Biochemistry: Concepts and Connections, Global Edition

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- Höfundar: Dean R Appling, Spencer J. Anthony-Cahill, Christopher K. Mathews
- Útgáfa:2
- Útgáfudagur: 2019-02-07
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:Page Fidelity
- ISBN 13: 9781292267302
- Print ISBN: 9781292267203
- ISBN 10: 1292267305
- Title Page
- Copyright Page
- Brief Contents
- Contents
- Preface
- Acknowledgments for the Global Edition
- About the Authors
- Tools of Biochemistry
- Foundation Figures
- Chapter 1: Biochemistry and the Language of Chemistry
- 1.1. The Science of Biochemistry
- The Origins of Biochemistry
- The Tools of Biochemistry
- Biochemistry as a Discipline and an Interdisciplinary Science
- 1.2. The Elements and Molecules of Living Systems
- The Chemical Elements of Cells and Organisms
- The Origin of Biomolecules and Cells
- The Complexity and Size of Biological Molecules
- The Biopolymers: Proteins, Nucleic Acids, and Carbohydrates
- Lipids and Membranes
- 1.3. Distinguishing Characteristics of Living Systems
- 1.4. The Unit of Biological Organization: The Cell
- 1.5. Biochemistry and the Information Explosion
- 1.1. The Science of Biochemistry
- Chapter 2: The Chemical Foundation of Life: Weak Interactions in an Aqueous Environment
- 2.1. The Importance of Noncovalent Interactions in Biochemistry
- 2.2. The Nature of Noncovalent Interactions
- Charge–Charge Interactions
- Dipole and Induced Dipole Interactions
- Van der Waals Interactions
- Hydrogen Bonds
- 2.3. The Role of Water in Biological Processes
- The Structure and Properties of Water
- Water as a Solvent
- Ionic Compounds in Aqueous Solution
- Hydrophilic Molecules in Aqueous Solution
- Hydrophobic Molecules in Aqueous Solution
- Amphipathic Molecules in Aqueous Solution
- 2.4. Acid–Base Equilibria
- Acids and Bases: Proton Donors and Acceptors
- Ionization of Water and the Ion Product
- The pH Scale and the Physiological pH Range
- Weak Acid and Base Equilibria: Ka and pKa
- Titration of Weak Acids: The Henderson–Hasselbalch Equation
- Buffer Solutions
- Molecules with Multiple Ionizing Groups
- 2.5. Interactions Between Macroions in Solution
- Solubility of Macroions and pH
- The Influence of Small Ions: Ionic Strength
- Tools of Biochemistry: 2A Electrophoresis and Isoelectric Focusing
- Foundation Figure: Biomolecules: Structure and Function
- 3.1. Free Energy
- Thermodynamic Systems
- The First Law of Thermodynamics and Enthalpy
- The Driving Force for a Process
- Entropy
- The Second Law of Thermodynamics
- 3.2. Free Energy: The Second Law in Open Systems
- Free Energy Defined in Terms of Enthalpy and Entropy Changes in the System
- An Example of the Interplay of Enthalpy and Entropy: The Transition Between Liquid Water and Ice
- The Interplay of Enthalpy and Entropy: A Summary
- Free Energy and Useful Work
- 3.3. The Relationships Between Free Energy, the Equilibrium State, and Nonequilibrium Concentrations
- Equilibrium, Le Chatelier’s Principle, and the Standard State
- Changes in Concentration and .G
- .G versus .G°, Q versus K, and Homeostasis versus Equilibrium
- Water, H+ in Buffered Solutions, and the “Biochemical Standard State”
- 3.4. Free Energy in Biological Systems
- Organic Phosphate Compounds as Energy Transducers
- Phosphoryl Group Transfer Potential
- Free Energy and Concentration Gradients: A Close Look at Diffusion Through a Membrane
- .G and Oxidation/Reduction Reactions in Cells
- Quantification of Reducing Power: Standard Reduction Potential
- Standard Free Energy Changes in Oxidation–Reduction Reactions
- Calculating Free Energy Changes for Biological Oxidations under Nonequilibrium Conditions
- A Brief Overview of Free Energy Changes in Cells
- 4.1. Nucleic Acids— Informational Macromolecules
- The Two Types of Nucleic Acid: DNA and RNA
- Properties of the Nucleotides
- Stability and Formation of the Phosphodiester Linkage
- 4.2. Primary Structure of Nucleic Acids
- The Nature and Significance of Primary Structure
- DNA as the Genetic Substance: Early Evidence
- 4.3. Secondary and Tertiary Structures of Nucleic Acids
- The DNA Double Helix
- Data Leading Toward the Watson–Crick Double-Helix Model
- X-Ray Analysis of DNA Fibers
- Semiconservative Nature of DNA Replication
- Alternative Nucleic Acid Structures: B and A Helices
- DNA and RNA Molecules in Vivo
- DNA Molecules
- Circular DNA and Supercoiling
- Single-Stranded Polynucleotides
- 4.4. Alternative Secondary Structures of DNA
- Left-Handed DNA (Z-DNA)
- Hairpins and Cruciforms
- Triple Helices
- G-Quadruplexes
- 4.5. The Helix-to-Random Coil Transition: Nucleic Acid Denaturation
- 4.6. The Biological Functions of Nucleic Acids: A Preview of Genetic Biochemistry
- Genetic Information Storage: The Genome
- Replication: DNA to DNA
- Transcription: DNA to RNA
- Translation: RNA to Protein
- Tools of Biochemistry: 4A Manipulating DNA
- Tools of Biochemistry: 4B An Introduction to X-Ray Diffraction
- 5.1. Amino Acids
- Structure of the a-Amino Acids
- Stereochemistry of the a-Amino Acids
- Properties of Amino Acid Side Chains: Classes of a-Amino Acids
- Amino Acids with Nonpolar Aliphatic Side Chains
- Amino Acids with Nonpolar Aromatic Side Chains
- Amino Acids with Polar Side Chains
- Amino Acids with Positively Charged (Basic) Side Chains
- Amino Acids with Negatively Charged (Acidic) Side Chains
- Rare Genetically Encoded Amino Acids
- Modified Amino Acids
- 5.2. Peptides and the Peptide Bond
- The Structure of the Peptide Bond
- Stability and Formation of the Peptide Bond
- Peptides
- Polypeptides as Polyampholytes
- 5.3. Proteins: Polypeptides of Defined Sequence
- 5.4. From Gene to Protein
- The Genetic Code
- Posttranslational Processing of Proteins
- 5.5. From Gene Sequence to Protein Function
- 5.6. Protein Sequence Homology
- Tools of Biochemistry: 5A Protein Expression and Purification
- Tools of Biochemistry: 5B Mass, Sequence, and Amino Acid Analyses of Purified Proteins
- 6.1. Secondary Structure: Regular Ways to Fold the Polypeptide Chain
- Theoretical Descriptions of Regular Polypeptide Structures
- a Helices and ß Sheets
- Describing the Structures: Helices and Sheets
- Amphipathic Helices and Sheets
- Ramachandran Plots
- 6.2. Fibrous Proteins: Structural Materials of Cells and Tissues
- The Keratins
- Fibroin
- Collagen
- 6.3. Globular Proteins: Tertiary Structure and Functional Diversity
- Different Folding for Different Functions
- Different Modes of Display Aid Our Understanding of Protein Structure
- Varieties of Globular Protein Structure: Patterns of Main-Chain Folding
- 6.4. Factors Determining Secondary and Tertiary Structure
- The Information for Protein Folding
- The Thermodynamics of Folding
- Conformational Entropy
- Charge–Charge Interactions
- Internal Hydrogen Bonds
- Van der Waals Interactions
- The Hydrophobic Effect
- Disulfide Bonds and Protein Stability
- Prosthetic Groups, Ion-Binding, and Protein Stability
- 6.5. Dynamics of Globular Protein Structure
- Kinetics of Protein Folding
- The “Energy Landscape” Model of Protein Folding
- Intermediate and Off-Pathway States in Protein Folding
- Chaperones Faciliate Protein Folding in Vivo
- Protein Misfolding and Disease
- 6.6. Prediction of Protein Secondary and Tertiary Structure
- Prediction of Secondary Structure
- Tertiary Structure Prediction: Computer Simulation of Folding
- 6.7. Quaternary Structure of Proteins
- Symmetry in Multisubunit Proteins: Homotypic Protein–Protein Interactions
- Heterotypic Protein–Protein Interactions
- Tools of Biochemistry: 6A Spectroscopic Methods for Studying Macromolecular Conformation in Solution
- Tools of Biochemistry: 6B Determining Molecular Masses and the Number of Subunits in a Protein Molec
- Foundation Figure: Protein Structure and Function
- 7.1. Binding a Specific Target: Antibody Structure and Function
- 7.2. The Adaptive Immune Response
- 7.3. The Structure of Antibodies
- 7.4. Antibody:Antigen Interactions
- Shape and Charge Complementarity
- Generation of Antibody Diversity
- 7.5. The Immunoglobulin Superfamily
- 7.6. The Challenge of Developing an AIDS Vaccine
- 7.7. Antibodies and Immunoconjugates as Potential Cancer Treatments
- 7.8. Oxygen Transport from Lungs to Tissues: Protein Conformational Change Enhances Function
- 7.9. The Oxygen-Binding Sites in Myoglobin and Hemoglobin
- Analysis of Oxygen Binding by Myoglobin
- 7.10. The Role of Conformational Change in Oxygen Transport
- Cooperative Binding and Allostery
- Models for the Allosteric Change in Hemoglobin
- Changes in Hemoglobin Structure Accompanying Oxygen Binding
- A Closer Look at the Allosteric Change in Hemoglobin
- 7.11. Allosteric Effectors of Hemoglobin Promote Efficient Oxygen Delivery to Tissues
- Response to pH Changes: The Bohr Effect
- Carbon Dioxide Transport
- Response to Chloride Ion at the a-Globin N-Terminus
- 2,3-Bisphosphoglycerate
- 7.12. Myoglobin and Hemoglobin as Examples of the Evolution of Protein Function
- The Structure of Eukaryotic Genes: Exons and Introns
- 7.13. Mechanisms of Protein Mutation
- Substitution of DNA Nucleotides
- Nucleotide Deletions or Insertions
- Gene Duplications and Rearrangements
- Evolution of the Myoglobin–Hemoglobin Family of Proteins
- 7.14. Hemoglobin Variants and Their Inheritance: Genetic Diseases
- Pathological Effects of Variant Hemoglobins
- 7.15. Protein Function Requiring Large Conformational Changes: Muscle Contraction
- 7.16. Actin and Myosin
- Actin
- Myosin
- 7.17. The Structure of Muscle
- 7.18. The Mechanism of Contraction
- Regulation of Contraction: The Role of Calcium
- Tools of Biochemistry: 7A Immunological Methods
- 8.1. Enzymes As Biological Catalysts
- 8.2. The Diversity of Enzyme Function
- 8.3. Chemical Reaction Rates and the Effects of Catalysts
- Reaction Rates, Rate Constants, and Reaction Order
- First-Order Reactions
- Second-Order Reactions
- Transition States and Reaction Rates
- Transition State Theory Applied to Enzymatic Catalysis
- 8.4. How Enzymes Act as Catalysts: Principles and Examples
- Models for Substrate Binding and Catalysis
- Mechanisms for Achieving Rate Acceleration
- Case Study #1: Lysozyme
- Case Study #2: Chymotrypsin, a Serine Protease
- 8.5. Coenzymes, Vitamins, and Essential Metals
- Coenzyme Function in Catalysis
- Metal Ions in Enzymes
- 8.6. The Kinetics of Enzymatic Catalysis
- Reaction Rate for a Simple Enzyme-Catalyzed Reaction: Michaelis–Menten Kinetics
- Interpreting KM, kcat, and kcat/KM
- Enzyme Mutants May Affect kcat and KM Differently
- Analysis of Kinetic Data: Testing the Michaelis–Menten Model
- 8.7. Enzyme Inhibition
- Reversible Inhibition
- Competitive Inhibition
- Uncompetitive Inhibition
- Mixed Inhibition
- Irreversible Inhibition
- Multisubstrate Reactions
- Random Substrate Binding
- Ordered Substrate Binding
- The Ping-Pong Mechanism
- Qualitative Interpretation of KM and Vmax: Application to Multisubstrate Reaction Mechanisms
- 8.8. The Regulation of Enzyme Activity
- Substrate-Level Control
- Feedback Control
- Allosteric Enzymes
- Homoallostery
- Heteroallostery
- Aspartate Carbamoyltransferase: An Example of an Allosteric Enzyme
- 8.9. Covalent Modifications Used to Regulate Enzyme Activity
- Pancreatic Proteases: Activation by Irreversible Protein Backbone Cleavage
- 8.10. Nonprotein Biocatalysts: Catalytic Nucleic Acids
- Tools of Biochemistry: 8A How to Measure the Rates of Enzyme-Catalyzed Reactions
- Foundation Figure: Regulation of Enzyme Activity
- 9.1. Monosaccharides
- Aldoses and Ketoses
- Enantiomers
- Alternative Designations for Enantiomers: d–l and R–S
- Monosaccharide Enantiomers in Nature
- Diastereomers
- Tetrose Diastereomers
- Pentose Diastereomers
- Hexose Diastereomers
- Aldose Ring Structures
- Pentose Rings
- Hexose Rings
- Sugars with More Than Six Carbons
- 9.2. Derivatives of the Monosaccharides
- Phosphate Esters
- Lactones and Acids
- Alditols
- Amino Sugars
- Glycosides
- 9.3. Oligosaccharides
- Oligosaccharide Structures
- Distinguishing Features of Different Disaccharides
- Writing the Structure of Disaccharides
- Stability and Formation of the Glycosidic Bond
- 9.4. Polysaccharides
- Storage Polysaccharides
- Structural Polysaccharides
- Cellulose
- Chitin
- Glycosaminoglycans
- The Proteoglycan Complex
- Nonstructural Roles of Glycosaminoglycans
- Bacterial Cell Wall Polysaccharides; Peptidoglycan
- 9.5. Glycoproteins
- N-Linked and O-Linked Glycoproteins
- N-Linked Glycans
- O-Linked Glycans
- Blood Group Antigens
- Erythropoetin: A Glycoprotein with Both O- and N-Linked Oligosaccharides
- Influenza Neuraminidase, a Target for Antiviral Drugs
- Tools of Biochemistry: 9A The Emerging Field of Glycomics
- 10.1. The Molecular Structure and Behavior of Lipids
- Fatty Acids
- Triacylglycerols: Fats
- Soaps and Detergents
- Waxes
- 10.2. The Lipid Constituents of Biological Membranes
- Glycerophospholipids
- Sphingolipids and Glycosphingolipids
- Glycoglycerolipids
- Cholesterol
- 10.3. The Structure and Properties of Membranes and Membrane Proteins
- Motion in Membranes
- Motion in Synthetic Membranes
- Motion in Biological Membranes
- The Asymmetry of Membranes
- Characteristics of Membrane Proteins
- Insertion of Proteins into Membranes
- Evolution of the Fluid Mosaic Model of Membrane Structure
- 10.4. Transport Across Membranes
- The Thermodynamics of Transport
- Nonmediated Transport: Diffusion
- Facilitated Transport: Accelerated Diffusion
- Carriers
- Permeases
- Pore-Facilitated Transport
- Ion Selectivity and Gating
- Active Transport: Transport Against a Concentration Gradient
- 10.5. Ion Pumps: Direct Coupling of ATP Hydrolysis to Transport
- 10.6. Ion Transporters and Disease
- 10.7. Cotransport Systems
- 10.8. Excitable Membranes, Action Potentials, and Neurotransmission
- The Resting Potential
- The Action Potential
- Toxins and Neurotransmission
- Foundation Figure: Targeting Pain and Inflammation through Drug Design
- 11.1. A First Look at Metabolism
- 11.2. Freeways on the Metabolic Road Map
- Central Pathways of Energy Metabolism
- Distinct Pathways for Biosynthesis and Degradation
- 11.3. Biochemical Reaction Types
- Nucleophilic Substitutions
- Nucleophilic Additions
- Carbonyl Condensations
- Eliminations
- Oxidations and Reductions
- 11.4. Bioenergetics of Metabolic Pathways
- Oxidation as a Metabolic Energy Source
- Biological Oxidations: Energy Release in Small Increments
- Energy Yields, Respiratory Quotients, and Reducing Equivalents
- ATP as a Free Energy Currency
- Metabolite Concentrations and Solvent Capacity
- Thermodynamic Properties of ATP
- The Important Differences Between .G and .G°
- Kinetic Control of Substrate Cycles
- Other High-Energy Phosphate Compounds
- Other High-Energy Nucleotides
- Adenylate Energy Charge
- 11.5. Major Metabolic Control Mechanisms
- Control of Enzyme Levels
- Control of Enzyme Activity
- Compartmentation
- Hormonal Regulation
- Distributive Control of Metabolism
- 11.6 Experimental Analysis of Metabolism
- Goals of the Study of Metabolism
- Levels of Organization at Which Metabolism Is Studied
- Whole Organisms
- Isolated or Perfused Organs
- Whole Cells
- Cell-Free Systems
- Purified Components
- Systems Level
- Metabolic Probes
- Tools of Biochemistry: 11A Metabolomics
- Tools of Biochemistry: 11B Radioactive and Stable Isotopes
- Foundation Figure: Enzyme Kinetics and Drug Action
- 12.1. An Overview of Glycolysis
- Relation of Glycolysis to Other Pathways
- Anaerobic and Aerobic Glycolysis
- Chemical Strategy of Glycolysis
- 12.2. Reactions of Glycolysis
- Reactions 1–5: The Energy Investment Phase
- Reaction 1: The First ATP Investment
- Reaction 2: Isomerization of Glucose-6-Phosphate
- Reaction 3: The Second Investment of ATP
- Reaction 4: Cleavage to Two Triose Phosphates
- Reaction 5: Isomerization of Dihydroxyacetone Phosphate
- Reactions 6–10: The Energy Generation Phase
- Reaction 6: Generation of the First Energy-Rich Compound
- Reaction 7: The First Substrate-Level Phosphorylation
- Reaction 8: Preparing for Synthesis of the Next High-Energy Compound
- Reaction 9: Synthesis of the Second High-Energy Compound
- Reaction 10: The Second Substrate-Level Phosphorylation
- 12.3. Metabolic Fates of Pyruvate
- Lactate Metabolism
- Isozymes of Lactate Dehydrogenase
- Ethanol Metabolism
- 12.4. Energy and Electron Balance Sheets
- 12.5. Gluconeogenesis
- Physiological Need for Glucose Synthesis in Animals
- Enzymatic Relationship of Gluconeogenesis to Glycolysis
- Bypass 1: Conversion of Pyruvate to Phosphoenolpyruvate
- Bypass 2: Conversion of Fructose-1,6-bisphosphate to Fructose-6-phosphate
- Bypass 3: Conversion of Glucose-6-phosphate to Glucose
- Stoichiometry and Energy Balance of Gluconeogenesis
- Gluconeogenesis
- Reversal of Glycolysis
- Substrates for Gluconeogenesis
- Lactate
- Amino Acids
- Ethanol Consumption and Gluconeogenesis
- 12.6. Coordinated Regulation of Glycolysis and Gluconeogenesis
- The Pasteur Effect
- Reciprocal Regulation of Glycolysis and Gluconeogenesis
- Regulation at the Phosphofructokinase/ Fructose-1,6-Bisphosphatase Substrate Cycle
- Fructose-2,6-bisphosphate and the Control of Glycolysis and Gluconeogenesis
- Regulation at the Pyruvate Kinase/Pyruvate Carboxylase + PEPCK Substrate Cycle
- Regulation at the Hexokinase/Glucose-6-Phosphatase Substrate Cycle
- 12.7. Entry of Other Sugars into the Glycolytic Pathway
- Monosaccharide Metabolism
- Galactose Utilization
- Fructose Utilization
- Disaccharide Metabolism
- Glycerol Metabolism
- Polysaccharide Metabolism
- Hydrolytic and Phosphorolytic Cleavages
- Starch and Glycogen Digestion
- 12.8. Glycogen Metabolism in Muscle and Liver
- Glycogen Breakdown
- Glycogen Biosynthesis
- Biosynthesis of UDP-Glucose
- The Glycogen Synthase Reaction
- Formation of Branches
- 12.9. Coordinated Regulation of Glycogen Metabolism
- Structure of Glycogen Phosphorylase
- Control of Phosphorylase Activity
- Proteins in the Glycogenolytic Cascade
- Cyclic AMP–Dependent Protein Kinase
- Phosphorylase b Kinase
- Calmodulin
- Nonhormonal Control of Glycogenolysis
- Control of Glycogen Synthase Activity
- Congenital Defects of Glycogen Metabolism in Humans
- 12.10. A Biosynthetic Pathway That Oxidizes Glucose: The Pentose Phosphate Pathway
- The Oxidative Phase: Generating Reducing Power as NADPH
- The Nonoxidative Phase: Alternative Fates of Pentose Phosphates
- Production of Six-Carbon and Three-Carbon Sugar Phosphates
- Tailoring the Pentose Phosphate Pathway to Specific Needs
- Regulation of the Pentose Phosphate Pathway
- Human Genetic Disorders Involving Pentose Phosphate Pathway Enzymes
- 13.1. Overview of Pyruvate Oxidation and the Citric Acid Cycle
- The Three Stages of Respiration
- Chemical Strategy of the Citric Acid Cycle
- Discovery of the Citric Acid Cycle
- 13.2. Pyruvate Oxidation: A Major Entry Route for Carbon into the Citric Acid Cycle
- Overview of Pyruvate Oxidation and the Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Complex
- Coenzymes Involved in Pyruvate Oxidation and the Citric Acid Cycle
- Thiamine Pyrophosphate (TPP)
- Lipoic Acid (Lipoamide)
- Coenzyme A: Activation of Acyl Groups
- Flavin Adenine Dinucleotide (FAD)
- Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD+)
- Action of the Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Complex
- 13.3. The Citric Acid Cycle
- Step 1: Introduction of Two Carbon Atoms as Acetyl-CoA
- Step 2: Isomerization of Citrate
- Step 3: Conservation of the Energy Released by an Oxidative Decarboxylation in the Reduced Electron
- Step 4: Conservation of Energy in NADH by a Second Oxidative Decarboxylation
- Step 5: A Substrate-Level Phosphorylation
- Step 6: A Flavin-Dependent Dehydrogenation
- Step 7: Hydration of a Carbon–Carbon Double Bond
- Step 8: An Oxidation that Regenerates Oxaloacetate
- 13.4. Stoichiometry and Energetics of the Citric Acid Cycle
- 13.5. Regulation of Pyruvate Dehydrogenase and the Citric Acid Cycle
- Control of Pyruvate Oxidation
- Control of the Citric Acid Cycle
- 13.6. Organization and Evolution of the Citric Acid Cycle
- 13.7. Citric Acid Cycle Malfunction as a Cause of Human Disease
- 13.8. Anaplerotic Sequences: The Need to Replace Cycle Intermediates
- Reactions that Replenish Oxaloacetate
- The Malic Enzyme
- Reactions Involving Amino Acids
- 13.9. The Glyoxylate Cycle: An Anabolic Variant of the Citric Acid Cycle
- Tools of Biochemistry: 13A Detecting and Analyzing Protein–Protein Interactions
- 14.1. The Mitochondrion: Scene of the Action
- 14.2. Free Energy Changes in Biological Oxidations
- 14.3. Electron Transport
- Electron Carriers in the Respiratory Chain
- Flavoproteins
- Iron–Sulfur Proteins
- Coenzyme Q
- Cytochromes
- Respiratory Complexes
- NADH–Coenzyme Q Reductase (Complex I)
- Succinate–Coenzyme Q Reductase (Complex II; Succinate Dehydrogenase)
- Coenzyme Q:Cytochrome c Oxidoreductase (Complex III)
- Cytochrome c Oxidase (Complex IV)
- 14.4. Oxidative Phosphorylation
- The P/O Ratio: Energetics of Oxidative Phosphorylation
- Oxidative Reactions That Drive ATP Synthesis
- Mechanism of Oxidative Phosphorylation: Chemiosmotic Coupling
- A Closer Look at Chemiosmotic Coupling: The Experimental Evidence
- Membranes Can Establish Proton Gradients
- An Intact Inner Membrane Is Required for Oxidative Phosphorylation
- Key Electron Transport Proteins Span the Inner Membrane
- Uncouplers Act by Dissipating the Proton Gradient
- Generation of a Proton Gradient Permits ATP Synthesis Without Electron Transport
- Complex V: The Enzyme System for ATP Synthesis
- Discovery and Reconstitution of ATP Synthase
- Structure of the Mitochondrial F1ATP Synthase Complex
- Mechanism of ATP Synthesis
- 14.5. Respiratory States and Respiratory Control
- 14.6. Mitochondrial Transport Systems
- Transport of Substrates and Products into and out of Mitochondria
- Shuttling Cytoplasmic Reducing Equivalents into Mitochondria
- 14.7. Energy Yields from Oxidative Metabolism
- 14.8. The Mitochondrial Genome, Evolution, and Disease
- 14.9. Oxygen as a Substrate for Other Metabolic Reactions
- Oxidases and Oxygenases
- Cytochrome P450 Monooxygenase
- Reactive Oxygen Species, Antioxidant Defenses, and Human Disease
- Formation of Reactive Oxygen Species
- Dealing with Oxidative Stress
- Foundation Figure: Intermediary Metabolism
- 15.1. The Basic Processes of Photosynthesis
- 15.2. The Chloroplast
- 15.3. The Light Reactions
- Absorption of Light: The Light-Harvesting System
- The Energy of Light
- The Light-Absorbing Pigments
- The Light-Gathering Structures
- Photochemistry in Plants and Algae: Two Photosystems in Series
- Photosystem II: The Splitting of Water
- Photosystem I: Production of NADPH
- Summation of the Two Systems: The Overall Reaction and NADPH and ATP Generation
- An Alternative Light Reaction Mechanism: Cyclic Electron Flow
- Reaction Center Complexes in Photosynthetic Bacteria
- Evolution of Photosynthesis
- 15.4. The Carbon Reactions: The Calvin Cycle
- Stage I: Carbon Dioxide Fixation and Sugar Production
- Incorporation of CO2 into a Three-Carbon Sugar
- Formation of Hexose Sugars
- Stage II: Regeneration of the Acceptor
- 15.5. A Summary of the Light and Carbon Reactions in Two-System Photosynthesis
- The Overall Reaction and the Efficiency of Photosynthesis
- Regulation of Photosynthesis
- 15.6. Photorespiration and the C4 Cycle
- Part I: Bioenergetic Aspects of Lipid Metabolism
- 16.1. Utilization and Transport of Fat and Cholesterol
- Fats as Energy Reserves
- Fat Digestion and Absorption
- Transport of Fat to Tissues: Lipoproteins
- Classification and Functions of Lipoproteins
- Transport and Utilization of Lipoproteins
- Cholesterol Transport and Utilization in Animals
- The LDL Receptor and Cholesterol Homeostasis
- Cholesterol, LDL, and Atherosclerosis
- Mobilization of Stored Fat for Energy Generation
- 16.2. Fatty Acid Oxidation
- Early Experiments
- Fatty Acid Activation and Transport into Mitochondria
- The ß-Oxidation Pathway
- Reaction 1: The Initial Dehydrogenation
- Reactions 2 and 3: Hydration and Dehydrogenation
- Reaction 4: Thiolytic Cleavage
- Mitochondrial ß-Oxidation Involves Multiple Isozymes
- Energy Yield from Fatty Acid Oxidation
- Oxidation of Unsaturated Fatty Acids
- Oxidation of Fatty Acids with Odd-Numbered Carbon Chains
- Control of Fatty Acid Oxidation
- Ketogenesis
- 16.3. Fatty Acid Biosynthesis
- Relationship of Fatty Acid Synthesis to Carbohydrate Metabolism
- Early Studies of Fatty Acid Synthesis
- Biosynthesis of Palmitate from Acetyl-CoA
- Synthesis of Malonyl-CoA
- Malonyl-CoA to Palmitate
- Multifunctional Proteins in Fatty Acid Synthesis
- Transport of Acetyl Units and Reducing Equivalents into the Cytosol
- Elongation of Fatty Acid Chains
- Fatty Acid Desaturation
- Control of Fatty Acid Synthesis
- 16.4. Biosynthesis of Triacylglycerols
- Part II: Metabolism of Membrane Lipids, Steroids, and Other Complex Lipids
- 16.5. Glycerophospholipids
- 16.6. Sphingolipids
- 16.7. Steroid Metabolism
- Steroids: Some Structural Considerations
- Biosynthesis of Cholesterol
- Early Studies of Cholesterol Biosynthesis
- Stage 1: Formation of Mevalonate
- Stage 2: Synthesis of Squalene from Mevalonate
- Stage 3: Cyclization of Squalene to Lanosterol and Its Conversion to Cholesterol
- Control of Cholesterol Biosynthesis
- Cholesterol Derivatives: Bile Acids, Steroid Hormones, and Vitamin D
- Bile Acids
- Steroid Hormones
- Vitamin D
- Lipid-Soluble Vitamins
- Vitamin A
- Vitamin E
- Vitamin K
- 16.8. Eicosanoids: Prostaglandins, Thromboxanes, and Leukotrienes
- 17.1. Interdependence of the Major Organs in Vertebrate Fuel Metabolism
- Fuel Inputs and Outputs
- Metabolic Division of Labor Among the Major Organs
- Brain
- Muscle
- Heart
- Adipose Tissue
- Liver
- Blood
- 17.2. Hormonal Regulation of Fuel Metabolism
- Actions of the Major Hormones
- Insulin
- Glucagon
- Epinephrine
- Coordination of Energy Homeostasis
- AMP-Activated Protein Kinase (AMPK)
- Mammalian Target of Rapamycin (mTOR)
- Sirtuins
- Endocrine Regulation of Energy Homeostasis
- 17.3. Responses to Metabolic Stress: Starvation, Diabetes
- Starvation
- Diabetes
- Foundation Figure: Energy Regulation
- 18.1. Utilization of Inorganic Nitrogen: The Nitrogen Cycle
- Biological Nitrogen Fixation
- Nitrate Utilization
- 18.2. Utilization of Ammonia: Biogenesis of Organic Nitrogen
- Glutamate Dehydrogenase: Reductive Amination of a-Ketoglutarate
- Glutamine Synthetase: Generation of Biologically Active Amide Nitrogen
- Carbamoyl Phosphate Synthetase: Generation of an Intermediate for Arginine and Pyrimidine Synthesis
- 18.3. The Nitrogen Economy and Protein Turnover
- Metabolic Consequences of the Absence of Nitrogen Storage Compounds
- Protein Turnover
- Intracellular Proteases and Sites of Turnover
- Chemical Signals for Turnover—Ubiquitination
- 18.4. Coenzymes Involved in Nitrogen Metabolism
- Pyridoxal Phosphate
- Folic Acid Coenzymes and One-Carbon Metabolism
- Discovery and Chemistry of Folic Acid
- Conversion of Folic Acid to Tetrahydrofolate
- Tetrahydrofolate in the Metabolism of One-Carbon Units
- Folic Acid in the Prevention of Heart Disease and Birth Defects
- B12 Coenzymes
- B12 Coenzymes and Pernicious Anemia
- 18.5. Amino Acid Degradation and Metabolism of Nitrogenous End Products
- Transamination Reactions
- Detoxification and Excretion of Ammonia
- Transport of Ammonia to the Liver
- The Krebs–Henseleit Urea Cycle
- 18.6. Pathways of Amino Acid Degradation
- Pyruvate Family of Glucogenic Amino Acids
- Oxaloacetate Family of Glucogenic Amino Acids
- a-Ketoglutarate Family of Glucogenic Amino Acids
- Succinyl-CoA Family of Glucogenic Amino Acids
- Acetoacetate/Acetyl-CoA Family of Ketogenic Amino Acids
- Phenylalanine and Tyrosine Degradation
- 18.7. Amino Acid Biosynthesis
- Biosynthetic Capacities of Organisms
- Amino Acid Biosynthetic Pathways
- Synthesis of Glutamate, Aspartate, Alanine, Glutamine, and Asparagine
- Synthesis of Serine and Glycine from 3-Phosphoglycerate
- Synthesis of Valine, Leucine, and Isoleucine from Pyruvate
- 18.8. Amino Acids as Biosynthetic Precursors
- S-Adenosylmethionine and Biological Methylation
- Precursor Functions of Glutamate
- Arginine Is the Precursor for Nitric Oxide and Creatine Phosphate
- Tryptophan and Tyrosine Are Precursors of Neurotransmitters and Biological Regulators
- 19.1. Outlines of Pathways in Nucleotide Metabolism
- Biosynthetic Routes: De Novo and Salvage Pathways
- Nucleic Acid Degradation and the Importance of Nucleotide Salvage
- PRPP, a Central Metabolite in De Novo and Salvage Pathways
- 19.2. De Novo Biosynthesis of Purine Ribonucleotides
- Synthesis of the Purine Ring
- Enzyme Organization in the Purine Biosynthetic Pathway
- Synthesis of ATP and GTP from Inosine Monophosphate
- 19.3 Purine Catabolism and Its Medical Significance
- Uric Acid, a Primary End Product
- Medical Abnormalities of Purine Catabolism
- Gout
- Lesch–Nyhan Syndrome
- Severe Combined Immunodeficiency Disease
- 19.4. Pyrimidine Ribonucleotide Metabolism
- De Novo Biosynthesis of UTP and CTP
- Glutamine-Dependent Amidotransferases
- Multifunctional Enzymes in Eukaryotic Pyrimidine Metabolism
- 19.5 Deoxyribonucleotide Metabolism
- Reduction of Ribonucleotides to Deoxyribonucleotides
- RNR Structure and Mechanism
- Source of Electrons for Ribonucleotide Reduction
- Regulation of Ribonucleotide Reductase Activity
- Regulation of dNTP Pools by Selective dNTP Degradation
- Biosynthesis of Thymine Deoxyribonucleotides
- Salvage Routes to Deoxyribonucleotides
- Thymidylate Synthase: A Target Enzyme for Chemotherapy
- 19.6. Virus-Directed Alterations of Nucleotide Metabolism
- 19.7. Other Medically Useful Analogs
- 20.1. An Overview of Hormone Action
- Chemical Nature of Hormones and Other Signaling Agents
- Hierarchical Nature of Hormonal Control
- Hormone Biosynthesis
- 20.2. Modular Nature of Signal Transduction Systems: G Protein-Coupled Signaling
- Receptors
- Receptors as Defined by Interactions with Drugs
- Receptors and Adenylate Cyclase as Distinct Components of Signal Transduction Systems
- Structural Analysis of G Protein-Coupled Receptors
- Transducers: G Proteins
- Actions of G Proteins
- Structure of G Proteins
- Consequences of Blocking GTPase
- The Versatility of G Proteins
- Interaction of GPCRs with G Proteins
- G Proteins in the Visual Process
- Effectors
- Second Messengers
- Cyclic AMP
- Cyclic GMP and Nitric Oxide
- Phosphoinositides
- 20.3. Receptor Tyrosine Kinases and Insulin Signaling
- 20.4. Hormones and Gene Expression: Nuclear Receptors
- 20.5. Signal Transduction, Growth Control, and Cancer
- Viral and Cellular Oncogenes
- Oncogenes in Human Tumors
- The Cancer Genome Mutational Landscape
- 20.6. Neurotransmission
- The Cholinergic Synapse
- Fast and Slow Synaptic Transmission
- Actions of Specific Neurotransmitters
- Drugs That Act in the Synaptic Cleft
- Peptide Neurotransmitters and Neurohormones
- Foundation Figure: Cell Signaling and Protein Regulation
- 21.1. Bacterial and Viral Genomes
- Viral Genomes
- Bacterial Genomes— The Nucleoid
- 21.2. Eukaryotic Genomes
- Genome Sizes
- Repetitive Sequences
- Satellite DNA
- Duplications of Functional Genes
- Alu Elements
- Introns
- Gene Families
- Multiple Variants of a Gene
- Pseudogenes
- The ENCODE Project and the Concept of “Junk DNA”
- 21.3. Physical Organization of Eukaryotic Genes: Chromosomes and Chromatin
- The Nucleus
- Chromatin
- Histones and Nonhistone Chromosomal Proteins
- The Nucleosome
- Higher-order Chromatin Structure in the Nucleus
- 21.4. Nucleotide Sequence Analysis of Genomes
- Restriction and Modification
- Properties of Restriction and Modification Enzymes
- Determining Genome Nucleotide Sequences
- Mapping Large Genomes
- Generating Physical Maps
- The Principle of Southern Analysis
- Southern Transfer and DNA Fingerprinting
- Locating Genes on the Human Genome
- Sequence Analysis Using Artificial Chromosomes
- Size of the Human Genome
- Tools of Biochemistry: 21A Polymerase Chain Reaction
- 22.1. Early Insights into DNA Replication
- 22.2. DNA Polymerases: Enzymes Catalyzing Polynucleotide Chain Elongation
- Structure and Activities of DNA Polymerase I
- DNA Substrates for the Polymerase Reaction
- Multiple Activities in a Single Polypeptide Chain
- Structure of DNA Polymerase I
- Discovery of Additional DNA Polymerases
- Structure and Mechanism of DNA Polymerases
- 22.3. Other Proteins at the Replication Fork
- Genetic Maps of E. coli and Bacteriophage T4
- Replication Proteins in Addition to DNA Polymerase
- Discontinuous DNA Synthesis
- RNA Primers
- Proteins at the Replication Fork
- The DNA Polymerase III Holoenzyme
- Sliding Clamp
- Clamp Loading Complex
- Single-Stranded DNA-Binding Proteins: Maintaining Optimal Template Conformation
- Helicases: Unwinding DNA Ahead of the Fork
- Topoisomerases: Relieving Torsional Stress
- Actions of Type I and Type II Topoisomerases
- The Four Topoisomerases of E. coli
- A Model of the Replisome
- 22.4. Eukaryotic DNA Replication
- DNA Polymerases
- Other Eukaryotic Replication Proteins
- Replication of Chromatin
- 22.5. Initiation of DNA Replication
- Initiation of E. coli DNA Replication at ori c
- Initiation of Eukaryotic Replication
- 22.6. Replication of Linear Genomes
- Linear Virus Genome Replication
- Telomerase
- 22.7. Fidelity of DNA Replication
- 3 Exonucleolytic Proofreading
- Polymerase Insertion Specificity
- DNA Precursor Metabolism and Genomic Stability
- Ribonucleotide Incorporation and Genomic Stability
- 22.8. RNA Viruses: The Replication of RNA Genomes
- RNA-Dependent RNA Replicases
- Replication of Retroviral Genomes
- 23.1. DNA Repair
- Types and Consequences of DNA Damage
- Direct Repair of Damaged DNA Bases: Photoreactivation and Alkyltransferases
- Photoreactivation
- O6-Alkylguanine Alkyltransferase
- Nucleotide Excision Repair: Excinucleases
- Base Excision Repair: DNA N-Glycosylases
- Replacement of Uracil in DNA by BER
- Repair of Oxidative Damage to DNA
- Mismatch Repair
- Double-Strand Break Repair
- Daughter-Strand Gap Repair
- Damage Response
- 23.2. Recombination
- Site-Specific Recombination
- Homologous Recombination
- Breaking and Joining of Chromosomes
- Models for Recombination
- Proteins Involved in Homologous Recombination
- 23.3. Gene Rearrangements
- Immunoglobulin Synthesis: Generating Antibody Diversity
- Transposable Genetic Elements
- Retroviruses
- Gene Amplification
- Tools of Biochemistry: 23A Manipulating the Genome
- Foundation Figure: Antibody Diversity and Use as Therapeutics
- 24.1. DNA as the Template for RNA Synthesis
- The Predicted Existence of Messenger RNA
- T2 Bacteriophage and the Demonstration of Messenger RNA
- RNA Dynamics in Uninfected Cells
- 24.2. Enzymology of RNA Synthesis: RNA Polymerase
- Biological Role of RNA Polymerase
- Structure of RNA Polymerase
- 24.3. Mechanism of Transcription in Bacteria
- Initiation of Transcription: Interactions with Promoters
- Initiation and Elongation: Incorporation of Ribonucleotides
- Punctuation of Transcription: Termination
- Factor-Independent Termination
- Factor-Dependent Termination
- 24.4. Transcription in Eukaryotic Cells
- RNA Polymerase I: Transcription of the Major Ribosomal RNA Genes
- RNA Polymerase III: Transcription of Small RNA Genes
- RNA Polymerase II: Transcription of Structural Genes
- Chromatin Structure and Transcription
- Transcriptional Elongation
- Termination of Transcription
- 24.5. Posttranscriptional Processing
- Bacterial mRNA Turnover
- Posttranscriptional Processing in the Synthesis of Bacterial rRNAs and tRNAs
- rRNA Processing
- tRNA Processing
- Processing of Eukaryotic mRNA
- Capping
- Splicing
- Alternative Splicing
- Tools of Biochemistry: 24A Analyzing the Transcriptome
- Tools of Biochemistry: 24B Chromatin Immunoprecipitation
- 25.1. An Overview of Translation
- 25.2. The Genetic Code
- How the Code Was Deciphered
- Features of the Code
- Deviations from the Genetic Code
- The Wobble Hypothesis
- tRNA Abundance and Codon Bias
- Punctuation: Stopping and Starting
- 25.3. The Major Participants in Translation: mRNA, tRNA, and Ribosomes
- Messenger RNA
- Transfer RNA
- Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthetases: The First Step in Protein Synthesis
- The Ribosome and Its Associated Factors
- Soluble Protein Factors in Translation
- Components of Ribosomes
- Ribosomal RNA Structure
- Internal Structure of the Ribosome
- 25.4. Mechanism of Translation
- Initiation
- Elongation
- Termination
- Suppression of Nonsense Mutations
- 25.5. Inhibition of Translation by Antibiotics
- 25.6. Translation in Eukaryotes
- 25.7. Rate of Translation; Polyribosomes
- 25.8. The Final Stages in Protein Synthesis: Folding and Covalent Modification
- Chain Folding
- Covalent Modification
- 25.9. Protein Targeting in Eukaryotes
- Proteins Synthesized in the Cytoplasm
- Proteins Synthesized on the Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum
- Role of the Golgi Complex
- 26.1. Regulation of Transcription in Bacteria
- The Lactose Operon—Earliest Insights into Transcriptional Regulation
- Isolation and Properties of the Lactose Repressor
- The Repressor Binding Site
- Regulation of the lac Operon by Glucose: A Positive Control System
- The CRP–DNA Complex
- Some Other Bacterial Transcriptional Regulatory Systems: Variations on a Theme
- Bacteriophage .: Multiple Operators, Dual Repressors, Interspersed Promoters and Operators
- The SOS Regulon: Activation of Multiple Operons by a Common Set of Environmental Signals
- Biosynthetic Operons: Ligand-Activated Repressors and Attenuation
- Applicability of the Operon Model—Variations on a Theme
- 26.2. Transcriptional Regulation in Eukaryotes
- Chromatin and Transcription
- Transcriptional Control Sites and Genes
- Nucleosome Remodeling Complexes
- Transcription Initiation
- Regulation of the Elongation Cycle by RNA Polymerase Phosphorylation
- 26.3. DNA Methylation, Gene Silencing, and Epigenetics
- DNA Methylation in Eukaryotes
- DNA Methylation and Gene Silencing
- Genomic Distribution of Methylated Cytosines
- Other Proposed Epigenetic Phenomena
- 5-Hydroxymethylcytosine
- Chromatin Histone Modifications
- 26.4. Regulation of Translation
- Regulation of Bacterial Translation
- Regulation of Eukaryotic Translation
- Phosphorylation of Eukaryotic Initiation Factors
- Long Noncoding RNAs
- 26.5. RNA Interference
- MicroRNAs
- Small Interfering RNAs
- 26.6. Riboswitches
- 26.7. RNA Editing
- Foundation Figure: Information Flow in Biological Systems
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- Útgáfuár : 2019
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