A photography class--in a book! Your Canon EOS Rebel T7/1400D provides enough camera power to take the pro-style shots you've dreamed of shooting--and this book shows you how. Canon EOS Rebel T7/1400D For Dummies bridges the gap between taking quick shots in auto mode and taking charge of the settings that offer full control of your pictures' focus, color, and light balance. Take a peek inside to discover all the expert tips and tricks to take brag-worthy portraits, action shots, and close-ups--in a flash.
No matter your subject, you’ll get all the know-how and instruction you need to get the picture-perfect shot every time. Get started with automatic and creative modes Take full control of exposure to achieve better results Understand the settings that control light and color Follow steps on properly using flash Even if you’ve never picked up a DSLR camera, this friendly guide makes it fast and easy to unlock all your powerful Canon has to offer!.
- Höfundur: Julie Adair King
- Útgáfa:1
- Útgáfudagur: 2018-07-19
- Hægt að prenta út 10 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781119471554
- Print ISBN: 9781119471561
- ISBN 10: 1119471559
- Cover
- Introduction
- How This Book Is Organized
- Icons Used in This Book
- Where to Go From Here
- Part 1: Fast Track to Super Snaps
- Chapter 1: Getting Up and Running
- Preparing the Camera for Initial Use
- Exploring External Camera Features
- Ordering from Camera Menus
- Displaying the Camera Settings screen
- Using the Monitor as Viewfinder: Live View Shooting
- Monitoring Critical Picture Settings
- Changing Settings via the Quick Control Screen
- Familiarizing Yourself with the Lens
- Working with Memory Cards
- Reviewing Basic Setup Options
- Chapter 2: Choosing Basic Picture Settings
- Selecting an Exposure Mode
- Choosing a Shutter-Release (Drive) Mode
- Setting Resolution and File Type (The Image Quality Setting)
- Adding Flash
- Chapter 3: Taking Great Pictures, Automatically
- Shooting in Auto and Flash Off Modes
- Exploring Image Zone (Scene) Modes
- Gaining More Control with Creative Auto
- Chapter 1: Getting Up and Running
- Chapter 4: Taking Charge of Exposure
- Introducing the Exposure Trio: Aperture, Shutter Speed, and ISO
- Stepping Up to Advanced Exposure Modes (P, Tv, Av, and M)
- Monitoring Exposure Settings
- Choosing an Exposure Metering Mode
- Setting ISO, F-stop, and Shutter Speed
- Sorting Through Your Camera’s Exposure-Correction Tools
- Locking Autoexposure Settings
- Bracketing Exposures Automatically
- Chapter 5: Controlling Focus and Depth of Field
- Setting the Lens Focus Mode
- Exploring Viewfinder Focusing Options
- Focusing During Live View and Movie Shooting
- Manipulating Depth of Field
- Chapter 6: Mastering Color Controls
- Understanding the White Balance Setting
- Taking a Quick Look at Picture Styles
- Chapter 7: Putting It All Together
- Recapping Basic Picture Settings
- Shooting Still Portraits
- Capturing Action
- Capturing Scenic Vistas
- Capturing Dynamic Close-Ups
- Coping with Special Situations
- Chapter 8: Shooting and Viewing Movies
- Recording Your First Movie Using the Default Settings
- Customizing Movie Recording Settings
- Playing Movies
- Chapter 9: Picture Playback
- Disabling and Adjusting Image Review
- Viewing Pictures in Playback Mode
- Viewing Picture Data
- Chapter 10: Working with Picture and Movie Files
- Deleting Files
- Protecting Photos and Movies
- Rating Photos and Movies
- Using Canon's Computer Software
- Sending Pictures to the Computer
- Processing Raw (CR2) Files
- Preparing Pictures for Online Sharing
- Transferring Files to a Smartphone or Tablet
- Chapter 11: Ten More Ways to Customize Your Camera
- Changing the Function of the Set Button
- Customizing the AE Lock and Shutter Buttons
- Disabling the AF-Assist Beam
- Silencing the Camera
- Preventing Shutter Release without a Memory Card
- Reducing the Number of Exposure Stops
- Creating Your Own Camera Menu
- Creating Custom Folders
- Turning Off the Shooting Settings Screen
- Changing the Color Space from sRGB to Adobe RGB
- Chapter 12: Ten More Cool Features to Explore
- Adding Cleaning Instructions to Images
- Tagging Files with Your Copyright Claim
- Exploring Two Special Printing Options
- Adding Special Effects to Your Photos
- Tagging Pictures for a Photo Book
- Presenting a Slide Show
- Creating Video Snapshots
- Trimming Movies
- Viewing Your Photos and Movies on an HDTV
- Exploring More Wi-Fi Functions
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 10835
- Útgáfuár : 2018
- Leyfi : 379