Consumer Behavior, Global Edition
4.890 kr.

Neytendahegðun og markaðsrannsóknir / Markaðsrannsóknir
Consumer Behavior: Buying, Having, and Being, Global Edition covers all of the processes involved when we select, purchase, use or dispose of products, services, ideas or experiences. It investigates the many factors that affect our consumption choices (and non-choices), especially in the era of social media and the digital age. Since we're all consumers, many of the topics have both professional and personal relevance, making it easy to apply the theories outside of class.
- Höfundar: Michael R. Solomon, Cristel Antonia Russell
- Útgáfa:14
- Útgáfudagur: 2023-11-09
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:Page Fidelity
- ISBN 13: 9781292720654
- Print ISBN: 9781292452340
- ISBN 10: 1292720654
- Title Page
- Copyright
- Dedication
- Pearson’s Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
- Brief Contents
- Contents
- Preface
- About the Authors
- Section 1: Foundations of Consumer Behavior
- Chapter 1. Buying, Having, and Being: An Introduction to Consumer Behavior
- Consumer Behavior: People in the Marketplace
- What Is Consumer Behavior?
- A Branded World
- Understanding Consumers Is Good Business
- Consumers, Society, and Technology: A Moving Target
- Social Media: The Horizontal Revolution
- Artificial Intelligence and The Metaverse
- “Big Data” and Data Analytics
- Welcome to the Metaverse!
- Globalization of Brands and Cultural Practices
- Proactive Consumers and User-Generated Content
- Consumer Trends: Keeping Up with the Culture That Won’t Stand Still
- Consumption: From Problem to Solution?
- What Do We Need—Really?
- Toward Responsible Consumption and Responsible Business
- Multiple Perspectives on the Study of Consumer Behavior
- What Disciplines Study Consumer Behavior?
- Where Do We Find Consumer Researchers?
- The Philosophy of This Book
- Chapter Summary
- Key Terms
- Review
- Consumer Behavior Challenge
- Case Study. Alexa—What Is Consumer Behavior?
- Notes
- Consumer Behavior: People in the Marketplace
- Chapter 2. Consumer Ethics, the Marketplace, and the Planet
- What Is the “Right” Thing?
- Pestle: The Political Environment
- Consumer Activism
- Corporate Activism
- Slacktivism
- Pestle: The Economic Environment
- Disabled Consumers
- Consumed Consumers
- Pestle: The Social Environment
- Pestle: The Technological Environment
- Data Privacy
- Data Accuracy
- Identity Theft
- Pushing the Envelope
- Technology Addictions
- Pestle: The Legal Environment
- Governmental Regulations and Agencies
- Consumers Behaving Badly
- Pestle: The Natural Environment
- The SHIFT: Changing Consumer Behavior for the Better
- The “Tree-Huggers”
- Chapter Summary
- Key Terms
- Review
- Consumer Behavior Challenge
- Case Study. Carrefour’s New Payment Technologies in the Middle East
- Notes
- Chapter 1. Buying, Having, and Being: An Introduction to Consumer Behavior
- Chapter 3. Perceiving and Making Meaning
- Sensation
- Sensory Marketing
- Augmented and Virtual Reality: Welcome to the Metaverse
- The Stages of Perception
- Stage 1: Exposure
- Stage 2: Attention
- Stage 3: Interpretation
- Semiotics: The Meaning ofMeaning
- Who Owns Brand Meanings?
- Marketers Position Brands
- But Ultimately Brand Meanings Live in Consumers’ Minds
- Chapter Summary
- Key Terms
- Review
- Consumer Behavior Challenge
- Case Study. The Metaverse Is Marketing’s Brave New World
- Notes
- Sensation
- Chapter 4. Learning, Remembering, and Knowing
- How Do We Learn?
- Behavioral Learning Theories
- Classical Conditioning
- Marketing Applications of Classical Conditioning Principles
- Instrumental Conditioning
- Marketing Applications of Instrumental Conditioning Principles
- Cognitive Learning Theory
- Observational Learning
- How Kids Develop Cognitive Skills
- Marketing Applications of Cognitive Learning Principles
- Remembering
- How Our Brains Encode Information
- What Makes Us Forget?
- What Helps Us to Remember?
- How Do We Measure Consumers’ Memories for Marketing Messages?
- Problems with Memory Measures
- Memory Lapses, Biases, and False Memories
- Marketing Applications of Consumers’ Memories
- How Do We Organize What We Know?
- Levels of Knowledge
- How Do We Put Products into Categories?
- “If They Own This, They Must Own That”: Consumption Constellations
- Marketing Applications of Consumers’ Knowledge Structures
- Chapter Summary
- Key Terms
- Review
- Consumer Behavior Challenge
- Case Study. The Rise of Deinfluencing
- Notes
- How Do We Learn?
- Chapter 5. Motivation
- The Motivation Process: Why Ask Why?
- Push or Pull? Intrinsic versus Extrinsic Motivation
- Motivational Drive
- Self-Regulation
- Consumer Needs
- Utilitarian and Hedonic Needs
- How Can We Understand Needs?
- How “Needy” Are You? Individual Differences in Motivation
- Setting and Reaching Goals
- Goal Conflicts
- Goal Framing Affects Goal Completion
- Consumer Involvement
- Types of Involvement
- Chapter Summary
- Key Terms
- Review
- Consumer Behavior Challenge
- Case Study. Game On! Using Gamification to Engage with Consumers
- Notes
- The Motivation Process: Why Ask Why?
- Chapter 6. Attitudes and How to Change Them
- The Power of Attitudes
- Attitudes (Generally) Guide our Behavior
- Attitudes, Fast and Slow: Cognitive and Affective Components
- “I Know It”: Cognitive Focus
- “I Feel It”: Affective Focus
- Oops! Attitudes Aren’t as Simple as We Thought
- How Do We Form Attitudes?
- Commitment
- The Consistency Principle
- Balance Theory
- Persuasion: How Do Marketers Change Attitudes?
- Sell the Steak or the Sizzle?: The Elaboration Likelihood Model
- Persuasion Knowledge: Talking Back to Marketers
- Crafting Persuasive Communications Strategies
- Decisions, Decisions: Tactical Communications Options
- The Source
- The Message
- The Medium
- Chapter Summary
- Key Terms
- Review
- Consumer Behavior Challenge
- Case Study. Anti-Smoking Advertising—Can You Be Scared into Quitting?
- Notes
- The Power of Attitudes
- Chapter 7. Deciding
- Fast or Slow Thinking?
- Rational (Slow) Decision Making
- Steps in the Rational Decision-Making Process
- Fast Thinking and Rules of Thumb
- Behavioral Biases
- Heuristics and Mental Accounting: Take the Shortcut
- The Unseen Power of Context Effects: Framing, Priming, and Nudging
- Framing
- Priming
- Nudging
- Online Decision Making
- Search Engine Optimization
- The Power of Customer Reviews
- Cybermediaries
- Chapter Summary
- Key Terms
- Review
- Consumer Behavior Challenge
- Case Study. P&G and the Moments of Truth—Just How Many Moments Are There?
- Notes
- Chapter 8. Buying, Using, and Disposing
- The Shopping Experience
- Shop ’til You Drop?
- In-Store Decision Making
- Are You Satisfied?
- E-Commerce and the Digital World
- From Bricks to Clicks
- Shopping Apps and In-Store Tech
- Digital Currencies
- Online Commerce: Raising the Bar
- Liquid Consumption
- New Ways to Have and Use: Ownership and the Sharing Economy
- The Thrill of Thrifting
- The Climate Crisis
- Product Disposal
- Recycling and the Underground Economy
- The Dark Side of Buying and Using
- Addictive and Compulsive Behavior
- Chapter Summary
- Key Terms
- Review
- Consumer Behavior Challenge
- Case Study. RH—Revolutionizing Physical Retailing
- Notes
- The Shopping Experience
- Chapter 9. Identity and the Self
- The Self
- The Self-Concept and Self-Esteem
- The Self and Others
- The Malleable Self
- We Consume to Express Our Identities
- The Extended Self
- New Ways to Express Identity
- Compensatory Consumption
- Anti-Consumption as Self-Defining
- Embodied Cognition
- Our Digital Selves
- Gender and Consumer Behavior
- Gender Socialization and Gender Roles
- Gender Differences in Consumer Behavior
- Toward Greater Gender Fluidity
- The Quest for Gender Justice and Equality
- The Body
- Ideals of Beauty and Stereotypes
- Body Positivity: Enter the Fatshionistas
- Body Decoration and Mutilation
- The Mechanized Body
- The Quantified Self
- Chapter Summary
- Key Terms
- Review
- Consumer Behavior Challenge
- Case Study. Modest Fashion and the Self
- Notes
- The Self
- Chapter 10. Personality, Values, and Lifestyles
- Personality
- How Can We Measure Personality?
- Trait Theory
- Values
- Belief Systems
- Values Related to Things
- Values Related to Money
- Values Related to Time
- How Can We Understand Values?
- The Means–End Chain Model
- Syndicated Surveys
- Lifestyles and Consumer Identity
- From What to Why: Psychographics
- The Roles Brands Play in Our Lives
- The Brand Personality
- How Do We Get to “Know” a Brand?
- The Meaning Transfer Model
- Brand Resonance
- Archetypes (Again)
- Spokescharacters
- Congruence between Consumer and Brand
- Lifestyle Brands and Lifestyle Brand Constellations
- Selling Authenticity
- Brand Storytelling
- Chapter Summary
- Key Terms
- Review
- Consumer Behavior Challenge
- Case Study. Jamie Oliver: The Pure and Easy Food Lifestyle
- Notes
- Personality
- Chapter 11. Social and Cultural Identity
- The Dynamics of Social Identity
- Facets of Social and Cultural Identity
- The Dynamics of Identity
- Salient Identity Cues
- Threats to Social Identity
- Intersectionality
- The Family
- The Meaning of Family
- Going Nuclear? The Structure of the Household Evolves
- The Family Life Cycle
- Parenting and Consumer Behavior
- Age and Generations
- Teenagers
- “Tweens”
- Consumers Aging Gracefully: Retirement and Beyond
- Age Cohorts
- Ethnic and Racial Identities
- Ethnic and Racial Identity
- Ethnic and Racial Diversity in the U.S.
- Showing Respect: Ethnic and Racial Symbols
- Religious and Political Identity
- Religion and Consumption
- Marketing to Muslims
- Political Identity
- Community (Geographic and Place-Based Subcultures)
- Geodiversity
- Chapter Summary
- Key Terms
- Review
- Consumer Behavior Challenge
- Case Study. The Modern Family: How Brands Embrace Changing Household Structures
- Notes
- The Dynamics of Social Identity
- Chapter 12. How Groups Define Us
- Sources of Group Influences
- Reference Groups
- Social Norms: How Groups Change Our Behavior
- Differences in Susceptibility to Influence
- Word of Mouth
- Viral Marketing and Buzz Building
- Negative WOM
- Buzz Gone Bad
- Information Flows in Social Networks: Who Knows Whom?
- Who Influences Us: Opinion Leaders and Social Media Influencers
- Who Influences Us: Collective Decision Making
- The Collective Decision Making Process
- The Intimate Corporation: Collective Decision Making in Households
- Collective Decision Making in Organizations
- Who Influences Us: Consumer Communities
- Consumer Collectives
- A Culture of Participation
- Brand Communities
- Support Groups
- Gaming Communities
- Chapter Summary
- Key Terms
- Review
- Consumer Behavior Challenge
- Case Study. Lush Is Trying to Find an Authentic Voice Online
- Notes
- Sources of Group Influences
- Chapter 13. Social Class and Status
- What Is Social Class?
- Social Class Provides a Set of Resources
- Social Distinction, Taste, and Habitus
- Online Capital
- “Is That a Yoga Mat?” Taste Cultures and Codes
- How Do We Measure Social Class?
- Social Class Structures
- Social Stratification
- Social Mobility
- Some Key Factors That Influence Consumer Behavior within and across Social Classes
- Social Status and Consumption
- To Whom Do We Compare Ourselves?
- Status Symbols
- The Meaning of “Luxury”
- Social Inequality, Poverty, and Social Justice
- The Bottom of the Pyramid: Low-Income Consumers
- The Role of Consumption in Social Justice: Walk the Walk
- Social Responsibility
- Chapter Summary
- Key Terms
- Review
- Consumer Behavior Challenge
- Case Study. Are Dollar Stores Really Cheaper?
- Notes
- What Is Social Class?
- Chapter 14. Culture
- Cultural Systems
- Dimensions of Culture
- How We Learn about Our Culture
- Cultural Meaning Creation and Movement
- Myths
- Consumption Rituals
- Rituals and Community
- Ritual Artifacts and Scripts
- Products Are Vessels of Cultural Meanings
- Sacred and Profane Products
- Global Consumer Culture
- The Diffusion of Innovations
- How Do We Decide to Adopt an Innovation?
- What Determines Whether an Innovation Will Diffuse?
- The Diffusion of Consumption Practices
- The Fashion System
- Consumers as Sources of Innovations
- Chapter Summary
- Key Terms
- Review
- Consumer Behavior Challenge
- Case Study. Kit Kat: Stop, Sit, and Break
- Notes
- Cultural Systems
- Appendix A. Data Cases
- Case 1: Analyzing the Athletic Shoe Market
- Case 2: Evolving Trends in Fitness and French Fries
- Case 3: Cats, Kibble, and Commercials
- Case 4: Going Global with Juice
- Appendix B. Careers in Consumer Research
- Appendix C. Consumer Research Methods
- Appendix D. Sources of Secondary Data
- Name Index
- Company and Brand Name Index
- Subject Index
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 6134
- Útgáfuár : 2019
- Leyfi : 380