Business Research

- VIH0106 Vinnulag í háskóla.
Ensk lýsing:
Now in its fourth edition, this is a hands-on and straightforward core textbook in business research methods. Combining a clear and succinct style with a beautifully presented text design, this textbook delivers the fundamentals of business research in a highly accessible manner. It provides balanced coverage of both quantitative and qualitative methods and supports students throughout the entire process of business research, from reviewing the literature to writing up results.
Practical advice is combined with strong academic rigour to provide students with a comprehensive grounding in research methods. In this way, they can decide on the most efficient and appropriate way of collecting, analysing and presenting data. Written by a highly experienced author team, Business Research will be an essential resource for students taking modules in research methods on undergraduate, postgraduate and MBA courses.
Now in its fifth edition, Business Research offers students a practical, hands-on guide throughout the research process, from literature review to writing up the results. Accessible and clear, this much loved textbook will provides the tools needed to embark on and successfully complete research projects. Its balance of practical advice, methodical approach and sound academic underpinning will gives a comprehensive grounding in research methods, so that you can decide on the most appropriate way of collecting, analysing and presenting data.
- Höfundar: Jill Collis, Roger Hussey
- Útgáfa:5
- Útgáfudagur: 2021-03-23
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:Page Fidelity
- ISBN 13: 9781352011821
- Print ISBN: 9781352011814
- ISBN 10: 1352011824
- Title
- Copyright
- Brief contents
- Contents
- List of figures
- List of tables
- List of boxes
- About the authors
- Preface to the fifth edition
- Acknowledgements
- Tour of the book
- 1. Understanding research
- 1.1 Introduction
- 1.2 Nature and purpose of business research
- 1.3 Classifying research
- 1.4 Academic levels of research
- 1.5 Overview of the research process
- 1.6 Supervision
- 1.7 Characteristics of good research
- 1.8 Conclusions
- References for further reading
- Activities
- 2. Dealing with practical issues
- 2.1 Introduction
- 2.2 Knowledge, skills and personal qualities
- 2.3 Generating a research topic
- 2.4 Negotiating access to data
- 2.5 Research ethics
- 2.6 Managing the research project
- 2.7 Funding the research
- 2.8 Conclusions
- References for further reading
- Activities
- 3. Identifying your research paradigm
- 3.1 Introduction
- 3.2 The two main paradigms
- 3.3 Philosophical assumptions of positivism and interpretivism
- 3.4 Comparing positivism and interpretivism
- 3.5 Pragmatism
- 3.6 Conclusions
- References for further reading
- Activities
- 4. Designing the research
- 4.1 Introduction
- 4.2 Link between paradigm and methodology
- 4.3 Methodologies associated with positivism
- 4.4 Methodologies associated with interpretivism
- 4.5 Triangulation
- 4.6 Conclusions
- References for further reading
- Activities
- 5. Searching and reviewing the literature
- 5.1 Introduction
- 5.2 Searching the literature
- 5.3 Referencing
- 5.4 Reviewing the literature
- 5.5 Avoiding plagiarism
- 5.6 Conclusions
- References for further reading
- Activities
- 6. Writing your research proposal
- 6.1 Introduction
- 6.2 Overview of research design
- 6.3 The research problem
- 6.4 Purpose of the research
- 6.5 The research questions
- 6.6 Writing the research proposal
- 6.7 Evaluating your proposal
- 6.8 Conclusions
- References for further reading
- Activities
- Appendix: examples of business research proposals
- 7. Collecting qualitative data
- 7.1 Introduction
- 7.2 Main issues in collecting qualitative data
- 7.3 Interviews
- 7.4 Critical incident technique
- 7.5 Focus groups
- 7.6 Protocol analysis
- 7.7 Diary methods
- 7.8 Observation
- 7.9 Conclusions
- References for further reading
- Activities
- 8. Analysing qualitative data
- 8.1 Introduction
- 8.2 Main issues in analysing qualitative data
- 8.3 A general analytical procedure
- 8.4 Content analysis
- 8.5 Discourse analysis
- 8.6 Evaluating your analysis
- 8.7 Conclusions
- References for further reading
- Activities
- 9. Integrated collection and analysis methods
- 9.1 Introduction
- 9.2 Grounded theory
- 9.3 Repertory grid technique
- 9.4 Cognitive mapping
- 9.5 Conclusions
- References for further reading
- Activities
- 10. Collecting data for statistical analysis
- 10.1 Introduction
- 10.2 Main issues in collecting data for statistical analysis
- 10.3 Variables
- 10.4 Data collection methods
- 10.5 Designing questions
- 10.6 Coding questions
- 10.7 Conclusions
- References for further reading
- Activities
- 11. Analysing data using descriptive statistics
- 11.1 Introduction
- 11.2 Key concepts in statistics
- 11.3 Getting started with SPSS
- 11.4 Frequency distributions
- 11.5 Measuring central tendency
- 11.6 Measuring dispersion
- 11.7 Normal distribution
- 11.8 Conclusions
- References for further reading
- Activities
- 12. Analysing data using inferential statistics
- 12.1 Introduction
- 12.2 Planning the analysis
- 12.3 Tests of difference
- 12.4 Tests of association and correlation
- 12.5 Linear regression
- 12.6 Time series analysis
- 12.7 Conclusions
- References for further reading
- Activities
- 13. Writing your dissertation or thesis
- 13.1 Introduction
- 13.2 Planning how to write up your research
- 13.3 Structure and content
- 13.4 Presenting qualitative and quantitative data
- 13.5 Preparing for your viva voce
- 13.6 Conclusions
- References for further reading
- Activities
- 14. Publishing your research
- 14.1 Introduction
- 14.2 Developing a publications strategy
- 14.3 Writing a conference paper
- 14.4 Presenting a conference paper or poster
- 14.5 Writing a journal article
- 14.6 Responding to reviewers’ comments
- 14.7 Conclusions
- References for further reading
- Activities
- 15. Troubleshooting
- 15.1 Introduction
- 15.2 Getting started
- 15.3 Managing the process
- 15.4 Identifying a topic and a research problem or issue
- 15.5 Making a preliminary plan of action
- 15.6 Finding a theoretical framework
- 15.7 Writing the proposal
- 15.8 Choosing a methodology
- 15.9 Searching and reviewing the literature
- 15.10 Collecting the research data
- 15.11 Organising qualitative research data
- 15.12 Analysing the research data
- 15.13 Structuring the dissertation or thesis
- 15.14 Writing the dissertation or thesis
- 15.15 Dealing with writer’s block
- 15.16 Achieving the standards
- 15.17 Eleventh-hour strategies for finishing your dissertation or thesis
- 15.18 Developing a publications strategy
- 15.19 Presenting a conference paper
- 15.20 Dealing with reviewers’ comments
- Appendix: random number tables
- Glossary
- Subject Index
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 5907
- Útgáfuár : 2021
- Leyfi : 380