City and Regional Planning
City and Regional Planning provides a clearly written and lavishly illustrated overview of the theory and practice of city and regional planning. With material on globalization and the world city system, and with examples from a number of countries, the book has been written to meet the needs of readers worldwide who seek an overview of city and regional planning. Chapters cover the history of cities and city and regional planning, urban design and placemaking, comprehensive plans, planning politics and plan implementation, planning visions, and environmental, transportation, and housing planning.
The book pays special attention to diversity, social justice, and collaborative planning. Topics include current practice in resilience, transit-oriented development, complexity in planning, spatial equity, globalization, and advances in planning methods. It is aimed at U. S. graduate and undergraduate city and regional planning, geography, urban design, urban studies, civil engineering, and other students and practitioners.
- Höfundur: Richard LeGates
- Útgáfa:1
- Útgáfudagur: 2022-12-30
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781000581096
- Print ISBN: 9781032050577
- ISBN 10: 1000581098
- Cover
- Half Title
- Title Page
- Copyright Page
- Dedication
- Table of Contents
- List of Figures
- List of Case Studies
- List of Biographies
- About the Author
- Advance Praise
- Acknowledgements
- Chapter 1 The Art and Science of City and Regional Planning
- Introduction
- Scientific and Creative Planning Thinking
- What Is City and Regional Planning?
- Planners’ Roles
- The City and Regional Planning Profession
- Planning Education
- Planning Specializations
- City and Regional Planning Research and Analytic Methods
- Summary
- Concepts
- People
- Notes
- Chapter 2 The Evolution of Cities and City and Regional Planning, 1607–1933
- Introduction
- What Is a City?
- Urbanization
- U.S. Urban History
- American Indian Settlements
- East Coast Colonial Cities
- The Parks Movement
- From Specks in the Wilderness to Cities in the Wilderness
- Spanish Settlements in the American West
- Planning Washington, D.C.
- Westward Expansion: Frontier and Instant Cities
- U.S. Industrial Cities
- The Growth and Dispersion of Migrants of Color 1607–1933
- Early Land Use, Housing, Environmental, and Natural Resource Planning and Policy
- Tenement House Reform
- Transportation and Communications Technology and the Emergence of the U.S. City System
- The World’s Columbian Exhibition of 1893
- Origins of the U.S. Planning Profession
- Early U.S. City and Regional Planning Education
- Patrick Geddes and Lewis Mumford
- The Great Regional Plan Debate: The New York Regional Plan Association (RPA) versus the Regional Planning Association of America (RPAA)
- Historic Preservation Planning
- Summary
- Concepts
- People
- Notes
- Chapter 3 Urban Design and Placemaking
- Introduction
- Urban Design
- Placemaking
- Form-Based Codes and Transects
- The Image of the City
- The Space Between Buildings and Pedestrianized Streets
- Street and Sidewalk Design
- Designing for Diversity
- The New Urbanism
- Designing in Harmony with the Natural Environment
- Defensible Space and Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED)
- Summary
- Concepts
- People
- Notes
- Chapter 4 The Politics of City and Regional Planning
- Introduction
- The Legal Framework of U.S. Government Planning
- Special Districts
- Group Identity and Urban Politics
- Federal Government Urban Planning and Policy
- Ideology and Political Parties
- State and Local Politics and Planning
- Dillon’s Rule and the Cooley Doctrine
- Ballot Box Planning
- Conflict among Levels of Government
- The Elitist/Pluralist Debate
- Regime Theory
- City and County Planning Departments
- Planning Mediation and Negotiations
- Transparency and Speaking Truth to Power
- Summary
- Concepts
- People
- Notes
- Chapter 5 Planning Theory
- Introduction
- Theories of Knowledge
- Paradigm Shifts
- Unifying Planning Theory and Practice
- The Planning as Civic Design Paradigm
- The Rational Planning Model
- Systems Analysis and Urban Planning
- Disjointed Incrementalism
- Mixed Scanning
- Strategic Planning
- Modernism
- Normative Planning Theory
- Neo-Marxist, Progressive, and Equity Planning
- Welfare Economics Theory
- Communicative Action Planning
- Complexity in Cities (CIC) Theory
- Summary
- Concepts
- People
- Notes
- Chapter 6 Visions
- Introduction
- Sir Thomas More’s Utopia
- Robert Owen and the Utopian Socialists
- Garden Cities
- The City Beautiful Movement
- Modernism
- Broadacre City
- The Linear City
- The Neighborhood Unit
- Environmental Utopias
- Vision Planning
- Summary
- Concepts
- People
- Notes
- Chapter 7 General Plans
- Introduction
- Comprehensive, Master, and General Plans
- The Variety of General Plans
- Social Justice and General Plans
- Burnham Award Comprehensive Plans
- Plano Tomorrow, Plano, Texas
- Planokc (Oklahoma City, Oklahoma)
- The Kaua’I Kākou Plan, Kauai, Hawaii
- General Plan Making
- Citizen and Stakeholder Input
- Visions
- Plan Elements
- Goals and Objectives
- Policies and Standards
- Initiatives and Action Items
- Monitoring, Updating, and Changing General Plans
- Neighborhood Planning
- Summary
- Concepts
- People
- Notes
- Chapter 8 Implementing Plans
- Introduction
- Plan Promotion
- The Legal and Regulatory Framework of Planning
- Infrastructure and Capital Improvements Planning and Programming
- Nuisance Law
- Subdivision Regulation
- Zoning
- Inclusionary and Exclusionary Zoning
- Form-Based Codes
- Site Planning
- Building and Housing Codes
- Design Review Boards
- Transfer of Development Rights (TDR)
- Urban Growth Management
- Summary
- Concepts
- People
- Notes
- Chapter 9 Community Planning, Citizen Participation, and Social Justice
- Introduction
- Citizen Participation and Community Planning
- Community Planning
- Locally Unwanted Land Uses (LULUs) and the Not-in-My-Back-Yard (NIMBY) Syndrome
- Community Planning and Social Justice
- Discrimination and Social Justice 1607–1933
- Recent Scholarship on Minority Communities
- Cultural Competency, Inclusion, and White Privilege
- Anti-Racism and Legal Protections for Minorities
- Women in Planning
- Planning in Ethnic Communities
- Indigenous Community Planning
- Planning with and for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) Communities
- Diversifying Planning Education and the Planning Profession
- Theory for Planning with Diverse Communities
- Advocacy planning
- Equity Planning
- Summary
- Concepts
- People
- Notes
- Chapter 10 Regional and National Planning
- Introduction
- Regional Planning
- U.S. Census Definitions of Regions
- Regional Planning Theory
- Elisée Reclus’s Universal Geography
- Patrick Geddes’s Physical/Social/Cultural Approach
- Central Place Theory
- Walter Isard and the Birth of Regional Science
- Urban Sprawl
- Planning Natural Regions and Rural Areas
- Water-Related Regional Planning
- State-Level Regional Planning
- Councils of Governments (COGs) and Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs)
- Regional Transportation Planning
- Collaborative Planning by Cities and Counties
- U.S. Megacities and Megacity Regions
- Summary
- Concepts
- People
- Notes
- Chapter 11 Planning for an Urban Planet
- Introduction
- World Population and Population Projections
- The Distribution of the World Population
- Globalization, World Cities, and the World City Network
- Connectivity, Health, Crime, and Terrorism
- Megacities and Megacity Regions
- Ideology and Development
- International Organizations and Planetary Planning
- Summary
- Concepts
- People
- Notes
- Chapter 12 The Evolution of Cities and City and Regional Planning, 1933–Present
- Introduction
- The Evolution of Urban America, 1933–Present
- The Evolution of the Planning Profession, 1933–Present
- The New Deal, Federalism, and City and Regional Planning
- The National Resources Planning Board (NRPB)
- Federal Urban Policy after the New Deal
- From Master Plans to General Plans
- The Legacy Federal Housing Programs
- Public Housing
- Federal Programs to Subsidize Private and Nonprofit Rental Housing
- The Section 515 Rural Housing Program
- Housing Vouchers
- New Deal Housing Finance Reform
- Transportation Planning
- Environmental and Climate Change Planning
- Urban Renewal, Regeneration, and Community Development
- Historic Preservation Planning
- Summary
- Concepts
- People
- Notes
- Chapter 13 Environmental Planning
- Introduction
- Land
- Air Quality
- Water-Related Planning
- Habitat, Plants, and Animals
- Land Use, Transportation, Air Quality, Infrastructure, and Environmental Planning Linkages
- The National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA)
- Little NEPAs
- Sustainable Urban Development
- Design with Nature
- LEED Standards
- Biophilic Planning and Design
- Public Land and Natural Resource Planning and Management
- Waste Management, Brownfields, and Toxic Cleanup
- Environmental Justice
- Coastal Zone Planning and Management
- Summary
- Concepts
- People
- Notes
- Chapter 14 Transportation Planning
- Introduction
- Transportation Plans
- Transportation Planning at Different Scales
- Mobility and Accessibility
- Transportation Planning Data
- Other Considerations in Transportation Planning
- Transportation Technology Past, Present, and Future
- Complete Streets Planning
- Congestion Management Planning
- Parking
- Public Transit Planning
- Planning for the Coming Transportation Revolution
- Connected Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs)
- Smart Vehicle Technology
- Automobile Safety
- Paradigm-Changing Technologies
- Transportation and Climate Change
- The Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) Standard
- Summary
- Concepts
- People
- Notes
- Chapter 15 Housing Planning and Policy
- Introduction
- The U.S. Housing Stock
- The U.S. Homebuilding Industry
- Exceptions to Conventional Homebuilding
- Mobile Homes
- Factory-Built, Modular, and Kit Homes
- Housing Finance
- The Subprime Mortgage Crisis
- Social, Economic, and Psychological Aspects of Housing
- Housing Concepts and Theory
- Affordability
- Filtering
- Horizonal and Vertical Efficiency
- The Post-Shelter Society
- Land Use Regulation and Housing
- Federal, State, and Local U.S. Housing Programs
- Federal Tax Subsidies for Homeowners
- The Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC)
- Housing Choice Vouchers
- Other Federal Housing Subsidy Programs
- State, Local, and Nonprofit Housing Programs
- Legacy Federal Housing Subsidy Programs
- Public Housing since 1980
- HOPE VI, the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) Program, and the Choice Neighborhoods Program
- The One-Strike Eviction Policy
- Legacy Federal Private Market Rental Housing Subsidies
- Fair Housing and Social Justice
- Landlord–Tenant Law
- Rent Regulation
- The Right to Housing
- Summary
- Concepts
- People
- Notes
- Chapter 16 Economic Development and Revitalization Planning
- Introduction
- Economic Concepts for Urban Development and Revitalization
- Public Planning and Private Development
- The Theory and Practice of Economic Development Planning
- Economic Development Planning in the United States
- Growth Machines and the Creative Class
- Industrial Decline and Planned Shrinkage
- Data for Economic Development Planning
- Community Economic Development
- Revitalization Planning
- The Community Development Block Grant Program
- Redevelopment and Tax Increment Financing
- Enterprise Zones, Empowerment Zones, Enterprise Communities, and the Renewal City (RC) Program
- International Development Planning
- San Antonio Texas’s Riverwalk Revitalization Project
- Capital Improvements Programs
- Summary
- Concepts
- People
- Notes
- Chapter 17 Climate Change and Energy Planning
- Introduction
- Global Warming
- Climate Change Impacts
- Carbon and Other Greenhouse Gases (GHGs)
- Rising Sea Temperatures and Levels
- Interaction Effects and Tipping Points
- Other Global Warming Impacts
- Economic impacts
- Security Impacts
- Health Impacts
- Food Impacts
- Energy Planning
- Conventional Energy Planning
- Planning for Clean and Renewable Energy
- International Climate Change and Energy Planning
- National Climate Change and Energy Planning
- State Climate Change Planning
- Regional Climate Change Planning
- Local Climate and Energy Planning
- Corporate Energy Planning
- Reducing Household and Individual Energy Footprints
- Climate Justice
- Summary
- Concepts
- People
- Notes
- Bibliography
- Acronyms
- Figure Credits
- Index
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 18540
- Útgáfuár : 2022
- Leyfi : 380