Cardiorespiratory Physiotherapy: Adults and Paediatrics: Formerly Physiotherapy for Respiratory and Cardiac Problems

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The fifth edition of this seminal textbook continues to provide those who are studying or are in practice with comprehensive evidence-based coverage of all the main aspects of respiratory and cardiac physiotherapy throughout the whole lifespan - neonates, infants, children, adolescents and adults - with the patient at centre and advocating a problem-based approach. For the new edition, Jennifer Pryor and Ammani Prasad hand the baton of editorship and their lasting legacy over to Eleanor Main and Linda Denehy.
With a team of over 60 international expert authors, the new editors have incorporated major changes reflecting current cardiorespiratory physiotherapy education and practice. These changes are heralded by a new title - Cardiorespiratory Physiotherapy: Adults and Paediatrics (formerly Physiotherapy for Respiratory and Cardiac Problems: Adults and Paediatrics) - and a significant restructure of the content with a new set of chapters.
A new key chapter on anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system lays the foundation which is then followed by a chapter on clinical assessment of adults, infants and children, and acutely ill or deteriorating patients. Additional new content includes a chapter on outcome measurement in practice and a large chapter describing rehabilitation in acute and chronic conditions in special populations including spinal cord injury, oncology, trauma and paediatrics.
- Höfundur: Eleanor Main & Linda Denehy
- Útgáfa:5
- Útgáfudagur: 082016
- Blaðsíður: 640
- Engar takmarkanir á útprentun
- Engar takmarkanir afritun
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9780702047312
- ISBN 10: 0702047317
- Cover image
- Title Page
- Table of Contents
- Copyright
- Dedication
- Foreword
- About the Editors
- Preface
- Acknowledgements
- Contributors
- 1 Anatomy and Physiology of the Respiratory and Cardiac Systems
- Introduction to Respiration
- Upper Respiratory Tract
- The Bronchial Tree
- The Lungs and Pleurae
- Surface Markings of the Lungs
- The Thoracic Cage
- Muscles of Respiration
- Respiratory Mechanics
- Mucociliary Transport System
- Collateral Ventilation
- Airways Resistance
- Respiratory Compliance
- Control of Breathing
- Lung Volumes & Ventilation
- Gas Exchange
- The Effect of Growth and Ageing on Respiration
- Respiratory System: Anatomical and Physiological Differences between Children and Adults
- Introduction to Cardiac Anatomy and Physiology
- References and Further Reading
- 2 Clinical Assessment
- Introduction
- Information Gathering
- Subjective Assessment
- Objective Assessment
- Using the Information from Clinical Assessment
- Documentation
- Evaluating Outcome
- Conclusion
- Introduction
- Medical Notes
- Communication
- Physical Examination
- Clinical Signs
- Other Relevant Observations
- Introduction
- Background
- Assessment Technique
- Actions and Communication
- Conclusion
- References
- 3 Thoracic Imaging
- Chest Radiography and Other Techniques
- The Normal Chest
- Common Radiological Signs
- Specific Conditions
- Introduction
- Issues Particular to Paediatric Imaging
- Modalities in Paediatric Chest Imaging
- Basic Signs on the Plain Chest Radiograph
- Paediatric Chest Problems
- Acknowledgements
- References and Further Reading
- 4 Cardiac and Cardiovascular Diseases
- Introduction
- Ischaemic Heart Disease
- Cardiac Valve Disease
- Cardiomyopathy
- Pericardial Disease
- Heart Failure
- Cardiac Arrhythmias
- GROWN-UP Congenital Heart Disease
- Aortic Disease
- Peripheral Artery Disease
- Venous Thromboembolism
- References
- 5 Respiratory Diseases
- Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
- Bronchiectasis
- Cystic Fibrosis
- Interstitial Lung Disease
- Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension
- Asthma
- Dysfunctional Breathing
- References
- 6 Outcome Measurement in Cardiorespiratory Physiotherapy Practice
- Introduction
- International Classification of Functioning Framework
- Selection of an Outcome Measure
- Measurement of Impairment at Body Structure/Functions Level
- Measurement of Activity Limitations
- Measurement of Participation Restriction
- References
- 7 Physiotherapy Interventions
- Traditional and Manual Airway Clearance Techniques
- Independently Performed Airway Clearance Techniques
- Exercise and Pulmonary Rehabilitation for Airway Clearance
- Adjunctive Techniques
- Intermittent Positive Pressure Breathing
- Non-Invasive Ventilation
- Incentive Spirometry
- Manual and Ventilator Hyperinflation
- Glossopharyngeal Breathing
- Positioning and Mobilization
- Oxygen Therapy
- Hypertonic Saline
- Mannitol
- Dornase Alpha
- Bronchodilators
- Structuring an Airway Clearance Session
- Differences between Shortness of Breath and Dyspnoea
- Mechanisms Underpinning Dyspnoea
- Assessment of Dyspnoea
- Management Strategies for Dyspnoea
- Inspiratory Muscle Training
- Breathing Control
- Manual Therapy Techniques for Musculoskeletal Dysfunction
- Neurophysiological Facilitation of Respiration
- References
- 8 Optimizing Engagement and Adherence with Therapeutic Interventions
- Introduction
- Impact of Diagnosis
- Living with Cardiorespiratory Illness
- Engagement with Medical Teams
- Conclusion
- References
- 9 Adult Intensive Care
- Introduction
- Monitoring and Mechanical Support
- Problem Identification and Physiotherapeutic Interventions in ICU
- Physiotherapy Management of Work of Breathing and Concepts of Weaning from Mechanical Ventilation
- Conclusion
- References
- 10 Paediatric Intensive Care
- Introduction
- Epidemiology of Acute Respiratory Failure in Children
- Indications for Supportive Respiratory Therapy
- Mechanical Ventilation
- Newer Ventilatory Support Techniques
- Ventilation Strategies for Specific Disease
- Other Considerations During Mechanical Ventilation
- Level of Perinatal Care
- Reasons for Admission to NICU
- Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia
- Oesophageal Atresia and Tracheo-Oesophageal Fistula
- Gastroschisis and Exomphalos (Omphalocoele)
- Pulmonary Conditions
- Treatments Available for Respiratory Conditions in the NICU
- General Paediatric Intensive Care
- Common Reasons for PICU Admission
- Paediatric Cardiac Intensive Care
- References
- 11 Upper Abdominal and Cardiothoracic Surgery for Adults
- Introduction
- Preoperative Physiotherapy and Prehabilitation
- The Surgical Process
- Types of Surgery
- Special Considerations Following Surgery
- Acknowledgements
- Appendix
- References
- 12 Physical Activity and Rehabilitation
- Physical Activity Versus Physical Fitness
- Physical Activity, Physical Fitness and Health
- Strategies to Improve and Maintain Physical Fitness
- Introduction
- Aims of Rehabilitation in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
- Exercise Prescription
- The Training Programme
- Education and Self-Efficacy
- Timing of Rehabilitation
- Non-COPD Populations
- Practical Aspects of Training
- Long-Term Effects of Pulmonary Rehabilitation – Is Benefit Maintained?
- Conclusions
- Introduction
- Cardiac Rehabilitation – Past, Present and Future Directions
- Benefits of Exercise Training
- Recommended Levels of Physical Activity and Exercise
- Exercise Prescription
- Programme Implementation
- Conclusion
- References
- 13 Cardiorespiratory Management of Special Populations
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Acute Spinal Cord Injury and Respiration
- Respiratory Assessment
- Physiotherapy Treatment
- Long-Term Respiratory Management
- Conclusion
- Introduction
- History
- Selection of Candidates
- Indications for Transplantation
- Contraindications to Transplantation
- Assessment
- Surgical Procedures
- Key Concepts
- Preoperative Rehabilitation
- Postoperative Management
- Outpatient Rehabilitation
- Exercise Limitation and Function Post Transplant
- Long-Term Management
- Specific Considerations for Paediatric Patients
- Conclusion
- Acknowledgement
- Introduction
- Causes and Mechanisms of Injury
- Complications Related to Traumatic Injury
- Medical and Surgical Management of Patients with Traumatic Injury
- Physiotherapy Intervention for the Trauma Patient
- Quality of Life after Traumatic Injury
- Conclusion
- Introduction
- Rehabilitation in Special Paediatric Populations
- Cystic Fibrosis
- Asthma
- Other Respiratory Conditions
- Obesity
- Heart Disease
- Exercise Prescription
- Introduction
- Physical Activity for Cancer Prevention
- Medical Treatment of Cancer and the Associated Side Effects
- Lack of Physical Activity after a Diagnosis of Cancer
- Physical Activity Guidelines for People Living with Cancer
- The Role of Exercise Training in the Management of Cancer
- Delivery and Timing of Exercise Training for Individuals with Cancer
- Evaluation of Exercise Training for Individuals with Cancer
- Exercise Prescription for Individuals with Cancer
- Monitoring during Exercise for Individuals with Cancer
- Strategies for Adherence to Increased Physical Activity for Individuals with Cancer
- Definition and Mechanisms of Muscle Weakness in ICU
- Patients Who Are Unconscious/Sedated
- Conscious and Stable Patients
- Neurocognitive Interventions
- Resources
- Summary
- References
- Appendix Normal Values, Conversion Table and Abbreviations
- Normal Values
- Conversion Table
- Abbreviations
- Index
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 6501
- Útgáfuár : 2016
- Leyfi : 380