Cases in Comparative Government and Politics

- STJ201G Samanburðarstjórnmál
Using 12 pivotal cases, this book brings comparative politics to life by highlighting the key differences in political systems around the world. Written by renowned textbook author John McCormick, the book opens with two context-setting chapters on the field of comparative politics and the varying nature of political systems. The cases that follow thereafter have been carefully chosen to illustrate a variety of political types, different levels of political development, and to ensure geographical and cultural diversity.
The textbook is ideal for both undergraduate and postgraduate students who are taking introductory courses in comparative politics, introduction to politics and political science. Accompanying online resources for this title can be found at bloomsburyonlineresources. com/cases-in-comparative-government-and-politics. These resources are designed to support teaching and learning when using this textbook and are available at no extra cost.
- Höfundur: John McCormick
- Útgáfa:1
- Útgáfudagur: 2019-09-20
- Hægt að prenta út 10 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 10 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781350311404
- Print ISBN: 9781352007411
- ISBN 10: 1350311405
- Cover
- Title Page
- Copyright
- Illustrations and features
- Preface
- Acknowledgements
- About the author
- Guide to learning features
- Guide to the website
- List of abbreviations
- 1 Comparing government and politics
- Overview
- What is comparative politics?
- Why do we compare?
- What do we compare?
- How do we compare?
- Classifying political systems
- Comparing economies
- Comparing societies
- The future of comparative government and politics
- 2 Political systems
- Overview
- Political development
- Political culture
- Constitutions
- Executives
- Legislatures
- Judiciaries
- Sub-national government
- Elections
- Political parties
- The future of political systems
- 3 United Kingdom
- Overview
- Political development
- Political culture
- Political system
- Political processes
- The future of British government and politics
- 4 Germany
- Overview
- Political development
- Political culture
- Political system
- Political processes
- The future of German government and politics
- 5 United States
- Overview
- Political development
- Political culture
- Political system
- Political processes
- The future of American government and politics
- 6 Japan
- Overview
- Political development
- Political culture
- Political system
- Political processes
- The future of Japanese government and politics
- 7 France
- Overview
- Political development
- Political culture
- Political system
- Political processes
- The future of French government and politics
- 8 India
- Overview
- Political development
- Political culture
- Political system
- Political processes
- The future of Indian government and politics
- 9 Mexico
- Overview
- Political development
- Political culture
- Political system
- Political processes
- The future of Mexican government and politics
- 10 Nigeria
- Overview
- Political development
- Political culture
- Political system
- Political processes
- The future of Nigerian government and politics
- 11 Turkey
- Overview
- Political development
- Political culture
- Political system
- Political processes
- The future of Turkish government and politics
- 12 Russia
- Overview
- Political development
- Political culture
- Political system
- Political processes
- The future of Russian government and politics
- 13 China
- Overview
- Political development
- Political culture
- Political system
- Political processes
- The future of Chinese government and politics
- 14 Iran
- Overview
- Political development
- Political culture
- Political system
- Political processes
- The future of Iranian government and politics
- Conclusions
- Glossary
- Bibliography
- Index
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 13363
- Útgáfuár : 2019
- Leyfi : 380