Climate Change and Society

Climate change is one of the most critical issues of the twenty-first century, presenting a major intellectual challenge to both the natural and social sciences. While there has been significant progress in natural science understanding of climate change, social science analyses have not been as fully developed. Climate Change and Society breaks new theoretical and empirical ground by presenting climate change as a thoroughly social phenomenon, embedded in behaviors, institutions, and cultural practices.
This collection of essays summarizes existing approaches to understanding the social, economic, political, and cultural dimensions of climate change. From the factors that drive carbon emissions to those which influence societal responses to climate change, the volume provides a comprehensive overview of the social dimensions of climate change. An improved understanding of the complex relationship between climate change and society is essential for modifying ecologically harmful human behaviors and institutional practices, creating just and effective environmental policies, and developing a more sustainable future.
Climate Change and Society provides a useful tool in efforts to integrate social science research, natural science research, and policymaking regarding climate change and sustainability. Produced by the American Sociological Association's Task Force on Sociology and Global Climate Change, this book presents a challenging shift from the standard climate change discourse, and offers a valuable resource for students, scholars, and professionals involved in climate change research and policy.
- Höfundar: Riley E. Dunlap, Robert J. Brulle
- Útgáfa:1
- Útgáfudagur: 2015-08-24
- Engar takmarkanir á útprentun
- Engar takmarkanir afritun
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9780190269081
- Print ISBN: 9780199356119
- ISBN 10: 0190269081
- Title Page
- Copyright Page
- Dedication
- Contents
- Acknowledgments
- List of Contributors
- 1 Sociology and Global Climate Change: Introduction
- 2 The Human (Anthropogenic) Driving Forces of Global Climate Change
- 3 Organizations and Markets
- 4 Consumption and Climate Change
- 5 Climate Justice and Inequality
- 6 Adaptation to Climate Change
- 7 Mitigating Climate Change
- 8 Civil Society, Social Movements, and Climate Change
- 9 Public Opinion on Climate Change
- 10 Challenging Climate Change: The Denial Countermovement
- 11 The Climate Change Divide in Social Theory
- 12 Methodological Approaches for Sociological Research on Climate Change
- 13 Bringing Sociology into Climate Change Research and Climate Change into Sociology: Concluding Observations
- Name Index
- Subject Index
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 19019
- Útgáfuár : 2015
- Leyfi : 380