Business Intelligence, Analytics, Data Science, and AI, Global Edition
- T-707-VGBI Viðskiptagreind
V-785 – REK5
Business Intelligence, Analytics, Data Science, and AI is your guide to the business-related impact of artificial intelligence, data science and analytics, designed to prepare you for a managerial role. The text's vignettes and cases feature modern companies and non-profit organizations and illustrate capabilities, costs and justifications of BI across various business units. With coverage of many data science/AI applications, you'll explore tools, then learn from various organizations' experiences employing such applications.
Ample hands-on practice is provided, can be completed with a range of software, and will help you use analytics as a future manager. The 5th Edition integrates the fully updated content of Analytics, Data Science, and Artificial Intelligence, 11/e and Business Intelligence, Analytics, and Data Science, 4/e into one textbook, strengthened by 4 new chapters that will equip you for today's analytics and AI tech, such as ChatGPT.
- Höfundar: Ramesh Sharda, Dursun Delen, Efraim Turban
- Útgáfa:5
- Útgáfudagur: 2024-08-23
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781292727530
- Print ISBN: 9781292459295
- ISBN 10: 1292727535
- Cover
- Cover
- Front Matter
- Title Page
- Copyright Page
- Preface
- Acknowledgments
- About the Authors
- About the Book
- Part I: Introduction
- Part I: Introduction
- Chapter 1: An Overview of Business Intelligence, Analytics, Data Science, and AI
- Introduction: An Overview of Business Intelligence, Analytics, Data Science, and AI
- 1.1: Opening Vignette: Sports Analytics—An Exciting Frontier for Learning and Understanding Applications of Analytics
- 1.2: Changing Business Environments and Evolving Needs for Decision Support and Analytics
- 1.3: Decision-Making Processes and Computerized Decision Support Framework
- 1.4: Evolution of Computerized Decision Support to Analytics/Data Science
- 1.5: A Framework for Business Intelligence
- 1.6: Analytics Overview
- 1.7: Analytics Examples in Selected Domains
- 1.8: Plan of the Book
- 1.9: Resources and Links
- Chapter Highlights and Key Terms
- Questions and Exercises
- References
- Chapter 2: Artificial Intelligence: Concepts, Drivers, Major Technologies, and Business Applications
- Introduction: Artificial Intelligence: Concepts, Drivers, Major Technologies, and Business Applications
- 2.1: Opening Vignette: Grant Thornton Employs Aisera Chatbot to Reduce IT Help Desk Burden
- 2.2: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
- 2.3: Human and Computer Intelligence
- 2.4: Major AI Technologies and Some Derivatives
- 2.5: AI Support for Decision Making
- 2.6: AI Applications in Various Business Functions
- 2.7: Introduction to Robotics
- 2.8: Illustrative Applications of Robotics
- 2.9: Conversational AI—Chatbots
- 2.10: Enterprise Chatbots
- Chapter Highlights and Key Terms
- Questions and Exercises
- References
- Part II: Descriptive Analytics
- Part II: Descriptive Analytics
- Chapter 3: Descriptive Analytics I: Nature of Data, Big Data, and Statistical Modeling
- Introduction: Descriptive Analytics I: Nature of Data, Big Data, and Statistical Modeling
- 3.1: Opening Vignette: SiriusXM Attracts and Engages a New Generation of Radio Consumers with Data-Driven Marketing
- 3.2: The Nature of Data in Analytics
- 3.3: A Simple Taxonomy of Data
- 3.4: The Art and Science of Data Preprocessing
- 3.5: Definition of Big Data
- 3.6: Fundamentals of Big Data Analytics
- 3.7: Big Data Technologies
- 3.8: Big Data and Stream Analytics
- 3.9: Statistical Modeling for Business Analytics
- 3.10: Regression Modeling for Inferential Statistics
- Chapter Highlights and Key Terms
- Questions and Exercises
- References
- Chapter 4: Descriptive Analytics II: Business Intelligence Data Warehousing, and Visualization
- Introduction: Descriptive Analytics II: Business Intelligence Data Warehousing, and Visualization
- 4.1: Opening Vignette: Targeting Tax Fraud with Data Warehousing and Business Analytics
- 4.2: Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing
- 4.3: Data Warehousing Process
- 4.4: Data Warehousing Architectures
- 4.5: Data Management and Warehouse Development
- 4.6: Data Warehouse Administration, Security Issues, and Future Trends
- 4.7: Business Reporting
- 4.8: Data Visualization
- 4.9: Different Types of Charts and Graphs
- 4.10: The Emergence of Visual Analytics
- 4.11: Information Dashboards
- Chapter Highlights and Key Terms
- Questions and Exercises
- References
- Part III: Predictive Analytics
- Part III: Predictive Analytics
- Chapter 5: Predictive Analytics I: Data Mining Process, Methods, and Algorithms
- Introduction: Predictive Analytics I: Data Mining Process, Methods, and Algorithms
- 5.1: Opening Vignette: Police Departments Are Using Predictive Analytics to Foresee and Fight Crime
- 5.2: Data Mining Concepts and Applications
- 5.3: Data Mining Applications
- 5.4: Data Mining Process
- 5.5: Data Mining Methods
- 5.6: Data Mining Software Tools
- 5.7: Data Mining Privacy Issues, Myths, and Blunders
- Chapter Highlights and Key Terms
- Questions and Exercises
- References
- Chapter 6: Predictive Analytics II: Text, Web, and Social Media Analytics
- Introduction: Predictive Analytics II: Text, Web, and Social Media Analytics
- 6.1: Opening Vignette: Machine versus Human on Jeopardy!: The Story of Watson
- 6.2: Text Analytics and Text Mining Overview
- 6.3: Natural Language Processing (NLP)
- 6.4: Text Mining Applications
- 6.5: Text Mining Process
- 6.6: Sentiment Analysis and Topic Modeling
- 6.7: Web Mining Overview
- 6.8: Search Engines
- 6.9: Web Usage Mining (Web Analytics)
- 6.10: Social Analytics
- Chapter Highlights and Key Terms
- Questions and Exercises
- References
- Chapter 7: Deep Learning and Cognitive Computing
- Introduction: Deep Learning and Cognitive Computing
- 7.1: Opening Vignette: Fighting Fraud with Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence
- 7.2: Introduction to Deep Learning
- 7.3: Basics of “Shallow” Neural Networks
- 7.4: Process of Developing Neural Network–Based Systems
- 7.5: Illuminating the Black Box of ANN
- 7.6: Deep Neural Networks
- 7.7: Convolutional Neural Networks
- 7.8: Recurrent Networks and Long Short-Term Memory Networks
- 7.9: Computer Frameworks for Implementation of Deep Learning
- 7.10: Cognitive Computing
- Chapter Highlights and Key Terms
- Questions and Exercises
- References
- Part IV: Prescriptive Analytics
- Part IV: Prescriptive Analytics
- Chapter 8: Prescriptive Analytics: Optimization and Simulation
- Introduction: Prescriptive Analytics: Optimization and Simulation
- 8.1: Opening Vignette: Balancing Delivery Routes, Production Schedules, and Inventory
- 8.2: Model-Based Decision-Making
- 8.3: Structure of Mathematical Models for Decision Support
- 8.4: Certainty, Uncertainty, and Risk
- 8.5: Decision Modeling with Spreadsheets
- 8.6: Mathematical Programming Optimization
- 8.7: Multiple Goals, Sensitivity Analysis, What-If Analysis, and Goal Seeking
- 8.8: Decision Analysis with Decision Tables and Decision Trees
- 8.9: Introduction to Simulation
- 8.10: Genetic Algorithms and Developing GA Applications
- Chapter Highlights and Key Terms
- Questions and Exercises
- References
- Part V: Software and Trends
- Part V: Software and Trends
- Chapter 9: Landscape of Business Analytics Tools
- Introduction: Landscape of Business Analytics Tools
- 9.1: Opening Vignette: How Seagate Is Using Knime to Tackle the Digital Transformation
- 9.2: Importance of Analytics Tools
- 9.3: Free and Open-Source Analytics’ Programming Languages
- 9.4: Free and Open-Source Analytics’ Visual Tools
- 9.5: Commercial Analytics Tools
- Chapter Highlights and Key Terms
- Questions and Exercises
- References
- Chapter 10: AI-Based Trends in Analytics and Data Science
- Introduction: AI-Based Trends in Analytics and Data Science
- 10.1: Application Vignette: Discover Foods Employs IoT and Machine Learning to Ensure Food Quality
- 10.2: Cloud-Based Analytics
- 10.3: Location-Based Analytics
- 10.4: Image Analytics/Alternative Data
- 10.5: IoT Essentials
- Major Benefits and Drivers of IoT
- 10.6: IoT Applications
- 10.7: 5G Technologies and Impact on AI
- 10.8: Other Emerging AI Topics: Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
- 10.9: Bioinformatics and Health Network Science
- Network Analytics
- 10.10: Other Recent Developments
- Chapter Highlights and Key Terms
- Questions and Exercises
- References
- Chapter 11: Ethical, Privacy, and Managerial Considerations in Analytics
- Introduction: Ethical, Privacy, and Managerial Considerations in Analytics
- 11.1: Opening Vignette: Lessons Learned from Analytics Journey in an Organization
- 11.2: Implementing Intelligent Systems: An Overview
- 11.3: Successful Deployment of Intelligent Systems
- 11.4: Implementing IoT and Managerial Considerations
- 11.5: Legal, Privacy, and Ethical Issues
- 11.6: Ethical/Responsible/Trustworthy AI
- 11.7: Impacts of Intelligent Systems on Organizations
- 11.8: Impacts on Jobs and Work
- 11.9: Potential Dangers of AI
- 11.10: Citizen Science and Citizen Data Scientists
- Chapter Highlights and Key Terms
- Questions and Exercises
- References
- Glossary
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 8169
- Útgáfuár : 2024
- Leyfi : 380