Borkowski's Textbook on Roman Law
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Borkowski's Textbook on Roman Law is the leading textbook in the field of Roman law, and has been written with undergraduate students firmly in mind. The book provides an accessible and highly engaging account of Roman private law and civil procedure, with coverage of all key topics, including the Roman legal system, and the law of persons, property, and obligations. The author sets the law in its social and historical context, and demonstrates the impact of Roman law on our modern legal systems.
For the fifth edition, Paul du Plessis has included references to a wide range of scholarly texts, to ground his judicious account of Roman law firmly in contemporary scholarship. He has also added examples from legal practice, as well as truncated timelines at the start of each chapter to illustrate how the law developed over time. The book contains a wealth of learning features, including chapter summaries, diagrams and maps.
A major feature of the book is the inclusion throughout of extracts in translation from the most important sources of Roman law: the Digest and the Institutes of Justinian. Annotated further reading sections at the end of each chapter act as a guide to further enquiry. Online Resource Centre The book is accompanied by an extensive Online Resource Centre, containing the following resources: -Self-test multiple choice questions -Interactive timeline -Biographies of key figures -Glossary of Latin terms -Annotated web links -Original Latin versions of the extracts from the Digest and the Institutes of Justinian -Examples of textual analysis of Roman law texts -Guide to the literature and sources of Roman law.
Borkowski's Textbook on Roman Law is the leading contemporary textbook in the field of Roman law, and has been written with undergraduate students firmly in mind. The book provides a clear and highly engaging account of Roman private law and civil procedure, with coverage of all key topics, including the Roman legal system, and the law of persons, property, and obligations. The book gives a comprehensive overview of both the historical context and modern relevance of Roman law today.
Included are references to a wide range of scholarly texts, to ground the judicious account of Roman law firmly in contemporary scholarship. There are also examples from legal practice, as well as truncated timelines at the start of each chapter to illustrate how the law developed over time. The book contains a wealth of learning features, including chapter summaries, diagrams and maps. A major feature of the book is the inclusion of translated extracts from the most important sources of Roman law: the Digest and the Institutes of Justinian.
Annotated further reading sections at the end of each chapter act as a guide to further enquiry. Digital formats and resources This edition is available for students and institutions to purchase in a variety of formats, and is supported by online resources. - The e-book offers a mobile experience and convenient access along with functionality tools, navigation features, and links that offer extra learning support: www.
oxfordtextbooks. co. uk/ebooks - The online resources include: * Self-test questions on the key topics of Roman law give students the opportunity to test learning. These questions test factual knowledge to help consolidate understanding of key topics and they are interactive providing the correct answer to each question and a reference to the relevant part of the textbook. * Revision sheets and sample essay questions aid exam preparation.
* An interactive timeline supplements the list of dates featured in the introduction to the textbook. It may also be used as a schematic guide to chapter 1 (Introduction: Rome-a historical sketch). The timeline provides a chronological overview of the development of Roman private law in its political and historical context. * Short biographies of key figures to be used in conjunction with the timeline to supplement the discussion of the jurists in chapter 2 (The sources of Roman law).
- Höfundur: Paul J. du Plessis
- Útgáfa:6
- Útgáfudagur: 2020-05-13
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9780192587251
- Print ISBN: 9780192587244
- ISBN 10: 0192587250
- Cover
- Title page
- Copyright
- Contents
- Preface to the Sixth Edition
- Acknowledgements
- Preface to the First Edition
- Dates
- Abbreviations
- Getting the most out of Borkowski’s Textbook on Roman Law
- 1 Introduction: Rome—A Historical Sketch
- 1.1 Monarchy
- 1.2 Republic
- 1.3 Empire
- Part I: The Roman Legal System
- 2 The Sources of Roman Law
- 2.1 Sources of law in the archaic period
- 2.2 Sources of law in the Republic
- 2.3 Sources of law in the Empire
- 2.4 The post-classical era
- 2.5 Justinian’s codification
- 3 Roman Litigation
- 3.1 The perils of litigation
- 3.2 Early procedure: the legis actiones
- 3.3 The formulary system
- 3.4 The cognitio procedure
- 2 The Sources of Roman Law
- 4 Status, Slavery, and Citizenship
- 4.1 Legal personality
- 4.2 Status
- 4.3 Freedom and the law of slavery
- 4.4 Citizens and non-citizens
- 5 The Roman Family
- 5.1 The paterfamilias and his household
- 5.2 Marriage and divorce
- 5.3 Adoption
- 5.4 Guardianship
- 6 Interests in Property
- 6.1 The classification of property
- 6.2 Ownership
- 6.3 Servitudes
- 6.4 Contractual proprietary interests
- 6.5 Possession
- 7 Acquiring Ownership
- 7.1 Derivative modes of acquiring ownership
- 7.2 Original modes of acquiring ownership
- 7.3 Gifts
- 8 Inheritance
- 8.1 Introduction
- 8.2 Better to make a will?
- 8.3 Intestacy
- 8.4 Making a will
- 8.5 Heirs
- 8.6 Legacies
- 8.7 Testamentary freedom
- 8.8 Failure
- 8.9 Codicils and trusts
- 9 Obligations: Common Principles and Obligations Arising from Contracts
- 9.1 Obligations in general
- 9.2 Common features of Roman contracts
- 9.3 Consensual contracts
- 9.4 Verbal contracts
- 9.5 Contracts re
- 9.6 Contracts litteris
- 9.7 Innominate contracts
- 9.8 Pacts
- 9.9 Quasi-contract
- 10 Obligations Arising from Delict
- 10.1 Introduction
- 10.2 Wrongful damage to property
- 10.3 Theft and robbery
- 10.4 Insulting behaviour
- 10.5 Praetorian delicts
- 10.6 Liability for damage caused by animals
- 10.7 Quasi-delict
- 11 Roman Law and the European Ius Commune
- 11.1 The legacy of Justinian’s codification in the ‘Dark Ages’
- 11.2 The second life of Roman law
- 11.3 Roman law in England
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 16446
- Útgáfuár : 2020
- Leyfi : 380