Counselling Children

- RÁÐ1510 Ráðgjöf og viðtalstækni
Ensk lýsing:
The definitive guide to the skills and techniques used when working with children experiencing emotional problems, this book covers all you need to know about: The goals for counselling children and the child-counsellor relationship Practice frameworks for working effectively with children Play therapy and the use of different media and activities Building self-esteem and social skills through the use of worksheets.
This fifth edition has been updated to include: A new chapter on technology; its influence on children and ways that technology can be used during counselling New content on issues of diversity and difference in counselling children The different contexts in which counselling children occur Discussion of concepts of wellbeing and resilience Updated references and research. The book is supported by a new companion website that provides training materials and handouts on a range of skills for counselling children including: helping the child to tell their story sand tray work, the use of miniature animals, the use of clay, and helping the child to change thoughts and behaviour.
The definitive guide to the skills, techniques, and concepts used when working with children experiencing emotional challenges. It covers all you need to know about: · The child-counsellor relationship · Practice frameworks for working effectively · Play therapy and the use of different media and activities · Building self-esteem and social skills through the use of worksheets · The concepts of wellbeing and resilience.
New to this edition: · Technology: its influence on children and ways it can be used in counselling · Counselling in a post-pandemic world and the role of remote counselling and ‘telehealth’ · More discussion of issues of diversity, difference, intersectionality, implicit bias, and an inclusive practice · Updated case studies to affirm diversity and represent wider populace · Expanded and updated end of chapter further resources · Updated conclusion (with reflections on the pandemic) · Greater focus on inclusive practice and how SPICC model can be applied across various social/cultural groups.
- Höfundur: Kathryn Geldard
- Útgáfa:6
- Útgáfudagur: 2024-08-30
- Hægt að prenta út 30 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 30 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781529680287
- Print ISBN: 9781529669039
- ISBN 10: 152968028X
- Online Resources
- About the Authors
- Introduction to the Sixth Edition
- Part 1 Counselling Children
- 1 Goals for Counselling Children
- 2 The Child–Counsellor Relationship
- 3 Ethical Considerations when Counselling Children
- 4 Attributes of a Counsellor for Children
- Part 2 Practice Frameworks
- 5 Historical Background and Contemporary Ideas About Counselling Children
- 6 The Process of Child Therapy
- 7 The Child’s Internal Processes of Therapeutic Change
- 8 Sequentially Planned Integrative Counselling for Children (the SPICC Model)
- 9 Counselling Children in the Context of Family Therapy
- 10 Counselling Children in Groups
- 11 Counselling Children in a Post-Pandemic World
- Part 3 Child Counselling Skills
- 12 Observation
- 13 Active Listening
- 14 Helping the Child to Tell Their Story and Express Emotions
- 15 Understanding Resistance and Transference
- 16 Understanding Self-Concept and Unhelpful Beliefs
- 17 Actively Facilitating Change
- 18 Termination of Counselling
- 19 Skills for Counselling Children in Groups
- Part 4 Play Therapy – Use of Media and Activities
- 20 The Play Therapy Room
- 21 The Evidence-Base for Play Therapy and Counselling Children
- 22 Selecting the Appropriate Media or Activity
- 23 The Use of Miniature Animals
- 24 Sand-Tray Work
- 25 Working with Clay
- 26 Drawing, Painting, Collage, and Construction
- 27 The Imaginary Journey
- 28 Books and Stories
- 29 Puppets and Soft Toys
- 30 Imaginative Pretend Play
- 31 Games
- 32 Technology
- Part 5 The Use of Worksheets
- 33 Building Self-Esteem
- 34 Supporting Social Skills
- 35 Education in Protective Behaviours
- Part 6 In Conclusion
- Worksheets
- Bibliography
- Index
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 6190
- Útgáfuár : 2024
- Leyfi : 380