Being a successful football coach require proficiency in the Xs and Os and the techniques and tactics of the game. It also requires the ability to manage off-the-field tasks critical to a well-organized, high-performing program. With Coaching Canadian Football, you'll expand your knowledge of every aspect of coaching and emerge as a more complete and effective coach.
Written by coaches for coaches, Coaching Canadian Football represents the collective knowledge and experience of Canadian football's most respected and renowned coaches, as selected by Football Canada. Each coach shares personal insights, strategies, and advice, addressing all facets of the 12-man game. You'll learn the inner workings of leadership and how to establish and convey your coaching philosophy.
Chapters covering offense, defense, and special teams provide strategies and tactics for the running, passing, and kicking games on both sides of the ball. You'll also find chapters addressing player safety, play calling, clock management, mental preparation, player evaluation, and opponent scouting. In addition, case studies and coaches' personal perspectives demonstrate how to build and maintain successful high school and postsecondary programs.
- Höfundur: Football Canada
- Útgáfa:1
- Útgáfudagur: 11/2018
- Engar takmarkanir á útprentun
- Engar takmarkanir afritun
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781492586739
- Print ISBN: 9781450442619
- ISBN 10: 1492586730
- Cover
- Title Page
- Copyright
- Contents
- Foreword
- Acknowledgments
- Introduction: Football for Life
- Key to Diagrams
- Part One: Fundamentals of Coaching
- Chapter 1: Responsibilities of a Coach
- Chapter 2: Leading a Team
- Chapter 3: Establishing a Coaching Philosophy
- Chapter 4: Safe Contact
- Part Two: Individual Skills and Team Tactics
- Chapter 5: The Running Game
- Chapter 6: The Passing Game
- Chapter 7: Offensive Play Calling
- Chapter 8: Run Defense
- Chapter 9: Pass Defense
- Chapter 10: Defensive Play Calling
- Chapter 11: Special Teams
- Part Three: Game Winning Strategies
- Chapter 12: Scouting the Opposition
- Chapter 13: Developing a Competitive Mental Edge
- Chapter 14: Evaluating Performance
- Chapter 15: Preparing for a Tournament
- Chapter 16: Managing the Clock
- Chapter 17: Preparing to Play U.S. Competition
- Part Four: Innovative and Effective Practice Sessions
- Chapter 18: Planning and Running an Effective Practice
- Chapter 19: Maximizing Player Abilities
- Chapter 20: Watching Game Film
- Part Five: Program Building and Management
- Chapter 21: Building a High School Program
- Chapter 22: Building a CEGEP Program
- Chapter 23: Building a CJFL Program
- Chapter 24: Building and Maintaining a U Sports Program
- About Football Canada
- About the Contributors
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 13735
- Útgáfuár : 2018
- Leyfi : 379