The easy way to conquer calculus Calculus is hard--no doubt about it--and students often need help understanding or retaining the key concepts covered in class. Calculus Workbook For Dummies serves up the concept review and practice problems with an easy-to-follow, practical approach. Plus, you’ll get free access to a quiz for every chapter online. With a wide variety of problems on everything covered in calculus class, you’ll find multiple examples of limits, vectors, continuity, differentiation, integration, curve-sketching, conic sections, natural logarithms, and infinite series.
Plus, you’ll get hundreds of practice opportunities with detailed solutions that will help you master the math that is critical for scoring your highest in calculus. Review key concepts Take hundreds of practice problems Get access to free chapter quizzes online Use as a classroom supplement or with a tutor Get ready to quickly and easily increase your confidence and improve your skills in calculus.
- Höfundur: Mark Ryan
- Útgáfa:3
- Útgáfudagur: 2018-04-12
- Hægt að prenta út 10 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781119357506
- Print ISBN: 9781119357483
- ISBN 10: 1119357500
- Cover
- Introduction
- About This Book
- Foolish Assumptions
- Icons Used in This Book
- Beyond the Book
- Where to Go from Here
- Part 1: Pre-Calculus Review
- Chapter 1: Getting Down to Basics: Algebra and Geometry
- Fraction Frustration
- Misc. Algebra: You Know, Like Miss South Carolina
- Geometry: When Am I Ever Going to Need It?
- Solutions for This Easy, Elementary Stuff
- Chapter 2: Funky Functions and Tricky Trig
- Figuring Out Your Functions
- Trigonometric Calisthenics
- Solutions to Functions and Trigonometry
- Chapter 1: Getting Down to Basics: Algebra and Geometry
- Chapter 3: A Graph Is Worth a Thousand Words: Limits and Continuity
- Digesting the Definitions: Limit and Continuity
- Taking a Closer Look: Limit and Continuity Graphs
- Solutions for Limits and Continuity
- Chapter 4: Nitty-Gritty Limit Problems
- Solving Limits with Algebra
- Pulling Out Your Calculator: Useful “Cheating”
- Making Yourself a Limit Sandwich
- Into the Great Beyond: Limits at Infinity
- Solutions for Problems with Limits
- Chapter 5: Getting the Big Picture: Differentiation Basics
- The Derivative: A Fancy Calculus Word for Slope and Rate
- The Handy-Dandy Difference Quotient
- Solutions for Differentiation Basics
- Chapter 6: Rules, Rules, Rules: The Differentiation Handbook
- Rules for Beginners
- Giving It Up for the Product and Quotient Rules
- Linking Up with the Chain Rule
- What to Do with Y’s: Implicit Differentiation
- Getting High on Calculus: Higher Order Derivatives
- Solutions for Differentiation Problems
- Chapter 7: Analy zing Those Shapely Curves with the Derivative
- The First Derivative Test and Local Extrema
- The Second Derivative Test and Local Extrema
- Finding Mount Everest: Absolute Extrema
- Smiles and Frowns: Concavity and Inflection Points
- The Mean Value Theorem: Go Ahead, Make My Day
- Solutions for Derivatives and Shapes of Curves
- Chapter 8: Using Differentiation to Solve Practical Problems
- Optimization Problems: From Soup to Nuts
- Problematic Relationships: Related Rates
- A Day at the Races: Position, Velocity, and Acceleration
- Solutions to Differentiation Problem Solving
- Chapter 9: Even More Practical Applications of Differentiation
- Make Sure You Know Your Lines: Tangents and Normals
- Looking Smart with Linear Approximation
- Calculus in the Real World: Business and Economics
- Solutions to Differentiation Problem Solving
- Chapter 10: Getting into Integration
- Adding Up the Area of Rectangles: Kid Stuff
- Sigma Notation and Riemann Sums: Geek Stuff
- Close Isn’t Good Enough: The Definite Integral and Exact Area
- Finding Area with the Trapezoid Rule and Simpson’s Rule
- Solutions to Getting into Integration
- Chapter 11: Integration: Reverse Differentiation
- The Absolutely Atrocious and Annoying Area Function
- Sound the Trumpets: The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
- Finding Antiderivatives: The Guess-and-Check Method
- The Substitution Method: Pulling the Switcheroo
- Solutions to Reverse Differentiation Problems
- Chapter 12: Integration Rules for Calculus Connoisseurs
- Integration by Parts: Here’s How u du It
- Transfiguring Trigonometric Integrals
- Trigonometric Substitution: It’s Your Lucky Day!
- Partaking of Partial Fractions
- Solutions for Integration Rules
- Chapter 13: Who Needs Freud? Using the Integral to Solve Your Problems
- Finding a Function’s Average Value
- Finding the Area between Curves
- Volumes of Weird Solids: No, You’re Never Going to Need This
- Arc Length and Surfaces of Revolution
- Solutions to Integration Application Problems
- Chapter 14: Infinite (Sort of) Integrals
- Getting Your Hopes Up with L’Hôpital’s Rule
- Disciplining Those Improper Integrals
- Solutions to Infinite (Sort of) Integrals
- Chapter 15: Infinite Series: Welcome to the Outer Limits
- The Nifty nth Term Test
- Testing Three Basic Series
- Apples and Oranges … and Guavas: Three Comparison Tests
- Ratiocinating the Two “R” Tests
- He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not: Alternating Series
- Solutions to Infinite Series
- Chapter 16: Ten Things about Limits, Continuity, and Infinite Series
- The 33333 Mnemonic
- The 13231 Mnemonic
- Chapter 17: Ten Things You Better Remember about Differentiation
- The Difference Quotient
- The First Derivative Is a Rate
- The First Derivative Is a Slope
- Extrema, Sign Changes, and the First Derivative
- The Second Derivative and Concavity
- Inflection Points and Sign Changes in the Second Derivative
- The Product Rule
- The Quotient Rule
- Linear Approximation
- “PSST,” Here’s a Good Way to Remember the Derivatives of Trig Functions
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 10638
- Útgáfuár : 2018