College Mathematics for Business, Economics, Life Sciences, and Social Sciences, Global Edition

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For two-semester courses in Finite Math & Applied Calculus or Mathematics for Business. Helps students “get the idea. ” College Mathematics for Business, Economics, Life Sciences, and Social Sciences, 14th Edition offers more built-in guidance than any other text for this course – with special emphasis on applications and prerequisite skills – and a host of student-friendly features to help students catch up or learn on their own.
Its emphasis on helping students “get the idea” is enhanced in the new edition by a design refresh, updated data and applications, and a robust MyLab™ Math course. The text is organized into three parts: A Library of Elementary Functions (Chapter 1), Finite Mathematics (Chapters 2-7, 14), and Calculus (Chapters 8-13). MyLab™ Math is not included. Students, if MyLab Math is a recommended/mandatory component of the course, please ask your instructor for the correct ISBN.
MyLab Math should only be purchased when required by an instructor. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information. Reach every student by pairing this text with MyLab Math MyLab™ is the teaching and learning platform that empowers you to reach every student. By combining trusted author content with digital tools and a flexible platform, MyLab personalizes the learning experience and improves results for each student.
The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you'll gain instant access to this eBook.
Time limit The eBooks products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your digital ebook products whilst you have your Bookshelf installed. For two-semester courses in Finite Math & Applied Calculus or Mathematics for Business. College Mathematics for Business, Economics, Life Sciences, and Social Sciences, 14th Edition offers more built-in guidance than any other text for this course – with special emphasis on applications and prerequisite skills – and a host of student-friendly features to help students catch up or learn on their own.
- Höfundar: Raymond A. Barnett, Michael R. Ziegler, Karl E. Byleen, Christopher J. Stocker
- Útgáfa:14
- Útgáfudagur: 2019-03-28
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:Page Fidelity
- ISBN 13: 9781292270586
- Print ISBN: 9781292270494
- ISBN 10: 1292270586
- Title Page
- Copyright Page
- Contents
- Preface
- Diagnostic Prerequisite Test
- Chapter 1 Functions and Graphs
- 1.1 Functions
- 1.2 Elementary Functions: Graphs and Transformations
- 1.3 Quadratic Functions
- 1.4 Polynomial and Rational Functions
- 1.5 Exponential Functions
- 1.6 Logarithmic Functions
- Chapter 1 Summary and Review
- Review Exercises
- Chapter 2 Mathematics of Finance
- 2.1 Simple Interest
- 2.2 Compound and Continuous Compound Interest
- 2.3 Future Value of an Annuity; Sinking Funds
- 2.4 Present Value of an Annuity; Amortization
- Chapter 2 Summary and Review
- Review Exercises
- Chapter 3 Systems of Linear Equations; Matrices
- 3.1 Review: Systems of Linear Equations in Two Variables
- 3.2 Systems of Linear Equations and Augmented Matrices
- 3.3 Gauss–Jordan Elimination
- 3.4 Matrices: Basic Operations
- 3.5 Inverse of a Square Matrix
- 3.6 Matrix Equations and Systems of Linear Equations
- 3.7 Leontief Input–Output Analysis
- Chapter 3 Summary and Review
- Review Exercises
- Chapter 4 Linear Inequalities and Linear Programming
- 4.1 Linear Inequalities in Two Variables
- 4.2 Systems of Linear Inequalities in Two Variables
- 4.3 Linear Programming in Two Dimensions: a Geometric Approach
- Chapter 4 Summary and Review
- Review Exercises
- Chapter 5 Linear Programming: The Simplex Method
- 5.1 The Table Method: an Introduction to the Simplex Method
- 5.2 The Simplex Method: Maximization with Problem Constraints of the Form …
- 5.3 The Dual Problem: Minimization with Problem Constraints of the Form ú
- 5.4 Maximization and Minimization with Mixed Problem Constraints
- Chapter 5 Summary and Review
- Review Exercises
- Chapter 6 Logic, Sets, and Counting
- 6.1 Logic
- 6.2 Sets
- 6.3 Basic Counting Principles
- 6.4 Permutations and Combinations
- Chapter 6 Summary and Review
- Review Exercises
- Chapter 7 Probability
- 7.1 Sample Spaces, Events, and Probability
- 7.2 Union, Intersection, and Complement of Events; Odds
- 7.3 Conditional Probability, Intersection, and Independence
- 7.4 Bayes’ Formula
- 7.5 Random Variable, Probability Distribution, and Expected Value
- Chapter 7 Summary and Review
- Review Exercises
- Chapter 8 Limits and the Derivative
- 8.1 Introduction to Limits
- 8.2 Infinite Limits and Limits at Infinity
- 8.3 Continuity
- 8.4 The Derivative
- 8.5 Basic Differentiation Properties
- 8.6 Differentials
- 8.7 Marginal Analysis in Business and Economics
- Chapter 8 Summary and Review
- Review Exercises
- Chapter 9 Additional Derivative Topics
- 9.1 The Constant E and Continuous Compound Interest
- 9.2 Derivatives of Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
- 9.3 Derivatives of Products and Quotients
- 9.4 The Chain Rule
- 9.5 Implicit Differentiation
- 9.6 Related Rates
- 9.7 Elasticity of Demand
- Chapter 9 Summary and Review
- Review Exercises
- Chapter 10 Graphing and Optimization
- 10.1 First Derivative and Graphs
- 10.2 Second Derivative and Graphs
- 10.3 L’hôpital’s Rule
- 10.4 Curve-Sketching Techniques
- 10.5 Absolute Maxima and Minima
- 10.6 Optimization
- Chapter 10 Summary and Review
- Review Exercises
- Chapter 11 Integration
- 11.1 Antiderivatives and Indefinite Integrals
- 11.2 Integration by Substitution
- 11.3 Differential Equations; Growth and Decay
- 11.4 The Definite Integral
- 11.5 The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
- 11.6 Area Between Curves
- Chapter 11 Summary and Review
- Review Exercises
- Chapter 12 Additional Integration Topics
- 12.1 Integration by Parts
- 12.2 Other Integration Methods
- 12.3 Applications in Business and Economics
- Chapter 12 Summary and Review
- Review Exercises
- Chapter 13 Multivariable Calculus
- 13.1 Functions of Several Variables
- 13.2 Partial Derivatives
- 13.3 Maxima and Minima
- 13.4 Maxima and Minima Using Lagrange Multipliers
- 13.5 Method of Least Squares
- 13.6 Double Integrals over Rectangular Regions
- 13.7 Double Integrals over More General Regions
- Chapter 13 Summary and Review
- Review Exercises
- Chapter 14 Markov Chains
- 14.1 Properties of Markov Chains
- 14.2 Regular Markov Chains
- 14.3 Absorbing Markov Chains
- Chapter 14 Summary and Review
- Review Exercises
- Appebdix A Linear Equations and Graphs
- A.1 Linear Equations and Inequalities
- A.2 Graphs and Lines
- A.3 Linear Regression
- Appendix B Basic Algebra Review
- B.1 Real Numbers
- B.2 Operations on Polynomials
- B.3 Factoring Polynomials
- B.4 Operations on Rational Expressions
- B.5 Integer Exponents and Scientific Notation
- B.6 Rational Exponents and Radicals
- B.7 Quadratic Equations
- Appendix C Special Topics
- C.1 Sequences, Series, and Summation Notation
- C.2 Arithmetic and Geometric Sequences
- C.3 Binomial Theorem
- C.4 Interpolating Polynomials and Divided Differences
- Appendix D Integration Formulas
- Answers
- Index
- Index of Applications
- Back Cover
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 5709
- Útgáfuár : 2019
- Leyfi : 380