Creating and Delivering Your Value Proposition
4.490 kr.

In recent years, developing a value proposition has become a prime consideration for businesses. A value proposition is an analysis and quantified review of the business benefits, costs and value that a company can deliver to prospective customers and customer segments. Creating and Delivering your Value Proposition provides guidance for business leaders - demonstrating why having a strong value proposition is so important for a company.
- Höfundar: Cindy Barnes, Helen Blake, David Pinder
- Útgáfa:1
- Útgáfudagur: 2009-10-03
- Blaðsíður: 232
- Hægt að prenta út 10 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 10 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9780749458591
- Print ISBN: 9780749455125
- ISBN 10: 0749458593
- Cover
- Title Page
- Dedication
- Contents
- List of Figures
- List of Tables
- Acknowledgements
- Introduction
- 1What do you really think about customers?
- Introduction
- What do you really think about customers?
- The lessons of childhood
- The experience of now
- Technology and customer power
- USP, FAB, VP, POP/POD: analysing the alphabet soup
- Client-focused, not client-run
- 2What is a value proposition?
- Why do you need to build a value proposition?
- Some definitions
- Exploring the value proposition concept
- Value = Benefits minus Cost
- Introducing the Value Proposition Builder™
- Focus
- From top level to specific
- To sum it up…
- 3The value-focused approach
- The value-focused enterprise
- Value creation, alignment and decision making
- Strategic intent
- B2B service and solutions providers and the consultative selling imperative
- Strategic value pathway: customer intimacy. Sales mode: consultative
- 4Creating your value proposition
- 5Value Proposition Builder: Market
- Analysing your market
- Define the specific group(s) of customers to target
- ‘Narrow and deep’ beats ‘broad and shallow’
- Understand how to enter those markets
- Critical thinking
- 6Value Proposition Builder: The value experience
- Focus on customer experience delivers profit
- The value of research
- Ascertaining what the customer values
- The value interview
- Summary
- 7Value Proposition Builder: Offerings
- Step 1. Categorize your current portfolio
- The whole product or whole service
- Map to the Value Pyramid™
- Profitability
- 8Value Proposition Builder: Benefits
- Expected benefits
- Augmented or additional benefits
- Potential benefits
- Translating benefits into messages
- Value experience is critical
- The value difference
- 9Value Proposition Builder: Alternatives and differentiation
- Assessing alternatives and differentiation by looking at substitutes
- What’s your difference?
- To sum it up…
- 10Value Proposition Builder: Proof
- Total cost of ownership (TCO), return on investment (ROI) and cost–benefit (C–B)
- C–B
- Summary
- 11Value proposition template and value proposition statement
- Completing the VP template and creating your VP statement
- Intel, and an exercise in getting your head around value propositions
- Timelines
- 12Message development
- Don’t throw your money away
- Augmented benefits
- Creating a message framework and hierarchy
- Summary
- 13Implementation
- Four constituencies, one goal – alignment of value
- What does it all mean for sales and marketing?
- Tools to help sales people create value
- Offering management
- New strategic tools
- 14Starting and sustaining
- Are the conditions right?
- Starting the process
- Building your value proposition
- Create your value proposition template and write your value proposition statement
- Ways to use your value proposition
- Sustaining the lead
- And finally…
- 15The value-focused enterprise
- Check the rulebook. It’s different now
- Decision making, value creation and the CEO paradox
- Decisive value-creating companies kick sand in the face of ditherers
- Capability gaps and unwritten rules sabotage value creation
- We’ve got a great solution! Where’s the client?
- Orchestrating alignment – the way to value
- Don’t discount human nature
- Where have we got to? This looks like a new planet
- Appendix A: Back to the future
- Early 19th century: customer misinformation – the hype of ‘mere marketable qualities’
- Mid- to late 19th century: customer distraction – make trade, not war
- Late 19th to early 20th century: customer enchantment – night becomes day
- Early to mid-20th century: customer manipulation – you are what you own
- Second half of the 20th century: customer domination – producers and retailers rule
- Mid-1990s onwards, and accelerating: customer power – finally, it’s the customer’s turn
- Appendix B: Example value proposition for Intel (partial)
- Index
- Copyright
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 14745
- Útgáfuár : 2009
- Leyfi : 379