Corporate Communication ISE

- 129.6.0 SOML Samskipti og miðlun leiðtoga meistaranám - lota 1
Ensk lýsing:
Corporate Communication stresses the importance of creating a coordinated corporate communication system, and describes how organizations can benefit from important strategies and tools to stay ahead of the competition. Cases and examples of company situations relate to the chapter, and highlight the strategies companies have used to stay ahead. These cases provide readers with the opportunity to participate in real decisions that managers had to make on a variety of real problems.
Corporate Communication stresses the importance of creating a coordinated corporate communication system and describes how organizations can benefit from important strategies and tools to stay ahead of the competition. Cases and examples of company situations relate to the chapter and highlight the strategies companies have used to stay ahead. These cases provide readers with the opportunity to participate in real decisions that managers had to make on a variety of real problems.
- Höfundur: Paul A Argenti
- Útgáfa:8
- Útgáfudagur: 2022-01-07
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781265611934
- Print ISBN: 9781265092252
- ISBN 10: 1265611939
- Cover
- Title Page
- Copyright
- Dedication
- Preface
- Connect
- A Note on the Case Method
- Acknowledgments
- Brief Table of Contents
- Table of Contents
- Chapter 1: The Changing Environment for Business
- Attitudes toward American Business through the Years
- Television, Social Media, and the Online World
- The Global Village
- How to Compete in a Changing Environment
- Recognize the Changing Environment
- Adapt to the Environment without Compromising Principles
- Don’t Assume Problems Will Magically Disappear
- Keep Corporate Communication Connected to Strategy
- Conclusion
- Case 1-1: Redwood Health System
- Case Questions
- Communication Theory
- Developing Corporate Communication Strategies
- Setting an Effective Organization Strategy
- Analyzing Constituencies
- Delivering Messages Effectively
- Constituency Responses
- Conclusion
- Case 2-1: Carson Molding Company
- Case Questions
- From “PR” to “CorpComm”
- The First Spin Doctors
- A New Function Emerges
- Corporate Communications Today
- Specific Responsibilities of Corporate Communications
- To Centralize or Decentralize Communications?
- Where Should the Function Report?
- Working Strategically with External PR and Communication Agencies
- The Subfunctions within the Function
- Identity, Image, and Reputation
- Corporate Branding
- Corporate Responsibility
- Media Relations
- Marketing Communications
- Internal Communications
- Investor Relations
- Government Relations
- Crisis Management
- Conclusion
- Case 3-1: John Deere
- A Storied Company
- Shared History
- Strong Headwinds
- Getting to the Right Diagnosis
- Stark Results
- Puck Drop
- Case Questions
- The Frameworks: Understanding the Building Blocks
- Understanding the Elements That Contribute to Brand
- Brand in a Hyperconnected World
- Consistency and Authenticity Are Key
- Building a Solid Reputation
- Why Reputation Matters
- Measuring and Managing Reputation
- Conclusion
- Case 4-1: United Airlines Flight 3411
- Case Questions
- What Is Corporate Responsibility?
- The UN Global Compact Ten Principles
- The Twenty-First Century’s CR Surge
- Corporate Responsibility and the Media
- The Upside of CR
- CR and Corporate Reputation
- Consumer Values and Expectations: Taking Matters into Their Own Hands
- Investor Pressures: The Growth of Socially Responsible Investing
- Responsibility Inside and Out: Employee Involvement in CR
- Strategic Engagement: The Continued Influence of NGOs
- Being Green: The Corporation’s Responsibility to the Environment
- Communicating about Corporate Responsibility
- A Two-Way Street: Creating an Ongoing Dialogue
- The Dangers of Empty Boasting
- The Transparency Imperative
- Getting It Measured and Done: CR Reporting
- Conclusion
- Case 5-1: Starbucks Coffee Company
- Fair Trade Coffee
- Starbucks’ Issues with Fair Trade Coffee
- The Starbucks Culture
- Corporate Responsibility at Starbucks
- The Fair Trade Decision
- Case Questions
- The Evolution of the News Media
- The Growth of Business Coverage in the Media
- Building Better Relations with the Media
- Conducting Research for Targeting Traditional Media
- Researching and Engaging the Expanded “Press”
- Responding to Media Calls
- Preparing for Media Interviews
- Gauging Success
- Maintaining Ongoing Relationships
- Building a Successful Media Relations Program
- Involve Communications Professionals in Strategy
- Develop In-House Capabilities
- Use Outside Counsel Strategically
- Developing an Online Media Strategy
- Socialize Your Media Relations Strategy
- Handle Negative News Effectively
- Conclusion
- Case 6-1: Adolph Coors Company
- History of the Adolph Coors Company
- The Coors Mystique
- The Nature of the Brewing Industry
- Marketing and Distribution at Coors
- Management–Labor Relations at Coors
- Nationwide Boycott
- Federal Lawsuit
- David Sickler and the AFL-CIO
- Corporate Communication at Coors
- Shirley Richard
- Confrontational Journalism
- Open or Closed Door?
- Case Questions
- Internal Communications and the Changing Environment
- Organizing the Internal Communication Effort
- Where Should Internal Communications Report?
- Implementing an Effective Internal Communication Program
- Communicate Up and Down
- Make Time for Face-to-Face Meetings (Even If They Are Virtual)
- Communicate and Monitor Online
- Communicate Visually
- Focus on Internal Branding
- Management’s Role in Internal Communications
- Conclusion
- Case 7-1: Go Travel
- Go Travel Background
- Corporate Communication at Go Travel
- The Voluntary Severance and Expedited Vesting Program
- Communicating about the Plans
- Case Questions
- Investor Relations Overview
- The Evolution of Investor Relations
- A Framework for Managing Investor Relations
- The Objectives of Investor Relations
- Types of Investors
- Intermediaries
- Developing an Investor Relations Program
- How (and Where) Does IR Fit into the Organization?
- Using IR to Add Value
- Investor Relations and the Changing Environment
- Conclusion
- Case 8-1: Steelcase, Inc.
- History of Steelcase, Inc.
- Identity, Vision, and Reputation
- The Initial Public Offering
- Steelcase as a Public Company (IPO to June 2000)
- The Investor Relations Effort (1998–2000)
- Case Questions
- Government Begins to Manage Business: The Rise of Regulation
- The Reach of the Regulatory Agencies
- How Business “Manages” Government: The Rise of Government Relations
- The Government Relations Function Takes Shape
- The Ways and Means of Managing Washington
- Coalition Building
- CEO Involvement in Government Relations
- Lobbying on an Individual Basis
- Political Action Committees
- Conclusion
- Case 9-1: Disney’s America Theme Park: The Third Battle of Bull Run
- The Controversy Comes to a Head
- The Disney’s America Concept and Location
- The Virginia Piedmont
- Disney’s Plans Revealed
- Piedmont Opposition
- Disney’s Campaign
- The PEC’s Campaign
- The Vote
- The Historians and Journalists Take Over
- Disney’s Response
- Congressional Hearing
- The Debate Continues
- The Decision
- Case Questions
- What Is a Crisis?
- Crisis Characteristics
- Crises from the Past 40 Years
- 1982: Johnson & Johnson’s Tylenol Recall
- 1990: The Perrier Benzene Scare
- 2015: Volkswagen Emissions Scandal
- The Online World—Data Theft and Beyond
- Crises of the Past Decade
- How to Prepare for Crises
- Assess the Risk for Your Organization
- Set Communication Objectives for Potential Crises
- Analyze Channel Choice
- Assign a Different Team to Each Crisis
- Plan for Centralization
- What to Include in a Formal Plan
- Communicating During the Crisis
- Step 1: Get Control of the Situation
- Step 2: Gather as Much Information as Possible
- Step 3: Set Up a Centralized Crisis Management Center
- Step 4: Communicate Early and Often
- Step 5: Understand the Media’s Mission in a Crisis
- Step 6: Communicate Directly with Affected Constituents
- Step 7: Remember That Business Must Continue
- Step 8: Make Plans to Avoid Another Crisis Immediately
- Conclusion
- Case 10-1: Carnival Corporation: The Costa Concordia Crisis
- Carnival Corporation & Plc
- Micky Arison
- Tragedy on the Water
- Carnival’s Response
- A Crisis-Communications Disaster or Success?
- Case Questions
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 17986
- Útgáfuár : 2022
- Leyfi : 380