Data Smart: Using Data Science to Transform Information into Insight
4.290 kr.

The book provides nine tutorials on optimization, machine learning, data mining, and forecasting all within the confines of a spreadsheet. Each tutorial uses a real-world problem and the author guides the reader using querys the reader might ask as how to craft a solution using the correct data science technique. Hosting these nine spreadsheets for download will be necessary so that the reader can work the problems along with the book.
- Höfundur: John W. Foreman
- Útgáfa:1
- Útgáfudagur: 2013-10-31
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 10 bls.
- Format:Page Fidelity
- ISBN 13: 9781118661482
- Print ISBN: 9781118661468
- ISBN 10: 1118661486
- Title Page
- Copyright
- Contents
- Chapter 1 Everything You Ever Needed to Know about Spreadsheets but Were Too Afraid to Ask
- Some Sample Data
- Moving Quickly with the Control Button
- Copying Formulas and Data Quickly
- Formatting Cells
- Paste Special Values
- Inserting Charts
- Locating the Find and Replace Menus
- Formulas for Locating and Pulling Values
- Using VLOOKUP to Merge Data
- Filtering and Sorting
- Using PivotTables
- Using Array Formulas
- Solving Stuff with Solver
- OpenSolver: I Wish We Didn’t Need This, but We Do
- Wrapping Up
- Chapter 2 Cluster Analysis Part I: Using K-Means to Segment Your Customer Base
- Girls Dance with Girls, Boys Scratch Their Elbows
- Getting Real: K-Means Clustering Subscribers in E-mail Marketing
- Joey Bag O’ Donuts Wholesale Wine Emporium
- The Initial Dataset
- Determining What to Measure
- Start with Four Clusters
- Euclidean Distance: Measuring Distances as the Crow Flies
- Distances and Cluster Assignments for Everybody!
- Solving for the Cluster Centers
- Making Sense of the Results
- Getting the Top Deals by Cluster
- The Silhouette: A Good Way to Let Different K Values Duke It Out
- How about Five Clusters?
- Solving for Five Clusters
- Getting the Top Deals for All Five Clusters
- Computing the Silhouette for 5-Means Clustering
- K-Medians Clustering and Asymmetric Distance Measurements
- Using K-Medians Clustering
- Getting a More Appropriate Distance Metric
- Putting It All in Excel
- The Top Deals for the 5-Medians Clusters
- Wrapping Up
- Chapter 3 Naïve Bayes and the Incredible Lightness of Being an Idiot
- When You Name a Product Mandrill, You’re Going to Get Some Signal and Some Noise
- The World’s Fastest Intro to Probability Theory
- Totaling Conditional Probabilities
- Joint Probability, the Chain Rule, and Independence
- What Happens in a Dependent Situation?
- Bayes Rule
- Using Bayes Rule to Create an AI Model
- High-Level Class Probabilities Are Often Assumed to Be Equal
- A Couple More Odds and Ends
- Let’s Get This Excel Party Started
- Removing Extraneous Punctuation
- Splitting on Spaces
- Counting Tokens and Calculating Probabilities
- And We Have a Model! Let’s Use It
- Wrapping Up
- Chapter 4 Optimization Modeling: Because That “Fresh Squeezed” Orange Juice Ain’t Gonna Blend
- Why Should Data Scientists Know Optimization?
- Starting with a Simple Trade-Off
- Representing the Problem as a Polytope
- Solving by Sliding the Level Set
- The Simplex Method: Rooting around the Corners
- Working in Excel
- There’s a Monster at the End of This Chapter
- Fresh from the Grove to Your Glass...with a Pit Stop Through a Blending Model
- You Use a Blending Model
- Let’s Start with Some Specs
- Coming Back to Consistency
- Putting the Data into Excel
- Setting Up the Problem in Solver
- Lowering Your Standards
- Dead Squirrel Removal: The Minimax Formulation
- If-Then and the “Big M” Constraint
- Multiplying Variables: Cranking Up the Volume to 11
- Modeling Risk
- Normally Distributed Data
- Wrapping Up
- Chapter 5 Cluster Analysis Part II: Network Graphs and Community Detection
- What Is a Network Graph?
- Visualizing a Simple Graph
- Brief Introduction to Gephi
- Gephi Installation and File Preparation
- Laying Out the Graph
- Node Degree
- Pretty Printing
- Touching the Graph Data
- Building a Graph from the Wholesale Wine Data
- Creating a Cosine Similarity Matrix
- Producing an r-Neighborhood Graph
- How Much Is an Edge Worth? Points and Penalties in Graph Modularity
- What’s a Point and What’s a Penalty?
- Setting Up the Score Sheet
- Let’s Get Clustering!
- Split Number 1
- Split 2: Electric Boogaloo
- And…Split 3: Split with a Vengeance
- Encoding and Analyzing the Communities
- There and Back Again: A Gephi Tale
- Wrapping Up
- Chapter 6 The Granddaddy of Supervised Artificial Intelligence—Regression
- Wait, What? You’re Pregnant?
- Don’t Kid Yourself
- Predicting Pregnant Customers at RetailMart Using Linear Regression
- The Feature Set
- Assembling the Training Data
- Creating Dummy Variables
- Let’s Bake Our Own Linear Regression
- Linear Regression Statistics: R-Squared, F Tests, t Tests
- Making Predictions on Some New Data and Measuring Performance
- Predicting Pregnant Customers at RetailMart Using Logistic Regression
- First You Need a Link Function
- Hooking Up the Logistic Function and Reoptimizing
- Baking an Actual Logistic Regression
- Model Selection—Comparing the Performance of the Linear and Logistic Regressions
- For More Information
- Wrapping Up
- Chapter 7 Ensemble Models: A Whole Lot of Bad Pizza
- Using the Data from Chapter 6
- Bagging: Randomize, Train, Repeat
- Decision Stump Is an Unsexy Term for a Stupid Predictor
- Doesn’t Seem So Stupid to Me!
- You Need More Power!
- Let’s Train It
- Evaluating the Bagged Model
- Boosting: If You Get It Wrong, Just Boost and Try Again
- Training the Model—Every Feature Gets a Shot
- Evaluating the Boosted Model
- Wrapping Up
- Chapter 8 Forecasting: Breathe Easy; You Can’t Win
- The Sword Trade Is Hopping
- Getting Acquainted with Time Series Data
- Starting Slow with Simple Exponential Smoothing
- Setting Up the Simple Exponential Smoothing Forecast
- You Might Have a Trend
- Holt’s Trend-Corrected Exponential Smoothing
- Setting Up Holt’s Trend-Corrected Smoothing in a Spreadsheet
- So Are You Done? Looking at Autocorrelations
- Holt’s Trend-Corrected Exponential Smoothing
- Multiplicative Holt-Winters Exponential Smoothing
- Setting the Initial Values for Level, Trend, and Seasonality
- Getting Rolling on the Forecast
- And...Optimize!
- Please Tell Me We’re Done Now!!!
- Putting a Prediction Interval around the Forecast
- Creating a Fan Chart for Effect
- Wrapping Up
- Outliers Are (Bad?) People, Too
- The Fascinating Case of Hadlum v. Hadlum
- Tukey Fences
- Applying Tukey Fences in a Spreadsheet
- The Limitations of This Simple Approach
- Terrible at Nothing, Bad at Everything
- Preparing Data for Graphing
- Creating a Graph
- Getting the k Nearest Neighbors
- Graph Outlier Detection Method 1: Just Use the Indegree
- Graph Outlier Detection Method 2: Getting Nuanced with k-Distance
- Graph Outlier Detection Method 3: Local Outlier Factors Are Where It’s At
- Wrapping Up
- Getting Up and Running with R
- Some Simple Hand-Jamming
- Reading Data into R
- Doing Some Actual Data Science
- Spherical K-Means on Wine Data in Just a Few Lines
- Building AI Models on the Pregnancy Data
- Forecasting in R
- Looking at Outlier Detection
- Wrapping Up
- Where Am I? What Just Happened?
- Before You Go-Go
- Get to Know the Problem
- We Need More Translators
- Beware the Three-Headed Geek-Monster: Tools, Performance, and Mathematical Perfection
- You Are Not the Most Important Function of Your Organization
- Get Creative and Keep in Touch!
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 11512
- Útgáfuár : 2013
- Leyfi : 379