Brock Biology of Microorganisms, Global Edition

Authoritative. Accurate. Accessible. Brock Biology of Microorganisms setsthe standard for accuracy, impeccable scholarship, a visually stunning art program,and the use of cutting-edge research to illustrate basic concepts. The textguides students through the six major themes of microbiology — Evolution, CellStructure and Function, Metabolic Pathways, Information Flow and Genetics,Microbial Systems, and the Impact of Microorganisms — as outlined by theAmerican Society for Microbiology Conference on Undergraduate Education(ASMCUE).
This robust and modern approach takes students through the genomicsrevolution and “omics” maze that has transformed microbiology and sharespowerful tools that microbiologists use to probe deeper and further into themicrobial world than ever before. The 16th Edition expands the extraordinary artprogram to ensure students experience microbiology as a visual science whileproviding an overview of the microbial world with basic principles thatstudents all need to master.
- Höfundar: Michael T. Madigan, Kelly S. Bender, Jennifer Aiyer, Daniel H. Buckley, W. Matthew Sattley, David A.
- Útgáfa:16
- Útgáfudagur: 2021-05-20
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:Page Fidelity
- ISBN 13: 9781292405063
- Print ISBN: 9781292404790
- ISBN 10: 1292405066
- Brief Contents
- Visual Walkthrough
- Authoritative. Accurate. Accessible
- Making Connections Across
- Concepts in Microbiology
- Cutting-Edge Content
- Empower Each Learner with Mastering Microbiology (I)
- Empower Each Learner with Mastering Microbiology (II)
- Pearson eText: A Whole New Reading Experience
- Title Page
- Copyright
- About the Authors
- Dedications
- Preface
- Acknowledgments
- Acknowledgments for the Global Edition
- Contents
- ASM Recommended Curriculum Guidelines for Undergraduate Microbiology
- Unit 1. The Foundations of Microbiology
- 1. The Microbial World
- MicrobiologyNow Microbiology in Motion
- I • Exploring the Microbial World
- 1.1 Microorganisms, Tiny Titans of the Earth
- 1.2 Structure and Activities of Microbial Cells
- 1.3 Cell Size and Morphology
- 1.4 An Introduction to Microbial Life
- 1.5 Microorganisms and the Biosphere
- 1.6 The Impact of Microorganisms on Human Society
- II • Microscopy and the Origins of Microbiology
- 1.7 Light Microscopy and the Discovery of Microorganisms
- 1.8 Improving Contrast in Light Microscopy
- 1.9 Imaging Cells in Three Dimensions
- 1.10 Probing Cell Structure: Electron Microscopy
- III • Microbial Cultivation Expands the Horizon of Microbiology
- 1.11 Pasteur and Spontaneous Generation
- 1.12 Koch, Infectious Diseases, and Pure Cultures
- 1.13 Discovery of Microbial Diversity
- IV • Molecular Biology and the Unity and Diversity of Life
- 1.14 Molecular Basis of Life
- 1.15 Woese and the Tree of Life
- Explore the Microbial World Tiny Cells
- 2. Microbial Cell Structure and Function
- MicrobiologyNow Exploring the Microbial Cell
- I • The Cell Envelope
- 2.1 The Cytoplasmic Membrane
- 2.2 Transporting Nutrients into the Cell
- 2.3 The Cell Wall
- 2.4 LPS: The Outer Membrane
- 2.5 Diversity of Cell Envelope Structure
- II • Cell Surface Structures and Inclusions
- 2.6 Cell Surface Structures
- 2.7 Cell Inclusions
- 2.8 Endospores
- III • Cell Locomotion
- 2.9 Flagella, Archaella, and Swimming Motility
- 2.10 Surface Motility
- 2.11 Chemotaxis
- 2.12 Other Forms of Taxis
- IV • Eukaryotic Microbial Cells
- 2.13 The Nucleus and Cell Division
- 2.14 Mitochondria and Chloroplasts
- 2.15 Other Eukaryotic Cell Structures
- 1. The Microbial World
- 3. Microbial Metabolism
- MicrobiologyNow Life Begins with Metabolism
- I • Fundamentals of Metabolism
- 3.1 Defining the Requirements for Life
- 3.2 Electron Transfer Reactions
- 3.3 Calculating Changes in Free Energy
- 3.4 Cellular Energy Conservation
- 3.5 Catalysis and Enzymes
- II • Catabolism: Chemoorganotrophs
- 3.6 Glycolysis, the Citric Acid Cycle, and the Glyoxylate Cycle
- 3.7 Principles of Fermentation
- 3.8 Principles of Respiration: Electron Carriers
- 3.9 Principles of Respiration: Generating a Proton Motive Force
- III • Catabolism: Electron Transport and Metabolic Diversity
- 3.10 Anaerobic Respiration and Metabolic Modularity
- 3.11 Chemolithotrophy and Phototrophy
- IV • Biosynthesis
- 3.12 Autotrophy and Nitrogen Fixation
- 3.13 Sugars and Polysaccharides
- 3.14 Amino Acids and Nucleotides
- 3.15 Fatty Acids and Lipids
- MicrobiologyNow Growing Their Own Way
- I • Culturing Microbes and Measuring Their Growth
- 4.1 Feeding the Microbe: Cell Nutrition
- 4.2 Growth Media and Laboratory Culture
- 4.3 Microscopic Counts of Microbial Cell Numbers
- 4.4 Viable Counting of Microbial Cell Numbers
- 4.5 Turbidimetric Measures of Microbial Cell Numbers
- II • Dynamics of Microbial Growth
- 4.6 Binary Fission and the Microbial Growth Cycle
- 4.7 Quantitative Aspects of Microbial Growth
- 4.8 Continuous Culture
- 4.9 Biofilm Growth
- 4.10 Alternatives to Binary Fission
- III • Environmental Effects on Growth: Temperature
- 4.11 Temperature Classes of Microorganisms
- 4.12 Microbial Life in the Cold
- 4.13 Microbial Life at High Temperatures
- IV • Environmental Effects on Growth: pH, Osmolarity, and Oxygen
- 4.14 Effects of pH on Microbial Growth
- 4.15 Osmolarity and Microbial Growth
- 4.16 Oxygen and Microbial Growth
- V • Controlling Microbial Growth
- 4.17 General Principles and Microbial Growth Control by Heat
- 4.18 Other Physical Control Methods: Radiation and Filtration
- 4.19 Chemical Control of Microbial Growth
- MicrobiologyNow When Antibiotics Fail, Bacteriophage Therapy to the Rescue
- I • The Nature of Viruses
- 5.1 What Is a Virus?
- 5.2 Structure of the Virion
- 5.3 Culturing, Detecting, and Counting Viruses
- II • Overview of the Viral Replication Cycle
- 5.4 Steps in the Replication Cycle
- 5.5 Bacteriophage T4: A Model Lytic Virus
- 5.6 Temperate Bacteriophages and Lysogeny
- 5.7 An Overview of Viruses of Eukaryotes
- 6. Molecular Information Flow and Protein Processing
- MicrobiologyNow Injectisomes: Salmonella’s Mode of Attack
- I • Molecular Biology and Genetic Elements
- 6.1 DNA and Genetic Information Flow
- 6.2 Genetic Elements: Chromosomes and Plasmids
- II • Copying the Genetic Blueprint: DNA Replication
- 6.3 Templates, Enzymes, and the Replication Fork
- 6.4 Bidirectional Replication, the Replisome, and Proofreading
- III • RNA Synthesis: Transcription
- 6.5 Transcription in Bacteria
- 6.6 Transcription in Archaea and Eukarya
- IV • Protein Synthesis: Translation
- 6.7 Amino Acids, Polypeptides, and Proteins
- 6.8 Transfer RNA
- 6.9 Translation and the Genetic Code
- 6.10 The Mechanism of Protein Synthesis
- V • Protein Processing, Secretion, and Targeting
- 6.11 Assisted Protein Folding and Chaperones
- 6.12 Protein Secretion: The Sec and Tat Systems
- 6.13 Protein Secretion: Gram-Negative Systems
- MicrobiologyNow As Bacterial Cells Chatter, Viruses Eavesdrop
- I • DNA-Binding Proteins and Transcriptional Regulation
- 7.1 DNA-Binding Proteins
- 7.2 Transcription Factors and Effectors
- 7.3 Repression and Activation
- 7.4 Transcription Controls in Archaea
- II • Sensing and Signal Transduction
- 7.5 Two-Component Regulatory Systems
- 7.6 Regulation of Chemotaxis
- 7.7 Cell-to-Cell Signaling
- III • Global Control
- 7.8 The lac Operon
- 7.9 Stringent and General Stress Responses
- 7.10 The Phosphate (Pho) Regulon
- 7.11 The Heat Shock Response
- IV • RNA-Based Regulation
- 7.12 Regulatory RNAs
- 7.13 Riboswitches
- 7.14 Attenuation
- V • Regulation of Enzymes and Other Proteins
- 7.15 Feedback Inhibition
- 7.16 Post-Translational Regulation
- MicrobiologyNow Membrane Vesicles: Nano Vehicles Transporting Important Cargo
- I • Bacterial Cell Division
- 8.1 Visualizing Molecular Growth
- 8.2 Chromosome Replication and Segregation
- 8.3 Cell Division and Fts Proteins
- 8.4 Determinants of Cell Morphology
- 8.5 Peptidoglycan Biosynthesis
- II • Regulation of Development in Model Bacteria
- 8.6 Regulation of Endospore Formation
- 8.7 Regulation of Endospore Germination
- 8.8 Caulobacter Differentiation
- 8.9 Heterocyst Formation in Anabaena
- 8.10 Biofilm Formation
- III • Antibiotics and Microbial Growth
- 8.11 Antibiotic Targets and Antibiotic Resistance
- 8.12 Persistence and Dormancy
- MicrobiologyNow Live Cell Imaging Captures Bacterial Promiscuity
- I • Mutation
- 9.1 Mutations and Mutants
- 9.2 Molecular Basis of Mutation
- 9.3 Reversions and Mutation Rates
- 9.4 Mutagenesis
- II • Gene Transfer in Bacteria
- 9.5 Genetic Recombination
- 9.6 Transformation
- 9.7 Transduction
- 9.8 Conjugation
- 9.9 The Formation of Hfr Strains and Chromosome Mobilization
- III • Gene Transfer in Archaea and Other Genetic Events
- 9.10 Horizontal Gene Transfer in Archaea
- 9.11 Mobile DNA: Transposable Elements
- 9.12 Preserving Genomic Integrity and CRISPR
- 10. Microbial Genomics and Other Omics
- MicrobiologyNow Omics Tools Unravel Mysteries of “Fettuccine” Rocks
- I • Genomics
- 10.1 Introduction to Genomics
- 10.2 Sequencing and Annotating Genomes
- 10.3 Genome Size and Gene Content in Bacteria and Archaea
- 10.4 Organelle and Eukaryotic Microbial Genomes
- II • Functional Omics
- 10.5 Functional Genomics
- 10.6 High-Throughput Functional Gene Analysis: Tn-Seq
- 10.7 Metagenomics
- 10.8 Gene Chips and Transcriptomics
- 10.9 Proteomics and the Interactome
- 10.10 Metabolomics
- III • Systems Biology
- 10.11 Single-Cell Genomics
- 10.12 Integrating Mycobacterium tuberculosis Omics
- 10.13 Systems Biology and Human Health
- Explore the Microbial World DNA Sequencing in the Palm of Your Hand
- 11. Viral Genomics and Diversity
- MicrobiologyNow Bacteriophages Mimicking Eukaryotes—Discovery of a Phage-Encoded Nucleus and Spind
- I • Viral Genomes and Classification
- 11.1 Size and Structure of Viral Genomes
- 11.2 Viral Taxonomy and Phylogeny
- II • DNA Viruses
- 11.3 Single-Stranded DNA Bacteriophages: ϕX174 and M13
- 11.4 Double-Stranded DNA Bacteriophages: T4, T7, and Lambda
- 11.5 Viruses of Archaea
- 11.6 Uniquely Replicating DNA Animal Viruses
- 11.7 DNA Tumor Viruses
- III • RNA Viruses
- 11.8 Positive-Strand RNA Viruses
- 11.9 Negative-Strand RNA Animal Viruses
- 11.10 Double-Stranded RNA Viruses
- 11.11 Viruses That Use Reverse Transcriptase
- IV • Subviral Agents
- 11.12 Viroids
- 11.13 Prions
- MicrobiologyNow An Ingestible Biosensor: Using Bacteria to Monitor Gastrointestinal Health
- I • Tools of the Genetic Engineer
- 12.1 Manipulating DNA: PCR and Nucleic Acid Hybridization
- 12.2 Molecular Cloning
- 12.3 Expressing Foreign Genes in Bacteria
- 12.4 Molecular Methods for Mutagenesis
- 12.5 Reporter Genes and Gene Fusions
- II • Making Products from Genetically Engineered Microbes: Biotechnology
- 12.6 Somatotropin and Other Mammalian Proteins
- 12.7 Transgenic Organisms in Agriculture and Aquaculture
- 12.8 Engineered Vaccines and Therapeutic Agents
- 12.9 Mining Genomes and Engineering Pathways
- 12.10 Engineering Biofuels
- III • Synthetic Biology and Genome Editing
- 12.11 Synthetic Metabolic Pathways, Biosensors, and Genetic Circuits
- 12.12 Synthetic Cells
- 12.13 Genome Editing and CRISPRs
- 12.14 Biocontainment of Genetically Modified Organisms
- MicrobiologyNow Exploring Viral Genesis
- I • Early Earth and the Origin and Diversification of Life
- 13.1 Formation and Early History of Earth
- 13.2 Photosynthesis and the Oxidation of Earth
- 13.3 Living Fossils: DNA Records the History of Life
- 13.4 Endosymbiotic Origin of Eukaryotes
- 13.5 Viral Evolution
- II • Mechanisms of Microbial Evolution
- 13.6 The Evolutionary Process
- 13.7 Experimental Evolution
- 13.8 Gene Families, Duplications, and Deletions
- 13.9 Horizontal Gene Transfer
- 13.10 The Evolution of Microbial Genomes
- III • Microbial Phylogeny and Systematics
- 13.11 Molecular Phylogeny: Making Sense of Molecular Sequences
- 13.12 Microbial Systematics
- 14. Metabolic Diversity of Microorganisms
- MicrobiologyNow Ferreting Out the Peculiar Life of Iron Bacteria
- I • Introduction to Metabolic Diversity
- 14.1 Foundational Principles of Metabolic Diversity: Energy and Redox
- 14.2 Autotrophic Pathways
- II • Phototrophy
- 14.3 Photosynthesis and Chlorophylls
- 14.4 Carotenoids and Phycobilins
- 14.5 Anoxygenic Photosynthesis
- 14.6 Oxygenic Photosynthesis
- III • Respiratory Processes Defined by Electron Donor
- 14.7 Oxidation of Sulfur Compounds
- 14.8 Iron (Fe2+) Oxidation
- 14.9 Nitrification
- 14.10 Anaerobic Ammonia Oxidation (Anammox)
- IV • Respiratory Processes Defined by Electron Acceptor
- 14.11 Nitrate Reduction and Denitrification
- 14.12 Sulfate and Sulfur Reduction
- 14.13 Other Electron Acceptors
- V • One-Carbon (C1) Metabolism
- 14.14 Acetogenesis
- 14.15 Methanogenesis
- 14.16 Methanotrophy
- VI • Fermentation
- 14.17 Energetic and Redox Considerations
- 14.18 Lactic and Mixed-Acid Fermentations
- 14.19 Fermentations of Obligate Anaerobes
- 14.20 Secondary Fermentations
- 14.21 Fermentations That Lack Substrate-Level Phosphorylation
- 14.22 Syntrophy
- VII • Hydrocarbon Metabolism
- 14.23 Aerobic Hydrocarbon Metabolism
- 14.24 Anaerobic Hydrocarbon Metabolism
- MicrobiologyNow Cyanobacterial Diversity and Environmental Change
- I • Ecological Diversity Among Microorganisms
- 15.1 Making Sense of Microbial Diversity
- II • Ecological Diversity of Phototrophic Bacteria
- 15.2 Overview of Phototrophic Bacteria
- 15.3 Cyanobacteria
- 15.4 Purple Sulfur Bacteria
- 15.5 Purple Nonsulfur Bacteria and Aerobic Anoxygenic Phototrophs
- 15.6 Green Sulfur Bacteria
- 15.7 Green Nonsulfur Bacteria
- 15.8 Other Phototrophic Bacteria
- III • Diversity of Bacteria Defined by Metabolic Traits
- 15.9 Diversity of Nitrogen Fixers
- 15.10 Diversity of Nitrifiers and Denitrifiers
- 15.11 Dissimilative Sulfur- and Sulfate-Reducers
- 15.12 Dissimilative Sulfur-Oxidizers
- 15.13 Dissimilative Iron-Reducers
- 15.14 Dissimilative Iron-Oxidizers
- 15.15 Methanotrophs and Methylotrophs
- IV • Morphologically and Ecologically Distinctive Bacteria
- 15.16 Microbial Predators
- 15.17 Spirochetes
- 15.18 Budding and Prosthecate/Stalked Bacteria
- 15.19 Sheathed Bacteria
- 15.20 Magnetic Microbes
- MicrobiologyNow Bacterial Diversity and Human Health
- I • Proteobacteria
- 16.1 Alphaproteobacteria
- 16.2 Betaproteobacteria
- 16.3 Gammaproteobacteria: Enterobacteriales
- 16.4 Gammaproteobacteria: Pseudomonadales and Vibrionales
- 16.5 Deltaproteobacteria and Epsilonproteobacteria
- II • Firmicutes, Tenericutes, and Actinobacteria
- 16.6 Firmicutes: Lactobacillales
- 16.7 Firmicutes: Nonsporulating Bacillales and Clostridiales
- 16.8 Firmicutes: Sporulating Bacillales and Clostridiales
- 16.9 Tenericutes: The Mycoplasmas
- 16.10 Actinobacteria: Coryneform and Propionic Acid Bacteria
- 16.11 Actinobacteria: Mycobacterium
- 16.12 Filamentous Actinobacteria: Streptomyces and Relatives
- III • Bacteroidetes
- 16.13 Bacteroidales
- 16.14 Cytophagales, Flavobacteriales, and Sphingobacteriales
- IV • Chlamydiae, Planctomycetes, and Verrucomicrobia
- 16.15 Chlamydiae
- 16.16 Planctomycetes
- 16.17 Verrucomicrobia
- V • Hyperthermophilic Bacteria
- 16.18 Thermotogae and Thermodesulfobacteria
- 16.19 Aquificae
- VI • Other Bacteria
- 16.20 Deinococcus–Thermus
- 16.21 Acidobacteria and Nitrospirae
- 16.22 Other Notable Phyla of Bacteria
- MicrobiologyNow Methanogens and Global Climate Change
- I • Euryarchaeota
- 17.1 Extremely Halophilic Archaea
- 17.2 Methanogenic Archaea
- 17.3 Thermoplasmatales
- 17.4 Thermococcales and Archaeoglobales
- II • Thaumarchaeota and Cryptic Archaeal Phyla
- 17.5 Thaumarchaeota and Nitrification in Archaea
- 17.6 Nanoarchaeota and the “Hospitable Fireball”
- 17.7 Korarchaeota, the “Secret Filament”
- 17.8 Other Cryptic Archaeal Phyla
- III • Crenarchaeota
- 17.9 Habitats and Energy Metabolism of Crenarchaeota
- 17.10 Crenarchaeota from Terrestrial Volcanic Habitats
- 17.11 Crenarchaeota from Submarine Volcanic Habitats
- IV • Evolution and Life at High Temperature
- 17.12 An Upper Temperature Limit for Microbial Life
- 17.13 Molecular Adaptations to Life at High Temperature
- 17.14 Hyperthermophilic Archaea, H2, and Microbial Evolution
- MicrobiologyNow Coccolithophores, Engineers of Global Climate
- I • Organelles and Phylogeny of Microbial Eukarya
- 18.1 Endosymbioses and the Eukaryotic Cell
- 18.2 Phylogenetic Lineages of Eukarya
- II • Protists
- 18.3 Excavates
- 18.4 Alveolata
- 18.5 Stramenopiles
- 18.6 Rhizaria
- 18.7 Haptophytes
- 18.8 Amoebozoa
- III • Fungi
- 18.9 Fungal Physiology, Structure, and Symbioses
- 18.10 Fungal Reproduction and Phylogeny
- 18.11 Microsporidia and Chytridiomycota
- 18.12 Mucoromycota and Glomeromycota
- 18.13 Ascomycota
- 18.14 Basidiomycota
- IV • Archaeplastida
- 18.15 Red Algae
- 18.16 Green Algae
- 19. Taking the Measure of Microbial Systems
- MicrobiologyNow Touring Microbial Biogeography Using Combinatorial Imaging
- I • Culture-Dependent Analyses of Microbial Communities
- 19.1 Enrichment Culture Microbiology
- 19.2 Classical Procedures for Isolating Microbes
- 19.3 Selective Single-Cell Isolation: Laser Tweezers, Flow Cytometry, Microfluidics, and High-Throug
- II • Culture-Independent Microscopic Analyses of Microbial Communities
- 19.4 General Staining Methods
- 19.5 Microscopic Specificity: Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH)
- III • Culture-Independent Molecular Analyses of Microbial Communities
- 19.6 PCR Methods of Microbial Community Analysis
- 19.7 Microarrays for Analysis of Microbial Phylogenetic and Functional Diversity
- 19.8 Environmental Multi-omics: Integration of Genomics, Transcriptomics, Proteomics, and Metabolomi
- IV • Measuring Microbial Activities in Nature
- 19.9 Chemical Assays, Radioisotopic Methods, Microsensors, and Nanosensors
- 19.10 Stable Isotopes and Stable Isotope Probing
- 19.11 Linking Functions to Specific Organisms
- 19.12 Linking Genes and Cellular Properties to Individual Cells
- MicrobiologyNow Living on Fumes
- I • Microbial Ecology
- 20.1 General Ecological Concepts
- 20.2 Ecosystem Service: Biogeochemistry and Nutrient Cycles
- II • The Microbial Environment
- 20.3 Environments and Microenvironments
- 20.4 Surfaces and Biofilms
- 20.5 Microbial Mats
- III • Terrestrial Environments
- 20.6 Soils: General Properties
- 20.7 Prokaryotic Diversity in Soils
- 20.8 The Terrestrial Subsurface
- IV • Aquatic Environments
- 20.9 Freshwaters
- 20.10 Oxygen Relationships in the Marine Environment
- 20.11 Major Marine Phototrophs
- 20.12 Pelagic Bacteria and Archaea
- 20.13 Pelagic Marine Viruses
- 20.14 The Deep Sea
- 20.15 Deep-Sea Sediments
- 20.16 Hydrothermal Vents
- MicrobiologyNow An Uncertain Future for Coral Reef Ecosystems
- I • Carbon, Nitrogen, and Sulfur Cycles
- 21.1 The Carbon Cycle
- 21.2 Syntrophy and Methanogenesis
- 21.3 The Nitrogen Cycle
- 21.4 The Sulfur Cycle
- II • Other Nutrient Cycles
- 21.5 The Iron and Manganese Cycles: Reductive Activities
- 21.6 The Iron and Manganese Cycles: Oxidative Activities
- 21.7 The Phosphorus, Calcium, and Silicon Cycles
- III • Humans and Nutrient Cycling
- 21.8 Mercury Transformations
- 21.9 Human Impacts on the Carbon and Nitrogen Cycles
- Explore the Microbial World Solving the Marine Methane Paradox
- MicrobiologyNow Sending Microbes to Clean Up after Polluters
- I • Mineral Recovery and Acid Mine Drainage
- 22.1 Mining with Microorganisms
- 22.2 Acid Mine Drainage
- II • Bioremediation
- 22.3 Bioremediation of Uranium-Contaminated Environments
- 22.4 Bioremediation of Organic Pollutants: Hydrocarbons
- 22.5 Bioremediation and Microbial Degradation of Major Chemical Pollutants: Chlorinated Organics and
- III • Wastewater and Drinking Water Treatment
- 22.6 Primary and Secondary Wastewater Treatment
- 22.7 Tertiary Wastewater Treatment: Further Removal of Phosphorus and Nitrogen
- 22.8 Sludge Processing and Contaminants of Emerging Concern
- 22.9 Drinking Water Purification and Stabilization
- 22.10 Water Distribution Systems
- IV • Indoor Microbiology and Microbially Influenced Corrosion
- 22.11 The Microbiology of Homes and Public Spaces
- 22.12 Microbially Influenced Corrosion of Metals
- 22.13 Biodeterioration of Stone and Concrete
- MicrobiologyNow Coral Fluorescence Provides the Guiding Light for Their Symbiotic Algae
- I • Symbioses Between Microorganisms
- 23.1 Lichens
- 23.2 “Chlorochromatium aggregatum”
- 23.3 Methanotrophic Consortia: Direct Interspecies Electron Transfer
- II • Plants as Microbial Habitats
- 23.4 The Legume–Root Nodule Symbiosis
- 23.5 Mycorrhizae
- 23.6 Agrobacterium and Crown Gall Disease
- III • Insects as Microbial Habitats
- 23.7 Heritable Symbionts of Insects
- 23.8 Defensive Symbioses
- 23.9 Termites
- IV • Other Invertebrates as Microbial Habitats
- 23.10 Bioluminescent Symbionts and the Squid Symbiosis
- 23.11 Marine Invertebrates at Hydrothermal Vents and Cold Seeps
- 23.12 Entomopathogenic Nematodes
- 23.13 Reef-Building Corals
- V • Mammalian Gut Systems as Microbial Habitats
- 23.14 Alternative Mammalian Gut Systems
- 23.15 The Rumen and Rumen Activities
- 23.16 Rumen Microbes and Their Dynamic Relationships
- Explore the Microbial World Combating Mosquito-Borne Viral Diseases with an Insect Symbiont
- 24. Microbial Symbioses with Humans
- MicrobiologyNow One of the Most Abundant Viruses on Earth Discovered First in the Human Viral Microb
- I • Structure and Function of the Healthy Adult Gastrointestinal and Oral Microbiomes
- 24.1 Overview of the Human Microbiome
- 24.2 Gastrointestinal Microbiota
- 24.3 Oral Cavity and Airways
- II • Urogenital Tract and Skin Microbiomes and the Human Viral Microbiome
- 24.4 Urogenital Tracts and Their Microbes
- 24.5 The Skin and Its Microbes
- 24.6 The Human Virome
- III • From Birth to Death: Development of the Human Microbiome
- 24.7 Human Study Groups and Animal Models
- 24.8 Colonization, Succession, and Stability of the Gut Microbiota
- IV • Disorders Attributed to the Human Microbiome
- 24.9 Syndromes Linked to the Gut Microbiota
- 24.10 Syndromes Linked to the Oral, Skin, and Vaginal Microbiota
- V • Modulation of the Human Microbiome
- 24.11 Antibiotics and the Human Microbiome
- 24.12 Probiotics, Prebiotics, and Synbiotics
- Explore the Microbial World The Gut–Brain Axis
- 25. Microbial Infection and Pathogenesis
- MicrobiologyNow Killing Pathogens on Contact
- I • Human–Pathogen Interactions
- 25.1 Microbial Adherence
- 25.2 Colonization and Invasion
- 25.3 Pathogenicity, Virulence, and Virulence Attenuation
- 25.4 Genetics of Virulence and the Compromised Host
- II • Enzymes and Toxins of Pathogenesis
- 25.5 Enzymes as Virulence Factors
- 25.6 AB-Type Exotoxins
- 25.7 Cytolytic and Superantigen Exotoxins
- 25.8 Endotoxins
- MicrobiologyNow Periodontal Disease and Alzheimer’s: Evidence for Causation?
- I • Fundamentals of Host Defense
- 26.1 Basic Properties of the Immune System
- 26.2 Barriers to Pathogen Invasion
- II • Cells and Organs of the Immune System
- 26.3 The Blood and Lymphatic Systems
- 26.4 Leukocyte Production and Diversity
- III • Phagocyte Response Mechanisms
- 26.5 Pathogen Challenge and Phagocyte Recruitment
- 26.6 Pathogen Recognition and Phagocyte Signal Transduction
- 26.7 Phagocytosis and Phagocyte Inhibition
- IV • Other Innate Host Defenses
- 26.8 Inflammation and Fever
- 26.9 The Complement System
- 26.10 Innate Defenses Against Viruses
- Explore the Microbial World Pattern Recognition Receptors of Hydrothermal Vent Tube Worms Facilitate
- MicrobiologyNow Controlling HIV through “Public” T Cell Receptors on CD4 T Cells
- I • Principles of Adaptive Immunity
- 27.1 Specificity, Memory, Selection Processes, and Tolerance
- 27.2 Immunogens and Classes of Immunity
- II • Antibodies
- 27.3 Antibody Production and Structural Diversity
- 27.4 Antigen Binding and the Genetics of Antibody Diversity
- III • The Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC)
- 27.5 MHC Proteins and Their Functions
- 27.6 MHC Polymorphism, Polygeny, and Peptide Binding
- IV • T Cells and Their Receptors
- 27.7 T Cell Receptors: Proteins, Genes, and Diversity
- 27.8 T Cell Subsets and Their Functions
- MicrobiologyNow Preventing Autoimmunity with . . . Parasitic Worms?
- I • Disorders and Deficiencies of the Immune System
- 28.1 Allergy, Hypersensitivity, and Autoimmunity
- 28.2 Superantigens and Immunodeficiency
- II • Vaccines and Immunotherapy
- 28.3 Vaccination Against Infectious Diseases
- 28.4 Immunotherapy
- III • Drug Treatments for Infectious Diseases
- 28.5 Antibacterial Drugs
- 28.6 Antimicrobial Drugs That Target Nonbacterial Pathogens
- 28.7 Antimicrobial Drug Resistance and New Treatment Strategies
- 29. Diagnosing Infectious Diseases
- MicrobiologyNow Shedding New Light on Diagnosing Tuberculosis
- I • Microbiology and the Healthcare Environment
- 29.1 The Clinical Microbiology Laboratory
- 29.2 Healthcare-Associated Infections
- II • Isolating and Characterizing Infectious Microorganisms
- 29.3 Workflow in the Clinical Laboratory
- 29.4 Choosing the Right Treatment
- III • Immunological and Molecular Tools for Disease Diagnosis
- 29.5 Immunoassays and Disease
- 29.6 Precipitation, Agglutination, and Immunofluorescence
- 29.7 Enzyme Immunoassays, Rapid Tests, and Immunoblots
- 29.8 Nucleic Acid–Based Clinical Assays
- Explore the Microbial World MRSA—A Formidable Clinical Challenge
- 30. Epidemiology and Public Health
- MicrobiologyNow A New Urgent Threat Is Emerging in Public Health Microbiology
- I • Principles of Epidemiology
- 30.1 The Language of Epidemiology
- 30.2 The Host Community
- 30.3 Infectious Disease Transmission and Reservoirs
- 30.4 Characteristics of Disease Epidemics
- II • Public and Global Health
- 30.5 Public Health and Infectious Disease
- 30.6 Global Health Comparisons
- III • Emerging Infectious Diseases, Pandemics, and Other Threats
- 30.7 Emerging and Reemerging Infectious Diseases
- 30.8 Examples of Pandemics: HIV/AIDS, Cholera, and Influenza
- 30.9 Public Health Threats from Microbial Weapons
- MicrobiologyNow Reversing Antibiotic Resistance in a Recalcitrant Pathogen
- I • Airborne Bacterial Diseases
- 31.1 Airborne Pathogens
- 31.2 Streptococcal Syndromes
- 31.3 Diphtheria and Pertussis
- 31.4 Tuberculosis and Leprosy
- 31.5 Meningitis and Meningococcemia
- II • Airborne Viral Diseases
- 31.6 MMR and Varicella-Zoster Infections
- 31.7 The Common Cold
- 31.8 Influenza
- III • Direct-Contact Bacterial and Viral Diseases
- 31.9 Staphylococcus aureus Infections
- 31.10 Helicobacter pylori and Gastric Diseases
- 31.11 Hepatitis
- 31.12 Ebola: A Deadly Threat
- IV • Sexually Transmitted Infections
- 31.13 Gonorrhea, Syphilis, and Chlamydia
- 31.14 Herpes Simplex Viruses (HSV) and Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
- 31.15 Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and AIDS
- MicrobiologyNow The Historical Emergence of an Ancient and Deadly Pathogen
- I • Animal-Transmitted Viral Diseases
- 32.1 Rabies Virus and Rabies
- 32.2 Hantavirus and Hantavirus Syndromes
- II • Arthropod-Transmitted Bacterial and Viral Diseases
- 32.3 Rickettsial Diseases
- 32.4 Lyme Disease and Borrelia
- 32.5 Yellow Fever, Dengue Fever, Chikungunya, and Zika
- 32.6 West Nile Fever
- 32.7 Plague
- III • Soilborne Bacterial Diseases
- 32.8 Anthrax
- 32.9 Tetanus and Gas Gangrene
- MicrobiologyNow Reverse Zoonosis in the Southern Ocean
- I • Water as a Disease Vehicle
- 33.1 Agents and Sources of Waterborne Diseases
- 33.2 Public Health and Water Quality
- II • Waterborne Diseases
- 33.3 Vibrio cholerae and Cholera
- 33.4 Legionellosis
- 33.5 Typhoid Fever and Norovirus Illness
- III • Food as a Disease Vehicle
- 33.6 Food Spoilage and Food Preservation
- 33.7 Foodborne Diseases and Food Epidemiology
- IV • Food Poisoning
- 33.8 Staphylococcal Food Poisoning
- 33.9 Clostridial Food Poisoning
- V • Food Infection
- 33.10 Salmonellosis
- 33.11 Pathogenic Escherichia coli
- 33.12 Campylobacter
- 33.13 Listeriosis
- 33.14 Other Foodborne Infectious Diseases
- MicrobiologyNow A Silver Bullet to Kill Brain-Eating Amoebae?
- I • Fungal Infections
- 34.1 Pathogenic Fungi and Classes of Infection
- 34.2 Fungal Diseases: Mycoses
- II • Visceral Parasitic Infections
- 34.3 Amoebae and Ciliates: Entamoeba, Naegleria, and Balantidium
- 34.4 Other Visceral Parasites: Giardia, Trichomonas, Cryptosporidium, Toxoplasma, and Cyclospora
- III • Blood and Tissue Parasitic Infections
- 34.5 Plasmodium and Malaria
- 34.6 Leishmaniasis, Trypanosomiasis, and Chagas Disease
- 34.7 Parasitic Helminths: Schistosomiasis and Filariases
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 9612
- Útgáfuár : 2017
- Leyfi : 380