Set up your space for cooking success Master basic techniques, such as boiling, grilling, and more Prepare more than 140 simple dishes Your go-to guide for success in the kitchen Ready to do more than boil water? Cooking Basics For Dummies will help you expand your skills and develop your confidence in the kitchen. With simple instructions and a fun-and-friendly tone, this cookbook shows you how to prepare everything—from traditional dishes to the latest popular foods, and from brilliant breakfasts to delectable desserts.
Whether you're looking to make dinner in a pinch or crafting a dish for a special occasion, you'll find everything you need to start creating delicious, healthy meals. Inside. . . More than 140 recipes to try Essential tools and equipment The lowdown on baking, sautéing, and steaming How to stock your pantry and fridge with the right ingredients Chefs' secrets that will have you cooking like a pro.
- Höfundar: Marie Rama, Bryan Miller
- Útgáfa:5
- Útgáfudagur: 2020-02-14
- Hægt að prenta út 10 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781119695462
- Print ISBN: 9781119696773
- ISBN 10: 1119695465
- Cover
- Introduction
- About This Book
- Foolish Assumptions
- Icons Used in This Book
- Beyond the Book
- Where to Go from Here
- Part 1: Getting Started with Cooking
- Chapter 1: Cooking with Confidence
- Creating a Cook-Friendly Kitchen
- Introducing Major Appliances: Friends, Not Foes
- Kitchen Safety 101
- Now Get Crackin’!
- Chapter 2: Investing in the Essential Tools
- Collecting Your Cookware Basics
- Picking Pots and Pans
- Selecting Tools for Mixing and Baking
- Considering Small Appliances
- Graters and Mashers and Peelers, Oh My!
- Chapter 3: The Bare Necessities: Stocking Your Pantry and Fridge
- Dry Goods: The Pantry’s Backbone
- Stocking Up on Baking Supplies
- Spicing Up Your Life with Herbs, Spices, and Seasonings
- Peanut Butter and Beyond: Bottled and Canned Goods
- Cooling It with Refrigerated and Frozen Staples
- Squeezing the Melon: Buying and Storing Fruits and Vegetables
- Selecting, Buying, and Storing Meat, Poultry, and Fish
- Chapter 1: Cooking with Confidence
- Chapter 4: The Cutting Edge: Working with Knives
- Buying Knives for All Occasions
- Caring for Your Knives
- Using Knives Correctly (and Safely)
- Chopping, Mincing, Julienning, and More
- Carving Poultry and Meats
- Chapter 5: Boiling, Poaching, and Steaming
- Water, Water Everywhere … Now What?
- Making Hard- and Soft-Cooked Eggs
- Giving Your Veggies a Hot Bath
- Poaching and Steaming Seafood
- Chapter 6: Simply Sautéing
- Knowing When to Use Oil or Butter
- Combining Sautéing with Roasting
- Making Great Sauce from Bits in the Pan: Deglazing
- Getting Versatile with Your Sautéing
- Chapter 7: Braising and Stewing: Slow and Seductive
- Cooking in Liquid
- Keeping Herbs and Spices in Check
- Chapter 8: Roasting Poultry, Meats, and Veggies
- Roasting the Right Way
- Roasting Times and Temperatures for Poultry and Meat
- Putting Poultry in the Oven
- Mastering Roasted Meats
- Remembering (to Roast) Your Veggies!
- Chapter 9: Coals and Coils: Grilling and Broiling
- Mastering Your Grill
- Marinating for Flavor
- Perfecting Your Grilling Technique
- Making Each Dish Delicious
- Chapter 10: Baking Basics
- Don’t Wing It: Measuring with Care
- Working with Eggs
- Folding, Whipping, Kneading, and More: Getting the Techniques Right
- Perfecting Your Pie Crust
- Making Cakes and Quick Breads for a Sweet Treat
- Chapter 11: Conquering Breakfast
- Starting the Day with the Incredible, Edible Egg
- Cooking Perfect Eggs
- Making Mouth-Watering Breakfast Meats
- Taking a Tour of Breakfast Breads
- Blending Your Way to a Healthy Breakfast
- Chapter 12: Super Soups and Savory Salads
- Mastering Essential Soup Skills
- Trying Your Hand at Puréed Soups
- Stimulating Your Palate with Fresh Salads and Dressings
- Chapter 13: From Sides to Mains: Great Grains and Pastas
- Sprucing Up Standard Rice
- Checking Out Other Grains
- Canoodling with Everyone’s Favorite: Pasta
- Topping Your Pasta with the Perfect Sauce
- Chapter 14: Making Sensational Sauces: Fear No More
- Starting with the ABCs of Sauces
- Deglazing for Delicious Pan Sauces
- Whirling Light Blender Sauces in Minutes
- Sweetening Things Up with Delectable Dessert Sauces
- Chapter 15: Delectable Desserts
- Creating Creamy Chocolate Sweets
- Finding the Indulgent Side of Fruit, Fresh from the Oven
- Collecting Cookies: All You Need Is a Glass of Milk
- Taking on Tiramisu
- Chapter 16: Taking It Easy with One-Pot Meals
- Slow Cookers: Small Input, Big Output
- From Oven to Table: Simplicity in a Casserole Dish
- Chapter 17: Making More (and Better) for Less
- Creating Big Dishes for Small Bucks
- Dressing Up Your Meals with Super Sidekicks
- Chapter 18: Going Global with Asian and Mediterranean Dishes
- Discovering the Asian Pantry
- Exploring the World of Mediterranean Cooking
- Chapter 19: Quick Picks: Cooking with Fewer Ingredients
- Whipping Up Dinner with Convenience Foods
- Keeping Things Simple and Delicious
- Seeing the Pasta-bilities!
- Chapter 20: Summertime Soirees
- Planning the Menu
- Mixing Fruity Drinks for Thirsty Crowds
- Preparing in Advance for a Stress-Free Party
- Chapter 21: Feeding Holiday Hordes: Festive Winter Menus
- Planning the Menu
- Getting Yourself Organized
- All about Turkey
- Teasing the Palate with Fresh Dips
- Scrumptious Stuffings and Sides
- Last Man Standing: Holiday Desserts
- Warming Up with Holiday Libations
- Chapter 22: Ten Ways to Think Like a Chef
- Know the Basic Techniques
- Use Only the Freshest Ingredients
- Get It Together
- Understand Flavor Combinations
- Think about Your Plate
- Plan Your Menus in Advance
- Be Thrifty
- Don’t Be a Slave to Recipes
- Simplify
- Above All, Have Fun
- Chapter 23: Ten Common Cooking Myths
- Marinating Meat Tenderizes It
- Searing Meat Traps in the Juices
- Basting Chicken Creates Crispy Skin
- Adding Oil to Pasta Water Keeps It from Sticking Together
- Using Quality Olive Oil Is Important for Sautéing or Pan-Roasting
- Using a Garlic Press Extracts More Flavor
- Soaking Dried Beans before Cooking Improves Flavor and Texture
- Adding a Potato to an Oversalted Soup or Stew Reduces the Saltiness
- Cooking with Wine or Spirits Burns Off All the Alcohol
- Rinsing Raw Mushrooms Causes Them to Absorb More Water
- Substituting in a Pinch
- Taking a Quick Look at Abbreviations
- Looking Up Conversions and Metric Equivalents
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 10605
- Útgáfuár : 2014
- Leyfi : 380