancer
- Investigations
- Multidisciplinary teams
- Acute oncology
- Therapeutics in oncology
- Specific cancers
- Survivorship
- Further information
- Multiple Choice Questions
- 8. Pain and palliative care
- Abstract
- Clinical examination in pain and palliative care
- Clinical evaluation and management in a patient with chronic pain or in the palliative care setting
- Pain
- Palliative care
- Death and dying
- Further information
- Multiple Choice Questions
- 1. Clinical decision-making
- 9. Acute medicine and critical illness
- Abstract
- Clinical examination in critical care
- Monitoring
- Acute medicine
- Presenting problems in acute medicine
- Identification and assessment of deterioration
- Common presentations of deterioration
- Disorders causing critical illness
- Critical care medicine
- Stabilisation and institution of organ support
- Daily clinical management in intensive care
- Complications and outcomes of critical illness
- Further information
- Multiple Choice Questions
- 10. Poisoning
- Abstract
- Comprehensive evaluation of the poisoned patient
- General approach to the poisoned patient
- Poisoning by specific pharmaceutical agents
- Drugs of misuse
- Chemicals and pesticides
- Environmental poisoning
- Food-related poisoning
- Plant poisoning
- Further information
- Websites
- Multiple Choice Questions
- 11. Envenomation
- Abstract
- Comprehensive evaluation of the envenomed patient
- Geographical distribution of venomous snakes
- Bedside tests in the envenomed patient
- Overview of envenomation
- General approach to the envenomed patient
- Envenomation by specific animals
- Further information
- Websites
- Multiple Choice Questions
- 12. Medicine in austere environments
- Abstract
- Extremes of temperature
- Acute high altitude illness
- Subaquatic medicine
- Further information
- Websites
- Multiple Choice Questions
- 13. Infectious disease
- Abstract
- Clinical examination of patients with infectious disease
- Presenting problems in infectious diseases
- Viral infections
- Prion diseases
- Bacterial infections
- Protozoal infections
- Infections caused by helminths
- Ectoparasites
- Fungal infections
- Further information
- Multiple Choice Questions
- 14. HIV infection and AIDS
- Abstract
- Clinical examination in HIV disease
- Epidemiology
- Virology and immunology
- Diagnosis and investigations
- Clinical manifestations of HIV
- Presenting problems in HIV infection
- Prevention of opportunistic infections
- Antiretroviral therapy
- Further information
- Multiple Choice Questions
- 15. Sexually transmitted infections
- Abstract
- Clinical examination in sexually transmitted infection
- Aetiology
- Clinical assessment
- Presenting problems
- Epidemiology
- Prevention
- Sexually transmitted bacterial infections
- Sexually transmitted viral infections
- Further information
- Multiple Choice Questions
- 16. Cardiology
- Abstract
- Clinical examination of the cardiovascular system
- Functional anatomy and physiology
- Investigation of cardiovascular disease
- Presenting problems in cardiovascular disease
- Cardiac arrhythmias
- Principles of management of cardiac arrhythmias
- Coronary artery disease
- Peripheral arterial disease
- Diseases of the aorta
- Diseases of the heart valves
- Congenital heart disease
- Diseases of the myocardium
- Diseases of the pericardium
- Further information
- Multiple Choice Questions
- 17. Respiratory medicine
- Abstract
- Clinical examination of the respiratory system
- Functional anatomy and physiology
- Investigation of respiratory disease
- Presenting problems in respiratory disease
- Obstructive pulmonary diseases
- Infections of the respiratory system
- Tumours of the bronchus and lung
- Interstitial and infiltrative pulmonary diseases
- Occupational and environmental lung disease
- Pulmonary vascular disease
- Diseases of the upper airway
- Pleural disease
- Diseases of the diaphragm and chest wall
- Further information
- Multiple Choice Questions
- 18. Nephrology and urology
- Abstract
- Clinical examination of the kidney and urinary tract
- Functional anatomy and physiology
- Investigation of renal and urinary tract disease
- Presenting problems in renal and urinary tract disease
- Glomerular diseases
- Tubulo-interstitial diseases
- Genetic renal diseases
- Renal vascular diseases
- Renal involvement in systemic conditions
- Acute kidney injury
- Chronic kidney disease
- Renal replacement therapy
- Renal disease in pregnancy
- Renal disease in adolescence
- Drugs and the kidney
- Infections of the urinary tract
- Urolithiasis
- Diseases of the collecting system and ureters
- Tumours of the kidney and urinary tract
- Urinary incontinence
- Prostate disease
- Testicular tumours
- Erectile dysfunction
- Further information
- Multiple Choice Questions
- 19. Clinical biochemistry and metabolic medicine
- Abstract
- Clinical examination in biochemical and metabolic disorders
- Biochemical investigations
- Water and electrolyte homeostasis
- Sodium homeostasis
- Water homeostasis
- Potassium homeostasis
- Acid–base homeostasis
- Calcium homeostasis
- Magnesium homeostasis
- Phosphate homeostasis
- Lipids and lipoprotein metabolism
- Inherited metabolic disorders
- Further information
- Multiple Choice Questions
- 20. Endocrinology
- Abstract
- Clinical examination in endocrine disease
- An overview of endocrinology
- The thyroid gland
- The reproductive system
- The parathyroid glands
- The adrenal glands
- The endocrine pancreas and gastrointestinal tract
- The hypothalamus and the pituitary gland
- Disorders affecting multiple endocrine glands
- Further information
- Multiple Choice Questions
- 21. Diabetes mellitus
- Abstract
- Clinical examination of people with diabetes
- Functional anatomy and physiology
- Investigations
- Establishing the diagnosis of diabetes
- Aetiology and pathogenesis of diabetes
- Presenting problems in diabetes
- Management of diabetes
- Complications of diabetes
- Further information
- Websites
- Multiple Choice Questions
- 22. Nutritional factors in disease
- Abstract
- Clinical examination in nutritional disorders
- Clinical assessment and investigation of nutritional status
- Nutritional factors and disease
- Disorders of altered energy balance
- Micronutrients, minerals and their diseases
- Further information
- Multiple Choice Questions
- 23. Gastroenterology
- Abstract
- Clinical examination of the gastrointestinal tract
- Functional anatomy and physiology
- Investigation of gastrointestinal disease
- Presenting problems in gastrointestinal disease
- Disorders of the mouth and salivary glands
- Disorders of the oesophagus
- Disorders of the stomach and duodenum
- Disorders of the small intestine
- Disorders of the colon and rectum
- Inflammatory bowel disease
- Functional bowel disorders
- Ischaemic gut injury
- Diseases of the pancreas
- Diseases of the peritoneal cavity
- Other disorders
- Further information
- Websites
- Multiple Choice Questions
- 24. Hepatology
- Abstract
- Clinical examination of the abdomen for liver and biliary disease
- Functional anatomy and physiology
- Investigation of liver and hepatobiliary disease
- Presenting problems in liver disease
- Cirrhosis
- Acute on chronic liver failure
- Portal hypertension
- Infections and the liver
- Alcohol-related liver disease
- Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
- Autoimmune liver and biliary disease
- Liver tumours and other focal liver lesions
- Drugs and the liver
- Inherited liver diseases
- Vascular liver disease
- Pregnancy and the liver
- Liver transplantation
- Cholestatic and biliary disease
- Further information
- Multiple Choice Questions
- 25. Haematology and transfusion medicine
- Abstract
- Clinical examination in blood disease
- Functional anatomy and physiology
- Investigation of diseases of the blood
- Presenting problems in blood disease
- Principles of management of haematological disease
- Anaemias
- Haemoglobinopathies
- Haematological malignancies
- Aplastic anaemia
- Myeloproliferative neoplasms
- Bleeding disorders
- Thrombotic disorders
- Further information
- Multiple Choice Questions
- 26. Rheumatology and bone disease
- Abstract
- Clinical examination of the musculoskeletal system
- Functional anatomy and physiology
- Investigation of musculoskeletal disease
- Presenting problems in musculoskeletal disease
- Principles of management
- Osteoarthritis
- Crystal-induced arthritis
- Fibromyalgia
- Bone and joint infections
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Juvenile idiopathic arthritis
- Spondyloarthritides
- Autoimmune connective tissue diseases
- Vasculitis
- Diseases of bone
- Bone and joint tumours
- Rheumatological involvement in other diseases
- Miscellaneous conditions
- Further information
- Multiple Choice Questions
- 27. Dermatology
- Abstract
- Clinical examination in skin disease
- Functional anatomy and physiology
- Investigation of skin disease
- Presenting problems in skin disease
- Principles of management of skin disease
- Skin tumours
- Common skin infections and infestations
- Acne and rosacea
- Eczemas
- Psoriasis and other erythematous scaly eruptions
- Lichenoid eruptions
- Urticaria
- Bullous diseases
- Pigmentation disorders
- Hair disorders
- Nail disorders
- Skin disease in general medicine
- Connective tissue disease
- Further information
- Multiple Choice Questions
- 28. Neurology
- Abstract
- Clinical examination of the nervous system
- Functional anatomy and physiology
- Investigation of neurological disease
- Presenting problems in neurological disease
- Headache syndromes
- Functional neurological disorder
- Epilepsy
- Vestibular disorders
- Disorders of sleep
- Neuro-inflammatory diseases
- Paraneoplastic neurological disorders
- Neurodegenerative diseases
- Infections of the nervous system
- Intracranial mass lesions and raised intracranial pressure
- Disorders of cerebellar function
- Disorders of the spine and spinal cord
- Diseases of peripheral nerves
- Diseases of the neuromuscular junction
- Diseases of muscle
- Further information
- Multiple Choice Questions
- 29. Stroke medicine
- Abstract
- Clinical examination in stroke
- Functional anatomy and physiology
- Investigations
- Presenting problems
- Stroke
- Subarachnoid haemorrhage
- Cerebral venous disease
- Further information
- Multiple Choice Questions
- 30. Medical ophthalmology
- Abstract
- Functional anatomy and physiology
- Investigation of visual disorders
- Presenting problems in ophthalmic disease
- Specialist ophthalmological conditions
- Further information
- Multiple Choice Questions
- 31. Medical psychiatry
- Abstract
- Clinical examination
- Functional anatomy and physiology
- Presenting problems in psychiatric illness
- Principles of management
- Psychiatric disorders
- Psychiatry and the law
- Further information
- Websites
- Multiple Choice Questions
- 32. Maternal medicine
- Abstract
- Clinical examination in pregnancy
- Clinical evaluation in maternal medicine
- Planning pregnancy in patients with medical conditions
- Functional anatomy and physiology
- Investigations
- Presenting problems in pregnancy
- Medical disorders in pregnancy
- Further information
- Multiple Choice Questions
- 33. Adolescent and transition medicine
- Abstract
- Transition from paediatric to adult health services
- Functional anatomy and physiology
- Investigations
- Clinical assessment
- Presenting problems
- Clinical presentations
- Summary
- Further information
- Websites
- Multiple Choice Questions
- 34. Ageing and disease
- Abstract
- Assessment of the older adult
- Demography
- Functional anatomy and physiology
- Core concepts in older adults
- Investigation and management
- Presenting problems in geriatric medicine
- Infection in the older adult
- Further information
- Multiple Choice Questions
- 35. Laboratory reference ranges
- Notes on the international system of units (SI units)
- Laboratory reference ranges in adults
- Laboratory reference ranges in childhood and adolescence
- Laboratory reference ranges in pregnancy
- Further information
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