Raven Biology of Plants
Námskeið LÍF102G Grasafræði Flokkunarfræði/Grasafræði. Grasafræði - Höfundar: Susan E. Eichorn, Ray Evert
8.090 kr.

- LÍF102G Grasafræði
- Flokkunarfræði/Grasafræði.
- Grasafræði
- Höfundar: Susan E. Eichorn, Ray Evert
- Útgáfa:8
- Útgáfudagur: 26-01-2018
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:Page Fidelity
- ISBN 13: 9781319156268
- Print ISBN: 9781464113512
- ISBN 10: 1319156266
- Cover
- Half Title
- Title
- Copyright
- Dedication
- Preface
- 1 Botany: An Introduction
- Evolution of Plants
- Evolution of Communities
- Appearance of Human Beings
- 2 The Molecular Composition of Plant Cells
- Organic Molecules
- Carbohydrates
- Lipids
- Proteins
- ESSAY: Vegetarians, Amino Acids, and Nitrogen
- Nucleic Acids
- Secondary Metabolites
- 3 The Plant Cell and the Cell Cycle
- Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes
- ESSAY: Cell Theory versus Organismal Theory
- The Plant Cell: An Overview
- Nucleus
- Chloroplasts and Other Plastids
- Mitochondria
- Peroxisomes
- Vacuoles
- Endoplasmic Reticulum
- Golgi Apparatus
- Cytoskeleton
- ESSAY: Cytoplasmic Streaming in Giant Algal Cells
- Flagella and Cilia
- Cell Wall
- The Cell Cycle
- Interphase
- Mitosis and Cytokinesis
- 4 The Movement of Substances into and out of Cells
- Principles of Water Movement
- Cells and Diffusion
- Osmosis and Living Organisms
- ESSAY: Imbibition
- Structure of Cellular Membranes
- Transport of Solutes across Membranes
- ESSAY: Patch-Clamp Recording in the Study of Ion Channels
- Vesicle-Mediated Transport
- Cell-to-Cell Communication
- 2 The Molecular Composition of Plant Cells
- 5 The Flow of Energy
- The Laws of Thermodynamics
- Oxidation–Reduction
- Enzymes
- Cofactors in Enzyme Action
- Metabolic Pathways
- Regulation of Enzyme Activity
- The Energy Factor: ATP
- 6 Respiration
- An Overview of Glucose Oxidation
- Glycolysis
- The Aerobic Pathway
- ESSAY: Bioluminescence
- Other Substrates for Respiration
- Anaerobic Pathways
- ESSAY: The Botany of Beer
- The Strategy of Energy Metabolism
- 7 Photosynthesis, Light, and Life
- Photosynthesis: A Historical Perspective
- The Nature of Light
- ESSAY: The Fitness of Light
- The Role of Pigments
- The Reactions of Photosynthesis
- The Carbon-Fixation Reactions
- ESSAY: Global Warming: The Future Is Now
- 8 Sexual Reproduction and Heredity
- Sexual Reproduction
- The Eukaryotic Chromosome
- The Process of Meiosis
- How Characteristics Are Inherited
- Mendel’s Two Principles
- Linkage
- Mutations
- Broadening the Concept of the Gene
- Asexual Reproduction: An Alternative Strategy
- Advantages and Disadvantages of Asexual and Sexual Reprodution
- ESSAY: Vegetative Reproduction: Some Ways and Means
- 9 The Chemistry of Heredity and Gene Expression
- The Structure of DNA
- DNA Replication
- From DNA to Protein: The Role of RNA
- The Genetic Code
- Protein Synthesis
- Regulation of Gene Expression in Eukaryotes
- The DNA of the Eukaryotic Chromosome
- Transcription and Processing of mRNA in Eukaryotes
- Noncoding RNAs and Gene Regulation
- 10 Recombinant DNA Technology, Plant Biotechnology, and Genomics
- Recombinant DNA Technology
- Plant Biotechnology
- ESSAY: Model Plants: Arabidopsis thaliana and Oryza sativa
- ESSAY: Totipotency
- Genomics
- 11 The Process of Evolution
- Darwin’s Theory
- The Concept of the Gene Pool
- The Behavior of Genes in Populations: The Hardy-Weinberg Law
- The Agents of Change
- Responses to Selection
- ESSAY: Invasive Plants
- The Result of Natural Selection: Adaptation
- The Origin of Species
- How Does Speciation Occur?
- ESSAY: Adaptive Radiation in Hawaiian Lobeliads
- The Origin of Major Groups of Organisms
- 12 Systematics: The Science of Biological Diversity
- Taxonomy: Nomenclature and Classification
- ESSAY: Convergent Evolution
- Cladistics
- Molecular Systematics
- ESSAY: Google Earth: A Tool for Discovering and Protecting Biodiversity
- The Major Groups of Organisms: Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya
- Origin of the Eukaryotes
- The Protists and Eukaryotic Kingdoms
- Life Cycles and Diploidy
- 13 Prokaryotes and Viruses
- Characteristics of the Prokaryotic Cell
- Diversity of Form
- Reproduction and Gene Exchange
- Endospores
- Metabolic Diversity
- Bacteria
- Archaea
- Viruses
- Viroids: Other Infectious Particles
- 14 Fungi
- The Importance of Fungi
- Characteristics of Fungi
- ESSAY: Phototroprism in a Fungus
- Microsporidians: Phylum Microsporidia
- Chytrids: A Polyphyletic Group of Fungi with Flagellated Cells
- Zygomycetes: A Polyphyletic Group of Filamentous Fungi
- Glomeromycetes: Phylum Glomeromycota
- Ascomycetes: Phylum Ascomycota
- Basidiomycetes: Phylum Basidiomycota
- ESSAY: Predaceous Fungi
- Symbiotic Relationships of Fungi
- ESSAY: From Pathogen to Symbiont: Fungal Endophytes
- 15 Protists: Algae and Heterotrophic Protists
- Ecology of the Algae
- ESSAY: Algae and Human Affairs
- ESSAY: Red Tides/Toxic Blooms
- Euglenoids
- Cryptomonads: Phylum Cryptophyta
- Haptophytes: Phylum Haptophyta
- Dinoflagellates
- ESSAY: Coral Reefs and Global Warming
- Photosynthetic Stramenopiles
- Red Algae: Phylum Rhodophyta
- Green Algae
- Heterotrophic Protists
- 16 Bryophytes
- The Relationships of Bryophytes to Other Groups
- Comparative Structure and Reproduction of Bryophytes
- Liverworts: Phylum Marchantiophyta
- Mosses: Phylum Bryophyta
- Hornworts: Phylum Anthocerotophyta
- 17 Seedless Vascular Plants
- Evolution of Vascular Plants
- Organization of the Vascular Plant Body
- Reproductive Systems
- The Phyla of Seedless Vascular Plants
- ESSAY: Coal Age Plants
- Phylum Rhyniophyta
- Phylum Zosterophyllophyta
- Phylum Trimerophytophyta
- Phylum Lycopodiophyta
- Phylum Monilophyta
- 18 Gymnosperms
- Evolution of the Seed
- Progymnosperms
- Extinct Gymnosperms
- Living Gymnosperms
- Phylum Coniferophyta
- Other Living Gymnosperm Phyla: Cycadophyta, Ginkgophyta, and Gnetophyta
- 19 Introduction to the Angiosperms
- Diversity in the Phylum Anthophyta
- The Flower
- The Angiosperm Life Cycle
- ESSAY: Hay Fever
- 20 Evolution of the Angiosperms
- Angiosperm Ancestors
- Time of Origin and Diversification of the Angiosperms
- Phylogenetic Relationships of the Angiosperms
- Evolution of the Flower
- Evolution of Fruits
- Biochemical Coevolution
- 21 Plants and People
- The Rise of Agriculture
- ESSAY: The Origin of Maize
- The Growth of Human Populations
- ESSAY: Biofuels: Part of the Solution, or Another Problem?
- Agriculture in the Future
- 22 Early Development of the Plant Body
- Formation of the Embryo
- The Mature Embryo
- Seed Maturation
- Requirements for Seed Germination
- ESSAY: Wheat: Bread and Bran
- From Embryo to Adult Plant
- 23 Cells and Tissues of the Plant Body
- Apical Meristems and Their Derivatives
- Growth, Morphogenesis, and Differentiation
- Internal Organization of the Plant Body
- Ground Tissues
- Vascular Tissues
- Dermal Tissues
- 24 The Root: Structure and Development
- Root Systems
- Origin and Growth of Primary Tissues
- Primary Structure
- Effect of Secondary Growth on the Primary Body of the Root
- Origin of Lateral Roots
- Aerial Roots and Air Roots
- Adaptations for Food Storage: Fleshy Roots
- ESSAY: Getting to the Root of Organ Development
- 25 The Shoot: Primary Structure and Development
- Origin and Growth of the Primary Tissues of the Stem
- Primary Structure of the Stem
- Relation between the Vascular Tissues of the Stem and Leaf
- Morphology and Structure of the Leaf
- ESSAY: Leaf Dimorphism in Aquatic Plants
- Grass Leaves
- Development of the Leaf
- ESSAY: Strong, Versatile, Sustainable Bamboo
- Leaf Abscission
- Transition between the Vascular Systems of the Root and Shoot
- Development of the Flower
- Stem and Leaf Modifications
- 26 Secondary Growth in Stems
- Annuals, Biennials, and Perennials
- The Vascular Cambium
- Effect of Secondary Growth on the Primary Body of the Stem
- Wood: Secondary Xylem
- ESSAY: The Truth about Knots
- 27 Regulating Growth and Development: The Plant Hormones
- Auxins
- Cytokinins
- Ethylene
- Abscisic Acid
- Gibberellins
- Brassinosteroids
- The Molecular Basis of Hormone Action
- 28 External Factors and Plant Growth
- The Tropisms
- Circadian Rhythms
- Photoperiodism
- The Floral Stimulus
- Vernalization: Cold and the Flowering Response
- Dormancy
- ESSAY: Doomsday Seed Vault: Securing Crop Diversity
- Nastic Movements and Solar Tracking
- 29 Plant Nutrition and Soils
- Essential Elements
- Functions of Essential Elements
- The Soil
- Nutrient Cycles
- Nitrogen and the Nitrogen Cycle
- ESSAY: Carnivorous Plants
- Phosphorus and the Phosphorus Cycle
- Human Impact on Nutrient Cycles and Effects of Pollution
- Soils and Agriculture
- ESSAY: Halophytes: A Future Resource?
- ESSAY: Compost
- Plant Nutrition Research
- ESSAY: The Water Cycle
- 30 The Movement of Water and Solutes in Plants
- Movement of Water and Inorganic Nutrients through the Plant Body
- ESSAY: Green Roofs: A Cool Alternative
- Absorption of Water and Ions by Roots
- Assimilate Transport: Movement of Substances through the Phloem
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : Eichhorn, Susan E. , Ray Evert , Evert, Ray F. , Susan E. Eichorn , Susan E. Eichorn, Ray Evert
- Útgáfuár : 2018
- Leyfi : 380