
- Höfundar: John T. Moore, Richard H. Langley
- Útgáfa:3
- Útgáfudagur: 2022-01-07
- Hægt að prenta út 10 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781119860976
- Print ISBN: 9781119860952
- ISBN 10: 1119860970
- Cover
- Title Page
- Copyright
- Introduction
- About This Book
- Foolish Assumptions
- Icons Used in This Book
- Beyond the Book
- Where to Go from Here
- Part 1: Setting the Stage: Basic Biochemistry Concepts
- Chapter 1: Biochemistry: What You Need to Know and Why
- Why Biochemistry?
- What Is Biochemistry and Where Does It Take Place?
- Types of Living Cells
- Animal Cells and How They Work
- A Brief Look at Plant Cells
- Chapter 2: Seems So Basic: Water Chemistry and pH
- The Fundamentals of H2O
- Hydrogen Ion Concentration: Acids and Bases
- Buffers and pH Control
- Chapter 3: Fun with Carbon: Organic Chemistry
- The Role of Carbon in the Study of Life
- It’s All in the Numbers: Carbon Bonds
- When Forces Attract: Bond Strengths
- Getting a Reaction out of a Molecule: Functional Groups
- Same Content, Different Structure: Isomerism
- Chapter 1: Biochemistry: What You Need to Know and Why
- Chapter 4: Amino Acids: The Building Blocks of Protein
- General Properties of Amino Acids
- The Magic 20 Amino Acids
- Lest We Forget: Rarer Amino Acids
- Rudiments of Amino Acid Interactions
- Combining Amino Acids: How It Works
- Chapter 5: Protein Structure and Function
- Proteins: Not Just for Dinner
- Primary Structure: The Structure Level All Proteins Have
- Secondary Structure: A Structure Level Most Proteins Have
- Tertiary Structure: A Structure Level Many Proteins Have
- Quaternary Structure: A Structure Level Some Proteins Have
- Dissecting a Protein for Study
- Chapter 6: Enzyme Kinetics: Getting There Faster
- Enzyme Classification: The Best Catalyst for the Job
- Enzymes as Catalysts: When Fast Is Not Fast Enough
- All about Kinetics
- Measuring Enzyme Behavior: The Michaelis-Menten Equation
- Enzyme Inhibition: Slowing It Down
- Enzyme Regulation
- Chapter 7: What We Crave: Carbohydrates
- Properties of Carbohydrates
- A Sweet Topic: Monosaccharides
- Sugars Joining Hands: Oligosaccharides
- The Aldose Family of Sugars
- Chapter 8: Lipids and Membranes
- Lovely Lipids: An Overview
- A Fatty Subject: Triglycerides
- No Simpletons Here: Complex Lipids
- Membranes: The Bipolar and the Bilayer
- Prostaglandins, Thromboxanes, and Leukotrienes: Mopping Up
- Chapter 9: Nucleic Acids and the Code of Life
- Nucleotides: The Guts of DNA and RNA
- Tracing the Process: From Nucleoside to Nucleotide to Nucleic Acid
- A Primer on Nucleic Acids
- Chapter 10: Vitamins: Both Simple and Complex
- More than One-a-Day: Basics of Vitamins
- To B or Not to B: B Complex Vitamins
- Vitamin A
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin D
- Vitamin E
- Vitamin K
- Chapter 11: Hormones: The Body’s Messengers
- Structures of Some Key Hormones
- Now and Later: Prohormones
- Fight or Flight: Hormone Function
- Chapter 12: Life and Energy
- ATP: The Energy Pony Express
- It’s Relative: Molecules Related to ATP
- Where It All Comes From
- Chapter 13: ATP: The Body’s Monetary System
- Metabolism I: Glycolysis
- Metabolism II: Citric Acid (Krebs) Cycle
- Electron Transport and Oxidative Phosphorylation
- Investing in the Future: Biosynthesis
- Chapter 14: Smelly Biochemistry: Nitrogen in Biological Systems
- Ring in the Nitrogen: Purine
- Pyrimidine Synthesis
- Back to the Beginning: Catabolism
- Process of Elimination: The Urea Cycle
- Amino Acids Once Again
- Metabolic Disorders
- Chapter 15: Photocopying DNA
- Let’s Do It Again: Replication
- Mendel Rolling Over: Recombinant DNA
- Patterns: Determining DNA Sequences
- Genetic Diseases and Other DNA Testing Applications
- Chapter 16: Transcribe This! RNA Transcription
- Types of RNA
- RNA Polymerase Requirements
- Making RNA: The Basics
- Not a Secret Any Longer: The Genetic Code
- Models of Gene Regulation
- Chapter 17: Translation: Protein Synthesis
- Hopefully Not Lost in Translation
- The Translation Team
- Hooking Up: Protein Synthesis
- Variation in Eukaryotic Cells
- Chapter 18: Ten Great Applications of Biochemistry
- Ames Test
- Pregnancy Testing
- HIV Testing
- Breast Cancer Testing
- Prenatal Genetic Testing
- PKU Screening
- Genetically Modified Foods
- Genetic Engineering
- Cloning
- Gene-Replacement Therapy
- Chapter 19: Ten Biochemistry Careers
- Research Assistant
- Nanotechnologist
- Quality Control Analyst
- Clinical Research Associate
- Technical Writer
- Biochemical Development Engineer
- Forensic Scientist
- Patent Attorney
- Pharmaceutical Sales Representative
- Biostatistician
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 10669
- Útgáfuár : 2011
- Leyfi : 379