Cultural Tourism

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Cultural Tourism remains the only book to bridge the gap between cultural tourism and cultural and heritage management. The first edition illustrated how heritage and tourism goals can be integrated in a management and marketing framework to produce sustainable cultural tourism. The current edition takes this further to base the discussion of cultural tourism in the theory and practice of cultural and heritage management (CM and CHM), under the understanding that for tourism to thrive, a balanced approach to the resource base it uses must be maintained.
An ‘umbrella approach’ to cultural tourism represents a unique feature of the book, proposing solutions to achieve an optimal outcome for all sectors. Reflecting the many important developments in the field this new edition has been completely revised and updated in the following ways: • New sections on tangible and intangible cultural heritage and world heritage sites. • Expanded material on cultural tourism product development, the cultural tourism market and consumer behaviour, planning and delivery of exceptional experiences • New case studies throughout drawn from cultural attractions in developing countries such as Southeast Asia, China, South Africa and the Pacific as well as from the developed world, particularly the United States, Britain, Japan, Singapore, Australia and Canada.
Cultural Tourism remains the only book to bridge the gap between cultural tourism and cultural and heritage management. The first edition illustrated how heritage and tourism goals can be integrated in a management and marketing framework to produce sustainable cultural tourism. The current edition takes this further to base the discussion of cultural tourism in the theory and practice of cultural and heritage management (CM and CHM), under the understanding that for tourism to thrive, a balanced approach to the resource base it uses must be maintained.
An ‘umbrella approach’ to cultural tourism represents a unique feature of the book, proposing solutions to achieve an optimal outcome for all sectors. Reflecting the many important developments in the field this new edition has been completely revised and updated in the following ways: New content on increasingly relevant topics including sustainability, climate change, the threat of de-globalization, overtourism and social media.
New sections on experience creation, accessibility and inclusivity, as well as expanded material on creative industries and new management challenges. New international case studies and tried-and-tested assignment exercises have been added to every chapter. Written by experts in both tourism and cultural heritage management, this book will enable professionals and students to gain a better understanding of their own and each other’s roles in achieving sustainable cultural tourism.
- Höfundar: Hilary du Cros, Bob McKercher
- Útgáfa:3
- Útgáfudagur: 2020-04-19
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781000056440
- Print ISBN: 9781032295756
- ISBN 10: 1000056449
- Cover
- Half Title
- Title
- Copyright
- Dedication
- Contents
- List of figures
- List of tables
- List of plates
- Acknowledgements
- Abbreviations
- Part A Setting the context
- Chapter 1 Introduction: Defining cultural tourism
- What is cultural tourism?
- Chapter 2 Challenges in achieving sustainable cultural tourism
- Introduction
- The challenge of triple / quadruple bottom line sustainability
- The challenge of climate change
- Parallel evolution of tourism and cultural management
- Collaborators or competitors?
- Relationships between tourism and cultural management
- The consequences
- Chapter 3 Issues, benefits, risks and costs
- Introduction
- Community
- Cultural tourism and enhanced quality of life
- Costs associated with cultural tourism
- Optimizing benefits and minimizing impacts?
- Chapter 1 Introduction: Defining cultural tourism
- Chapter 4 Managing cultural assets
- Introduction
- Cultural heritage management
- Management challenges
- World Heritage
- Arts management
- Conclusion
- Chapter 5 Tangible cultural heritage
- Introduction
- Conventions, codes, charters and declarations
- A four-stage planning process
- Chapter 6 Intangible cultural heritage and creative arts
- Introduction
- Conventions, codes, charters and declarations
- A three-stage approach to safeguarding intangible cultural heritage
- Conclusion
- Chapter 7 How tourism works
- Introduction
- The nature of tourism
- Attractions drive tourism
- Factors influencing visitation levels
- Tourist behavior
- Cultural tourism
- Conclusion
- Chapter 8 The cultural tourism market: A cultural tourism typology
- Introduction
- Cultural tourists
- Segmenting the cultural tourism market
- A cultural tourist typology: Centrality of motive and depth of experience
- Implications for cultural tourism
- A few words of caution about numbers that appear too good to be true
- Chapter 9 Tourism attraction systems, markers and gatekeepers
- Introduction
- Tourist attraction systems
- Markers
- Gatekeepers and knowledge brokers
- Effect of multiple gatekeepers on the message passed to the tourist
- Chapter 10 Cultural tourism products
- Introduction
- Cultural assets as tourism products
- Products as attractions
- Strangeness vs familiarity, the environmental bubble and the necessity of standardizing and commodifying products
- Conclusions
- Chapter 11 Assessing product potential
- Introduction
- Considering the wider context
- Understanding the asset in its setting
- Asset specific considerations: Place and cultural spaces
- Stakeholder and consultation issues
- People, skills and financial resources
- Conclusion
- Chapter 12 Market Appeal / Robusticity Matrix: A site-specific auditing tool
- Introduction
- The Market Appeal / Robusticity Matrix
- Operationalization: A two-step process
- Conclusion: A precursor to site and experience management
- Chapter 13 Framework for understanding what is necessary for a successful attraction
- Introduction
- Success factors
- Development options
- Creating memorable experiences
- Chapter 14 Applying planning and management frameworks
- Introduction
- Planning
- Situation analysis
- Establishment of an overall mission or vision and goal getting
- Creation of action plans
- Marketing
- Planning for greater access
- A word on demarketing
- Evaluation and feedback mechanisms
- Chapter 15 Interpretation and experience creation
- Introduction
- What is interpretation and what are the benefits of good interpretation?
- The ICOMOS interpretation charter
- Goal of interpretation and success factors
- The interpretation process
- Tactics to create peak experiences
- The medium is the message
- Epilogue
- Improvements needed
- Challenges still remain
- Some general observations
- A few possible research areas
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 6310
- Útgáfuár : 2020
- Leyfi : 380