Children’s Learning in Early Childhood
Lýsing:Everything you need to know about Learning Theories in Early Childhood practice. This book...
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Everything you need to know about Learning Theories in Early Childhood practice. This book explores the key theorists and theories that form the foundation of learning and development in early childhood. Building your own understanding and knowledge of children’s learning, it then helps you develop the skills of translating theory into practice. How does this book support you? · The structure of the book mirrors your student learning journey, to compliment your course and seminar reading.
- Höfundur: Sean MacBlain
- Útgáfa:1
- Útgáfudagur: 2021-03-03
- Hægt að prenta út 30 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 30 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781529758924
- Print ISBN: 9781529716269
- ISBN 10: 1529758920
- About the Author
- Foreword (BY Glenda Walsh)
- Acknowledgements
- Introduction
- Aims of the Book
- About this Book
- Understanding Learning
- The Importance of Theory
- Developmental Readiness
- Part One: The Early Pioneers
- 1 Recognising the Concept of Child
- The Emergence of Childhood
- John Locke
- Jean-Jacques Rousseau
- Seeing Nature in Children’s Learning
- Johann Pestalozzi
- Valuing Emotional Growth in Early Learning
- Sigmund Freud and the Psychodynamic Tradition
- Recognising the Value of Play in Early Learning
- Friedrich Froebel
- The Need for Social Reform
- Rachel and Margaret McMillan
- Advancing Understanding in Intellectual Development
- Rudolf Steiner
- Maria Montessori
- John Dewey and Progressive Education
- The Emergence of Behaviourism
- The Emergence of Childhood
- 1 Recognising the Concept of Child
- 2 Emotional Learning in Childhood
- What Does Emotional Learning Look Like?
- Sigmund Freud
- Susan Isaacs
- Erik Erikson
- Emotional Intelligence
- Peter Salovey and John Mayer
- Daniel Goleman
- Self-Efficacy
- Albert Bandura
- Attachment
- John Bowlby
- Michael Rutter
- Rudolf Schaffer and Peggy Emerson
- What Does Emotional Learning Look Like?
- What Does Social Learning Look Like?
- Poverty and its Impact on Social Learning
- Bandura and Social Learning
- Vygotsky and Social Learning
- Bronfenbrenner and Social Learning
- Rogoff and Social Learning
- Gopnik and Social Learning
- Language and Social Learning
- Chomsky and the Behaviourist Tradition
- Vygotsky and Social Language
- The Ethics of Care
- Nel Noddings
- Behaviourism and its Relevance for Social Learning Today
- Behaviour Modification and Operant Conditioning
- Intellectual Development
- Piaget
- Vygotsky
- Bruner
- Gardner
- Freire
- Play as a Pedagogic Approach
- Pramling Samuelsson
- Nutbrown
- Viewing Learning from the Child’s Perspective
- Moyles
- Learning: Can We Really Make it Happen Out of Doors?
- Bilton
- Loris Malaguzzi and Reggio Emilia
- Te Whāriki
- Sure Start
- Instrumental Enrichment
- Challenging Artificial Barriers
- Assessing Learning
- The Contribution of Neuroscience
- Brain Development and Learning in Early Childhood
- Digital Learning in Early Childhood
- Digital Challenges in the 21st Century
- 6 Play as a Pedagogic Approach
- Case Study 6.1: Play as Pedagogy: Learning Out of Doors
- 7 Emotional Learning in Early Childhood
- Case Study 7.1: Life Begins for Robbie, Pradeep, and Gita
- Case Study 7.2: Promoting Self-Efficacy
- 8 Social Learning in Early Childhood
- Case Study 8.1: Robbie, Pradeep, and Gita Start Nursery
- Case Study 8.2: Giving Meaning to Assessments
- 9 Language and Learning
- Case Study 9.1: Robbie, Pradeep, and Gita Start School
- Case Study 9.2: Asperger’s Syndrome
- 10 Health and Wellbeing
- Case Study 10.1: Robbie, Pradeep, and Gita Prepare for Key Stage 2
- Case Study 10.2: Wellbeing and Obesity
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 5762
- Útgáfuár : 2021
- Leyfi : 380