Communicating in Risk, Crisis, and High Stress Situations: Evidence-Based Strategies and Practice
7.190 kr.
Primary Audience: engineers, health professionals, and scientists Secondary Audience: lawyers, doctors, administrators, human resource specialists, insurers, politicians, and leaders in the private sectorAnnað
- Höfundur: Vincent T. Covello
- Útgáfa:1
- Útgáfudagur: 10-12-2021
- Hægt að prenta út 10 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781119081791
- Print ISBN: 9781119027430
- ISBN 10: 1119081793
- Cover
- Series Page
- Title Page
- Copyright Page
- A Note from the Series Editor
- Acknowledgments
- Author Biography
- 1 The Critical Role of Risk, High Concern, and Crisis Communication
- 1.1 Case Diary: A Collision of Facts and Perceptions
- 1.2 What Will Readers Find in This Book?
- 1.3 Why You Will Use This Book
- 1.4 The Need for This Book – Now
- 2 Core Concepts
- 2.1 Case Diary: Recognizing Change as a High Concern Issue
- 2.2 Defining the Concept and Term Risk
- 2.3 Defining the Concept and Term Risk Communication
- 2.4 Risk Communication and Its Relationship to Risk Analysis
- 2.5 Defining the Concepts and Terms High Concern and High Concern Communication
- 2.6 Defining the Concept and Term Crisis
- 2.7 Defining the Concept and Term Crisis Communication
- 2.8 Chapter Resources
- Endnotes
- 3 An Overview of Risk Communication
- 3.1 Case Diary: Complex Issues Destroy Homes
- 3.2 Challenges and Difficulties Faced in Communicating Risk Information
- 3.3 Changes in How the Brain Processes Information Under Conditions of High Stress
- 3.4 Risk Communication Theory
- 3.5 Risk Communication Principles and Guidelines
- 3.6 Key Takeaway Concepts and Conclusions from this Overview Chapter
- 3.7 Chapter Resources
- Endnotes
- 4 Development of Risk Communication Theory and Practice
- 4.1 Case Diary: Origin Story
- 4.2 Introduction
- 4.3 Summary
- 4.4 Chapter Resources
- Endnotes
- 5 Stakeholder Engagement and Empowerment
- 5.1 Case Diary: A Town Hall Public Meeting Goes Very Wrong
- 5.2 Introduction
- 5.3 Levels of Stakeholder Engagement
- 5.4 Benefits of Stakeholder Engagement
- 5.5 Limitations and Challenges of Stakeholder Engagement
- 5.6 Techniques and Approaches for Effective Stakeholder Engagement
- 5.7 Meetings with Stakeholders
- 5.8 Chapter Resources
- Endnotes
- 6 Communicating in a Crisis
- 6.1 Case Diary: The Challenge of Partnership in a Crisis
- 6.2 The Three Phases of a Crisis
- 6.3 Communication in the Precrisis Preparedness Phase
- 6.4 Communications in the Crisis Response Phase
- 6.5 Communicating Effectively about Blame, Accountability, and Responsibility
- 6.6 Communicating an Apology
- 6.7 Communications in the Postcrisis Recovery Phase
- 6.8 Chapter Resources
- Endnotes
- 7 Foundational Principles
- 7.1 Case Diary: “A” Is for “Apples”
- 7.2 Message Perception and Reception in High Concern Situations
- 7.3 Message Filter Theory: A Set of Principles Drawn from the Behavioral and Neuroscience Literature
- 7.4 Case Study: COVID‐19 and Risk Perception Factors
- 7.5 Message Filters and the Brain
- 7.6 Message Filters, Perceptions, and Models of Human Behavior
- 7.7 Message Filters, Perceptions, and Persuasion
- 7.8 Message Filters, Perceptions, and Ethics
- 7.9 Message Filters and the Issue of Acceptable Risk
- 7.10 The Message is in the Mind of the Receiver
- 7.11 Chapter Resources
- Endnotes
- 8 Foundational Principles
- 8.1 Case Diary: A Disease Outbreak in Africa
- 8.2 Trust Determination
- 8.3 Characteristics and Attributes of Trust
- 8.4 Case Study: Trust and the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant Accident
- 8.5 Case Diary: The Fukushima Japan Nuclear Power Plant Accident27
- 8.6 Gaining Trust in High‐Stakes Negotiations
- 8.7 Case Diary: Gaining Trust and the SARS Outbreak in Hong Kong
- 8.8 Trust and Culture
- 8.9 Cultural Competency
- 8.10 Risk Perceptions, Trust, and Cultural Theory
- 8.11 Risk Perceptions, Trust, and Worldviews
- 8.12 Case Diary: Fame, Family, and Fear in Public Health Communications
- 8.13 Chapter Resources
- Endnotes
- 9 Best Practices for Message Development in High Concern Situations
- 9.1 Case Diary: Mapping Through a Maze of COVID Confusion
- 9.2 Introduction
- 9.3 Crafting Messages in the Context of Stress and High Concern Decision‐Making
- 9.4 Message Mapping
- 9.5 Summary
- 9.6 Chapter Resources
- Appendix 9.1 The 93 most frequently asked questions by journalists and the public following a major crisis, emergency, or disaster.
- Appendix 9.2 The 400 plus most frequently asked questions following an active shooter incident.
- Appendix 9.3 Change management: frequently asked questions.
- Appendix 9.4 The most frequently asked questions at environmental cleanups and hazardous waste sites.
- Endnotes
- 10 Communicating Numbers, Statistics, and Technical Information about a Risk or Threat
- 10.1 Case Diary: A Civil Action
- 10.2 Introduction
- 10.3 Case Study: Numbers, Statistics, and COVID‐19
- 10.4 Brain Processes That Filter How Technical Information about Risk or Threat Is Received and Understood
- 10.5 Challenges in Explaining Technical Information About a Risk or Threat
- 10.6 Framing
- 10.7 Technical Jargon
- 10.8 Information Clarity
- 10.9 Units of Measurement
- 10.10 Case Study: Risk Numbers, Risk Statistics, and the Challenger Accident
- 10.11 Comparisons
- 10.12 Lessons Learned
- 10.13 Chapter Resources
- Endnotes
- 11 Evaluating Risk, High Concern, and Crisis Communications
- 11.1 Case Diary: Finding the Road to Rio
- 11.2 Introduction
- 11.3 Benefits of Evaluation
- 11.4 Evaluation Practices for Risk, High Concern, and Crisis Communication
- 11.5 Case Studies of Evaluation Comparison to Best Practice: Hurricane Katrina, COVID‐19 and Vaccination Hesitancy, and Outbreak of COVID‐19 in Wuhan, China
- 11.6 Barriers and Challenges to Evaluation
- 11.7 Evaluation Measures
- 11.8 An Integrated Approach to Evaluation
- 11.9 Resource: Case Study of Focus Group Testing of Mosquito‐Control Messages, Florida, 2018–201936
- 11.10 Evaluation Tools
- 11.11 Chapter Resources
- Endnotes
- 12 Communicating with Mainstream News Media
- 12.1 Case Diary: A High Stakes Chess Game with a News Media Outlet
- 12.2 Introduction
- 12.3 Characteristics of the Mainstream News Media
- 12.4 Guidelines and Best Practices for Interacting with Mainstream News Media
- 12.5 The Media Interview
- 12.6 Lessons and Trends
- 12.7 Case Diary: A Ten‐Round Exercise
- 12.8 Chapter Resources
- Endnotes
- 13 Social Media and the Changing Landscape for Risk, High Concern, and Crisis Communication
- 13.1 Case Diary: Myth‐Busting: Mission Impossible?
- 13.2 Introduction
- 13.3 Benefits of Social Media Outlets for Risk, High Concern, and Crisis Communication
- 13.4 Challenges of Social Media for Risk, High Concern, and Crisis Communication
- 13.5 Case Study: Social Media and the 2007 and 2011 Shooter Incidents at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech)
- 13.6 Case Study: Social Media and the 2013 Southern Alberta/Calgary Flood
- 13.7 Best Practices for Using Social Media in Risk, High Concern, and Crisis Situations
- 13.8 Case Diary: Social Media and the Negative Power of“Junk”Information about Risks and Threats
- 13.9 Lessons Learned and Trends
- 13.10 Chapter Resources
- Endnotes
- Index
- End User License Agreement
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 18030
- Útgáfuár : 2021
- Leyfi : 379