Industry. Culture. Technology. They have come together. What's next?From reading news on tablets to video calling on smartphones, digital media has changed the ways in which we communicate. Placing convergence at the center of the discussion, Converging Media: An Introduction to Mass Communication, Seventh Edition, uses the technologies we employ every day to explain our current media environment-and to consider where we might be headed.
- Höfundar: John Pavlik, Shawn McIntosh
- Útgáfa:7
- Útgáfudagur: 2023-10-12
- Engar takmarkanir á útprentun
- Engar takmarkanir afritun
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9780197520437
- Print ISBN: 9780197520413
- ISBN 10: 019752043X
- Cover Page
- Title page
- Copyright page
- Dedication
- Contents
- ACEJMC Learning Goals
- Features
- Preface
- Converging Media: An Introduction to Mass Communication and Digital Innovation, Seventh Edition
- Features for Students
- Changes to the Seventh Edition
- Chapter 1
- Chapter 2
- Chapter 3
- Chapter 4
- Chapter 5
- Chapter 6
- Chapter 7
- Chapter 8
- Chapter 9
- Chapter 10
- Chapter 11
- Chapter 12
- Chapter 13
- Chapter 14
- Chapter 15
- How the Book Is Organized
- 1.1 Telephony: Case Study in Convergence
- 1.2 Three Types of Convergence
- Technological Convergence
- Economic Convergence
- Cultural Convergence
- 1.3 Implications of Convergence
- Media Organization
- Media Type
- Media Content
- Media Use
- Media Distribution
- Media Audience
- Media Profession
- Attitudes and Values
- 1.4 Mass Communication in the Digital Age
- Interpersonal Communication
- Mass Communication
- Mass Communication and Convergence
- 1.5 Functions of Mass Communication
- Surveillance
- Correlation
- Cultural Transmission
- Entertainment
- 1.6 Television: The Future of Convergence
- Looking Back and Moving Forward
- Further Reading
- List of Key Terms
- 2.1 Education and Media
- 2.2 What Is Media Literacy?
- 2.3 What Makes Mediated Communication Different?
- Semiotics
- Framing
- 2.4 Early Concerns of Media Effects
- 2.5 Media Grammar
- Print Media
- Radio and Recorded Music
- Film and Television
- Digital-Media Grammar
- 2.6 Implications of Commercial Media
- Commercial-Media Debate
- Concentration of Media Ownership
- 2.7 Media Bias
- 2.8 Developing Critical Media-Literacy Skills
- Media Careers
- Looking Back and Moving Forward
- Further Reading
- List of Key Terms
- 3.1 Role of Theory and Research
- Mass Society, Mass Communication
- 3.2 Theories of Communication
- Transmission Models
- Critical Theory and Cultural Studies
- 3.3 Media-Effects Research
- Propaganda and the Magic Bullet
- Payne Fund
- Radio’s Wider Impact
- Television and Violence
- Limited Effects
- Cultivation Analysis
- Spiral of Silence
- Third-Person Effect
- Criticisms of Media-Effects Research
- 3.4 Understanding the Audience
- Audiences Creating Meaning
- Uses and Gratifications
- Encoding/Decoding
- Reception Analysis
- Framing
- Audiences Creating Meaning
- 3.5 Cultural Studies
- Ideology and the Culture Industry
- Criticisms of Cultural Studies
- 3.6 Sociohistorical Frameworks
- Information Society
- Political Economy
- Media Ecology
- Agenda Setting
- 3.7 New Directions in Media Research
- 3.8 Media Research: What Type of Science Is It?
- Quantitative Research
- Qualitative Research
- Qualitative and Quantitative Research Working Together
- Media Careers
- Looking Back and Moving Forward
- Further Reading
- List of Key Terms
- 4.1 Functions of Print Media
- Transmission of Culture
- Diffusion of Ideas and Knowledge
- Entertainment
- 4.2 Distinctive Functions of Books
- 4.3 History of Books to Today
- Monastic Scribes
- Johannes Gutenberg
- Beginnings of Mass Communication and Mass Literacy
- Cheaper and Smaller Books
- Dime Novels
- Mass-Market Paperbacks
- Print-on-Demand
- Ebooks
- Local Newspapers
- National Newspapers
- The Commercial Press and the Partisan Press
- Colonial Readership and Finances
- The Golden Age of Newspapers
- Newspaper Chains
- Benefits of Chains
- Problems with Chains
- Leading Newspaper Chains
- Declining Number of Newspapers
- Circulation and Readership
- Advertising
- 5.1 The Recording Industry
- 5.2 Distinctive Functions of the Recording Industry
- 5.3 History of Recorded Music
- From Tin Pan Alley to Hollywood
- Roots of Rock and Roll
- Redefining Rock
- 5.4 The Recording Industry Today
- 5.5 Recording-Industry Business Model
- Creation
- Promotion
- Distribution
- Pricing Structure
- 5.6 Outlook for the Recording Industry
- Digital Rights Management and Illegal File Sharing
- New Business Models Emerging
- 5.7 What Is Broadcasting?
- 5.8 Radio
- 5.9 Distinctive Functions of Radio
- 5.10 History of Radio
- Wireless Telegraphy
- Exploring Radio’s Early Potential
- Voice Transmission
- Radio Before, During, and After WWI
- Widespread Public Adoption of Radio
- FM Radio, Edwin Howard Armstrong, And David Sarnoff
- Creating a Viable Business Model for Radio
- The Rise of Radio Networks
- Consolidation in Radio Station Ownership
- 5.11 The Radio Industry Today
- 5.12 Radio Station Programming
- 5.13 Outlook for the Radio Industry
- Podcasting
- Satellite Radio
- Media Careers
- Looking Back and Moving Forward
- Further Reading
- List of Key Terms
- 6.1 Photography
- History of Photography
- Photographic Industry Today
- 6.2 Movies
- 6.3 History of the Movie Industry
- Silent Era: New Medium, New Technologies, New Storytelling
- Méliès, Griffith, and Weber
- Murnau, Flaherty, and Eisenstein
- Sound and Color
- Hollywood Movie Moguls
- Warner Brothers
- Walt Disney
- Samuel Goldwyn
- Marcus Loew
- Louis B. Mayer
- Hollywood Star System
- The Director as Auteur
- Technological Influences on Movie Genres
- Other Entertainment Sources for Movies
- DVDs and Streaming
- Silent Era: New Medium, New Technologies, New Storytelling
- 6.4 Movie Industry Today
- 6.5 Marketing and Distribution for Movies
- 6.6 Movie-Industry Business Model
- 6.7 Outlook for the Movie Industry
- 6.8 Television
- 6.9 History of Television
- Seeing the Light: The First Television Systems
- Modern Television Takes Shape
- Programming and Genre Influences
- Pushing the Programming Envelope
- Cable Comes of Age
- Filling the Days
- Filling the Nights
- Sports
- Reality Shows
- Digital Television: Preparing the Way for Convergence
- The Rise of Flat-Panel Displays
- 6.10 Television Distribution
- Broadcast TV
- Cable TV
- Satellite TV
- 6.11 Television Industry Today
- Cable System Structure
- Satellite Versus Cable Versus IPTV
- 6.12 Television-Industry Business Model
- 6.13 Outlook for the Television Industry
- Media Careers
- Looking Back and Moving Forward
- Further Reading
- List of Key Terms
- 7.1 Interactivity Defined
- 7.2 Interactive Media Versus Mass Media
- 7.3 Historical Development of User Interfaces
- Television Interfaces
- Intuitive Interfaces
- Keyboards
- Computer Mouse
- Touchscreens
- Natural Input Methods
- Graphical User Interfaces
- 7.4 Historical Development of the Internet and the World Wide Web
- Internet Protocol
- World Wide Web
- Graphical Web Browsers
- Search Engines
- Broadband
- Distribution Dynamics
- 7.5 Video Games
- 7.6 Historical Development of Video Games
- 7.7 Types of Video Games
- 7.8 Video-Game Industry
- 7.9 Trends in Video Games
- 7.10 Gamification
- 7.11 Virtual Reality
- 7.12 Ethics of Interactive Media
- Media Careers
- Looking Back and Moving Forward
- Further Reading
- List of Key Terms
- 8.1 Defining Social Media
- Dialogic Communication
- Social Production
- 8.2 What Is “Social” About Social Media?
- Choice
- Conversation
- Curation
- Creation
- Collaboration
- 8.3 Types of Social Media
- Discussion Boards and Web Forums
- Chat Rooms
- Blogs and Microblogs
- Wikis
- Social-Networking Sites
- 8.4 Producers and Produsers
- Reputation, Ratings, and Trust
- Privacy
- Transparency
- 8.5 Social Media: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
- Is Social Media Making us Less Social?
- Is Social Media Making Us Dumber?
- Media Careers
- Looking Back and Moving Forward
- Further Reading
- List of Key Terms
- 9.1 What Is News?
- 9.2 The Historical Development of Journalism
- News Values and the Associated Press
- Pulitzer and Hearst: The Circulation Wars, Sensationalism, and Standards
- Joseph Pulitzer
- William Randolph Hearst
- The Rise of Electronic Journalism
- Murrow and News in TV’s Golden Age
- Changes in Television News
- The Hutchins Commission and a Free and Responsible Press
- Separation of Editorial and Business Operations
- Fairness and Balance in News Coverage
- Framing the News
- Expert Sources
- Gathering the News
- Producing the News
- Distributing the News
- Alternative Journalism
- Public Journalism
- Citizen Journalism
- Constructive and Solutions Journalism
- An International Perspective
- Nontraditional Sources
- Online User Habits
- Personalization
- Contextualization
- Convergence
- Salaries
- Diversity in the Newsroom
- 10.1 Strategic Communications
- Persuasive Communications
- The Role of Media in Persuasion
- 10.2 Public Relations
- The Historical Development of Public Relations
- Trends in the Development of Public Relations
- PR and Media Relations
- Pseudo-Events
- Distributing News to the Media in the Digital Age
- Finding Sources Online
- PR Firms and the PR Industry
- 10.3 Changing Trends in PR
- Media Careers
- Looking Back and Moving Forward
- Further Reading
- List of Key Terms
- 11.1 Advertising
- The Historical Development of Advertising
- Advertising Agencies
- Commercial Television
- Internet
- The Rise of Branding
- Selling Products, Selling Ideas
- Advertising Channels
- Print Media
- Electronic Media
- Outdoor
- Direct Mail
- Advertising In a Digital World
- Cookies
- Email Marketing
- Banner Ads
- Pop-Ups and Video
- Classifieds and Auction Sites
- Search-Engine Ads
- Mobile Advertising
- In-Game Advertising
- Behavioral Advertising
- Viral Marketing
- Native Advertising
- The Advertising Business
- Advertising Agencies
- The Historical Development of Advertising
- 11.2 Changing Trends in Advertising
- Media Careers
- Looking Back and Moving Forward
- Further Reading
- List of Key Terms
- 12.1 Ethics, Morals, and Laws
- 12.2 Major Systems of Ethical Reasoning
- Character, or Virtue Ethics
- The Golden Rule
- The Golden Mean
- Virtue Ethics in Action
- Duties
- The Categorical Imperative
- Discourse Ethics
- Duties-Based Ethics in Action
- Consequences
- Utilitarianism
- Social Justice
- Consequence-Based Ethics in Action
- Relationships, or Dialogical Ethics
- Ethics of Care
- Moral Relativism
- Character, or Virtue Ethics
- 12.3 Issues in Ethical Decision Making
- 12.4 Role of Commercialism in Media Ethics
- Media Types Influencing Content
- 12.5 Ethics in Journalism
- Privacy Rights Versus the Public’s Right to Know
- Going Undercover
- Victimizing the Victims
- Misrepresentation and Plagiarism
- Society of Professional Journalists Code of Ethics
- 12.6 Ethical Issues in Advertising
- Deceptive Advertising
- Puffery
- Conflicts of Interest in Advertising
- Advertising Codes of Ethics
- 12.7 Ethics in Public Relations
- Conflicts of Interest in PR
- Public Relations Codes of Ethics
- 12.8 Ethics in Entertainment
- Stereotypes in Entertainment
- Sex and Violence
- Media Careers
- Looking Back and Moving Forward
- Further Reading
- List of Key Terms
- 13.1 The Legal Framework
- 13.2 The Foundations of Freedom of Expression
- National Security
- Clear and Present Danger
- Prior Restraint
- Libel
- New York Times Co. v. Sullivan (1964)
- Protecting Journalists Against Libel
- Shield Laws
- Censorship
- The Censorship of Comics
- The Hays Code
- Indecent Content
- Obscenity
- Criticism, Ridicule, or Humor
- National Security
- Early Days and the Radio Act of 1912 (1911–1926)
- Increasing Regulation and the Federal Radio Commission (1927–1933)
- The Communications Act and Spectrum Scarcity (1934–1995)
- The Telecommunications Act and the Internet (1996–Present)
- International Electronic Media Regulation
- Universal Service
- The FCC, License Renewal, and Regulatory Power
- Spectrum Auction
- Commercial Speech
- Tobacco, Alcohol, and Marijuana Advertising
- Unclear Regulatory Boundaries
- Political Speech
- Equal-Time Rule
- Fairness Doctrine
- The Children’s Television Act
- Violent and Sexual Programming: The V-Chip
- Fair Use
- Digital Rights Management
- Privacy
- Content Rights and Responsibilities
- 14.1 Journalism and Political Coverage
- Politicians Using the News
- Sound Bites and Horse Races
- The Changing Tone of Television Political Coverage
- Opinion Polls
- 14.2 Political Advertising
- Impact of Negative Advertising
- Effectiveness of Negative Advertising
- 14.3 Politics and Entertainment
- Political Campaigns and Entertainment
- Political Debates
- 14.4 Social Media and Political Campaigns
- Changes with Social Media
- Changing Rules for Politicians
- 14.5 Social Media and Civic Engagement
- Databases and Government Transparency
- Smart Mobs
- 14.6 Political Polarization and Media Habits
- Media Careers
- Looking Back and Moving Forward
- Further Reading
- List of Key Terms
- 15.1 Four Theories of International Mass Communication
- Authoritarian Theory
- Libertarian Theory
- Social Responsibility Theory
- Soviet Theory
- 15.2 The Public, the Public Sphere, and Public Opinion
- 15.3 Political and Socioeconomic Issues with Global Media
- Media in Developing Countries
- Searching for Truth: Self-Censorship in China
- The Digital Divide
- 15.4 Global Media, Local Values
- New Worlds—or Cultural Imperialism?
- Convergence and its Discontents
- Globalization of Media Production
- Global Media Flow
- Protecting Local Voices
- Some Developing Nations
- A Neighbo(u)ring Nation
- Promoting Global Voices
- Cybersecurity and Media
- Media Careers
- Looking Back and Moving Forward
- Further Reading
- List of Key Terms
- Preface
- Chapter 1
- Chapter 2
- Chapter 3
- Chapter 4
- Chapter 5
- Chapter 6
- Chapter 7
- Chapter 8
- Chapter 9
- Chapter 10
- Chapter 11
- Chapter 12
- Chapter 13
- Chapter 14
- Chapter 15
- 1 Mass Communication and Its Digital Transformation
- 2 Media Literacy in the Digital Age
- 3 Media Theory and Research
- 4 Print Media
- 5 Audio Media
- 6 Visual Media
- 7 Interactive Media
- 8 The Impact of Social Media
- 9 Journalism
- 10 Public Relations
- 11 Advertising
- 12 Media Ethics
- 13 Communication Law and Regulation in the Digital Age
- 14 Mass Communication and Politics in the Digital Age
- 15 Global Media in the Digital Age
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 19035
- Útgáfuár : 2023
- Leyfi : 380