Climate Change and the People's Health

- FÉL098F Ójöfnuður og heilsa
Climate change and social inequity are both sprawling, insidious forces that threaten populations around the world. It's time we start talking about them together. Climate Change and the People's Health offers a brave and ambitious new framework for understanding how our planet's two greatest existential threats comingle, complement, and amplify one another -- and what can be done to mitigate future harm.
In doing so it posits three new modes of thinking:· That climate change interacts with the social determinants of health and exacerbates existing health inequities· The idea of a "consumptagenic system" -- a network of policies, processes, governance and modes of understanding that fuel unhealthy, and environmentally destructive production and consumption· The steps necessary to move from denial and inertia toward effective mobilization, including economic, social, and policy interventionsWith insights from physical science, social science, and humanities, this short book examines how climate change and social inequity are indelibly linked, and considering them together can bring about effective change in social equity, health, and the environment.
- Höfundur: Sharon Friel
- Útgáfudagur: 2018-12-03
- Engar takmarkanir á útprentun
- Engar takmarkanir afritun
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9780190492755
- Print ISBN: 9780190492731
- ISBN 10: 0190492759
- Title Page
- Copyright Page
- Dedication
- Contents
- Foreword
- Acknowledgments
- Introduction
- A Critical Juncture in Human History
- Where There’s a Will, There May Be a Way: An Overview of Global Action on the Social Determinants of Health and on Climate Change
- The Story
- Issues the Book Does Not Address
- 1. Climate Change, Global Justice, and Health Inequities
- Status Update on Global Environmental Change
- A Focus on Climate Change
- Anthropogenic Greenhouse Gas Emissions
- Environmental Impacts of Climate Change
- Extreme Weather Events and Alterations in Hydrological Systems
- Sea Level Rise
- Increasing Ocean Acidity
- Species Extinction
- Food Insecurity
- Climate Change—A Global Justice Issue
- Causal Responsibility, Future Development Rights, and the Unequal Distribution of Climate Change Harms
- Structural Injustice in Climate Change Negotiations
- Intergenerational Inequity
- Health Inequity—What We Know So Far
- A Brief Status Update on Health Inequities within and between Countries
- Understanding the Social Determinants of Health Inequity
- Evolution of the Eco-Social Model of Health
- Climate Change—Exacerbating Existing Health Inequities
- Health Inequities and Extreme Weather Events
- Rising Sea Levels and Health Inequities
- Heat Stress and Health Inequities
- Pathways to Health Inequities from Environments Hospitable to Vector-Borne Diseases
- Climate Change–Related Inequities in Availability and Affordability of Nutritious Food
- Concluding Remarks
- 2. It’s a Consumptagenic World: Producing Climate Change, Exacerbating Health Inequities
- Introduction
- Fossil-Fueled Growth—The Backbone of Consumptagenic Systems
- Consumptagenic Societies
- The Spread of Market-Based Economies
- Pricing Regimes and the Promotion of Cheap “Luxury” Goods
- Consumptagenic Food Systems and Their Cultivation of Consumptagenic Societies
- Evolution and Dominance of the Industrial Food System
- Price Drivers of Inequity within the Industrial Food System
- Emergent Environmental and Health Properties of the Industrial Food System
- Eating Earth
- Eating Oil
- Death by Chocolate: Impact of the Industrial Food System on Human Health
- Summary: The Industrial Food System, Climate Change, and Health Inequities
- The Concrete Road to Freedom: Urbanization and the Consumptagenic System
- Cities Are Killing the Planet and People, But How They Drive Climate Change Varies between Countries and within Cities
- Urban Settlements as Determinants of Health Inequities
- Cities, Climate Change, and Health Inequities
- Heat, Living and Working Conditions, and Urban Health Inequities
- Living the Coastal Dream: Risks to Urban Health Equity from Sea Level Rise and Storm Surges
- City Living Inland: Flooding and Health Impacts
- Summary: The Relationship between Urbanization, Climate Change, and Health Inequities
- Concluding Remarks
- 3. Challenges and Future Prospects
- Introduction
- A Fit-for-Purpose Evidence Base
- Thinking in Systems
- Moving Beyond the Problem: A Focus on Politics, Policies, and Processes
- Progressive Policy Systems
- Policy for What Purpose?
- What Does Progressive Policy Look Like?
- Political Windows of Opportunity and Challenges to Progressive Action
- Encountering Resistance
- Conclusions
- References
- Index
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 14618
- Útgáfuár : 2018
- Leyfi : 380